
14 Reviews
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A First-Rate Thriller
6 October 2001
Why did this movie get such bad reviews? It's much better than "Kiss the Girls", which was praised by the critics (well, maybe not, but it was still received better than this one). This is a very suspenseful, clever thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Morgan Freeman & Monica Potter (she reminds me of Julia Roberts SO much) give excellent performances. And there's a twist at the end that'll make your head spin! Rent this movie, see how you like it, but I guarantee that it will keep you interested right up until the brilliant climax. Grade: A
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1 October 2001
You would think that when two of the century's most skilled directors make a movie together, it would be a masterpiece. But Speilberg and Kubrick obviously had different ideas about the film. The main problem is that the film is overlong. If it was half an hour shorter, it would have been great. But no, they had all that stupid "Blue Fairy" stuff at the end. What a horrible ending for an otherwise fine movie! And the plot didn't have to be so much like "Pinnochio"! The whole cast gives excellent performances, though. Jude Law is fantastic as Gigolo Joe, Frances O'Connor gives a very emotional & believable performance as Monica Swinton, and last and not least, Haley Joel Osment is brilliant as always. But Osment whines too much! "I want to be a real boy!" "I want to be a real boy!" "I want be a real boy!" SHUT UP ALREADY! Anyways...If you're going to see this film, see it for the acting. You're going to be disappointed any other way you look at it.
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A thoroughly enjoyable film with a few minor flaws
30 September 2001
I got dragged into seeing this film at the last minute by friends, and I really wasn't too happy about it. But this film really surprised me. It's one of the best films of the year. Anthony Hopkins is absolutely perfect as Ted Brautigan, a supernatural stranger who befriends a young boy, and all the kids in the film give sensitive, wonderful performances. But, alas, the film is not perfect. There are a few minor flaws that I won't get into right now, because it's hard to bad-mouth a film like this. Bottom line: A wonderful coming-of-age drama with a pinch of the supernatural. Grade: A
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Disappointing, but not totally awful
15 September 2001
"Pet Sematary" was a great novel. It would have made an excellent TV mini-series. But instead, they made it into a an hour and a half long movie. Bad decision. You can't fit a 600 page book into 90 minutes. Nice try, though. One of the major problems is that the acting is terrible. Fred Gwynne was too fake as Jud Crandall, I think James Cromwell or Ray Walston would have fit the part better. Dale Midkiff and Denise Crosby try hard, but aren't believable. But Miko Hughes was perfect as Gage Creed. And everything is so cheesy! Stephen didn't do a great job at the screenplay. Another major problem is that King cut out or changed too much from the novel. Where's Norma Crandall? Or Steve Masterson? The movie's not all bad though. The scenes with Zelda are really creepy. And the last few scenes get really suspenseful, even if they are too graphic. I would have enjoyed the movie more if I hadn't read the novel. If you've read the novel, stay clear. If you haven't, go ahead, watch it. You might like it.
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Traffic (2000)
The Best Film of 2000
9 September 2001
Steven Soderbergh's drug epic TRAFFIC is hands down the best film of 2000. It should have won the Academy Award for "Best Picture", and should have been nominated for way more than 5 awards. Powerful performances from everyone (especially Del Toro & Zeta-Jones), a terrificly complex & powerful script, and stunning direction by Soderbergh are only 3 reasons why you should watch this film. Rent it now!
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Hannibal (2001)
Good, but not great...
31 August 2001
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I loved it. Now when I rented it on video, I just thought that it was OK. Why is that? Is it because I was so hyped up about going to see it that I couldn't bear to be disappointed? Probably. So anyways...Anthony Hopkins gives another excellent performance as Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter, Julianne Moore is fine as FBI Agent Clarice Starling (not as good as Jodie though), and Gary Oldman as the deranged Mason Verger? Fantastic! The film's problems? It's too graphic. The "hanging", the pigs (or boars or whatever), the "brain-food" scene...It would have been OK if we had just seen the aftermath of it, not him doing actually doing it. And they cut out quite alot from the book. Where's Margot? And Barney should have had more screentime. So, it's not nearly as good as "Silence of the Lambs", but it's OK in it's own way. Rent it and see how you like it.
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House Arrest (1996)
Avoid at all costs
26 August 2001
I watched this movie on TV, because I saw in the opening credits that it starred Jamie Lee Curtis, Jennifer Tilly, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. I thought it would be a cute little family comedy, and also a good way to pass the time. Boy, was I wrong! A horrible plot, terrible acting, and the music! Ughhh...OK...Grover and Stacey's parents (Curtis & Pollak) are divorcing, so they lock them in the basement, so they can "work things out". Soon, other kids learn about this, and they bring their parents to be locked away too. So...yada yada yada, bla bla bla...And at the end, Curtis & Pollak get back together (just like in real life) and they take their kids on their 2nd honeymoon with them. Oh, come on! This is a unfunny "family" comedy that you should avoid at all costs. Grade: D- (the only reason it didn't get an F is because there were one or two semi-enjoyable scenes involving the parents)
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Worst Movie Ever
13 August 2001
Drive Me Crazy drove me crazy. It absolutely sucked! The acting was horrible, the directing was awful, and the plot just stunk! Don't EVER see this movie. I saw this movie with my girlfriend (her idea), and she actually liked it! I dumped her. Melissa Joan Hart can't act. This movie sucks! Don't ever see this movie! When I was watching it I thought I was being punished for all my sins.
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Bubble Boy (2001)
7 August 2001
I saw a sneak preview of this film last night, and I can honestly say that it's the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE!!! Out of all the people in the entire theater, I didn't hear 1 person laugh throughout the entire film. The previews look horribly bad for this movie, but the actual movie is 100 times worse! Don't go see this movie!
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Well Performed Garbage
6 August 2001
This movie would totally suck if it wasn't for Hilary Swank and Chloe Sevigny. Their performances were amazing, but I can't say that for the rest of the movie. I was looking foward to renting this film because of all the critical acclaim it got, but it turned out to be garbage (with good performances). If you want to see a good Swank movie, rent "The Gift". If you want to see a good Sevigny movie, rent "Map of the World". I would only recommend this film to anyone if they wanted to see good acting.
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Unbreakable (2000)
An Excellent Thriller
28 June 2001
I don't know why everyone is comparing this to "The Sixth Sense". Sure, they're directed and written by the same person and both star Bruce Willis, but otherwise they're different movies! It's not like this is "The Sixth Sense 2"! Well anyways, I had been wanting to see this film in the theaters, but I settled to watch it on video. It probably would have been better if I had seen it in a theater to get more of an experience. Jackson and Willis give outstanding performances and young Spencer Treat Clark (David's son) gives a performance almost as good as Haley Joel Osment's in "The Sixth Sense". And the twist at the end! Whoa...I wasn't prepared for that. So, if you're a fan of thrillers or just want to see a movie that makes you think, see "Unbreakable".
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Woody Allen's Best
22 June 2001
This is one of my favourite movies of all time. It's good to see musicals these days, especially well-done ones like this. It has an all-star cast (Goldie Hawn, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Edward Norton, ect.) and the musical numbers are amazing. I found myself wanting to go back and watch this movie again, and I did, several times. It's also good because we get to hear big stars sing (except Barrymore, someone else sang for her). Rent this movie now!
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really good
17 June 2001
i just saw this movie and i loved it. it was really original and the performances were excellent. i would recommend it to anyone. it is stunning, breathtaking, stirring, brilliant and dark. i really liked it. go see it now!
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Better Than I Expected
15 June 2001
I went to this movie thinking "This is probably gonna be the crappiest two hours of my life". I was wrong, it was only an hour and a half, and I enjoyed it. First of all, Angelina Jolie is amazing as Lara Croft, and she's one of the sexiest actresses in Hollywood. Second, the action sequences are unbeleivable (my favourite being the opening sequence). So what if it's plot is unoriginal? This movie is still entertaining. This movie does have it's faults too. Like, every character other than Lara is dull and uninteresting. And it does get a bit silly. Well, the plot has to do with the "clock of ages" which is activated during a planetary alignment that occurs once every 5000 years. The clock has the power to cause great evil, and Lara can't let that happen. Well, if you loved the video game or just like action/adventure, go see this movie!
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