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Memento (2000)
One of the most thought provoking movies of all time
17 December 2022
I came into this movie, expecting a pretty normal thriller, I had heard the premise, I knew that he tattooed words on his body to remember things about his wife's murder. And that idea alone is fascinating, but I could never have imagined how deep is the movie goes into the psychosis of the main character and the surrounding world, from the first couple minutes of the movie, we are presented a main suspect, in our mind. It can't be anyone else, but him, and within the first couple minutes of the movie he is killed by the main character. This threw me off big time when I first started watching the movie, I thought it was weird. They would kill off the most integral character to the plot in the beginning of the movie. That being said this movie slowly unravels itself, and scene after scene goes further back in time, and slowly opens up many more suspects, maybe even the main character himself killed his wife, the layers of this movie blow my mind. So much deception, false promises, lying, ulterior motives, people pretending to be people they aren't.and this movie, and it's confusing antics never stop at any point in this movie, for some, it is overwhelming, and frankly it is, but another thing about this movie is it reward you for paying attention, if you pay attention there will be hundreds of references to earlier sequences in the movie, personally I could go on forever about the theories of this movie, because this movie ends with no definitive answer or conclusion. Personally, my interpretation of the ending is that he was a crazy person who drove his wife away and because of this he formed this story in his mind that someone killed his wife, and he dedicated his entire life to solving this mystery that he put in his head, I could go on forever by this movie, because simply thinking about this movie after seeing it is tripping me out, there are well over 30 theories that I have about the ending of this movie and ultimately the vagueness and mystery makes this movie what it is......
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Up (2009)
What an absolutely magnificent film
28 October 2022
Revisited this movie for the first time in a long time since I was a little kid and this movie is so much more powerful then I remember.i liked it when I was young because it's a funny movie but know I love it cause it's one of the most painfully beautiful movies I've ever seen,the crazy thing about this movie is to is how much we care about Elle and carls relationship,but there relationship is only for a couple minutes and yet it's the heart and soul of this film,Pixar makes us become so invested in the dreams of a couple we (the audience)only knew for a couple minutes so much so I was on the verge of tears the whole movie,and that's amazing story telling.also I love how Carl goes from this jaded old man living for only thing ,fulfilling his promise to Elle....but slowly overtime he goes from hating everything to loving everything and being a positive person by the end of the movie.this movie is a masterpiece plain and simple,this movie says so little....but says so much.
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This movie has no right being this enjoyable
14 February 2022
Is it the greatest movie ever?absolutely not but it's very fun ,the setting of this movie is honestly the best parts of this movie .the fact this movie more or less takes place in one place gives the movie a very homey vibe,when the main characters are sitting and talking it feels like your sitting there talking with them,the characters are honestly great as well,both characters are incredibly sarcastic and manipulative of each other and both characters are incredibly likeable. I strongly recommend this movie.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
This needed to be said
12 October 2021
If your offended by anything in have proved his point,this special I think will be looked at for decades as a time capsule, explaining how easily offended everyone is in 2021 ,this is more then comedy this is Dave chappelle expressing his opinion while being very very funny,and if you ask me that is the best kind of comedy.
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Love, Death & Robots: Zima Blue (2019)
Season 1, Episode 14
Absolutely breathtaking
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching this show I had seen stills from this episode,I became absolutely obsessed with the art style and character designs, I was really hoping this episode would be as good as I hoped it would be.little did I know it would be better....the animation is truly some of the best I've ever seen,if you ask me in terms of animation quality and style akira,spider man into the spider verse,and cowboy bebop are the greatest pieces of animation of all time,this episode is the newest entry on that list...,every thing About this episode blew me away, from the character of Zima and his fascinating backstory and how he gradually became more more human, how he was never happy with his success as a painter,and how he was able to finally be at The most fascinating elements of this Episode was the very idea of painting the stars, such a inseam and out their idea it was incredibly fascinating And fun to watch,please for your sake, watch this won't be disappointed.
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A truly special show
24 April 2021
Few shows tap into the animation of people as much as this show,is every episode great?no I'd say ,but ever single episode is unique it's in own right and Is a fresh new idea .this show takes a cliché Idea or premise and changes it in. Big way too make its own original story,for example sonnies edge cyberpunk fighting matches aren't particularly unique,megalobox did that before this but this show episode is so special simply because of the variations of the people and objects in it, for instance the monsters they they fight with, both monsters have their own specialties and areas of expertise , that element of the monsters makes them infinitely more interesting than just a vessel for main character, and the over arcing plot in this episode is extremely fascinating and is in and of itself is very intriguing story, throw monsters beating each other to death, and it is just amazing,every episode is like that,something cliché done in the least cliché way possible, in other words it has its own spin on the formula,and this show has some of most breathtaking animation and animation styles in animation,The realism in Shapeshifter's is nothing short of breath, and the animation style in sims blue is perfection, this show takes a very different approach to very cliché ideas and inserts its own concepts with him, I strongly recommend this show.
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Love, Death & Robots: Sonnie's Edge (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Jaw dropping
23 April 2021
Absolutely amazing animation,engaging story,incredible fight choreography, just all-around an amazing episode.
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Love, Death & Robots: Three Robots (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Hilarious and brilliant
23 April 2021
This episode is incredibly funny, the chemistry behind all the voice actors is honestly really funny to watch, and I also thought them looking back at human things such as an Xbox or a burger was pretty cool.
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Had in tears near the end
17 April 2021
This documentary really moved me ,as someone who has always appreciated the art of video games and work that goes into them but never really been into them,something about god of war caught my eye,I don't own a PlayStation so I can't even play this game,but simply because of how much i love the idea of this game. I decided too check out this documentary on the game,and I was In tears,too see the development team fall from grace and doubt themselves troughout the entire process,too being one of the highest rated and most celebrated games in history was incredibly moving,you get to learn about these people over the two hours and you see the constant struggle and this documentary does an outstanding job of humanizing developers,not just of video games but films,tv shows,books,etc.a lot of people see the people who put the time and effort into creating a product as nothing more then that....they are seen as someone who creates a product,not necessarily as human beings with struggles,this movie humanized them and it was incredible too see the payoff.
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Network (1976)
Jaw dropping
11 April 2021
I went into this movie now knowing exactly what to expect,I knew it would have a lot of commentary on real world issues and problems the world faces,but I had no idea how in-depth this movie would be,this is without a doubt the most timeless movie ever made,and it makes me sad to say that,but every topic covered in this movie is equally as current as it was when it came out,first i wanna say this movie reminded me a lot of a film like taxi driver or joker,first I gotta say this film executed its themes and ideas flawlessly ,the idea that the world is just one big corporation....the idea that the viewers are being brainwashed into the thinking what they are seeing is real,one of the most brilliant quotes from this movie is "Television is not the truth! Television is a God-damned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, side-show freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business! So if you want the truth... Go to God! Go to your gurus! Go to yourselves! Because that's the only place you're ever going to find any real truth."The way this movie balances satire with real-world commentary is honestly worthy of applause, the acting is fantastic in many scenes, this is among one of the most intriguing, disturbing, hard to watch, funny, and brilliant movies ever made.
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Greenland (2020)
Good,but has lots of problems
17 March 2021
Let me just say the best part of this movie is the feeling of constant danger , and the characters are in general strong,but the thing that brings this movie down is the pacing issues ,sometimes no real development will happen for over 10 minutes,there are also some moments that make no sense ,but overall it's solid,but it takes a while to get too the interesting stuff
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Whiplash (2014)
One of the smartest movies I've ever seen
1 March 2021
This movie absolutely left me in shock,my favorite part of this movie is the mind game between fletcher and Andrew,them constantly sabotaging one another,trying to make the other look bad, how they both are out to get one another when there both in the same room,absolutely fantastic and frankly is a once in a life time experience when it comes to witnessing a movie as smart as this,next is the acting,probably the most widely praised part of the film,but it can't be understated how brilliant everyone in this film is,ik Simmons and miles frankly give two of the best performances I've ever seen,next I wanna talk about the characters,another incredibly strong element of this film,I've talked about the mind games but this film goes deeper then that,it explores fletchers obsession with absolutely nothing but perfection and how that mindset starts to be a big part of Andrews personality due to being around flitch,Andrew starts the film as this pretty nice and normal teenager,and ends up a egotistical near physcopath who's willing to do anything for success,next the music,don't got much to say other then it's absolutely amazing,and one final point near the end of the film,I was very curious/worried how they would handle the climax,and omg it was the most spine chilling climax I've ever seen,please for your own sake watch this movie,especially if your a music lover like me.
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I don't understand the low reviews
27 February 2021
This episode blew me away,the strongest element of this episode is no doubt the physiological parts of it with barbara,a washed up film actress from the 30's who's done nothing but reminisce and dream of of her early life for 20 years while her mind slowly deteriorates Away,too the point she doesn't recognize old colleagues ,she doesn't remember who's dead or who isn't,what year it is,this episode was incredibly powerful to me,cause the main character genuinely felt like a shell of a human being stuck in a cycle she can't get out of ,absolutely great episode
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Attack on Titan: A Sound Argument (2021)
Season 4, Episode 10
Stop rating before it's even out....
14 February 2021
Seriously it's extremely stupid,and frankly it's very weird
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Zootopia (2016)
"The world has always been broken"
11 February 2021
I gotta say this movie is a very nice chance of pace from the typical Disney movie,so much so it doesn't really even feel like a Disney movie,this movie is overall really really good,the premise and world of zootopia is frankly mesmerizing,most of the characters I think are very unique and likeable and ad a lot to the world prime example being the clawhauser character,he is one of the characters that makes this movie great , but easily the two things this movie does best is 1:the world building,everything in this movie has its own ecosystem (literally)two god examples of that is when Nick was able to guess were Judy was from and her background simply cause of her attitude,this not only makes the world more flushed out,it also makes the world and city feel like a real place instead of simply a vessel for the movie to take place in ,another good example is when duke weaselton and nick knew each other from this worlds equivalent of drug dealing,with again makes the world more real, and the second strong suit of the film is Judy and nick's chemistry,they just work together very well and there little inside jokes are all a blast to witness,overall a great movie
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Cowboy Bebop: Pierrot le Fou (1999)
Season 1, Episode 20
Very very deep
6 February 2021
The stand out of this episode was the villain no question ,I love how in the beginning of the episode you see him as this heartless killing machine and slowly over time you see his very tortured history,and you come to realize he is simply a product of the way his life turned out,I love the fear of cats he has ,it makes it seem more like he's a genuinely traumatized person as opposed to just a man with superpowers,absolutely great animation,characters and an fantastic villain,perfect episode
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hinokami (2019)
Season 1, Episode 19
Lived up too the hype
29 January 2021
After all nezuko and tanjiro have been trough up too this point,this episode was not only a fantastic pay off to both tanjiro's training and backstory ,it was an incredibly emotional episode,I was engaged the entire time,it honestly felt like 8 minutes not 20,not to mention this episode is ridiculously badass
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a emotional flashback episode that actually works in an anime????
29 January 2021
This show continues to blow me away with its characters,most anime characters who are made out to be pathetic or annoying when they first join our main hero but grow overtime into something incredible typically don't work for me,but zenitsu is one that does,when he first joined the cast i was worried he would just be a comedic relief character who also would need to get his ass saved by tanjiro,and for a little it was like that,but the last couple episodes have REALLY given zenitu a fantastic character change,and the biggest reason this episode works is cause I CARE ABOUT THE CHARACTER,almost every anime thinks it can get away with just dumping sad information on a hateable character on the watcher and they expect us to care,here it works,because over the episodes you see his passionate and strong and motivated personality shine trough,you also learn he only wants to be loved and to please people,whether its protecting nezu,helping tanjiro fight demons , making his grandpa proud,you see his character change over time and the pay off is absolutely worth it,the reason it works is not because they try to make us care,by given us sad childhood information about the character........we care.....because he cares.......
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Absolutely amazing fight scene
27 January 2021
Another awesome episode,with more character building moments
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26 January 2021
Wow this an absolutely fantastic episode,and Frankly this episode perfectly encapsulates why this show is absolutely amazing,the camaraderie zenitsu between tanjiro is absolutely heartwarming and great to watch,the demons in this episode especially, were fantastic,kyogai was honestly a fantastic character even though he's just a demon ,the moment of appreciation tanjiro and respect kyogai had after there fight nearly made me cry,nezuko is a blast obviously,the fighting animation and just the animation when it's calm is absolutely jaw dropping,also inosuke is a super badass new character,this is my favorite episode of the series so far
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Hasn't aged well,but still is a blast
24 January 2021
This movie has not aged well at all lol,especially the camera quality,the acting.......isn't great....there's also a LOT of conveniences to the point of being hilarious,the feeling of the movie is straight out of the 2000's and late 90's ,that being said I still have a lot of fun with this movie,the soundtrack,the world,the characters,mythology,all of it is to iconic and for me nostalgic it's Impossible to not to have a good time,there some extremely dumb moments, but if you can just have fun with this movie instead of being overly critical,I'd say it's a good time .
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this show is amzing so far
23 January 2021
Another amzing episode that leaves you rooting and caring for tanjiro
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Another good episode
23 January 2021
I'm REALLY starting to love tanjiro's character,hes sympathetic,he's able to defend himself,he is a badass,the music of this episode was fantastic as well,nezuko is also a fantastic character,very similar personality,puts others above herself,and there sibling relationship is pretty beautiful and fun to watch
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Cruelty (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Already interested
23 January 2021
An absolutely great first episode,that is extremely heartbreaking at some points,typically I'm very picky about liking an anime protagonist or not,and so far I absolutely love tanjiro's character,he actually cares about others above himself,and most anime protagonists aren't like that,he is and I love it,the animation is pretty awesome as well,I'm excited to see were this goes
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BoJack Horseman: Head in the Clouds (2018)
Season 5, Episode 10
16 January 2021
Those last ten minutes of this episode are all the reasons Im obsessed with this show,the writhing,the commentary of real word,the voice acting,all ABSOLUTELY incredible
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