
11 Reviews
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Expend4bles (2023)
Community Theatre Has More Budget
18 October 2023
Firstly, I'm a huge fan of the first one and moderately the second. But this complete drivel that not only had a woeful budget but the entire thing seems to have been shot on the same tiny sound stage, judging by the entire film seemingly shot in close up.

I'm embarrassed for every actor, especially Garcia, who must owe IRS money to need to "star" in this complete load of horse sh**.

Arnold, Li and Mickey, you blokes dodged a hail of bullets missing this one.

The entire script sounded like it was written by AI after being fed the first 3 scripts and told to dumb it down.

Anyone that rates this more than 3 is either a spambot or under 10yrs old.

I have sacrificed my time so that you don't have to.

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Swarm (2023)
Muddled annoying mess
24 March 2023
This was an annoying muddled mess.

Did not enjoy it all all, except for the episodes that Billie was in.

Half way through the season, I was just watching it in the hope that (a) it would just end or (b) that something interesting would happen.

The development of characters or even the script was so slow that I ended up just fast forwarding parts of it in the hope something would happen.

I felt about as much empathy or interest in the lead character and her performance as I do to belly button lint.

If I ever invent a time machine, the first thing I will do is go back in time and stop myself from watching this.

Sorry Glover, they aren't all going to be gems.
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Colin from Accounts (2022– )
Subtle and hilarious at the same time
13 December 2022
Brilliant and relatable.

Laugh out loud and awkward at times which makes it even funnier.

Colin steals every scene that he's in as well as Brett the Kiwi Barmen. Brett adds a bookend to Gordons manic outbursts.

A refreshing comedy that gives a great insight to modern day dating.

Great mix of characters of situations that don't need to be explained to be funny.

Unlike American comedy's that need laugh tracks to remind the audience when it's time to laugh, this one lets the comedy do all the work.

Subtle use of expletives is also subtle and timed to perfection.

There is a mother / daughter dynamic that everyone can either relate to or know of. Helen Thomson as mum, Lynelle, needs special mention as she also steals all of her scenes.

Now that I think of it, everyone seems to steal their scenes.

Can't wait for for the next episode!
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Simple. Clever. Funny.
11 July 2022
A wonderful simple film about friendship, acceptance, and not being afraid to be original.

Hilarious banter that puts a smile on your dial.

Characters that are endearing, who don't try and oversell the situation.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Watched 20min then fast forward the rest
23 June 2022
Elsa went and made a movie that was woeful and Chris goes, "hold my beer".

Pretty sure Chris just repurposed the same 3 rooms to shoot the movies in.

The script dialogue was just terrible in parts. Gems like "Pressure makes diamonds", delivered in a way as if the world is just hearing it for the first time ever.

I embarrassed for Chris and more for Miles.

This "movie" just cements the rationale that Chris is just muscles and a cape. He aint no Hugh Jackman.

Do yourself a favour and avoid this like the inlaws.
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Influences of the weak
6 April 2021
Anyone that takes this show seriously and or is actually influenced by these blown up plastic nightmares needs to seriously consider continuing being part of the gene pool.
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I'm in love with the DC Universe all over again
20 March 2021
You know a movie is something special when you sit through a 4hr film, yet it feels like 2hrs and you still don't want it to end. Its mind bending to witness the genius of Zack Snyder in taking a film that I never wanted to watch again (and I loved the DC Universe) and make it gritty and brilliant and everything that I so wished for when the original was released. I guarantee that every actor involved is over the moon at this cut. Bravo Mr. Snyder. Bravo
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Cherry (I) (2021)
Wishing for the lead character to just die
17 March 2021
A film that was an hour longer than needed. A lead character that the more screen time he had, the less and less pity I felt for him. To the point that in the end I just wanted hi to hurry up and die because there was absolutely nothing redeemable about him. And an ending that was completely unbelievable that she would've gotten herself clean after waking up alone and needing another hit. This is the type of film where you end up hating it before it even finishes but you have to finish it because you think that there must be some sort of ending that warrants 2:20hrs of screen time. Avoid this film like COVID.
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A very big smile on my dial!
13 August 2020
What can you say that hasnt already been said? An awesome and very satisfying end to a show that I've honestly enjoyed over its entire run. I tip my hat to the entire cast and crew. From a fan Down Under to all the other fans, I'm sure you'd all agree its been one hell of a fun ride these last 7 seasons. Bravo Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D p.s. Who knew that Coulson would end up being the funniest and my fave character lol. Cheers and looking forward to the spin-off shows (pretty please lol).
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Binge if you can
18 June 2020
As a rational bloke, that watch's a lot of decent shows, this was a stellar performance by all that runs deeper then peeps realise. The underlying message that makes us all relate to it, seems obvious but really isnt. The seemingly mish mash actually makes complete sense when it all comes together. I honestly loved it and have already recommended it to all mates.
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How to Stay Married (2018–2021)
Harmless fun
11 June 2020
Theres really nothing wrong with this harmless show that has some laughs but at least doesnt have any ott swearing or drama's or explosions etc. Everyone would know people in their lives that are similar to the characters in this show. I watch a ton of different shows and just find this refreshing in its simplicity and that its Australian. There isnt enough new Australian comedies out there atm.
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