
5 Reviews
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Salt (2010)
Entertaining, but weak story!!!
21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The starting was good, a CIA agent brought back from North Korea, by the efforts of her beloving husband which made her love him ever more. then came this guy and accused her of being a Russian sleeper agent and then she ran away from CIA. It was unpredictable until then and i was confused too that whether she was going for his husband or to kill the Russian president. fast forward the Russian president is apparently killed by her and she ran from the custody of the police to the safe house of Orlov, the leader of their organization and then he kills her beloving husband in front of her. from that point on there wasn't a single plot twist that i wasn't able to guess. I mean it was obvious that she was gonna screw their ultimate Op in order to get revenge for her husband. And then after very elaborate and death-defying adventure she was able to reach the presidential bunker. I was also able to guess that Winter might be the other one just because he was the only one with an accent. And the ending was the most ridiculous when she tells the guy that she is the only one who knows people more like winter, but she didn't knew Winter was one of orlovs in the first place, that was the most stupid plot twist for me and he lets her go free for that.
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The X-Files: One Breath (1994)
Season 2, Episode 8
6 May 2010
The return of Scully should have been more dramatic than it was portrayed. The entire episode revolved around sentiments of mulder towards Scully and less about finding out the truth. The story also portrayed Mulder as a weak person in the sense that he tendered his resignation and did not pushed hard enough to find out the truth. The scene when he was in the room with the cancer man could have been more intense and when he was presented with the chance of taking revenge he bailed just because of some sentimental carp Scully's sister fed him with. I am sorry but i was expecting more form Mulder than this. After all the X files are all about finding the truth than building emotions.
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Armored (2009)
7 February 2010
One of those movies in which there are no big twists whatsoever and you can predict pretty much whats is going to happen. Matt dillon was awesome once again, but the rest didn't played a bigger part as they should have.

It was exciting in the beginning but kinda slow paced and predictable in the end.Its one of those flicks in which the good guy wins no matter happens.If you have absolutely nothing to do, you can give it a try I personally found it not worth watching. The story could have been more interesting and the director could have made it less of a B-movie by engineering a happy ending.
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Intelligent and funny!!
21 December 2009
This movie has got it all for a comedy.A strong script,good acting and a good story.The character Nick was very realistic and the acting was also up to the par by Aaron Eckhart.The other characters was also very well done and I personally did not find any flaw as far as the acting and character developed is concerned.

The casting was superb and the director did an amazing job in putting it all together.No offense to the non-smokers but this movie did created a sympathy for the people lobbying for the cigarette giants.

All in all it was a very nice flick and you would not be disappointed by it. I would rate it as one of my favourite and would recommend it for sure.
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Amazing Soundtrack, Perfect Ending and excellent cinematography......just cant comprehend why it isn't in the top 250!!!
19 November 2009
One of the few movies whose soundtrack gives you chills, whose ending makes you wonder, if anything remote was wrong with it? , every time you see it you never get bored. I just don't understand why it is so under rated.When non-realistic and hypothetical movies can be in the top 250 than why not such a great flick?!

Madeleine Stowe,Daniel Day-Lewis,Russell Means they were all amazing. The action sequels, the war portrayal, the atmosphere shown and the amazing locations they were all perfect. I loved how each group's philosophy and interests where portrayed. I wont go into the story details because it might not the right highlighting it in text. You should see it yourself.

Well, for me it is one of the best love stories I have ever seen.I would recommend everyone to see the movie one time and I can bet they would be captivated by it.

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