
21 Reviews
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Excellent and artful low budget drama and thriller
22 May 2024
Very good TV movie. Don't listen to the dummies here. Roberts is in it for a few minutes by does great work making him a sympathetic tragic character. The two leads are repulsive but also complex and sympathetic. It's a very shocking film sometimes and suspenseful. Also slow paced and almost verite which would explain why people here hate it. Great location work too. The only thing that sinks it somewhat is that terrible epilogue. Totally needless and it really hurts the movie. Should have ended with Roberts saying "what". But for a lifetime type TV thriller this is far better than expected. Good time waster.
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Only Mine (2019 TV Movie)
Excellent Tv movie - Amber is great
23 April 2024
See that reviews here are the usual idiocy! Amber Midthunder is excellent, with her Aubrey Plaza vibe. The story is tight, the tension real. It's a TV movie, not a blockbuster but for what this is and what it was meant to be its solid. Again, Midthunder is great.the cop is scary. The situation plausible. Film really created the way the character would feel in such a dangerous situation. So helpless. I'm very seen this situation in real life, this is how it happens. I'm glad Midthunder has found game after Prey, she deserves it. And this movie deserves your time just to see a major talent in her growth period.
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I have no idea what this movie is about! And I don't care!
11 April 2024
My favorite of the "series", Lake of Dracula is pure style and mood. It's like a Hammer movie on acid, with lots of the vibe of classic Terrence Fisher filtered through a Japanese sensibility. It's filled with color and crazy visuals and the main vampire - who is not Dracula, but hey, who cares! - is truly chilling. Despite these movies being freely available I still will call this movie underrated and under seen. It doesn't make much sense but if you sit back and just let it ride it's a fantastic gothic horror experience and the main female character is really good, you can't take your eyes off her.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Terrifying and really dark
22 November 2022
Wow. This movie is the ultimate of the ring-ish "curse" movies mainly because of its brilliant lead performance and a deep focus dedication to keeping things dark. There's no jokes in this horror movie and no one gets out unblemished. People keep talking about the jump scares but the darker themes and unforgettable imagery are what really make this memorable and the music is loud and creepy. This felt very euro to me, or at least what a modern euro horror movie might be. Highly recommended new American horror that will give you serious nightmares if you let it! Of course I'm only speaking on how it worked on me personally. You might see it different.
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Dark, weird and what an ending!
31 October 2022
Loving some of these newer Full moon horror movies. The darker trippy stuff like Scream of the Blind Dead and It Knows you're Alone, William Butler's Baby Oopsie movies and the Resonator saga and now this New Puppet Master movie, which is honestly one of the best ones I've seen in years. It's a stand alone slasher movie and you don't have to have seen the others to get into it. This is what fans want not those sex comedies and credit director Dave Parker for delivering a serious and fast paced horror film, with soooooo much blood and an incredible and freaky ending. Watched this on Full Moon Features.
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Neo-noir masterpiece with the best cast
3 September 2022
I loved this moody, tricky and fast moving mystery noir since I saw it in theatrically and it works just as well now. Not one wrong move in it and I don't think Crowe has ever been better as a brute cop who is a defender of women and who wants to be a good man.

Pierce is also amazing, and it's cool to see his and Crowe's characters be enemies who gradually adopt characteristics of each other to mesh together and fight human evil. The music is great, the attention to period flavour is aces. Totally a masterpiece and even though it's well regarded I think it needs Much more serious critical analysis.
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Chinatown (1974)
Perfect film and gets better and better
3 September 2022
No one needs another guy on the internet telling them how perfect this movie is, but it is. No one made movies like Polanski, such personality and vision. A director who took time to explore the sidelines if the story and go deep into psychology and areas of the human mind.

Of course All this is in Towne's script but a lesser director wouldn't have seen that. What a movie. And it doesn't matter how many times you've seen it you can always find something new hidden. Perfect movie and the best cast with Nicholson never hitting the kind of notes he hits here ever again. I do like The Two Jakes as well but again it's a shadow of this. Why? No Polanski.
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Female Werewolf is fascinating
3 September 2022
When it comes to making surreal quasi-femininist indie horror, I'm really fascinated by Alexander's work. This one kind of takes it. Lots of metaphor and lots of signature slow burn weirdness with a story of sexual repression and literally not a man in sight. It's easy to see why lots of people hate this stuff but I'm really into this world that he's made. Someone needs to do a proper analysis of all these films (still have t seen them all but working on it)because there's a theme running through them and sound and visual motifs that happen over and over. Female werewolf is really interesting filmmaking, doesn't matter the budget.
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Body Double (1984)
Almost a great movie!
21 August 2022
There's so much I love about the classic BDP movie but the things I hate always stand out. Chief among them is that horrible porn shoot with Frankie Goes to Hollywood. I get this was the 80s and everyone was obsessed with Rock videos but that but really drags me out of the movie. Also Melanie Griffith is kind of grating In this, like a screwball comedy performer. The first half though is some of the best stuff BDP has ever done so I do like the movie! Just not as perfect as it could have been!
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World War Z (2013)
Terrifying and epic scale pandemic horror!
21 August 2022
Out of all the post-Resodent Evil zombie films (including The Walking Dead, even though it's a TV show), I think my favorite is this one. Sure, it's nothing like Max Brooks' novel but that book would have been unfilmable. Instead this movie is intelligent and action packed and is also a kind of mystery too. It's violent but it is not gory and to me that's refreshing as seeing zombies rip out guys and eat them gets boring. Forster directs the hell out of this too, and it never stops moving. Love it.
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Best of the Python movies!
21 August 2022
Okay, best is maybe incorrect as all of them are hilarious and brilliant but this one is by far my favorite. Rewatched recently and it still holds up. In fact it's even funnier now because there's no way in hell anything like this would be made today. Truly great filmmaking from the best comedy team in history!
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Alexander's bleakest film and that's saying something!
21 August 2022
The most overtly nihilistic of the Alexander films I have seen on Tubi so far. Im told I saw the producers cut and not the original director cut which is only on the Blu-Ray but I can't imagine they're that much different. Imagine a mix up of Dressed to Kill, Neon Demon and The original Rabid on a low budget and you get the mood of this extremely strange and dark movie. And funnily enough, two of the actual library cues from Cronenberg's 1977 Rabid are on the soundtrack. This is typically stylish and female driven Alexander dream horror but this one also breaks into stretches of verite style bleakness that gives Ali achappell (from many other Alexander movies) lots of places to really emote. Extremely gory and really, really weird. I think this has moments of Alexander's best work and is wall to wall style with some unforgettable imagery. But I still prefer Scream of the Blind Dead which also has Thea Munster in it playing another sort of angel of death but is a more fully realized movie. Still, this is Real filmmaking here just maybe too depressing for its own good.
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Carrie (2002 TV Movie)
An adaptation that needs more attention
8 August 2022
Sure it's not Brian DePalma but this TV movie has a lot going for it. Bettis is amazing as a very different version of Carrie White and Clarkson is incredible as her horrible insane mother. The film looks muddy like most shot of video TV stuff of this period but the story movies and the performances elevate it. Lots to like here.
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Count Dracula (1970)
There's a creepy quality to this movie
8 August 2022
Everyone looking for the usual Jess Franco sex horror will be , and has been, let down by this movie. I myself have been kind of meh about it over the years. But a recent late night rewatch put it in a new light. Sure it's slow and a bit static but Franco captures a sense of dread that most Dracula movies can't manage. No wonder Lee said this was his favorite portrayal of the count. Plus that Nicolai music is incredible. Not perfect but it has something strong going for it.
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Romance (1999)
Breillat's Best film
8 August 2022
By today standards Romance isn't that bad. The internet out porns this movie. But when it came out it was super controversial. Now that no one cares about porn, it's easy to see the movie for what it is, a really sensitive and intelligent and hot character study and an essay about what it means to be in love. Make sure you see the uncut X rated version because the sex is important to the message.
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Weird and cool art horror
8 August 2022
I'm digging these little moody groovy horror things Chris Alexander is making for Full Moon. Really unique, rough around the edges lo-fi arthouse movies. This one has some great moments and moods as well as some creepy music. The Jess Franco vibe is strong including the use of some of Daniel White's music and Alexander using a Franco pseudonym to shoot the movie himself. These are the kind of horror movies modern fans hate but are totally up my eurohorror alley.
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Love this one...but it's bad!
10 April 2022
Yeah it's pretty wretched. But so cardboard and charmingly bad that I'm a fan. As cheap, flat and awesome as 60s drive in horror crap gets. And that's a recommendation. It also steals a bunch of scenes from Roger Corman movies which is an added bit of WTF.
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Morbius (2022)
Solid dark action horror!
2 April 2022
Critics are wrong again! Morbius is a great movie,, lots of fun and Leto is fantastic. The Sony marvel movies are always weirder and way more fun than the others. This movie is excellent and exactly what I hoped it would be: fun and creepy. I hope it makes money so there will be a sequel. Only issue is that I wish it was bloodier.
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Another great installment in a worthwhile series
2 April 2022
I'm really impressed by these new Lovecraft movies Full Moon is putting out. Sure they're low budget but the cast is really solid and it has a nice clean look. And the guy playing Herbert West is outstanding. Kinda still don't like the way these are put out in episodes but if you play along they're lots of fun. Looking forward to more.
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Kinski Turkish Horror Giallo!
2 April 2022
The lesser of the two Turkish Sergio Garone movies but it has some great stuff in it and Kinski kicks ass as always. Kudos to Full Moon for digging this one up. It's been hard to find and it looks great on the Full Moon channel. If you're a Kinski fan you'll want to catch this but make sure you see the Full Moon version because it looks like ass in all the bootlegs out there.
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Kind of a masterpiece...kind of!
1 April 2022
Cheap indie movie from Canadian director Chris Alexander that is actually pretty scary when you catch it in the right frame of mind, It feels like the mood of the original The Blind Dead movie and has a really spooky score, some trippy visuals and some interesting subtext and ideas. It's really short and feels kind of like the classic horror movie Carnival of Souls. Not for everyone but its like a bad dream on film. If that's your thing check it out.
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