
28 Reviews
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15 Cameras (2023)
A very decent sequel
13 November 2023
I really had no expectations at all when I started watching this film. I knew about the first 2 movies and that it was on the lower budget side so there wasn't much to anticipate for.

However, after watching many mediocre films released for Halloween 2023, I have to say that this one pleasantly surprised me! It's no masterpiece but the acting, directing and plot were very decent. It also had some comedic/cringy moments that really worked for me (yeah, I'm talking about the husband). I'd like to see more from the team behind it (including the actors).

Overall a good watch for horror fans who watch all kinds of horror movies and not only the big budget ones.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
Kinda disappointing
3 June 2022
Although Host was a little gem of a movie, this attempt is kinda messy like a bad version of Blair witch project. It was not scary and a bit too much (of everything). I hope the next movie from the director will be much better. I gave it a 7 only because I liked Host very much but it's not worth it. Watch if you like these type of horror movies but don't expect too much.
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The Overnight (2022)
3 June 2022
There are some movies you "watch" while doing your dishes/taking a shower/browsing the internet etc but they still manage to annoy you. This is one of them. Why people bother to make movies with characters that no one gives a damn about? I really wished the main female character died in the first 1minute so we wouldn't have to listen to her annoying screaming all the time. Bad movie. Don't waste your time.
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19 March 2022
I actually started laughing after one point. All the acting is pathetic but the guy who plays the brother wins all. If you wanna see a very bad student film, then this is for you! If you wanna save 2hrs, watch something else.
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Bad*ss Librarians
15 July 2021
I don't really get the hate this movie got, I definitely enjoyed the film. It's really fun to watch, great action scenes, amazing soundtrack, nice acting and great casting for the leads (Carla Gugino always has a way to move me to tears for some reason and Michelle Yeoh's voice always calms me) and to be honest, I didn't care that the bad guys were men and the good ones women. If you don't like strong female leads just avoid watching this film. Simple as that.
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Separation (I) (2021)
Worst babysitter ever!
1 July 2021
Well, the movie is not unique in any way but I really liked the music and the special effects. It has its creepy moments but that's it. If you are a horror fan who watches all movies, you might enjoy it a bit. Acting and directing wasn't bad either. The plot is kinda thin at moments tho.
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Too Late (II) (2021)
Could have been worse (?)
1 July 2021
Well, like all Gravitas Venturas monster horror movies, you don't get to see the monster although "it appears" on screen. But that's not the real issue. The issue is some really terrible acting from Will Weldon (and of some other actors). If you can overcome this, you might enjoy the movie (a little).
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Vicious Fun (2020)
Viciously fun!!!!!
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I LOOOOOOOVED IT! Loved it! Loved it!

Catchy catch phrases, bada*s characters, nice kills, excellent music score, funny, smart, very good acting (mr. Julian Richings creepy as always), fun, fun, fun!!! An excellent horror comedy!

I would love to see Joel vomit on Bob tho before he finally died, but that didn't spoil it for me. Watch until the mid credits to see the mid-credit scene.

I will definitely check out Cody Calahan's other movies (I have only watched The Oak Room which I liked the same).
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Rent-A-Pal (2020)
5 December 2020
Depressing and disturbing slow paced horror movie. If you're a fan of the genre, you HAVE TO watch that film. Very well acted, directed and with a great soundtrack. Now, the horror is more psychological in this film. Give it a chance and you will thank me!
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Nerve breaking!!!
3 December 2020
Another shudder original that really really amazed me this year. Slow paced, nerve breaking horror movie at its best! The acting is wonderful. If you are into slow paced movies, this is really worth your time. Other horror fans might think it's boring.
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Simply brilliant!
2 December 2020
Very interesting and moving horror movie! I very much enjoyed it and I'm gonna watch it again and again for sure. I very beautiful soundtrack and really good acting along with nice directing. It's worth your time and I'm sure it won't let you down.
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2 December 2020
Hands up one of the very best horror movies of 2020! Fantastic cast and acting, brilliant soundtrack, excellent directing, overall superb! I really really hope for a sequel! Shudder, once again, you amazed me! Congrats to everyone who put this movie together!
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Devs (2020)
I guess it was supposed to be boring
17 August 2020
We live in a new golden era of the television and this is for sure. Many new ideas, many new series and they all want to impress us a bit more than the other. Well, Devs, didn't impress me at all. On the contrary. I watched it because of all the hype and I was expecting to watch something decent. Boy, was it a waste of my precious time. The theory behind it is good but the execution was terrible. The main character, lily, is so unsympathetic that you literary don't give a freak about her existence. It could be that the actress is plain untalented. It is painful to hear her voice and even look at her sometimes. Another one of the "problems" is the awful soundtrack. But I guess you can solve this one by muting the whole thing. Overall I hated it and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone (well, probably I'd recommend it to people I hate), but I guess you can check by yourselves.
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You're gonna love the next house...
12 August 2020
Well, I don't know about you, but I surely loved it. All the good elements of a revenge horror film together.
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The Rental (2020)
It deserved a better ending
11 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had many elements I enjoy in horror films. The acting was very decent and the plot enjoyable but I kinda hope we get a second part so we get the answers we deserve. It's a nice watch but don't expect a happy ending.
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Skin Walker (2019)
A mess
9 August 2020
I watched this mess of a film and I don't think I would ever recommend it to anyone. The thing about this movie is that although everything is almost good, the plot is so so so messy that spoils it all. I mean, you're a hero if you make it to the end. And if you make it to the end, like myself, you will realize how stupid you are for not watching literally ANYTHING else. I'm giving it a generous 4 out of 10 only because the acting was good. Don't waste your precious time with this one.
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30 July 2020
I can't agree with all the bad comments on this one. The movie is decent, the acting is good, make up and effects are good as well. There are many issues with the movie (plot-wise) and I can't say it's a gem but it's far from the worst horror movies out there. I would probably watch it again (not soon) and I'd recommend it to anyone who has 90 minutes to spare.
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Driven (I) (2019)
Extremely enjoyable
19 July 2020
I won't lie, I didn't know anything for the movie before I watched it so, I didn't expect something. Boy, it turned out to be a very good one! Very fun, funny, lead actors are so so so so good, plot is interesting and intriguing and also the directing was very good. I was pleasantly surprised and I wish the movie was longer! I would definitely recommend it and I will surely watch it again. Very good work!
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Circle (II) (2015)
Don't think it gets better
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, the plot is somewhat predictable until like 5 minutes before the movie ends and we get a "twist". But not only the twist is not even a big one, they explain nothing whatsoever than....the obvious. If you have 1hr and a half to kill, what's it.
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Don't Let Go (2019)
20 June 2020
I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this film and it really surprised me! The plot, the acting, the directing, the soundtrack, everything about it was amazing. I would definitely watch it again and again.
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We Go On (2016)
Sad and bad.
14 June 2020
The acting from most characters was bad. I mean...really bad. In one scene even one actress can't hold her laughs! I wouldn't recommend it to anyone sadly. And those who are talking about "an indie horror hidden gem" haven't ever watched a true indie horror gem, or, the "gem" is reaaaaaaaaally hidden well in this one.
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Alex Draper is not persuasive enough as a father
9 June 2020
I mean, the movie is ok and the plot quite interesting but although the acting is good, it doesn't really persuade you. It's not a waste of your time but it's not the movie you're gonna remember the next day either.
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End Trip (2018)
Overall enjoyable
5 June 2020
Nice plot, good acting and a good twist. I liked it and would probably watch it again sometime in the future.
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Light as a Feather (2018–2019)
Teenage drama
4 June 2020
It would be better if it was scarier and without all the teenage drama. Maybe better for young audiences.
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Tell Me a Story (2018–2020)
Second season is weak
3 June 2020
First season is easy to watch and keeps you interested almost all the time. The stories are very good. But second season is kinda weak. Specially the story about the bodyguard and the pop star. Not interesting to follow at all.
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