
19 Reviews
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Neerja (2016)
9 June 2021
The movie is really nice but the only thing which I didn't like was the last scene on the flight. From the beginning itself, we can predict that what will happen to our protagonist in the end. But the movie is not a suspense thriller. It is emotional and thriller at the same time. The movie is well directed and nothing unnecessary happens in the movie. But Neerja's last seen just feels disappointing. And I have cut the stars for that single scene only.

But except for that movie is worth watching.
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Barayan (2018)
Failed Attempt
4 June 2021
The movie has a nice message but the script does not dive deep. It is trying to give a great message but failing mostly at every point. The script is just widespreads covering all it can. The first half feels very wide and not a single aspect is focused. It confuses the viewer on what to focus on. But in the next half, we discover what the director was trying by saying all that stuff.

The movie is not focused on one point. The title is very misleading. By title, it feels it is a story of a guy in 12th. But the first half was totally about his parents. The main character barely appeared on the screen. And the second half is about the main character but not about his 12th, it is about his engineering. The better title could have been 'Expected Dream' or something. But showing direct 12th in the title is totally not justice to the story. Direction feels very week. When needed, closeups are avoided for some reason. The character is in blocked space in some scenes for some reason. And many times camera work didn't stand with the story.

But the set is very beautiful. It feels like a real house. All the frames were wonderfully designed. But the story is shallow so quite disappointing.
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29 April 2021
Brilliant. And no here I am not talking about Ramanujan but I am talking about the lead actor Dev Patel who portrayed s. Ramanujan. He has done an exceptional job and that's why I have one extra star. The movie has got a really wonderful budget and that's why the makers didn't do any compensation with the screenplay. They have put their 100 percent to make this movie a masterpiece. It was really shocking to see so such a low box office collection for such a wonderful movie.

The first half or I would say the first quarter was a little lengthy. But once when all the characters were established properly, the movie took a high jump and went brilliantly in the second half.

The movie prominently highlights the issue of racism.

Historical movies always make me feel good that how far we have come. Many brilliant minds died at a young age due to a lack of medical facilities. And in some aspects, the world is definitely a better place now.

I will recommend everyone to watch this movie as it will introduce the life of some of the brilliant minds.
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Trapped (XVII) (2016)
26 April 2021
The movie is one of its kind. I have never seen such a movie. I have heard about some survival fit movies in Hollywood but felt that they would be boring so I never watched them but this movie has changed my thinking about all these types of movies. The movie is just fantastic. The acting is awesome camera work is awesome. The movie has very few dialogues and songs. But marvelous acting and BGM speaks very loud.

The movie has a very unique and non-commercial topic as compared to a normal Bollywood movie. A guy is trapped in the flat and now he is struggling for survival. His attempts make this movie very beautiful. What man can do when it comes to life is what you will see in this movie.

The movie has very pale color grading which makes the scenes very dry which is the of the movie so Kudos to the editor.

The movie carries a great message. How relations are important in life. He lived with 4-5 guys and still, no one even cared about where he is. He had a girlfriend and many colleagues at the office but still, no one tried to find him is very heartful.

The last scene of the movie is very impressive. They showed the reflection of Mumbai in a glass with the balcony grill as a barrier. The city is so vast and crowded and yet everyone is trapped in his life. No one has time to look for others.

No one is going to help you in the hustle of life so do whatever you want to survive. Our hero has done a very heroic job and at the end, he too is lost in the crowd as we see him going to the office and seating with others just like a normal guy. Now one really cares about your journey but believes in the end result and he was just an employee at the end so everyone ignored him.

The movie has so much to say with very few dialogues is what I liked the most so I will recommend everyone to watch the movie. Though there are some swears I think messages in the movie are useful for kids as well so I think they can watch the movie as well.
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Pink (III) (2016)
Bitter but Fabulous
23 April 2021
The movie is about a girl who faces a sexual tragedy and wants justice. But the person who did this to her is very powerful. And to save her Amitabh Bachchan has come as a lawyer.

The movie has probably the best cast it could have got. Everyone did fabulous acting. It feels so real when Minal (Taapsee) and Falak (Kirti) are getting prosecuted. The movie feels like it is very very well researched. I haven't cross-checked the laws and facts in the movie but the way they come in the movie, I think they should be real. The villain is well developed and feels very cruel. You will literally want to slap him because of their ultra max level cruelty. Casting for dumpy is very very perfect. He looks very simple sober but the kind of stuff he does makes him very cruel. And because of his simple look but extremely cheap mentality you can't stop hating him even after the movie ends. And I think that's the success of the whole team.

But the only thing I didn't like about the movie is the little boring first half. After some time you can figure it out that the whole second half will be in court and we will get to see a very dreadful fight between two groups. And that becomes the only reason you will stick to your screen to see that court fight. The first half is just character setting and development and building of suspense. But it still somehow feels lengthy.

But the topic of the movie is very serious and eye-opening. I will recommend watching this movie to everyone. As girls might get empowered and boys might get an idea about how their perception of someone in their mind can be creepy sometimes. So be clear.

We live in a good society and villain does not likely represent any of us or especially boys. He is just an exaggerated form of us. He just executed the plan and we don't. But the way he feels about women is what we (everyone including men and women) all feel when we see women with certain clothing styles. And the movie tries to highlight this issue by not making it just a fight for justice.

I personally feel we should not judge someone by their look but I judge people all the time and I realized it after watching n this movie. It doesn't mean I will stop judging suddenly but it might change me a little. And that's why I will recommend you to watch this movie.
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Badhaai Ho (2018)
Nice Movie
23 April 2021
Movies topic was really unique but the movie's plot is too short. The problem face by the family who is going to have a baby at odd age is the theme. But the movie is completely character-driven and hence becomes a little boring in the first half. Indeed it is a comedy but it feels some scenes are stretched a little. For the savage reply, some dialogues became very creepy but it is fine as long as the movie is engaging you.

The ending is predictable as it is told in the very begging that what will happen but trouble which is the cost to the family is generating humor from time to time and I think that's the reason you should watch this movie.
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Dream Girl (III) (2019)
Nice Concept
22 April 2021
The movie has a really nice story and a really appealing theme for today's generation, but the climax didn't make up to expectations. In the end, I didn't expect that a speech will be the solution to all that happened and that's why I gave 7. Nevertheless, dialogues and some scenes in the second half are very funny and chaotic.

So I will say you can give this movie a shot.
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Malaal (2019)
Too lengthy
22 April 2021
The movie opens on a cricket field with a political angle. You expect a story with a political climax. In fact, in the first half, there are some scenes where you will get a rough idea about the climax. But till the climax story writer completely forgot about the plot point they created. At one point I felt it's almost 2 hours and now the climax will come but I was only one hour into the movie. The movie felt too long.

Cinematography is also great but it's really confusing. They used lights in such a manner that it felt really visually satisfying. But here it confused us to that level that it becomes impossible to know whether it's night or day.

Acting is not that good. And the story itself is flying from one dead-end to other so I won't recommend watching this movie.
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Newton (2017)
Nice Concept
21 April 2021
The movie's plot is very sensitive and interesting. I still don't know whether it is a real story or not as I never thought about how they conduct elections in the Naxalite area. So for those who live in cities or a good place you might get to taste another part of our society.

The movie is very artistic and some scenes are directed in a very artistic way and that's the reason it becomes a little boring and uneasy to understand for a normal viewer. For example in almost all the scenes except for the subject everything is blurred in the background. It gives a very distinct look to video but as it is an artistic film they must have done it on purpose which remained a mystery for me.

Newtons charecter is very diffrent. He is very annoying but at the same time very relatable. We want to change society but we work on society rules and not on the actual rule but here newton is different, he works on actual rules. He is pretty much like Sheldon from Big bang theory but is unique and different in his own way.

Overall movie is a one-time watch and has a unique topic but I didn't felt it was a theater watch.
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AA BB KK (2018)
Poor Story
21 April 2021
The main plot of the movie is very poor and technically speaking movie has no climactic point. The highest point where everything could have concluded came after 1 hour but they want to make it a feature film so they extended the second half. Still, it had no highest point and they wanted someone big actor so they pulled Sunil Shetty as a kidnapper in the movie.

The second half is bad doesn't mean the first half is good. The first half is bad as well. Many things in movies don't make sense and are completely unnecessary. Unnecessary non-marathi dialogues or non-marathi accent is used which is also pretty annoying.

The only good thing about the movie is the lead guy 'Hari's' acting. That boy is very young and yet did fantastic acting and that's why I have given two stars. But the story is very very poor so the movie is not even a one-time watch. I think the movie got a way bigger budget than its story demanded so they did videography well.

So I will say don't watch the movie unless you have very specific reasons.
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20 April 2021
The concept of the movie is very simple and the director and scriptwriters still manage to make it a beautiful movie. There are too many characters still each one of them is developed properly. I initially thought this movie is just a creepy bad kid movie but after watching 'chhichore' I found out the director of this movie is the same as that so I watched it and I am pretty much satisfied.

The movie is exaggerated at some point but you will get emotionally connected to the movie so much that you will ignore that part. The movie has some really funny scenes. Only in the initially 15 minutes background music is too poor. After 15 minutes movie's story took over so I completely ignored background music.

The last scene is predictable till the director manages to make it very emotional. The ending was predictable till hustle will keep you on a hook that how those kids are going to manage this.

Some of the child actors have done a marvelous job. They look like they are actually friends and not they are acting that they are friends. The movie pretty much looks like a low-budget film but carries a good story. So overall movie is nice and definitely better than a one-time watch.
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Chhapaak (2020)
Not as expected
16 April 2021
I felt Malti's story is very inspiring and the movie will make it even interesting but the movie did not do any justice to her story. Both lead actors have done a fabulous job. Kudos to make-up artists. But the charm is still missing as the screenplay is poor.

The movie has really week scenes. They are very short and ain't build well. It feels like a bunch of short stories is been presented to you. And that's the only weakness of the movie. But facts represented in the movie are absolutely heartbreaking.

One dialogue in the movie is very much true which became true for the movie itself. The dialogue translates to 'we have to fear government'. And as we all know movie got very much affected because of Deepika Padukone's one wrong move against the government. I actually thought before watching the movie that I will add one extra star as compensation from my side for the movie but I felt the movie could have done better so I skipped that idea.

The overall story is inspiring as it is based on real-life events and you can watch it once but be ready to get little disappointed.
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Boring Concept
13 April 2021
The concept of the movie was pretty boring. The protagonist of the movie is a boy seeking attention and sympathy as he doesn't know English and against him, a really modern girl with terrible family background.

Logic is missing from many plot points of the movie. How can a girl with so modern background have so pathetic family especially a pathetic mother like that? How her dad is so successful And rich when he is spending all his time beating his wife. What the movie is trying to say exactly is that those who have money are just pretending with high-class clothes and have really dark things going on in the family which seems impossible, at least for characters in this movie, it seems impossible. Simply Riya's richness could have brought down or they could have shown her from the middle-class family in the movie would have made total sense but the things don't go with her character when she is extremely rich.

Vikrant Massey and Shraddha Kapoor are as usual have done a fabulous job. But the story is very wide so even their performance is not able to lift the movie up. So movie according to me was a one-time watch.
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Chhalaang (2020)
One time watch
10 April 2021
Movies first half is really comic and fun. You cant stop laughing at some scenes as they are really very funny. But then comes the second half. The movie is unique in its own way but still is pretty disappointing. Whenever there will be basketball in Indian cinema, no one cant forget the climax of the movie 'Chhichore'. To save the movie from this crisis, they didn't keep basketball in the climax, but the movie becomes kinda predictable at last.

The movie is a little bit 'tare Zameen per' little bit 'chhichore' and a Bollywood love story. The good part of the movie is no unnecessary songs in between the story and really nice acting by the lead cast. But the bad part is the movie has so many characters so they simply chose no character development at all for many characters. They in fact neglected the character development of characters who were going to play well in the climax. The villain is unreasonable as well.

The first half is a nice and sweet love story and the second half is completely different. Some things don't make any sense but still, for its comic reason, I will say it's one time watch.
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Week representation
10 April 2021
The movie starts really well but falls off track after some time. The movie wants to highlight really big and nice issues of our system but fails to do so. The story is completely different but unnecessary issues are talked about in unrelated situations which don't make sense. The title didn't go with the movie storyline as well. The good aspect of the movie is everyone did good acting but the bad thing is its story base. One time watch or you can skip watching it all.
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Malang (2020)
One time watch
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The concept of the movie is not new. The love of the protagonist is killed by bad guys and he is taking revenge. But the story isn't that good. Representation is good and suspense remains till the climax but there are some things that don't make any sense at all.

The protagonist wants to live a free life just like all of us but we don't live like him as we don't have money. So when you see someone who is living your dream life, the first question which came to my mind and I am sure everyone must have wondered, how he is funding him self. It is the most fundamental question which is not answered in the movie. And later point it is shown how it can be terrible at some stage if you live like him. We don't know how to live like him then why are filmmakers telling us not to live like him. And this is the thing which irritated me most in the first half.

The second half has many flaws as well. The villains' character is not well developed. So the story doesn't make sense until he justifies himself. Movie at one point will bor you like hell but you might watch it if you are eager for closure just like me to know-how atre all characters connected.

To make the story unpredictable, they added a plot twist in the end which also doesn't make any sense. The main plot point of the movie itself feels like it is a MacGuffin. It has many plot holes and dead ends like how Anil Kapoor who was very high understood a stupid detail like 'happy solstice' or why Anil Kapoor didn't arrest the protagonist when he was literally standing in front of him or where is money coming from for the high-class lifestyle of protagonist why the protagonist has surrendered instead he could have easily killed the villain some other time. And why cops closed the case when they found out that the third murder is not done by the protagonist and why they concluded that the case has not sufficient clues.

You can watch it once in 1.5x. But you might get bored if you start to find logic in everything.
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NIce movie but could have done better
3 April 2021
The movie is really nice, the way they told the story is also very nice. But sometimes the movie is pulled back by lack of experience in the crew. Being an Indian animated movie, we can ignore that. The movie has many plot points missing from the actual Mahabharata, Movie assumes you know that plot points. But they should have told those as it feels incomplete. The movie is about 90 minutes long. So they had time to cover all the missing points and increasing the movie length by 10-20 minutes. But I didn't understand why they chose to avoid some important parts. Nevertheless, voice artists have done fantastic jobs and animators also put effort to make it look beautiful. Dialogues are also well crafted.

I read a book about Mahabharata days ago and I didn't remember it perfectly but I remembered some points and they were changed in this movie. Which confused me. So those who haven't read Mahabharata in detail might get good first-hand experience, but if you have read any other version, the movie might confuse you and take your attention away from the main plot. I am not against the changes they made to make it reach from book to video form, they need to adjust some parts, but the movie is very less explained so it disturbs you as you try to feel the Mahabharata you know in the places where the movie isn't focused which create confusion.

There are many versions of Mahabharata which has very little change in them. I don't know which version is followed in this movie but in India, in different states, we read and hear different versions. So if you are making a movie for the Indian audience, you need to tell everything in detail as people will find it confusing if something is missing in the movie but a plot point related to that is used somewhere at a later point.

And that's the only complaint oi have. Nevertheless, you can watch the movie if you are an Indian mythology fan.
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Mi Pan Sachin (2019)
Poor Story
3 April 2021
The story has no potential, so even if they would have tried hard, it wouldn't have performed well. The last message which appears just before the credits of the movie 'believe in your dreams, because they do come true' is really good. Director tried to give that message but failed significantly, I think that's the reason they typed the message so there is no confusion. The songs are nice but the background music is very poor. They used extremely beautiful 'wolf and the moon' as a BGM in some scenes but the scene has no potential so it doesn't deserve that peach. Sometimes BGM is so poor that you will feel like you are not watching any movie but watching a low-budget Indian TV serial.

Color grading is very poor. They simply shouldn't have graded the scene instead of grading and making it look fake. Editor sometimes got over creative and sometimes did a very poor job. The first half of the movie is 'Lagaan' fast-forwarded and in the second half characters are slightly molded so that they can start the movie 'Dangal'. But they wanted to do something different so added a small plot twist which doesn't make any sense, but it is there for some reason. And then again they continued the movie 'Dangal'.

Characters are not at all developed. They are reacting to the situation in such a way that the music director can play one of his poorly designed over-dramatic music. It feels like the scriptwriters kept in mind that overdramatic music will play in the background so no need to make scenes exciting. Characters have no want. Sometimes they overreact to make it dramatic, sometimes they react completely out of character.

The cameraman too did a bad job. He is using TikTok effects to add swag. Movie and youtube/TikTok videography has different camera movements and putting unnecessary swag in a movie looks bad. Acting performance is not good either. But the story itself was flying from one dead end to another, so it just makes everyone's efforts look bad.

The story is about one guy who wants to be a cricketer and thus begins the movie 'Lagaan', but he was not able to because of some unnatural reason. So now he wants his son to become a cricketer and thus begins the movie 'Dangal'. That's all is the story. They could have shown our heroes struggle to become cricketer, but he already is champion and played the 'Lagaan'. His cricket career didn't destroy because he made any mistake but some evil person did some mischief with him which not at all make sense, as the villain is also not developed, so it is unclear what he exactly wants. The movie's last printed message is beautiful but how it justifies the story is unclear. Father saw a dream, and he was not able to make it, so now he saw another dream and which his daughter will fulfill. So neither title goes with the story, nor the last message.

In conclusion, I don't think this movie is worth watching. But if you are a fan of Swapnil or recap those two movies or want some little bit of over-dram, you can watch it.
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Nice concept and perfect ending
3 April 2021
The movie opens in the village and happy surroundings but ends at a very interesting point. The concept was nice but the only problem with the movie was it was poorly edited. Before climax, one might feel what's happening and feel that some characters are overreacting, but soon you will realize injustice and a tragic story is a theme of the movie. Movies first half consists of only showing the characters' daily routine. There are only two three characters and taking 30 minutes to show their daily routine is a bit too long. They could have easily reduced movie-length by at least 15 minutes. But I think the makers of this film wanted to make a full-length movie and realized there is a very short concept so they just extended the first half. As the movie's first half is poorly edited, it feels a little boring as no one can see only the characters' daily routine for so long in a movie. They could have made a short film on it which definitely would have been wonderful, but they just deviated from the main concept a lot to make it a full-length movie. Some dialogues are unnecessary and some are poorly written. To be honest there were many flaws script. They tried to show the sad reality of society with some incorrectly placed dialogues. Indeed it is the reality of society, but you cant show it in any movie at any place because it didn't go with the mood of the scene. For example, in the middle, one dialogue related to Gandhiji is there. It feels completely unnecessary therein that scene, but at the end of the movie, you will realize it did go with the theme of the movie. So one big mistake of the writers was he took a very long time to start the main concept, which confused the viewer or me and I just started to think that what this movie is exactly all about. Giving viewers time to think about what will happen ruins the movie climax. Indeed I didn't guess at all that this will happen in the climax because before the climax movie was filled with many unnecessary elements but it doesn't mean the movie is unpredictable as the climax felt like it was a completely new plot point introduced in the movie at the end. The whole concept takes place after the interval only so they should have made the first half building block for the second half.

But my respect for the movie jumped extremely high when the last scene came. It was very beautiful, very touching, and very thoughtful. The note flies and carries all the anger of the buddhi with it. It gives a good message to kick out the good-looking & pleasurable things which creates problems for you. The note was an analogy for a friend who is influencing you in a bad way or your bad habits which you think is cool.

So "once you realize it is not meant for you, just throw it away, even if means a lot to you" was the film's message. So overall, I will say it is a one-time watch movie. Hoping to see more work from writers and director but properly edited.
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