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Incredibles 2 (2018)
An incredible return
27 June 2024
I loved the first film The Incredibles (2004) from Disney Pixar that was written and directed by Brad Bird because it is one of my favorite Disney Pixar animated films, so with the long-awaited sequel that comes out fourteen years later, I and everyone else hope that the sequel is better or at least as good as the first; after watching, I can say that this sequel is as good as the first film, though not better, it is still a great follow-up to a great film that was worth the wait. The Disney Pixar sequel Incredibles 2 (2018) was just as fun as the first with its great voice acting, outstanding animation, fun action sequences, and an investing premise involving legalizing superheroes; the only thing I will say that is not as good as the first film was the villain, because the villain in this could have been better in how he is shown or revealed later on in the film, though the concept of the main villain was not bad.

The main Parr family once again including Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible, Helen Parr/Elastigirl, Dash Parr, Violet Parr, and the youngest Jack-Jack Parr with still excellent voice acting by actors Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Spencer Fox, and Sarah Vowell; the family dynamic with them was well-done with them still being believable and likable as a superhero family, and each one of them are still entertaining in their own way. Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible being the one looking after the kids, trying to fix major problems, and controlling the multiple powers Jack-Jack has can be entertaining, but most off all showing how just being a parent can be heroic enough as Bob Parr is a stay-at-home parent; along with that I liked the part of the story with Elastigirl being used to make superheroes legal again while dealing with the villain Screenslaver who is trying to stop that from happening, which is why this part was also interesting with how there is a debate about superheroes and the law. Lastly, I liked seeing more of Lucius Best/Frozone voiced again by Samuel L. Jackson, I liked seeing Edna Mode voiced by Brad Bird again, and I liked seeing the newly added superheroes that were in the film.

I liked the concept of the main villain Screenslaver and what he is trying to do, which is trying to keep superheroes from being legal again and controlling people through screens, but the mystery of who he is, and the reveal could have been and a little less obvious; which is why I think Syndrome from the first film was a better villain than this one, though I did like the idea around this villain. The 3D animation is outstanding with being improved on since the first film, with it having lots of details and good expressions from the characters, along with it making the action sequences fun to watch; the action sequences are fast paced, suspenseful, fun, and investing to watch, especially when Elastigirl is using her powers to maneuver through obstacles when going after someone or to stop an accident from happening. Lastly, there are lots of realistic debates between Elastigirl and the government on people choosing what they want to believe if it is true or not, or if superheroes should be legal at all, which made the film interesting and investing.

The Disney Pixar sequel Incredibles 2 (2018) was just as fun as the first with its great voice acting, outstanding animation, fun action sequences, and an investing premise involving legalizing superheroes; the only thing I will say that is not as good as the first film was the villain, though I liked the look and concept of the villain in this, I still thought the villain Syndrome from the first film was better. This was a fulfilling sequel that fans of Disney Pixar/fans of the first film will love, which is why I thought this sequel was as good as the first just not better; you can tell while watching this that Disney Pixar and Brad Bird wanted to make a worthy follow-up to a great animated film, and they succeeded in every way.
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Expect the incredible
25 June 2024
This is a Disney Pixar original superhero movie directed by Brad Bird, that alone is what will get you to watch this film, and that is why I watch it, along with it just being one of Disney Pixar's most famous animated films that people still like to watch till this day since the year 2004 the year it came out; I will just give my thoughts on the film after rewatching it recently. Disney Pixar's film The Incredibles (2004) is an excellent and fun animated film with great voice acting, nice 3D animation, funny moments, and a few fast-paced action sequences; I liked that there were occasional jabs at superhero movie tropes and the family dynamic they have both when trying to be normal and when they are out being superheroes was well-done, along with the premise involving superheroes being forced into retirement because of certain incidents that occur sounding like a realistic take on superhero movies we have not seen a lot in more famous or well-known superhero films.

The main Parr family includes Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible, Helen Parr/Elastigirl, Dash Parr, Violet Parr, and the youngest Jack-Jack Parr with excellent voice acting by Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Spencer Fox, and Sarah Vowell; the family dynamic with them was well-done with them being believable as a superhero family, and each one of them were entertaining in their own way. Mr. Incredible missing the glory days and wanting to go back out there by taking some job to an island was entertaining to watch, how him and Elastigirl met was interesting, having everyone use their powers is cool, and I like how hard they try to hide their powers; also, the point in time shown at the beginning of Mr. Incredibles's past was goes from something entertaining to something realistic from how the law on superheroes changed through the years. Lastly, there is Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible's friend Lucius Best/Frozone voiced great by Samuel L. Jackson who was funny and entertaining in the film, and superhero suit designer Edna Mode voiced very well by Brad Bird who was also very funny and entertaining to watch when she appears.

The villain Syndrome voiced great by Jason Lee was an entertaining villain who has a good backstory that makes sense that connects to Mr. Incredible in a way from the past, with it making him interesting by having him not have superpowers but instead just uses gadgets to his advantage so he can mess with or just show Mr. Incredible that anyone can be super even without any special powers. For the year 2004 the 3D animation is great with good character designs and believable expressions or movements, nice backgrounds of the city or the island, a few fun action sequences that work well with the animation, and the animation helps with the comedy in the film; the film was funny with quite a few memorable lines of dialogue, there is a great family dynamic, jabs at superhero movie tropes that can be funny, and there are moments in the film that did feel realistic in a sense, which was interesting to see in an animated film like this.

Disney Pixar's film The Incredibles (2004) is an excellent and fun animated film with great voice acting, nice 3D animation, funny moments, and a few fast-paced action sequences; I liked that there were occasional jabs at superhero movie tropes and the family dynamic they have both when trying to be normal and when they are out being superheroes was well-done, along with the premise involving superheroes being forced into retirement and the leads wanting to be heroes again is a good idea, and it works well with the great direction, the script, and the animation. I am sure everyone has seen this film before, especially for Disney Pixar fans, so I am not saying anything new about and I am just saying my own thoughts on the film; this film is worth watching for Disney Pixar fans and for those who are not big fans of superhero movies in general, because this is a fun animated film that is worth both the chance of watching and rewatching.
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Misfit. Blockhead. Hero.
22 June 2024
I like the Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schulz that started in 1947 and ended in the year 2000 after the creator passed away the same year, I also like some of the holiday/ regular tv specials and some of their movies that came out in the past, this is mostly because I like the Peanuts gang, their personalities, and the big impact they have on lots of people; so, I was interested in Blue Sky Studios making a Peanuts film hoping for it to be good. The film The Peanuts Movie (2015) was excellent and delightful to watch with amazing 3D animation, likable characters, emotional moments, funny moments, and just overall everything people love about the Peanuts comic strip, along with the film having a simple premise; it is hard to point out a negative for this film because of how enjoyable it was, and I like that this film feels like the comic strip brought to life in a way with it staying true to what Charles Schulz made when he created the comic strip back in the 40s.

Charlie Brown is such a likable character, and you understand why he would think his friends do not like him because he tends to screw up simple things or his friends will choose not to work with him on certain school assignments, despite being a nice and likable person; him having his first crush on The Little Red-Haired Girl was both funny on how he tries to talk to her and cute/relatable when he gets nervous and tries to not make himself look like an idiot in front of her. The rest of the Peanuts gang like Lucy, Charlie Brown's sister Sally, or Linus are funny, likable, and entertaining characters that you like seeing interact with each other; they each have their own personalities and they all have at least something related to the plot. Lastly, I liked The Little Red-Haired Girl in the film and that we slowly find out she has some small things in common with Charlie Brown, and though Lucy seems to act a bit much like a hater of Charlie Brown in the film, she does start to show why she is friends with him and does help him out at one point when he needed advice.

Snoopy and Woodstock were adorable to watch, and because the original voice actor Bill Melendez has passed away, they reused archive footage/sound to bring him and the characters back to life in a great way; Snoopy's Flying Ace fantasy story was investing and entertaining, and I liked how he got inspiration from Charlie Brown's main dilemma to make certain things happen in his fantasy, while also helping Charlie Brown as his loyal dog and having some funny moments with both Snoopy and Woodstock interacting off each other. The 3D animation is wonderful, with it having a great animation style that fits the look of the comic strip along with certain details to it to make it look like a long moving comic strip you would casually read; the film has emotional moments, sweet and adorable moments, funny moments, and just overall lighthearted moments that are nice to watch making the film enjoyable beginning to end.

The film The Peanuts Movie (2015) was excellent and delightful to watch with amazing 3D animation, likable characters, emotional moments, funny moments, and just overall everything people love about the Peanuts comic strip, along with the film having a simple premise; it is hard to point out a negative for this film because of how enjoyable it was, and I like that this film chose to stay true to what the creator Charles Schulz made when he created the comic strip back in the 40s. Fans of the Peanuts comic strip and specials will love this film, and people who like Peanuts alright or think the comic strips are ok, will like this film; this was a delightful animated film to watch by Blue Sky Studios, and I highly recommend watching this whenever you get a chance to.
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IF (I) (2024)
A story you have to believe to see
20 June 2024
I like John Krasinski both as an actor and as a director, so having him direct and write a family film about imaginary friends with a lot of well-known actors got my interest, and when it comes to this film, I was expecting this film to be enjoyable or at least nice to watch; after watching it, I can say that this is an enjoyable and imaginative family film that was nicely handled. The film called IF (2024) was nice to watch with its great performances, funny moments, nice looking 3D CG animation, nice looking cinematography, heartfelt moments, and creative but simple imaginary friend designs; I liked the premise to the film with it sounding like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004-2009) the animated show on Cartoon Network, and I thought director John Krasinski did a great job with putting that premise in a live-action setting with the great 3D CG animation that makes the imaginary friends look like they are there in a scene interacting off of the main two leads.

The performances from the leads Bea and Cal, played by Cailey Fleming and Ryan Reynolds, were both well-done with Bea trying to grow up too fast and being able to see a lot of imaginary friends and Cal trying to help these imaginary friends with finding a kid to be friends with; Bea was believable enough as this kid dealing with the loss of her mother and her dad, played by John Krasinski, being in the hospital while learning about imaginary friends and lending a hand in finding new owners. Cal seems like a grumpy character of sorts who knows a lot about how the imaginary friends work and where they live, and he can be funny at times, along with him being a likable enough character like Bea; Bea and Cal worked well together when trying to find owners for the imaginary friends, and they build a nice friendship with each other. Lastly, all the imaginary friends were entertaining with them all having well-known actors voicing them, like Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Bradley Cooper, Etc, along with Steve Carell as a main one named Blue who is a likable character trying to find his owner; each imaginary friend had a simple but creative design, and they looked good in the live-action setting with its nice-looking 3D CG animation.

The 3D CG animation for the imaginary friends was particularly good with it having nice details and made them look good in live-action locations, with them also looking believable when interacting with the two lead characters; I like that there is no villain/antagonist in this film, because it does not need to have one, it is just an entertaining and funny film that also has effective emotional moments. At times, the film would feel like it was going all over the place, but it was not confusing, and I felt like there could have been more done with a premise like this, but they still did a respectable job with it; the film is imaginative with how the imaginary friends look, how Bea's imagination works, and how imaginary friends find friends or their old owners, along with their being quite a bit of creative things involving Bea using he imagination to change look of a certain thing.

The film called IF (2024) was nice to watch with its great performances, funny moments, nice looking 3D CG animation, nice looking cinematography, heartfelt moments, and creative but simple imaginary friend designs; I liked the premise to the film, and I thought director John Krasinski did a great job with putting that premise in a live-action setting with the great 3D CG animation, along with some minor issues with the film. This is just an enjoyable an entertaining family film that plenty of people will like, because this film took an interesting premise and did something fun with it, so I will recommend giving this a watch, especially if you like John Krasinski as a director; sometimes all you want is a nice heartfelt film to watch, and this is one of those.
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Friends will gather to take revenge
16 June 2024
The first film Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023) was not that good, with its bad performances and unconvincing designs to Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, along with them clearly trying to work with the small budget they had; what got me interested in this film was that this sequel had a higher budget and that the movie, from the look of the trailer, improved on some things that I had problems with in the previous film. The sequel Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024) is not great but it is an improvement over the last film with some better effects, good cinematography, performances that are a bit better than the last film, the script/screenplay is better, and the lead character is better; though there are quite a bit of stuff that are better than the last film, the film is still not great despite going in the right direction, with it still having some small weak effects, side characters giving weak performances, and serious moments that does not make the film terrible but it did feel like there was a bit too much to mix in with the fun moments.

Christopher Robin is now played by Scott Chambers, who is the best part of this film with him making the character likable enough by learning more about his past with Winnie the Pooh, how the events of the last film affected him, and how he managed to work at a hospital in his hometown despite rumors; I did like how when Christopher Robin was young he had a certain way he looked at Winnie the Pooh until he got older and realized what Pooh really is like. The designs for Winnie the Pooh and Piglet look better along with Tigger and Owl also having good designs, and there is an interesting backstory to what happened to them and how their friendship with Christopher Robin occurred a long time ago; also, each one of them acted differently with each one of them being based on horror icons, like Winnie the Pooh being based on Michael Myers or Tigger being based on Freddy Krueger making them entertaining. Lastly, the weak performances mostly come from the side characters while the main lead character is giving a believable performance, so all the side characters are disposable people to get killed off in some way or people make a difference to Christopher Robin's life.

The kills are brutal and bloody with the mix of practical blood effects and weird looking CGI blood effects, and the kills can be creative in the ways Winnie the Pooh and his friends kill people, which leads to there being a lot of dumb fun entertaining moments that I found funny, such as this scene at a party/ rave; the masks, makeup, and prosthetics on Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and Owl was well-done and were more believable as these killer anthropomorphic animals with an occasional line of dialogue, along with there being uses of bad CGI that would look like a PlayStation 2 effect like the effect of Tigger's tail. The script/screenplay is better than the last film, with there being quite a bit of moments of Christopher Robin looking back on his childhood with Winnie the Pooh and how he saw him back then, but sometimes it could be a bit too much for a film like this because these ideas they put out and explain are good ideas and they are done well; I did like the backstory and how they go over how the friendship between Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh occurred over a false assumption, but the film focuses a bit too much on it despite having fun entertaining moments occur before or after these scenes.

The sequel Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024) is not great but it is an improvement over the last film with some better effects, good cinematography, performances that are a bit better than the last film, the script/screenplay is better, and the lead character is better; though there are quite a bit of stuff that are better than the last film, the film is still not great despite going in the right direction, with it still having some small weak effects, side characters giving weak performances, and serious moments that do work well but not completely so it can mix well with the dumb fun moments. This was way better than the first film and it used its higher budget well, so I could recommend this film more than the other, and you do not have to watch the first film to understand this one; this was what I wanted the first film to be, despite this sequel still not being great, it is entertaining to watch and you could watch in that horror guilty pleasure way because of how dumb and weird it can get with its idea.
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They don't need a reason
14 June 2024
I did think the original The Strangers (2008) was an enjoyable enough simple home invasion thriller, and thought its sequel The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) was not good, but it had a few small entertaining enough good moments despite the issues it had; I was interested in seeing how a new The Strangers remake/reboot trilogy was going to go starting with chapter one, so going in I was hoping for something at least good or new, but instead I got a complete retread of the original except this time not as good. The recent remake/reboot The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024) had standard performances, dumb characters, fine cinematography, fine camera work, a bad script, a nice setting, and killers who are creepy enough for a premise like this; since this was chapter one, I was expecting an ending that would be open ended in some way but did not feel unsatisfying in a way that could mess with the film, instead the film just ends with the words To Be Continued after a final scene before the credits that felt like a copy of the last scene from the sequel to the original that came before this.

The main couple played by Madelaine Petsch and Froy Gutierrez, though giving ok performances, they were dumb throughout the whole film, from staying at this Airbnb because of their car being repaired in the shop in this eerie suspicious town to doing dumb things when being attacked by the killers; what I did not like was how the at first the boyfriend character sounded smart when being suspicious about how weird this town is and how their car broke down at that moment, to him doing dumb things that could him or the girlfriend killed, along with the girlfriend character being oblivious of the weird town and the boyfriend's suspicions then she does the most idiotic things in this situation. The three killers do what they usually do going from just knocking on the door to breaking in and chasing after the leads, it is the exact same thing they have done in the previous two films before this; there is an occasional good moment where they are subtly in the background making it creepy, but other than that they show up to do some kind of cheap jump scare and act crazy.

The cinematography was not bad with there being a lot of nice shots of the woods and outside/inside the Airbnb, with some good enough camera work along with there being shots that shows the scene normally but has something in the background you can notice by a reflection or looking in the darkness; there were lots of moments that were frustrating when the characters did something dumb or started out smart but made an idiot later on in the film. A lot of the movie was stuff I have seen before in the original 2008 film and there were not that many suspenseful moments, except for one scene where the leads go through a crawl space in the Airbnb, but other than that there is no other scene that was effective; there are occasional new scenes in the film but the third act climax is too similar to the climax of the original. Lastly, I will just say I did not care about the leads that much because of how annoying they could get or how dumb they would get when it came to having an advantage against the killers or having a way to escape, along with the script just being bad with it having bad lines of dialogue; also, the To Be Continued ending and mid-credits scene just left me frustrated with the entire film and how it was continue with its second chapter later this year.

The film The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024) had standard performances, dumb characters, fine cinematography, fine camera work, a bad script, a nice setting, and killers who are creepy enough for a premise like this; since this was chapter one, I was expecting an ending of sorts to get me interested in the next chapter, but instead I was frustrated by this first chapter and more interested in if the next chapters are going to get better than this. The film was bad mostly because of the very idiotic characters and the unbelievably bad script, even though everything around it was just everything I have seen before either in other films that are similar or in the original 2008 movie; though I am interested in what the next chapter is going to be about and if it will be better, this first chapter was not that good of a start to this new trilogy.
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Pirates and scientists
4 June 2024
The stop-motion animation studio Aardman is always excellent with how their films look, and this film is based on the book named The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists by author Gideon Defoe; though I have not read the book before, I have seen this film before, so this will be from me rewatching it and saying it is a fun stop-motion animated movie; fans of stop-motion animation will like this movie, and it this is a collab between Aardman and Sony Pictures Animation. The Aardman stop-motion animated film The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012) is a fun and funny time with great voice acting, fantastic stop-motion animation, funny and likable main characters, weird moments, and a simple but funny enough premise about a pirate captain wanting to win the Pirate of the Year Award; I will say that you do not have to read the book it is based on before you see this, because I have not read the book and I understood what was happening in this and I was invested in the movie without knowing anything before it.

The main Pirate Crew is funny and entertaining to watch with each crew member having their own weird quirk to them, and you have the pirate captain just named The Pirate Captain voiced very well by Hugh Grant, along with this other member just named The Pirate With a Scarf who is also called "Number Two" by the captain; The Pirate With a Scarf is also voiced very well by Martin Freeman. The premise involves The Pirate Captain trying to win a Pirate of the Year Award and going to London because of a certain thing involving a rare kind of bird, so it is about him learning what being a pirate is all about and the fun he has while doing it, with his crew helping him out in their own weird way; these characters were entertaining and I was invested in what they were doing. Lastly, there are some rivals of The Pirate Captain, like Cutlass Liz voiced well by Salma Hayek and Black Bellamy also voiced well by Jeremy Piven though not in the film that much, they were entertaining when they were shown; also, there is Charles Darwin voiced nicely by David Tennant, who is dragged in for a certain reason because he starts out helping the antagonist but soon helps the main Pirate Crew with their plan that involves a rare bird people want.

The main antagonist is Queen Victoria voiced well by Imelda Staunton, who is an entertaining enough character with some crazy moments that hates pirates, which is why she is a main antagonist that goes up against the main Pirate Crew; she also has something to do with her wanting the pirate's rare bird for certain reasons that does have enough to do with the plot, other than that there is nothing much about her that could stand out more. I love the stop-motion animation with how every character moves around, how the water looks, the details on everything involving the characters and the locations like London, and the occasional fun action scene; the movie is funny and weird, with the film having subtle jokes in the background or running jokes that are effective. Lastly, I will just say that Aardman did an excellent job making this film, you can tell this took a lot of time to make, which is why I love stop-motion animation; this animation clearly takes a lot of time to do, but when you see the final product, it is impressive seeing what they achieved and how much effort they put into it.

The Aardman stop-motion film The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012) is a fun and funny time with great voice acting, fantastic stop-motion animation, funny and likable main characters, weird moments, and a simple but funny enough premise about a pirate captain wanting to win the Pirate of the Year Award; I will say that you do not have to read the book it is based on before you see this, because I have not read the book and I understood what was happening in this and I was invested in the movie without knowing anything before it. I highly recommend this film to anyone who loves stop-motion animation or for people who are fans of the studio Aardman, this was a nicely crafted animated film that was fun and funny to watch, which is why it was great for me to rewatch this again; to end my thoughts I will say that if you like Aardman's other projects like their film Chicken Run (2000) or any Wallace and Gromit shorts and films they have made that range from short to theatrical release, I suggest giving this a watch whenever you get a chance to.
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The future belongs to the mad
3 June 2024
Out of the original trilogy Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) was the best one out of the three, with the first film in the franchise Mad Max (1979) being a good revenge film, and then there is the third film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) which I though was ok but the weakest in the original trilogy; so, doing a follow-up thirty years later after the last one got me interested on how director George Miller was going to expand on the Mad Max world, and after watching it, I will say that this film was excellent. The follow-up Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) was a fun and fast paced action film with outstanding performances, amazing action sequences, great looking practical and special effects, cool stunts, beautiful cinematography, nice camera work, and exceedingly small subtle uses of CGI; this film does feel like a long car chase, but the entire chase was investing and thrilling, with there also being moments where you can catch your breath and learn a bit more about the characters and their motivations for why they are currently doing what they are doing.

Max played by Tom Hardy was great and he was cool to watch, with him not having that many lines of dialogue, and he goes from being captured by this tyrannical ruler to teaming up with new character Furiosa, with her he gradually learns to work together with other people again since he has been a loner the past two films; Mel Gibson was good as Max in the original trilogy, and with this follow-up, Tom Hardy did a great job as the new Max. New character Furiosa played by Charlize Theron was cool and just great to watch, with her rebelling against this tyrannical ruler and being in search of her homeland with the aid of female prisoners and the drifter Max; she was an awesome character and you occasionally learn more about her and how everything starts to affect her, it was also just fun to watch Furiosa and Max work together and trying to survive this long car chase and these other crazy characters. Lastly, the film has a lot of weird and crazy other characters, like Nicholas Hoult as Nux who starts out working for the villain but eventually helps the main characters once he learns to be on his own, and to not be pushed around and told to do wrong things.

The tyrannical ruler villain named Immortan Joe played by Hugh Keays-Byrne was a very entertaining and crazy character who has followers, lots of green life, and water which he tends to keep from other people, along with him using another resource known as gasoline, which is in a supposed tanker the character Furiosa is driving around in throughout the film; he was insane in the action sequences and there was just lots about this character that made him very entertaining to watch throughout the film. The cinematography is spectacular with-it having lots of wide shots of the cars driving on this desert wasteland read or people just walking through the wasteland going from place to place, and the camera work was great with lots of tracking shots, fast movements, and fitting close ups; the action sequences were fantastic with great practical and special effects, amazing stunts, and an intense long car chase that I was full invested in. Lastly, I will just say that though this film feels like a long car chase, there are scenes where we learn about the two lead characters and their motivations, which was nice to see, and it helped make the film more interesting; I will also add that how the villain lives in this world is interesting along with him having a story that is also interesting to know about.

The follow-up Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) was a fun and fast paced action film with outstanding performances, amazing action sequences, great looking practical and special effects, cool stunts, beautiful cinematography, nice camera work, and exceedingly small subtle uses of CGI; this film does feel like a long car chase, but the entire chase was investing and thrilling, with there also being moments where you can catch your breath and learn a bit more about the characters and their motivations. I liked this film more than the other three films before this, though those films are not bad and I do like them, I liked this more mostly because this film was a fast-paced action film that blew me away while watching; this is more than a worthy follow-up to the previous three Mad Max films, fans of the franchise will love this movie and casual moviegoers will love this film, which is why I highly recommend watching this if you have seen the others and if you love fun action movies.
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Two men enter. One man leaves.
1 June 2024
The first film Mad Max (1979) was good, though it could have been better, it was still not bad of a revenge movie to start to the Mad Max franchise, and the sequel Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) was a fun and entertaining action movie that I liked more than the first; after watching the sequel, I have heard from fans that the third film is not the best one, so after watching it for the first time I will say that it is just ok compared to the last film. The third film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) was an entertaining enough film that has good performances, a few fun action sequences, cinematography that looks good, nice looking camera work, good enough antagonists, well-done stunts, and a slow but fast pace that can be entertaining; I did like the look of the town Max goes through and goes against, along with all these other characters he meets during the movie like a queen running the town, and the whole Thunderdome part of the premise could have been built up better for the third act instead of being used too early/quickly.

Mel Gibson was great once again as the lead character Max with him just being a drifter being exiled and rebelling against this advanced town, and being cool when doing certain things to go against the queen, along with him finding a group of abandoned children who help him thinking he is this hero they are looking for; I will say he was still a cool character just like in the other films, so when there is a fun action scene or dialogue scene, he is entertaining and tough when he is talking to certain people to mess with them or get them on his side. The rest of the characters are weird or crazy, with them having some over the top performances that were entertaining to watch; there was a reliable performance that was from this queen running this town named Aunty Entity played well by Tina Turner, and there are these two characters named The Master and The Blaster who are tough and entertaining to watch in the scenes they are in, especially when they go up against Max.

The cinematography and camera work were excellent with there being nice shots of the town or nice looking shots of the desert wasteland, especially in the occasional action scene that has well-handled camera shots with good stunts and practical effects; I will say that the editing is good, in this you can tell what is happening and there is an occasional wide shot showing everything in frame, so you can now see any car crashes, shootings, or explosions that occur. I will just say there are a lot of fun and entertaining moments that occur in the performances, the third act climax, and how the Thunderdome was shown. Also, I will add that I like the look of the Thunderdome with a variety of weird looking characters, and the fight in the Thunderdome with Max was entertaining to watch; after the use of the Thunderdome early in the movie, I was interested what was going to happen next after it already showed the main focus of the film, but I feel like it should have saved it for the third act along with the film having a slow pace at first until it goes faster by the third act.

The third film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) was an entertaining enough film that has good performances, a few fun action sequences, cinematography that looks good, nice looking camera work, good enough antagonists, well-done stunts, and a slow but fast pace that can be entertaining; I did like the look of the town Max goes through and goes against, along with all these other characters he meets during the movie like a queen running the town, and I liked the whole Thunderdome part of the premise. I will end this by saying that I liked the second film more than the first film and this third film, I just thought the second film was a better handled movie, but Mel Gibson is still cool in the role of the character Max; I now understand why there are lots of people/fans who think this film is the weakest in the old original trilogy, because I do agree, and even though this film was not as good as the last film I am still on board with this George Miller as a director and the world he has created.
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Just one man can make a difference
31 May 2024
The first film Mad Max (1979) was good, though it could have been better, it was still not bad of a revenge movie to start to the Mad Max franchise, so with the sequel I hear that this is a favorite among diehard fans or just casual moviegoers; after watching the sequel, I will just say that I liked it more than the first, and I also like it goes from the first film being a fine revenge film to just being a straight up entertaining action film. The sequel Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) was a fun and entertaining action film that has good performances, fun action sequences, excellent cinematography, nice looking camera work, entertaining enough antagonists, well-done stunts, and an entertaining fast pace that keeps you invested; what was better in this than the first film was that it kept its focus on the main premise, and it makes better editing choices so you can tell what is happening with this battle for gasoline against a horde of weird but entertaining bandits.

Mel Gibson was great once again as the lead character Max with him just being a drifter on the long desert road, and being cool in certain action scenes, along with him trying to get gasoline from this community of survivors who are under siege by brutal bandits who also wants the gasoline; I will say he was a cool character throughout the movie, so when there is a fun action scene, he is entertaining and you can also understand why he is helping this community fight back against these weird and crazy bandits. The rest of the characters are weird or crazy, with them having some over the top performances that were entertaining to watch; there was a reliable performance that was from this person leading the large group of bandits named The Humungus played well by Kjell Nilsson, who tries to be fair by negotiating for the gasoline, but you can tell he is tough and will use force if necessary.

The cinematography and camera work were excellent with there being nice shots of the desert wasteland or long shots of people driving on the road, especially in the action scenes where there are expertly handled camera shots with good stunts and practical effects; I will say that the editing is better than the first film, in this you can tell what is happening and there is an occasional wide shot showing everything in frame, so you can now see any car crashes, shootings, or explosions that occur in an action sequence. I will just say there are a lot of fun and entertaining moments that occur in the performances, the action sequence, and especially the third act climax. Also, I will add that I like the look of the desert wasteland and the variety of weird looking characters you can run into while on the road, you see that when you look at the designs of the bandits; this film does make want to see more of this world and what interesting and weird characters live in this world, so that is probably why I like this sequel more than the first film, because the first film was a good start but it did not get me fully on board with it.

The sequel Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) was fun and entertaining action film that has good performances, fun action sequences, excellent cinematography, nice looking camera work, entertaining enough antagonists, well-done stunts, and an entertaining fast pace that keeps you invested; what was better in this than the first film was that it kept its focus on the main premise, and it makes better editing choices so you can tell what is happening, along with being interesting on how much they make gasoline a necessary resource to have. I will end this by saying that I liked this more than the first film, I just thought it was a better handled movie, with Mel Gibson still being cool in the role of the character Max; I now understand why there are lots of people/fans who love this film, because I did too, and I am now fully on board for whatever happens next for this franchise.
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Mad Max (1979)
He rules the roads
29 May 2024
The film Mad Max (1979) has good enough performances with some over the top performances, nice looking cinematography and camera work, some cool stunts, odd editing choices with there also being strange cuts to go from scene to scene, and a revenge plot that takes a while to get going that also connects to this motorcycle gang going around; the main thing I thought was weird is that the character Max played by Mel Gibson is not in the film that much and the film instead focuses on other side characters, which is odd when Max is technically the main character and the film is named after him. I am not saying the movie is bad, I do like the film, it is just I thought it mostly did not have a complete focus on what it was supposed to be about, or it just felt like it went from scene to scene that somehow comes together by the end for a third act climax that was not bad and was cool to watch like the opening sequence with Max involving a chase scene.

Mel Gibson was good as the lead character Max with him being a professional police officer, and being cool in certain scenes where he deals with certain crimes, along with the ways he gets his revenge being a brutal but also cool to watch; I will also say that he has a believable enough connection with his wife and his infant son, so when a certain thing happens, you can understand his anger against this motorcycle gang. The rest of the characters are weird or crazy, with them having some over the top performances that can be entertaining to watch; for example, one over the top performance was from this person leading the motorcycle gang named Toecutter played well by Hugh Keays-Byrne who had a couple of funny and entertaining moments. Lastly, the revenge plot does feel like it takes a while to get going because of the film building up to it, which was understandable and was something done well, but the film by the third act goes straight into it after a long build up, while also losing focus at times on the motorcycle gang storyline and how they are effecting people; without any spoilers relating to this, I will say there is a lot of focus on a certain member and it does get interesting with what they do with/to him.

The cinematography and camera work were well-done with there being nice shots of a town or long shots of people driving on the road, especially in certain action scenes there are nicely handled camera shots with good stunts and practical effects; despite that, sometimes the editing can be a bit quick so the film can have scenes that can be hard to follow or just hard to figure out what happened, when it came to car crashes, shootings, or explosions. I will just say that other than there being entertaining moments especially in the third act climax, but also the way certain moments were put together were a bit random at times next to the editing used in weird uses at times, despite that I did also like how simple but dirty looking the town/city people were in looked along with the look of the long roads to show the occasional car chase or action stunt that is executed in a certain way.

The film Mad Max (1979) has good enough performances with some over the top performances, nice looking cinematography and camera work, some cool stunts, odd editing choices with there also being strange cuts to go from scene to scene, and a revenge plot that takes a while to get going that also connects to this motorcycle gang going around; the main thing I thought was weird is that the character Max played by Mel Gibson is not in the film that much, which was a little disappointing when you expect to see your lead character more since the film is about him getting revenge. I will end this by saying that I did like this film, I just thought it could have been better, but Mel Gibson is believable in the role of the character Max and director George Miller did not do that bad a job directing; it might be a while before I rewatch this, but this movie is not bad of a start to the Mad Max franchise.
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Abigail (2024)
Children can be such monsters
28 May 2024
If you have seen the trailer for this film then you will know what kind of film this is, and what got me wanting to see this was that it was a vampire movie, but also that this film was directed/produced by the filmmaking team called Radio Silence who have made other great films like Ready or Not (2019), Scream (2022), and Scream 6 (2023); after watching this vampire movie, I will say that this was a very fun and entertaining movie that has become one of my favorite vampire movies to watch. The film Abigail (2024) was a fun and entertaining horror thriller with excellent performances, entertaining characters, a cool but creepy setting with a creepy and cool entity, some funny moments, and a play on some vampire movie tropes or certain ways to deal with a vampire; other than the way they make the characters likable enough for you to root for their survival, but the young girl playing Abigail was excellent in her performance going from a normal enough scared girl to becoming a killer being that could kill anyone very quickly.

All the performances from the main characters/main kidnappers were well-done, with the film finding a way to give details about them despite these people being told not to tell anything to anyone, and they each have some personality that can be made fun of and used later in the film; the two performances that stood out were from Melissa Barrera as Joey and Dan Stevens as Frank, these names are fake and are not their real names. Melissa Barrera's character has a certain past to her that comes to make sense once it is revealed, and why she is a part of this kidnapping, also with why she starts off by trying to protect Abigail at first from the others when they kidnap her and is trying to get her through it with little to no difficulties; along with her is Dan Steven's character who seems like a jerk throughout the film but is still mad likable in a way where you can root for him, with him having a backstory revealed later on, and having an occasional funny moment. Lastly, I will say that the group of kidnappers do not know much about each other which leads to them arguing on what they should do, or just trying to figure out what they should do once they find out about who Abigail is; also, there is actor Giancarlo Esposito in a small role.

Alisha Weir as Abigail fantastic in this role, with her starting out like a normal and scared girl, but soon shows herself to be a terrifying and brutal vampire who is clearly just messing with the kidnappers; what was impressive and cool to see was that actor Alisha Weir did her own stunts when it came to dancing around like a ballerina or jumping around attacking these people, which was entertaining to watch along with her killing, biting, or dancing in creepy/brutal ways. I did love the setting of the film with it being in this big mansion like house that has a creepy atmosphere, with there being fun action scenes with Abigail chasing or attacking them, and I liked the ways Abigail used her dances to take these people out or to move around; I also liked how they tried different ways to kill her by using what they learned from old classic vampire movies to see what works and what does not. Lastly, though the kills were brutal, bloody, and entertaining, there were occasional things mentioned during the film that could have been paid off more or tweaked a bit more to make it better; but those small issues are just small nitpicks I managed to make while watching.

The film Abigail (2024) was a fun and entertaining horror thriller with excellent performances, entertaining characters, a cool but creepy setting with a creepy and cool entity, some funny moments, and a play on some vampire movie tropes or certain ways to deal with a vampire; other than the way they make the characters likable enough for you to root for their survival, but the young girl playing Abigail was excellent in her performance and made the film fun to watch. To end my thoughts, this was an incredibly fun vampire movie that I would watch again around the Halloween season, which is why I highly recommend giving this a watch, but also you should avoid the trailer because it might surprise you more if you go in blind; either way people who love horror thrillers or vampire movies will love this film, this is worth a watch.
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Deaf, mute, and out for revenge
23 May 2024
The title of this film was what mostly got my attention, that and that it was an action movie with some well-known actors, like Bill Skarsgård in the lead role, along with me only going by what little I knew about the premise and what little I have seen of the trailer, so I did not know what to expect when going into this film; also, I will add the fact that this film is by a first time film director, so I thought this was an interesting film to start out on. The film Boy Kills World (2024) was a fun, weird, and brutal action movie with excellent performances, outstanding action sequences, well-done choreography, nice camera work, a lot of weird and brutal moments, and a twist I was not expecting; I will say that going into this film not knowing much and without seeing the trailer, I think you will have a good time watching and will be surprised by how weird but stylized this film is.

The lead character named Boy played by Bill Skarsgård was excellent because the character is deaf, and mute so he must only do facial expressions throughout the film, and he does a fantastic job with both that and the fast-paced action sequences; I also liked the inner voice we hear voiced by H. Jon Benjamin who was funny and was not overused, he was used at the right moments, and I liked how he chose this specific voice to be inside his head. Other than the simple motivation for his revenge with it being that the Van Der Koys killed his family, and the training montage we get of him preparing, he also becomes part of a two-person resistance group who are entertaining in the film and are helpful on multiple occasions; to add to that, Boy trying lip read what they are saying can be funny because of how it is shown and how he can misinterpret something. Lastly, there is this Shaman character who trains Boy to get revenge, but without spoilers I cannot say anything else about him, so I will just say that he is just there to be a trainer until a major thing happens by the third act/third act climax.

The villains being the Van Der Koys who were all over the top in their performances but entertaining to watch, when either running their show known as "The Culling," or just going around picking up less fortunate people for their show, it was also entertaining to watch Boy pick them off one by one in many brutal ways, and these characters had an occasional funny line; lastly for villains, there was a cool character named June27 played by Jessica Rothe who was awesome to watch and looked cool in the action sequences when going up against Boy. The action sequences were spectacular with the great uses of wide shots and tracking shots where it is easy to see, and choreography is well-done with the actors being doing an excellent job performing these stunts, especially since the kills in the film are brutal and bloody; the film was funny, it had a twist that caught me off guard, and the only thing negative I noticed is from me nitpicking, but what I noticed was that there were some uses of CGI blood effects by the third act/third act climax that was a bit distracting during the major fight scenes.

The film Boy Kills World (2024) was a fun, weird, and brutal action movie with excellent performances, outstanding action sequences, well-done choreography, nice camera work, a lot of weird and brutal moments, a twist I was not expecting, and a simple revenge story handled in a crazy but investing way that kept my attention from beginning to end; I will say that you should go into this film without seeing the trailer, because I think it will help you a fun and entertaining experience with this weird and stylized film. People who love crazy and weird action films will like this, and for those who do not know much about this film or just are not that big on action movies, I highly recommend giving this a watch; not sure how many people will like this film, but I will say that this is definitely an action movie I am going to own and rewatch in the future.
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50% Hero. 100% Cotton.
21 May 2024
I have read most of the Captain Underpants book series by author Dav Pilkey, and think they are enjoyable books with funny visuals and funny characters, so I was a bit excited to see how the animation studio DreamWorks was going to make a film adaptation; after watching, I can say that this is one of my favorite book adaptations and favorite DreamWorks film, and had good time watching it. The film Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) was a fantastic and very funny movie with outstanding voice acting, excellent animation with a fitting animation style, references to the books, weird moments, moments that are faithful to the books, and once again lots of funny moments; I know the humor in this is immature with it talking about bathroom humor and other stuff like that, but the way they do it is in a way that does not make it annoying but it makes it funny, that is mostly because of the likable characters and the way they act and say their lines of dialogue that makes the movie entertaining to watch from beginning to end.

Kevin Hart and Thomas Middleditch were excellent as George and Harold, with them having a nice friendship with each other, and some of the pranks they pull off are funny, with them also being funny in the way they act and the lines of dialogue they say; when their principal threatens to split them up into separate classes, it is funny by how dramatic they make it, but also you can tell that it is a big deal to them and you do not want it to happen. Ed Helms was fantastic as Captain Underpants/Mr. Krupp, he was very funny throughout the film with the funny over-the-top mean personality as Mr. Krupp, and the clueless nice personality of the hero Captain Underpants; I like how he switches back and forth between the character's personalities, and the multiple very funny lines of dialogue he has as both Mr. Krupp and Captain Underpants. To add to my thoughts on George and Harold's friendship, is that I like how they make their comics with one responsible for coming up with the story and the other doing the illustrations, along with the cool treehouse they use as their comic headquarters; I also like how they figure out how to hypnotize and control Mr. Krupp, and then having an idea that starts funny but becomes difficult when they turn him into Captain Underpants.

The villain is a villain from the books with the immature name Professor Poopypants, who is voiced greatly by Nick Kroll, who hates people laughing at him because of his name and has a simple but understandable plan on getting rid of laughter; he had quite a few funny moments and lines of dialogue, and he gets help from a student named Melvin, voiced by Jordan Peele, who does not laugh at anything funny which can be funny for how characters react to that. I did love the animation style for this movie, because it fits the silly cartoony vibe it is giving off that does fit the style of the books, with nice drawn visuals showing George and Harold's creative process, and details from the book that work well with the comedy and the action; the movie was very funny with how the characters acted and say these funny lines of dialogue, yes it is mostly immature humor, but they do it in a way where it is more funny and less annoying than if it were in a mindless kids film that was trying to be smart.

Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) was a fantastic and very funny movie with outstanding voice acting, excellent animation with a fitting animation style, references to the books, weird moments, moments that are faithful to the books, and once again lots of funny moments; I know the humor in this is immature with it talking about bathroom humor and other stuff like that, but the way they do it is in a way that does not make it annoying but it does make it funny, along with the film just being enjoyable to watch. I will say that fans of both the books and DreamWorks will like this film, even people who love animated films will like the film, it just depends on if you can get through this film's sense of humor to full like and enjoy this film; I have seen this film before, and I can say that this movie is a great book adaptation, and is one of my favorite DreamWorks film to watch.
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Finding Dory (2016)
An unforgettable journey she probably won't remember
19 May 2024
The first film Finding Nemo (2003) is a fantastic Disney Pixar animated film that is funny, entertaining, and heartfelt from beginning to end, so having a sequel thirteen years later did make me worry a little bit; after watching it, though not better than the first film, this sequel is still excellent and is almost as good as the film before with it being just as funny, entertaining, and heartfelt as the first. The sequel Finding Dory (2016) is just as enjoyable and funny as the first movie, with its excellent voice acting, fantastic 3D animation, likable characters, heartfelt/touching moments, and an investing story about Dory remembering her past and trying to find her family; they did a great job making Dory less of a comic relief side-character to an interesting and likable character, especially with how they handle her disability not just for humor but for touching moments and is used to keep the movie going at a nice fast pace, with an occasional slow moment that works nicely.

Once again Ellen DeGeneres is fantastic as Dory, with her having this wonderful journey to find her parents which leads to a Marine Life Institute, and I like how we slowly get more fragments of her memories with her parents as the film progresses letting us put things together; she is a likable and funny character who has her short term memory loss used both in a comedic aspect and a heartfelt/serious aspect for the story, which was nice to have a good balance because it could have gotten annoying if they did it poorly. We have Albert Brooks doing a great job again as Marlin and have Hayden Rolence as Nemo, it was nice seeing these characters again and having them help Dory find her parents, but later must try and find her in the Marine Life Institute; I still like the friendship between them and Dory, and that they have to put more trust in her to do certain things. Lastly, there are new characters like Hank grumpy but likable octopus voiced great by Ed O'Neill who helps Dory around the Marine Life Institute to find her parents, a whale shark named Destiny voiced well by Kaitlin Olson who is Dory's old friend, and Bailey voiced well by Ty Burrell who is Bailey's neighbor.

The 3D animation is excellent, with the sea creatures having real-looking but animated designs, and the look of the ocean water looking pretty with it being shown during different times of day and how it shows them going in and out of the water, along with the Marine Life Institute being nice to look at with its different exhibits and/or locations; the emotional/touching moments are highly effective with it showing Dory's backstory and her relationship with her parents, and the movie is funny from beginning to end, both the emotional/touching moments and the funny moments blend well together, especially with the short term memory loss aspect of the film which does not get annoying and is used very well. I like that there is no real villain in the film, and that it is just Dory trying to find her parents while trying to escape the Marine Life Institute, along with the ways she gets fragments of her memories and uses them to go from location to location is handled nicely and used cleverly; this is good because it easily could have gotten annoying after a while with her forgetting things a lot, but luckily it does not.

The sequel Finding Dory (2016) is just as enjoyable and funny as the first movie, with its excellent voice acting, fantastic 3D animation, likable characters, heartfelt/touching moments, and an investing story about Dory remembering her past and trying to find her family; they did a great job making Dory less of a comic relief side-character to an interesting and likable character, especially with how they handle her disability not just for humor but for those touching/heartfelt moments, and it works very well. I am glad this is a very good Disney Pixar sequel, because you never know how a sequel to a fantastic film will go, so that is why I highly recommend giving this a watch; Disney Pixar fans who love the first film will like this film, and it is worth rewatching just as much as the first.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Just keep swimming
18 May 2024
I have not seen this Disney Pixar film in a long time, so I decided to rewatch it, and I will say what I thought of the film even though my thoughts will sound like everyone else who have talked about this film before me; after rewatching it, I still think this is one of Disney Pixar's best early 2000s film they have made, and it is amazing how long ago it was since this came out. Disney Pixar's animated film Finding Nemo (2003) is an enjoyable and funny movie that has excellent voice acting, nice-looking 3D animation, likable characters, heartfelt/touching moments, and a good father and son relationship between Marlin and Nemo that comes with a nice building friendship between Marlin and Dory; what was mostly impressive was that you can tell with the animation the animators, designers, and artists wanted everything feel real but not too real, and you can tell by the look of the characters and how they move around and do things with certain mannerisms that make sense.

I liked Marlin, played fantastically by Albert Brooks, and Nemo, played well by Alexander Gould, with Marlin being an overprotective parent because of an incident that happened in the past and Nemo who is adventurous and eventually gets himself kidnapped by a scuba diver; despite being at odds with each other, Marlin takes a long journey to find him no matter what happens, which I liked seeing because of how it builds that great father and son relationship they have when they are together. Going along with Marlin is Dory played exceptionally well by Ellen DeGeneres, with her being a likable character with short term memory loss that can be used in funny situations or emotional situations, along with her helping Marlin find Nemo; I also liked the building friendship between Marlin and Dory throughout the film, with them having a great dynamic together, leading to them being funny throughout the film. Lastly, there are lots of sea creature characters or birds during the film like sharks, pelicans, or seagulls, but also there are these fish that are in the fish tank Nemo is kidnapped and put into at a dentist office; these characters, like all the other characters Marlin and Dory meet on their journey, are funny with them having recognizable voice actors, like one of the fishes being voiced by Willem Dafoe.

The antagonists consist of scuba divers who take Nemo, a dentist who keeps the fishes in a tank, a little girl related to the dentist that tends to kill fish, and occasionally some seagulls that tend to attack Marlin and Dory when reaching Sydney; other than that, it is just a great story about a father searching the ocean for his son, and the way the story is executed and shown in this 3D animation is nice to look at, along with there being an occasional fun action sequence that involves them swimming away from something. The 3D animation is well-done, with the sea creatures having real-looking but animated designs, and the look of the ocean water can look pretty with it being shown during different times of day and how it shows them going in and out of the water with nice details; the emotional/touching moments are effective, and the movie is funny from beginning to end, both the emotional/touching moments and the funny moments blend well with animation and excellent voice acting.

Disney Pixar's animated film Finding Nemo (2003) is an enjoyable and funny movie that has excellent voice acting, nice-looking 3D animation, likable characters, heartfelt/touching moments, and a good father and son relationship between Marlin and Nemo that comes with a nice building friendship between Marlin and Dory; what was mostly impressive was that you can tell with the animation the animators, designers, and artists made the film look real but not too real, so you can believe it as an animated film. This is a Disney Pixar movie that I recommend watching if you have not, and if you have, it is worth rewatching whenever you get a chance; I am sure my thoughts on the film are close to other people's thoughts on this, but that just shows how good this Disney Pixar movie is all these years later.
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Something deep underwater
15 May 2024
Before deciding to watch this, I thought this just looked like another forgettable shark movie on VOD that has a simple premise that can be done the right way or the wrong way, so I was not expecting much going into this movie; after watching it, I can say that I was right to think it looked generic, because this film was just too mediocre to stand out as a good shark movie. The film Something in the Water (2024) has bad characters, a pointless plotline mixed in with the actual premise, ok looking cinematography, bad dialogue, and standard performances from the actors who are given bad direction in their scenes; the only thing that was fine was how they showed the shark, which was by keeping him hidden for most of the film until the end, but what we mostly see is its dorsal fin sticking out of the water or some quick side or overhead shots of it when it is swimming around the characters.

I did not like any of the characters, that is mostly because they were annoying and unlikable, with them arguing about everything and doing/saying the dumbest things in their current situation; there was one girl who had her wedding coming up, and she would not shut up about how she couldn't do certain things and why she should not die in this current situation, along with another one of the girls who I hated and wanted her to get eaten by the shark. There is a girlfriend relationship with two of the girls in the group that involves an event that occurred to have them broken up and having them get back together again, other than the fact that they get back together quickly, but this whole relationship plotline could have been taken out and you would not miss anything. Lastly, since I did not care about anyone in this movie, I was just waiting for the shark to come and attack them because of the stupid things they do, from dropping their only weapon to having blood in the water to draw the shark right where you are on the water.

What I liked a little bit was that the shark in the movie does not show itself fully that much, but instead we just see its dorsal fin sticking out of the water in subtle ways, like seeing it a little bit in the background or foreground until we see it fully by the end showing it with obvious CGI effects; the cinematography was competent enough where there were ok shots of above and under the water, with there being only one entertaining moment. The way the shark kills off the characters are not that great, with it just picking them off one by one in bland ways that are not entertaining to watch, along with it feeling slow at times with how long it takes the shark to attack and how it gets annoying watching them make dumb decisions that can lead to them getting killed; also, I will add that the shark would be attacking them at least nonstop since these people are in open water in the middle of nowhere, it did not feel realistic when it came to thinking about how a premise like this works.

The film Something in the Water (2024) has bad characters, a pointless plotline mixed in with the actual premise, ok looking cinematography, bad dialogue, and standard performances from the actors who are given bad direction in their scenes; though the only thing that was fine in the movie was how they showed the shark and how subtle its appearances were, it did not stop this movie from being a generic and forgettable shark movie. I will end this by saying that this film is just like any other VOD shark movie, and it did not surprise me that it ended of being like that by the time I was done watching it, it is just that there are better shark thrillers out there that you could watch; there is nothing else to say about this movie, there is nothing here to really recommend, it is just a generic bad shark movie.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Meet the little voices inside your head
14 May 2024
There are quite a few Disney Pixar animated films that came before or after this film that are fun and funny to watch, but for a film about your emotions in your head, you can do something that can be more emotionally investing or at least smart with how it shows the inside of someone's head and how it operates; after watching the film, I would say this one of the best Disney Pixar films I have seen that can be funny and smart with its execution, but also be investing and relatable with emotional moments by tugging at your heartstrings. Inside Out (2015) is a fun, funny, and emotionally investing animated film with great voice acting, well-done 3D animation, likable emotion characters, creative visuals inside the person's mind, and a relatable human character that the emotions control; it is creative and clever with its idea on how emotions effect people or how the mind works while sleeping, dreaming, or other things we tend to do on multiple occasions.

The five emotions Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are all likable and funny characters, who are voiced outstandingly by Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Bill Hader, and Mindy Kaling, with each emotion acting differently when controlling the main girl Riley and interacting with each other in entertaining ways; with Joy making sure Riley is always happy by keeping Sadness away from the control console, or just trying to keep everyone calm while they are in control. The main girl Riley the emotions control is a likable and relatable character for anyone that age dealing with issues, like moving to a new place or trying to fit in at a new school, but also you find out a lot about her and her parents making you care about them and what is going to happen next while the emotions are controlling her; I am glad that they made the main girl likable, or else this film would not have worked as well as it did. Lastly, while they are going around Riley's mind you not only learn new things about her, but I like how also you see how she sees things by using her imagination or just looking at things in a weird way.

I liked that there was no villain in this film and that it was just showing how certain emotions affect us in many ways, and that we tend to use certain emotions like sadness to help get across certain issues you are having or to just communicate to other people or family members; throughout the film you can relate with the character Riley when she goes through many changes of emotions for age, and by seeing how her mind works, you can see what she is like as a normal girl. The 3D animation is great with having lots of nice visuals and nice-looking emotion character designs, along with the design and look of the inside of Riley's mind being creative and clever on how it portrays certain things we tend to do, like how they show memories/core memories be kept for us to look back on; but also, the film has quite a bit of effective emotional moments that will tug on your heartstrings and make you cry while watching, which is because of how strong the family dynamic is and how relatable the characters are.

Inside Out (2015) is a fun, funny, and emotionally investing animated film with great voice acting, well-done 3D animation, likable emotion characters, creative visuals inside the person's mind, and a relatable human character that the emotions control; it is creative and clever with its idea, and very effective with its emotional moments, they balanced the emotional and funny moments very well making it less sloppy in how the film is put together. Lastly, there is not much else to say about this film that has not been said already about it, except that this an emotionally investing and fun animated film from Disney Pixar that is worth watching; both adults and kids will love this movie, and I highly recommend giving this a watch if you have not already.
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Revenge gets ripped
27 April 2024
Other than the fact that this is a A24 movie, but liked the two main stars that are the lead characters in this film, along with not knowing much about the director Rose Glass except that she directed a movie I have not seen but heard about called Saint Maud (2021) before this film; when it comes to her new film, I did like it, but it is most likely not going to be liked by everyone or it is going to leave people with mixed feelings depending on if you like films like this. The film Love Lies Bleeding (2024) was a well-made film that had excellent performances, some good action, an investing story involving bodybuilding, cool-looking cinematography, and brutal but effective kills that would occur; other than me liking the relationship between the main two characters, I did like the bodybuilding aspect to the plot because it is what one the characters like to do, and it helps reveal more about her as the film progresses.

Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brian are excellent as the lead characters Lou and Jackie, Lou being a gym owner who has a past that ties in with her dad which is uncovered throughout the film, and Jackie goes to that gym but is on her way to a bodybuilding contest that comes into play later; I liked seeing their relationship grow more and more, but also that there are things from each other's past that would get in the way of them loving each other, with there also being times they question their relationship and where it is heading. I like how they use the bodybuilding aspect of Jackie's character, by not just having her want to go to Las Vegas for the contest, but also have it reveal more about herself throughout the movie as she goes through certain difficulties when she is working somewhere Lou's dad owns; but also, she might make some shocking problems that both her and Lou have to overcome. Lastly, the relationship between Lou and Jackie is believable, and you can tell that they do love each other no matter what might happen between them, mostly because Lou's dad will try to get in their way and mess things up for them throughout the film.

There are good performances from Ed Harris as Lou's father, who has a past that I will not spoil and that will be uncovered throughout the movie, and Dave Franco as Lou's sister's husband who also does bad stuff in the film that can be upsetting to see; I will also say that Lou's father messes with Lou and Jackie's relationship and does certain things that subtly interfere with them. The cinematography is well done at making the movie look and feel like the 80's with it having a gritty tone to it, along with an occasional action scene that was nicely handled; there were also little horror elements involved that worked alongside an occasional scene involving them killing someone effectively, also, though the ending of the film was not bad, I did think it could have been better with how it was shown or in the way it was executed.

When it comes to this film, I did like it, but I am not expecting this to be liked by everyone or it is going to leave people with mixed feelings depending on if you like films like this; I liked the film Love Lies Bleeding (2024) was a well-made film that had excellent performances, some good action, an investing story involving bodybuilding, cool looking cinematography, and brutal but effective kills that would occur; other than the ending and some other issues that you might find, this film is not bad. Lastly, I will say this movie is worth checking out whenever you have a chance, you might like this, or you might not, and there will be a lot of mixed opinions on this; it might not be something you can rewatch repeatedly, but I will say that you should not let this movie go unnoticed.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Revenge is primal
26 April 2024
I am aware of Dev Patel's performances in many movies before this like Slumdog Millionaire (2008), so I was ready for an action movie starring him, but also what got me interested was that this film is the directorial debut for Dev Patel; do not watch the trailer for this film because it will mislead you by making you think it's a nonstop action movie, but it is not completely that, which is why I liked this film. The film Monkey Man (2024) has a great lead performance, entertaining action, lore/story to the character that is interesting, a revenge story that might seem familiar but is well put together, and there is well-done cinematography and editing; there are some slight issues I did have with this, but I was invested in what was going on, and though there are action sequences, the movie takes its time getting to them giving more of a reason on why the main character is doing what he's doing.

Dev Patel as the main character, named Kid on IMDB, was excellent in this film, with him taking part as a boxer fighting in an underground boxing club for money and thinking over his difficult past when wanting to get revenge; I liked how he has this anger built up throughout the movie until he lets loose and starts killing people in brutal ways. Though there are action sequences in the film, most of the movie is Dev Patel's character learning about himself, learning how he can help others like him, and is just building up is rage for the murder of his mother long ago because of some intense corrupt leaders; I liked how he defended the people who are poor or powerless in a way from the higher ups who will try to hurt people like him. Lastly, I did like seeing him work his way up through the criminal underworld knowing the people running everything is responsible for the death of his mother; once he starts on his path of revenge, it gets very entertaining to watch seeing him look for his targets and fight/kill them to settle the score with them for the childhood trauma they gave him and for taking everything.

There not that many action scenes in the movie, but when action sequences do happen, they have some well-done cinematography with occasional long takes, close ups, and a fast pace to make these scenes entertaining to watch; an issue I had with the action scenes was that they would tend to use quite a bit of shaky cam so it can be a bit hard to follow, even though it was not that bad, it could have been better if they had more wide shots and kept the camera steady while filming, along with there being some weird uses of close ups that could get distracting. Though there was a small issue with the pacing at times, it manages to fix it, and by the third act there is a fantastic action sequence that looks great in many ways including nice wide shots and less shaky cam only in this sequence; lastly, I will say that the movie was also entertainingly brutal in its kills, and it was intense in the execution of the action scenes making the movie at least investing to watch.

I recommend not watching the trailer for this film because it will mislead you by making you think it's a nonstop action movie, but it is not completely that, which is why I liked this film; Monkey Man (2024) has a great lead performance, entertaining action, lore/story to the character that is interesting, a revenge story that might seem familiar but is well put together, and there is well-done cinematography and editing; there are some slight issues I did have with this, but I was invested in what was going on, and though there are action sequences, the movie takes its time getting to them so they can develop the main character. To end my thoughts on this movie, I do recommend watching this because of how long it took Dev Patel to make this, along with him doing an excellent job as a first-time director; I am interested in what Dev Patel might direct next, though not a perfect movie, it was still an entertaining and enjoyable to watch.
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Tangled (2010)
Get tangled up
16 April 2024
I only know a little bit about the original Rapunzel story, so when it comes to a Disney adaptation, I am not going to compare it in any way or know everything that it might be hinting at that connects to the original story, but I do still have interest on seeing Disney's take on it; after watching, I will say that Disney's adaptation on Rapunzel is a fun and enjoyable animated experience. The movie Tangled (2010) was a fun and funny animated movie with nice looking animation, fun action, likable main characters, good songs, and an easy to hate villain; I liked how this movie mixes new and old elements by adding more characterization to the characters of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, emotional and psychological aspects to the main character's journey, new characters added to the story, and the magical healing powers that come from Rapunzel's long hair.

Rapunzel was voiced very well by Mandy Moore, with her giving the personality of being a little naive on how she does not know much about the outside world while also being adorable, but also, she could be brave, clever, or adventurous; I liked the determination of her wanting to leave her tower and wanting to make her dream come true by seeing the floating lanterns from a celebration in the kingdom, while learning who she really is. Flynn Rider was also voiced nicely by Zachary Levi, with him giving the personality of being daring, confident, and a bit arrogant but kind at heart when going from well-known thief to helping guide Rapunzel around to see the floating lanterns, while also building a cute romance with each other; he was just, like Rapunzel, a funny and likable character that you like watching from beginning to end. Lastly, the comic relief involves Rapunzel's pet chameleon named Pascal and a guard horse from the kingdom named Maximus, who are funny with the horse having a tough personality when looking for/attacking Flynn Rider and eventually joining his side to help.

The villain named Mother Gothel, voiced well by Donna Murphy, was an easy to hate character with her manipulating Rapunzel to not leave the tower, and use Rapunzel's magical hair for her own selfish needs for reasons that connect to Rapunzel's story about who she really is; also, the villain acts a bit off that can be weird in some scenes involving her trying to keep Rapunzel in the tower, or just her acting like a strict parent to keep Rapunzel off the idea. The 3D animation is pretty with it making a nice medieval sort of fantasy like world, with fun and funny action scenes, and funny moments with the characters; the message to the movie involving following your dreams and self-discovery is nicely handled, and watching Rapunzel progress in the story to become free and being able to take care of herself when needed to was nice to see.

The movie Tangled (2010) was a fun and funny animated movie with nice looking animation, fun action, likable main characters, good songs, and an easy to hate villain; it mixes new and old elements very well by adding more characterization to the characters, emotional and psychological aspects to the main characters, new characters added to the story that were funny, and the magical healing powers that come from Rapunzel's long hair was also used very well in the story. I will just that it is ok if you are not well averse to the original Rapunzel story, but if you are a fan of Disney and like their animated films, then you are going to enjoy this movie; this is Disney's fiftieth animated film, and that is impressive by showing how far Disney has come, so I do recommend watching this movie if you haven't already, and it is also worth revisiting whenever you have the time.
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Camp woodpecker
14 April 2024
I did not like the first movie Woody Woodpecker (2017), and thought it was an unfunny annoying at times kid's movie that felt like they were just trying to capitalize on the nostalgia of the character Woody Woodpecker, which is why I was confused on why there was a sequel movie being released seven years later on the streaming service Netflix; after watching, I will say that this sequel was bad, but It was at least better than the first with it feeling like there was effort put into it. The sequel movie Woody Woodpecker Goes to Camp (2024) has a few entertaining moments, good CG 3D effects for Woody and other characters, the performances were good enough, and there were a few more funny moments in this than the first; the issues involve the by the numbers villain plot in finding gold at the camp, some immature humor that is expected for a movie like this, and random little moments that were not needed that could have been cut out of the scenes.

The main kid characters were not bad with ok performances, and each kid having their own quirk to them will help themselves and their side of the camp later in the film, but there are also other kids on the opposite side of the camp who are more aggressive and competitive who give an over-the-top performance; the camp counselor at Camp Woo Hoo is supportive and is trying to motivate her campers to believe in themselves to defeat the competition, while the counselor at Camp Hoo Rah is pushing his campers to defeat their opponents in intense ways. There is a whole thing going on in the story involving the founder of the camp, the gold he has hidden, and the feud between the two sides at the camp, though interesting, was just foreshadowing for upcoming events that involves how they find the gold and how to take care of a certain situation; this also just gives a reason for a side cartoon antagonist to come and try to sabotage things to get to it. Lastly, though one half of the camp had ok performances, and the other half had some over the top performances, they were likable enough and the interactions between them and Woody worked well with the CG.

The antagonist is a character named Buzz Buzzard, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, who is trying to trick one of the counselors into helping him find the gold hidden at camp, which is a straightforward plot, but it mostly involves him failing at getting rid of Woody Woodpecker who is trying to help the campers that can be occasionally funny; there is also Wally Walrus voiced by Tom Kenny who is the inspector who could shut the camp down if there are any more damages or safety violations. Woody Woodpecker has an occasional funny moment with the CGI 3D effects on him and the other characters looking believable and like they are in each scene interacting off the human characters; the movie was a bit funnier than the first with there being an occasional joke and fourth wall break that did work with also slightly funny visuals, but there were, for the most part, awkward jokes that do not work and could have been cut out entirely.

The sequel movie Woody Woodpecker Goes to Camp (2024) has a couple entertaining moments, good CG 3D effects for Woody and other characters, the performances were good enough, and there were a few more funny moments in this than the first; the issues involve the by the numbers villain plot in finding gold at the camp, and some awkward jokes and line of dialogue. Last thing I will say is that I thought this movie was going to be worse than the first, but it was not, but it still could have been better; you do not have to rush to Netflix to see this sequel, but for those who did not like the first movie, this is worth just one watch.
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Resident Evil Village (2021 Video Game)
Somewhere beyond terror
13 April 2024
This game takes place three years after the events of the game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017), a game I had fun playing and thought it was one of the best games in the Resident Evil Series, but now we have this eighth installment as the conclusion of the story for Ethan Winters from the previous game; after playing, I can say that this eighth entry was just as great as the game before it making it worth a playthrough. The eighth installment Resident Evil Village (2021) was a fun and creepy time with more likable characterization to the main character, fantastic graphics, easy to understand gameplay mechanics, an investing story, and effective antagonists; this game kept the first-person point of view, like the previous game, so it got me invested and made me feel like I was Ethan going through these many horrific situations.

The character Ethan Winters has more likable characterization than he did in the game before this, with him being forced to look for his daughter that was taken and brought somewhere to a village, and while playing you can feel his determination to find his daughter by going through everything being thrown at him that is supposed to get in his way or just try to kill him; also, there is something going on involving Ethan's wife Mia and the character Chris Redfield that I will not spoil because it involves a major reveal. The four lords and lead mother you must deal with in the village and other locations were creepy and disturbing, and they have quite a few effective scares with you having to hide from them making a lot of suspense; each lord has a certain ability that can be a pain to go up against with them hunting you down and trying to kill you in brutal ways, leading to you having to hide and use certain weapons that can be effective when fighting back.

The game was creepy and disturbing with highly effective scares and effective sound design when walking around the village and other locations, along with the locations having a very unsettling and creepy vibe, mainly the snowy village, making the game very investing to play; the graphics look nice and are exceptionally smooth and fluid moving with fun looking combat scenes, creepy looking monsters, and eerie looking locations that can effectively hide monsters in the dark or in ways to scare you. The use of the first-person point of view again got me invested in this game like the previous game, and it gave me a fun experience when going through the game from beginning to end, along with easy-to-use gameplay mechanics and new elements to the game; the game sticks with the horror focus but also makes a good balance between that and the action scenes that will occur while playing. Lastly, you are also solving equally challenging puzzles, which there are more of than in the earlier game, with them being spread out around the village and other locations, along with lots of locked doors to open.

The game Resident Evil Village (2021) was fun and creepy to play like the last game, it did freak me out most of my playthrough with its great looking graphics, highly effective scares, easy to use gameplay mechanics, and antagonists that were highly effective when it came to being scary and disturbing; along with the new first-person point of view getting me immersed into the game while playing it. I will end my review by saying that this eighth installment is another favorite of mine in the Resident Evil video game series, and I highly recommend it for those who loved the previous installment and for those who are on board for whatever comes out next for the Resident Evil series; this game was fun to play, and I will play this game again to see if I missed in any minor details in the story, so go and play this game whenever you have the time for an enjoyable experience.
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Dragon Warrior to Spiritual Leader
11 April 2024
The Kung Fu Panda movies from DreamWorks are fun and funny with Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) being my favorite, the first movie Kung Fu Panda (2008) being my second favorite in the series, and the third movie Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) being very good just not as good as the first two; though they should have stopped after three I was still hoping the fourth movie will be a good movie, and after watching the film, I can say that this fourth and final installment is very good. The movie Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) was incredibly fun and funny with beautiful animation, likable old and new characters, fun and amazing looking action sequences, and great voice acting; the villain was cool but could have been in the movie more because of what she can do and who voices her, with the movie occasionally being predictable, which is why I say this is not as good as the first two films but is as good as the third film.

Jack Black is once again fantastic as the character Po making him still a funny and likable character, with him being used to the Dragon Warrior title and protecting people everywhere in the valley of peace; I do like the premise of him having to train someone else to be the new Dragon Warrior despite not wanting to, but also having to come to grips with himself by accepting change to his life. The new character named Zhen, voiced very well by Awkwafina, being a thief dragged in to help Po on his mission to stop the main villain, was funny and a likable character with her and Po building a good friendship and working well together throughout the film, and her learning to trust people again after something that happened in her past. Lastly, you have Po's dads Mr. Ping and Li, voiced great again by James Hong and Bryan Cranston, who were funny, and they follow Po on his journey thinking he might not be able to defeat this new threat but also learn to change for the better; also, though Shifu is not in the movie that much, Dustin Hoffman voicing him again is great and he had some funny moments with him trying to get Po to find a new Dragon Warrior.

The villain The Chameleon was a cool enough villain with Viola Davis doing very well in voicing her, though she has a plan of stealing other kung fu masters fighting skills to take over the valley of peace, she needed more of a backstory and needed to be on screen more because of how cool she was; also, though Tai Lung is not in the movie that except for the third act, it was still cool to have Ian McShane back to voice him. The animation was beautiful with its pretty landscapes, details/textures on the characters, and being able to be fast paced when needed to for the action; the movie was very funny, and the action sequences were amazing with the fast-paced animation style and nice visuals making them incredible and fun to watch. Last thing, the movie can be a bit predictable at times so you might know where it is heading, despite it not harming what I think about the film, there were a couple of moments I was not expecting.

This is not as good as the first two films but is as good as the third film, and considering this is the fourth entry in the series, it could have been worse that what we got since fourth installments in big, animated franchises like this can be bad; luckily, Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) was very fun and funny with beautiful animation, likable characters, fun and amazing looking action sequences, and great voice acting. I will end by saying that this is a nice ending to the Kung Fu Panda franchise, and they should stop here without making another one; DreamWorks has made a fun set of animated movies for us to watch with a likable main character and a likable actor voicing him, that being Jack Black, which is why I highly recommend watching these four movies whenever given a chance.
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Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017 Video Game)
Fight your fears
8 April 2024
This Resident Evil game goes back to basics of the original with it being in a secluded like place with the horror survival focus, where most of the installments have that same focus but with small action elements, there is also Resident Evil 5 (2009) and Resident Evil 6 (2012) that are more action focused and stray from what Resident Evil is; after playing, I will say that this seventh installment of the mainline series was great to play. The game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) was a fun and creepy experience that did freak me out more often than I was expecting it to with its fluid nice looking graphics, effective scares, easy to grasp gameplay mechanics, and antagonists that were highly effective; what was also cool was the new first-person point of view that immersed me into the game while playing, and it made it feel like I myself was going through everything my character goes through.

You play as Ethan who goes on a search for his missing wife Mia, and it leads him to an abandoned house with a mysterious creepy family with evil and secrets, and that is all I can say about the main character or anything that relates to what the game is about without going into any spoilers; you do not get that much characterization for Ethan, that is mostly because you are playing in a first-person point of view to make it feel like you are there experiencing everything yourself instead of the character you play as. The family you must deal with in the abandoned house and other locations were creepy and disturbing infected people that are easy to hate, and they have quite a few effective scares with you having to hide from them making a lot of suspense; each member has a certain ability that can be a pain to go up against along with them each being creepy on their own.

The game was very creepy and disturbing with highly effective scares and effective sound design when walking around the house and other locations, along with the locations having a very unsettling and creepy vibe making the game very investing to play; the graphics look nice and are exceptionally smooth and fluid moving with fun looking combat scenes, creepy looking monsters, and eerie looking locations. The first-person point of view got me invested in the game and it gave me a fun experience when going through the game from beginning to end, along with easy-to-use gameplay mechanics and new elements to the game; what was cool was that when you play a VHS tape you can play out the event playing on the tape to see what happened and you can use that to be a step ahead of the antagonists. Lastly, how this game goes back to basics like the first game involves a lot of walking around, rationing your ammo, saving/using certain weapons, and solving equally challenging puzzles that were needed to be more of when walking around the house and these other locations.

The game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) was fun and creepy to play that did freak me out most of my playthrough with its great looking graphics, highly effective scares, easy to use gameplay mechanics, and antagonists that were highly effective when it came to being scary and disturbing; along with the cool new first-person point of view that immersed me into the game while playing, and it made it feel like a real situation I was in. I will end my review by saying that this seventh installment is another favorite of mine in the Resident Evil video game series, and I highly recommend it for those who are newcomers to Resident Evil or for fans out there who have not played the game before; this is absolutely something I am going to go back and play again.
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