41 Reviews
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Jane Bond?
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know anything about this series, so I gave it a go.

It's ridiculously entertaining (which is the point) yes, it's not real life people, it's meant to be larger than life.

I found the production to be well done and the car chases first class, I'm not a fan of movies with car chases and explosions but this was so much fun that I couldn't stop watching.

Highly entertaining with lots of dark humour ( That's my opinion) yes, some of the characters are not likeable but so what!

It's kind of James Bond-ish, not to be taken seriously, I was laughing out loud at some of the cat fighting, really a fun series.

Enjoy it for what it is...Entertainment!
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Ridiculous (With bad hair)
4 May 2023
Absolutely ridiculous, I couldn't watch this series. After three boring episodes I gave-up.

The writing is bad, her hair is a mess! And the whole thing is far fetched to say the least.

I know it's supposed to be a fantasy but it's way too unrealistic to be taken even slightly seriously.

The swearing is over the top, I don't mind the occasional f-bomb but this is just filler for lack of dialogue.

The constant eating with their hands is gross and unnecessary, they're like unrefined people in situations they don't feel comfortable in, it's annoying to watch.

The greasy hair is hard to look at in nearly every scene I watched.
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Could be better.
15 February 2023
I love the original version of this show, however...I find Tom so annoying that I have to fast-forward, to avoid his stupid comments. Why does he have to make everything sexual? I'm not a prude, I'm a gay man and I find his innuendos ridiculous and childish, it's really distracting and it's obvious that he's annoying the chefs too.

I say... get rid of him and the show would appeal to more people.

The classical music is a little too much at times, I guess they don't have to pay royalties on it?

Overall, I enjoyed the show, the judges were entertaining, at times a little harsh, but fair!

I'm always puzzled why they don't seem to have air conditioning In these shows, the chocolate is always melting and the chefs/bakers are always saying 'it's too warm in here' I'd watch another series.
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The Watcher (2022– )
The ending is ridiculous.
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fun series, if you don't take it too seriously, it's entertaining and somewhat predictable but worth watching.

The actors are all good and it's well done, expensive sets and well filmed.

It's message is...Don't take life too seriously! Because worse things happen, also in our divisive political state.

I enjoyed some of the characters and how it was all a bit 'tongue in cheek' at times.

Enjoyable series... but the ending tries too hard to twist and fool you into believing who The Watcher really is, I didn't fall for it, but it could have ended on a better note.

I'm not sure why these series have to 'Jump the shark'
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Disgusting (not the documentary)
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I found this whole thing disgusting! I'm shocked that this kind of abuse still goes on.

Sadly these women and young girls didn't know any better.

The men involved should all be made accountable.

Women are not second class citizens.

Obviously the documentary was well done, as it made me very angry.

We'll done Netflix for bringing this to our attention.
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Candy (2022)
Crazy true story.
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a slow starter but I think that's the way it was supposed to be.

Crazy story about suburbia and it's hidden secrets and lies.

We'll executed, except for some bad wigs!

I really enjoyed it, except for the horrific killing.

Hulu has an excellent show here, worthy of awards.

Sadly she got away with it, she should at least have had manslaughter charges, oh well!
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14 August 2022
What are you people doing? Sleeping?

That's not The QE2!

The QE2 has Cunard on the side. (She's now In Dubai) She's been refurbished and is now a luxury hotel.
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Sad and emotional story
13 August 2022
I was surprised at how well this documentary explained the whole story, very sad situations for all involved.

It's shocking that people are in these situations and that others have such power over them.

Honest and raw with articulate dialogue.

We'll done Netflix! Not dragged out either.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame that they ruined what could have been a fun movie.

Somehow it just doesn't work, I'm not even sure what went wrong! The mice/foot men are annoying to say the least.

Some good songs and even better actors but all in a terrible movie.

Shame is all I can say!
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The Gentlemen (2019)
What's the point
7 May 2022
Too many common idiots swearing and shooting people. I know that's Guy Richie's style but this movie is far too convoluted to make any sense.

Gratuitous violence and that's about it!

Not my cup of tea!
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Wonderful images poor narration
2 May 2022
I loved this series it was filled with lots of new images and interesting facts.

The narrator (Barak Obama) was a little boring, I found myself falling asleep, so I had to watch one episode at a time. It's true it's more about the animals that live in the parks; but what else is there in the parks!

Politics aside...we could all do a better job with our planet.
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30 April 2022
Not my cup of tea! Too many mediums with little credibility, they claim to contact the dead but really only tell you what you already know.

Maybe we need a show about how the general public are taken for a ride.
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Great thriller.
30 April 2022
Well made and interesting movie. I was enthralled by this story, it keeps you interested and wondering what's going to happen next.

Great acting and interesting sets too.
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Julia (2022–2023)
Fun to watch.
30 April 2022
It's nice to watch something that doesn't involve murder or bloodshed these days.

This is a fun and interesting show with lots of insight into Julia Child's early days as a TV personality.

Great acting and interesting sets, what's not to like!
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I was enthralled.
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course I didn't believe this (Misha's) story but a lot of people did!

The documentary is well written and fascinating to watch.

It's a real live thriller with twists and turns, ultimately and sadly it's all about greed.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching and I recommend it.
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CODA (2021)
Excellent movie.
13 April 2022
Wow, was amazed by this movie! It has everything, great music, love stories, politics, prejudice, discrimination, it's all in there.

Enlightening, entertaining, and a good feel movie too.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and I highly recommend it.
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Suspicion (2022)
Good start, bad ending.
13 April 2022
This series is engaging, then suddenly it's all over the map.

Finally it's a disaster!

I was shocked by the awful ending, it's a hot mess to say the least.

It's a shame because it could have been a great series.
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Same old story.
18 March 2022
I can't believe these women, are they that desperate/stupid? I have no sympathy for them. You reap what you sow!

Dumb blonde comes to mind. I couldn't watch episode 3 it was ridiculous, back and forth.

I feel bad for the employees, they're the real victims here.

Netflix needs to come-up with some new documentaries. I'm sick of these stupid women blaming the idiots they choose to believe, partly because they want to. It takes two to tango.

And I know there's a lot of con artists out there, I'm not in denial but these stories are pathetic.

Inventing Anna was interesting and well done but this is hard to watch.
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3 February 2022
Great actors, badly directed. This movie is typical teenage humour, a little sexist and sadly... not funny.

I can't say anymore!

We'll I guess I have to add some more words so this review can be accepted, so here goes bad, bad ,bad!
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Madame (I) (2017)
Leaves you in the dark.
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess that's the point of this movie but it was unsatisfying for me.

Great cast and funny at times, but the ending is left up to the viewers.

I liked it because I wanted more.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Christmas nightmare!
1 January 2022
This movie starts off funny then gets serious but not in a camp way.

It was too well acted to be a horror movie and therefore missed the mark IMHO.

Depressing is all I can say about it.
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Procession (2021)
Shame on the Catholic Church
27 December 2021
This has to stop. It's ruined so many lives.

Wonderful stories of hope and survival. Kudos to all the survivors in this documentary, they are so brave to do this.
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Amazing year.
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember that year (1971) absolutely amazing music, classic albums like Tapestry (Carole King) and What's going on (Marvin Gaye) and lots more.

A well crafted documentary, the best part for me was Georgia Jackson's statements, she nailed it!

It's just a shame that we still do not have real equity in this country.
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Misbehaviour (2020)
History repeats itself.
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting movie, great actors, a little bland but it gets the message over, loud and clear!

It's a shame that things are still not equal for women or any minority but we're making changes, (slowly) I remember watching The Miss World competition in England while growing-up there.

I remember thinking it was a cattle market back then too.

The movie gives two sides to the struggle of being used by men and trying to make the most of it. I'm not sure why people are giving bad scores here, just because they don't explode more vans? REALLY? Some films are trying to make people aware of the past, not just for entertaining young males egos!
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Bale to the finish line!
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bale is excellent in this movie, great chemistry with Damon. Some cheesy scenes, but that's Hollywood. Worth watching for the car scenes, they're well edited.

The scene with Ford in the race car was excellent, you could feel his excitement and fear all at the same time.

I really enjoyed this movie.

Well done!
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