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GoreMongral's Review: 30 Days of Night
20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Horror movies have slowly been coming back to what made them...horrific. The 90's saw the unfortunate demise of horror thanks to the horror spoof/horror lite material that surfaced. Movies like Scream, IKWYDLS and the like changed what Hollywood viewed as true horror and unfortunately what an entire generation viewed as horror. Luckily things are slowly coming back to what they should be and a good example of this is 30 Days of Night.

Barrow, Alaska...the top of the world and also a place where for 30 days a town is shut off from the rest of the world as darkness settles. Enter Sheriff Eben Oleson who has just saw nearly 3/4ths of his population leave due to this and unfortunately replacing them is a horde of vampires that would like nothing more to feast on the remaining 4th of the town. The sheriff and the rest of the town are faced with a grave question, how do you fight off an army of the undead for 30 days.

One of the first things that makes this film work is its somber lack of humor. Horror movies have over the last decade changed peoples views as they tend to cry about lack of humor to lighten a mood. Correct me if Im wrong but this is horror not the next Will Farrell movie. No humor is found here and the humor that is there is the acceptable kind. Normal conversation humor unlike the kind we see in so many of the "modern' and "90's" films that literally wink at the camera.

Also the feeling of dread is around every corner as you never know where or when the vampires will attack. People are pulled out of there homes like someone picking and apple from a tree some more grueling than others but all are violent. The violence factor in this one is very high and the gore on display is nice. For gorehounds I feel you will be pleased, several decapitations, lots of ripped open jugulars and a severed arm or two are on display but don't expect every kill to be gory. Do however expect each one to be visceral and violent.

The Vampires on display as well are very nice. Looking like an unholy union between Marilyn Manson and Jaws, they are smart and very tactical but are very savage resembling a pack of wolves ready to strike at there pray. The only difference is when they attack they are much more lethal. These vamps will not ask you to invite them in or try to charm you they will bust down your door and rip you to shreds before you know what hit you.

The characters here are very believable as well and for the most part I could believe the action on display here. Now absurd over the top scenes to ruin the mood of dread here, only a few acts of genuine heroic attempts that are all plausible. Believe me there is no removal of mood throughout as it will keep you intrigued up to the very end.

The actors on display were all up to the task even Josh Hartnett (surprisingly) but the real show stealer in my mind is one of the best up and comers Ben Foster as the Stranger. Though he has a limited screen time his character sets up the dread to come with an err of creepiness that comes off like a cross between a crazy mountain man and Dwight Frye's Renfield character from the classic 1931 Dracula. Horror director's need to cast this guy as often as possible as he pulls this style of character acting off without a hitch. In the end the somber mood the violence and the fitting end make this one of the best horror movies of the year. Director David Slade who's previous work "Hard Candy" was nothing short of stellar has nailed two great movies out the box and is definitely a director to keep an eye on in the horror scene With its nods to the best in classic horror like John Carpenter's The Thing and its genuine old school approach this is one that all the old school horror heads can get behind and tell the unfortunate horror raised youth of the 90's and early 2000's "Now that's a horror movie".

8/10: Very Good, One of Best Horror Movies of the Year and what Im hoping brings us even closer back to what makes horror so good. Go see this without hesitation and support a great film.
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Black Sheep (2006)
Chief GoreMongral's Wooly Review: Black Sheep
10 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When the Oldfield brothers lose their father to a Sheep herding accident things never are the same. 15 Years later the youngest son has become afraid of sheep to the point that he needs therapy (due on no small part by a cruel trick played on him by his brother). The older brother has taken over the family business however instead of being a traditional shepherd he has opted to create his own breed of sheep through genetic testing.

Unfortunately these test are not all innocent as some of the experiments become "hazardous material" that is picked up by 2 animal rights activists. These unlucky 2 soon find that not all sheep are worth saving. During the theft of the said sheep one of them is bitten along with several of the sheep in their fields resulting in an apocalyptic assault on the locals and Oldfield farm employees. Think of it as the Rage Virus only with sheep and you'll get the idea. To make matters worse the people that are not slaughtered by the sheep turn into Sheep People themselves if they are bitten. Can the Younger brother save the land or will the valley run red with the sheep onslaught.

Black Sheep is out there ...I mean WAY out there. So if your not into over the top midnight B movies then stop reading as you will find no enjoyment here. OK all the rest of you I strongly suggest checking this out as this is a solid B movie that with a few friends is even better. The gore on display is very good and so are the effects however when compared to the Jackson movies it pales in comparison. To say it is in the same league as said Splat stick classics I would have to say no but regardless this is a fun view. I just wish in some of the scenes they would have shown the sheep tearing the people apart and not just the aftermath. It just seems like a real missed opportunity in those aspects and if they would have it would definitely have raised it to another level.

The bad marks against the film would have to be some of the dialog as it is not extremely funny. Now that's not saying it was not funny (see review of Frostbiten) because half of it (especially toward the end) gets better. Its mainly the first part of the movie where this stands out the most. The girl animal rights activist comes to mind as most of her dialog was very unfunny whereas the character Grant (the guy who shows around the younger brother) has some funny wit in his lines unfortunately we don't get nearly as much of him as we do the girl.

That being said however it is the "shear" lunacy of the film and all that takes place that really give this the nod for me. Sheep bashing through doors, ripping people apart and pulling at a guys "meat and veg" just for good measure not to mention the human sheep creatures really just make this movie scream ABSURD...but oh how I love it!!! In the end not a perfect film in this genre but still a fun one and definitely worth your time. My score for the "Violence of the Lambs": 7/10: Good, with some better dialog and more sheep violence this one would easily have been an 8 but still regardless this is one for Splat stick fans and B movie aficionados
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Frostbitten (2006)
GoreMongral's Review: Frostbiten
4 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
During the last years of WW2 a small group of SS Nazi soldiers try to escape their demise by hiding in an apparent abandoned shed in Sweden. What they do not realize is they are not alone. Several are attacked and killed while a few others survive the ordeal. Flash forward to current time where a mother and daughter are heading to the town of Norbotten where the mother is seeking a career opportunity working with a genetic specialist.

Shortly after their arrival things begin to get a bit odd. People begin dying and after a hospital attendant steals some red pills only to have them stole from him by a girl about to attend a party, the town comes under attack by a gang of vampires out to suck anybody or anythings blood they can sink their teeth into.

Frostbiten tries to be a comedy horror movie, not a splatstick but a horror movie with dialog that is humorous, unfortunately most of it is not funny which leads to some rather ho-hums going on in-between the horror scenes of the movie. Don't get me wrong this movie has some decent parts but the shame here is for every good part there is another part that brings the film to a screeching halt.

The thing I did like about this movie is the beginning and how it sets up the story as we find out the truth about some of the characters in the movie. Its just sad to say with the humor not being funny and the story not reaching its full potential as far as what they could have done here it leads to some uneven movie viewing. It is because if this that I can only slightly recommend this to vampire and horror fans.

Fans of gore will only be slightly entertained as there is a few moments of the red stuff but nothing we haven't seen before. Jugulars being ripped apart, a few guys shot in the beginning and some animal cruelty (hehe) springs to mind but nothing extremely memorable. The main Vampire does turn into a vampiric creature toward the end but even that ends up only being mediocre at best. Throuw in some slight CGI work that ranges from so-so to noticeable and I think you get the idea.

In the end this movie appears to try and emulate one too many of the classic horror comedies of the past only to come off as an amateurish take on the sub-genre. If the director/writer would have just stayed to the horror stuff and not tried to add the rather unfunny dialog this could have turned out better, alas I give Frostbiten a meager: 5/10: Average Decent Horror elements not so funny comedic dialog hamper the enjoyment factor of this movie. Fans of Horror/Comedies may slightly enjoy this one as well as those into Vampires but all others may find themselves reaching for the remote.
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Chief GoreMongral's Movie Review: Resident Evil Extinction
25 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Following up on the heels of the craptacular Resident Evil: Apocalypse, RE:E takes us several years after the events of the second movie. Apparently Umbrella's little screw up isn't such a little screw up anymore as the entire world has become decimated by the T-Virus. Now only a small group of people remain to set things right...or at least have some kind of resemblance of a normal life.

Right off the bat I will say that this is the best movie of the series so far. Im not a fan of the first two movies as I really feel the RE license was wasted on these films and with Paul Anderson in tow that definitely sealed the deal. However since the movies have taken the direction they have viewing these movies as action horror and not as more traditional horror films (as this series should have been) this one is actually decent.

The character of Anne has been on the run since the last movie and has decided to be a loner as she realizes that the people that stay close to her always have a way of dying. She does however end up running into Carlos from the last movie and a band of people who are trying to do their best to survive. Unfortunately Umbrella has been trying to track her since her last escape as they realize only her blood can end the T-Virus once and for all.

One of the big problems with the other films was some of the action was way over the top, with this film though there is a few scenes of this there was not nearly as many which is a good thing. Also the humor is kept to a minimum compared to the other films in the series which also helps. Not to say that there isn't but it is not overbearing. Also again CGI is used which has been a bane as well for this series. Although it seems this time they didn't use it as much its the final fight with the Tyrant that it is very apparent. At times parts of this is OK and then others not so OK.

Really this movie seems a lot more fine tuned and most of the elements do work, something that cannot be said about the previous installment. The gore level is OK but not great, though it does have its moments. The zombies looked decent and the story though minimal kept the movie moving along at a brisk pace. In the end of you want a cross-breed Day of the Dead meets The Road Warriors style movie then you should have a good enough time with this one...just don't expect it to be as good as either said film.

Score 6/10: Above Average...for the Resident Evil series this is a step in a "better" direction. Though not perfect it does entertain for the most part. However if you are a jaded RE video game fan who hates the way the series has been handled on the big screen look elsewhere.
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GoreMongral's Movie Review: Dragon Wars
17 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
GoreMongral's Movie Review: Dragon Wars Dragon Wars has been a movie I have been waiting to see for sometime now. After hearing some not so glowing comments about I went into the movie expecting a total suckfest. Are the complaints valid, bad acting, editing and direction, yes ,yes and yes but despite all this for some reason I still found myself mildly entertained by this movie.

The story is about 2 beasts known as Imoogi's one which is good, the other bad. These 2 beasts attempt to become Dragons by consuming the Yeouijoo, a magical pearl that is possessed by a girl that is born with a dragon tattoo on her shoulder. The forces of good send down 2 human warriors to defend the girl until it is time for her to sacrifice herself to the good Imoogi or have it taken from her by the evil Imoogi.

The evil Imoogi with its forces of creatures and beast riders invade the village and attempt to take the girl but the girl rather dying than giving up the Yeouijoo plunges herself into the ocean and dies. Now 500 years later the 2 defenders along with the girl are reincarnated and the vicious and gentle Imoogi are back ready to claim the right to become a Dragon.

Pretty much the story and editing are the glaring problems here. There is several scenes where we are propelled from one scene to the next without any middle section explaining how we got to that point. It's a real shame to as if someone with some better skills in the editing and directing department would have worked on this one this could have been a very complete film. Still with that correction we would have some issues with some of the dialog and acting as some of it comes of as severally amateurish.

What the movie misses on those fronts however it makes up for in the action and effects department. Now Im not going to say the effects are the best ever but it is better than A LOT of the things I've seen a the theater. People have been hard on this movie even in that department and even though Im for the most part against the overuse of CGI for the most part I would defend this movie on that aspect as this was a lot better than say The Mummy and the other Stephen Sommers films that have come before it.

Action scenes, especially when it hits the city are very good. If the director got one thing right was the action scenes. Monsters attack choppers, tanks and the military and look very cool doing it. It is these scenes alone that save this movie from being dreadful to being a guilty pleasure film for fans of monster movies, especially of the giant monster genre. Name any other movie where an army of monster riders, monsters with turrets and flying beasties attack a downtown city. I rest my case.

In the end if you can forgive the dreadful editing and direction and just view it as a fun action film with monsters attacking then you will have fun. All others can just disregard this release all together. My score: 6/10: Above Average, for the action and effects only otherwise this would be sub-par on all other levels. Those that can forgive it for its shortcomings will find a nice B monster movie all others well you can always MST3K it !!!!
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Hatchet (2006)
GoreMongral's Movie Review: Hatchet
7 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Goremongral's Movie Review: Hatchet Hatchet, Hatchet, Hatchet that is all I've seen on horror sites and at conventions for nearly a year now and I keep thinking here we go again another movie that is trying to build up hype, only to fall flat on its face. Finally the wait is over so my gloves are off and ready to swing bare fisted at this excessively hyped movie. After seeing this movie I can now say that the hype machine sometimes gets it right and there is at least one director that gets it...finally!!!! Let me start off by saying that Hatchet is not a traditional slasher film. It is not even a traditional horror film, so those expecting that may be slightly disappointed. Though it is at its basics just that it truly is a comedy horror or what I like to call a splat-stick, comparable to the likes of Evil Aliens, Evil Dead 2 and the classics of Peter Jackson, Bad Taste and Dead Alive. Which in the end I feel this one will go into the ranks of those said elite comedy horror films.

Hatchet is about Victor Crowley a deformed boy who is thought to be killed when a prank goes horribly wrong. Victor goes on the prowl in the woods near his home in search of people to kill as apparently he is stuck in his human body and his tortured soul still thinks that it is in the events that caused his death. We have an intro with Robert England as a gator hunter along with his son getting brutally murdered by Crowley (played by Friday the 13ths Kane Hodder). The beginning is just setting you up for the fun that is to come.

Back in downtown New Orleans we are introduced to Ben who is recovering from a break up and Marcus his buddy who tags along with him to go to a haunted boat ride through the Louisiana Bayous where Crowley is roaming. Along for the tour is an older couple, a producer and his 2 actresses and a mysterious girl who has a hidden agenda. Also we have an oriental tour guide who speaks cajun, Chinese and traditional English (on occasions). While floating down the river they strike a rock and are forced to abandon ship. It is here where the violence begins and oh is it a thing of beauty.

Remember the words Splat-stick cause that is the kind of violence you are going to get. You know how an R-rated film will show kills but generally will shy away the camera then come back again after the carnage. FINALLY a director has the set of balls to go and show the whole thing without a shy camera. You want a severed body on screen, you got it. How about one of the most pure genius kills in a movie that has to be seen to believed. Take one hand on the top of a persons mouth, another on the lower jaw and pull. You get the idea we see the whole thing in all its gory beauty and that is only 2 of the kills.

A problem I have always had with the human "fodder" in horror movies is wasted kills. Stabs in the chest or in some other way that makes the death sort of bland...not in this movie. Every kill is not wasted and all are a thing of beauty...a splat-stick work of art will you. Throw in the fact that the humor works and is not forced, fun actors and actresses (especially Deon Richmond) play their rolls nicely and enough thrills to make this work on more than just one level and you get a darn near perfect film.

My only complaints if any is the movie ended to quickly for me (as it is just over 80 minutes) and I guess that is more of a good thing as it truly showed how much I really enjoyed this one. Only one other horror film this year gave me as much of a thrill as Hatchet did (that being Planet Terror). That being said those in the mood for some blood spray, ripped off limbs and a cool disfigured killer that would make anyone run for the hills look no further your movie has arrived.

Adam Green with one movie has single handedly propelled himself to the top of the splat-stick ladder. My advise for Mr. Green stay here and keep polishing your craft and keep making bigger and better splat-sticks...I cannot get enough of them. Give this one a few years on it and I see this becoming a contemporary classic...only time will tell though as I give Hatchet the very gaudy....

8/10 Very Good: Gore and Giggles is what you will get with this one. No not a crappy spoof as some would call this but a Splat-stick in the vain of legendary films from Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi..there is a new name to add to that list and his name is Adam Green!!!!
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Goremongral's Review: Death Sentence
5 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK so up to this point director James Wan has at least not made any garbage. That cannot be said about other said up and comers (cough...Eli Roth...cough) To this point both Saw and Dead Silence were at least at their simplest marginally entertaining, your mileage may very but for me I like this guy and hope that he stays clear of becoming to mainstream or adding unnecessary humor in his films(cough...Roth...cough) man I got a nasty cold. Anyway now he is trying his hat in the revenge flick business with his new offering Death Sentence.

Death Sentence tells the tale of Nick Hume who one day while bring his son back from a Hockey game watches in terror as his son is slashed to death in a gas station check out line. Upon his attempt to stop the would be killer he manages to "subdue" him for arrest. Upon advice from the attorney to accept a sentence of 3-5 years Hume decides to throw the case out the window and opts for his own brand of justice. Hume's act of vengeance results in a spiral down effect that slowly begins to effect him and the remainder of his family as the young man is part of a gang and his sons death a mere initiation right. Now with an entire gang that has stalked and killed another of his family he only has one other choice total annihilation of all involved..

I really liked the set up of this film and the overall violent content. We get shotgun blasts to chest with full on bloody holes being administered, fingers shot off, head shots and in one awesome kill scene a leg being blown away then another chest shot. A nice array of the red stuff occurs which is all good but the problem lies with the pacing of the action. There are near 30 minute sequences without any violence then we are hit with some violence here and there then no action but then it is followed up with a 20 minute free for all ending that is handled very well for the most part. Look for John Goodman as a gunrunner as his scenes are rather amusing.

This is really designed for only one fan and one fan only...the revenge flick fan. If you go into this thinking it is going to have super realistic situations and scenarios then go watch a drama or something as you are more than likely going to point out its flaws and not enjoy it for what it is. Saying that though I will say that it is not perfect but definitely has its moments. If you are hard up for a cool revenge flick and have some time for a matinée this is an ideal film to see. It definitely is not at the top of the revenge flick list but it does a nice job with doing what it sets out to do.

In the end a better than average revenge flick, worthy of a Matinée viewing at least, for some maybe full price especially those who enjoy violence, just be prepared for some lulls.

Score 6/10: Above Average. If a few more scenes of violence were added or some of the movie edited down some this would have made for an even better experience, still it does deliver for the most part and a rather fun view....Wan continues to make that above average film keep up the work my friend!!!
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Halloween (2007)
Goremongral's Movie Review: Halloween (2007)
5 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
From the time Rob Zombie was announced as the director of the Halloween remake the bar was already set extremely high for him as he already has a fan base from his previous films that expect utter greatness or a modern classic. On the other hand Rob has the pessimistic horror fans of the original who were ready to throw Rob to the wolves with the slightest tainting of the original. After seeing the reviews and seeing the movie what I have found that though definitely not a classic or even great film Zombie does just enough to make this movie enjoyable but not without its flaws.

As most may know Rob approached this movie in a viewpoint of watching the growth of Michael Myers from troubled young boy to a sadistic killing machine. For the most part the first half of this movie works. We see Michael as a child already on the road to psychopath killer, torturing animals and taking pictures of them. We also see a total screw up of a home he is from. His mom (Shari Moon) is a stripper and his stepfather (played extremely over the top by the always cool William Forscythe) who always belittles his mother, stares at his older sister in a not so fatherly way and of course make fun of little Michael and his fascination with wearing masks.

We see the final straw that breaks the camels back as Michael attacks a boy that makes fun of his mom and her "profession". That night on Halloween the "Massacre in Haddonfield" happens. As oppose to us hearing about it like the original and seeing a brief murder scene with his sister, Rob's version brings that and more as we see a total brutal display as Michael takes out more than just his sister. Of course after this we have Michael heading off to the mental institute where we are made more acquainted with Dr.Loomis (played by Malcolm McDowell) and get to see how his attempts to save little Michael are all in vain as well as the deteriorating mental condition of his mother.

The film then spirals into act 2 which brings use to modern time Haddonfield where Michael is on the hunt for baby sister Laurie. It is here that fans of the original will see some of the things that took place in Carpenter's version re-envisioned by Zombie leading to a brother/sister confrontation that is similar but not all together the same as the original. Dr Loomis is there along with Sheriff Brackett (played by the always welcome Brad Dourif) and Laurie's friends Lynda and Annie (Danielle Harris from Halloween 4 and 5).

Here in lies the problem with the film, though the first act is for the most part handled well despite the rather generic serial killer stereotypes for his reasons of murdering, it's the second act that hurts this film. For one you can tell that there seemed to be some cuts taken from the film be it for movie running time or what was felt to not be needed. Now by this I do not mean for gore but rather for what seemed to be character development or to set up the next scene. Instead of a setup we are randomly sent to the next sequence that does not give us any indication of how we got from point A to C without B. Some may be able to overlook this but it is a rather odd flaw that made me definitely realize that there is some cutting room floor stuff still out there.

This second act also seemed too much like a John Carpenter Halloween-lite or Cliff Notes for the original Halloween and not a totally new vision of the film for Zombie. It is like he added some slight differences but for the most part went back to Carpenter's basic story and played ad lib with it. Again some things here worked but not all.

It is these reasons alone that make this movie a tale of 2 films. If the second act could have been cleaned up a little better and provided for more twists and turns (of the knife) this would have been a solid outing for Zombie. I will say that it is better than average and horror fans can do A LOT worse despite what some reviewers are saying is the worst remake they have ever scene (please go watch some movies). The scenes of violence alone are catered to the horror fans and though not extremely gory they are violent and fun to watch (for all my little sickos like me out there). In the end Rob does enough to make this a slasher film from the killers viewpoint a solid rental title and a good matinée viewing but full price...uhhhh.

The Goremongral lays down a slightly better than average score of: 6/10: Above Average, view this as a modest slasher film with good scenes of violence with a legendary horror character as its main star and you will likely enjoy this more than most. Viewing this in any other light (remake/over zealous fanboy/etc.) You will find far more flaws than I have mentioned...just wait for cable!!!
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Reeker (2005)
Goremongral's Stinky Review: Reeker
1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Reeker tells the tale of a group of college guys and gals heading to a hot spot called Area 52 for some fun in the desert. However along the way they have some car trouble and come face to face with bad smells and a killer with a hood. The movie however is not all that simple as odd visuals such as guys crawling around with missing lower torsos and B Movie stalwart Michael Ironside in an all too short stint in the film asking if one of the characters has seen "The Dying People" make this a step up from the norm.

The movie itself is entertaining with a couple of cool gore scenes but nothing that we haven't seen before. As far as its story it really isn't elaborate, we do get to know about some of the characters but only enough to move along where the movie is heading. To explain the killer is to ruin the movie as once you realize who he is you will have then figured out the James Wan style twist in the end. In short this movie comes off as a mixing of The Twilight Zone and Saw (especially for its ending).

The bottom line here is did I like it. Yes I did but not enough to give it a solid mark. The movie takes alittle too long to get where its going and leaves us with some rather ho hum scenes that bogged this one down slightly. On the other hand if you can get past these points and get to the final 3rd of the movie you will be pleasantly surprised as this movie does hold its own, especially with all the Hollywood horror fluff that has come out over the last year.

In the end this is an entertaining film but due to some slight pacing issues and some kill scenes that could have been a bit more explicit I give Reeker a better than average score of: 6/10: Above Average, not quite a must buy film but definitely a solid rental title....if it were on DVD. If you have Showtime however it is playing this month so check it out, you could definitely do a lot worse, and may be more forgiving than I am...Im such a jaded horror fan.
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Isolation (2005)
Goremongral's Cow Slaying Review: Isolation
9 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When scientists start messing with bigger and faster ways to create things there is bound to be aftershocks. That's why the horror and sci-fi community are always there to pick up on these things and make an outlandish as possible scenario out of these experiments. Such is the case with Isolation a film that actually breaks the generic mold and becomes a very darkly toned film that is rarely seen by todays audiences.

Isolation tells the tale of a cow farmer who has decided to take part in an undisclosed experiment on his own livestock. After the bizarre set of events that surrounds the birth of the first calf and its odd character traits, the farmer knows that things just aren't right. Shortly after things begin to get even more bizarre as the calf is found to be born already pregnant to what appear to be very odd looking parasitic creatures. One of which survives and begins to cause chaos on all those that come in contact with it.

There are some very positive things going on in this one first, the mood. This movie never breaks stride and stays serious the entire way through. In todays horror for some reason there is always a "need" to add humor. I have always disagreed with this pointing out classics as "The Thing" and "Alien" as facts to support my beliefs. This movie even solidifies it more as if this movie would have played out any other way it would have been a dumped down Eco-horror.

Credit goes to the writing and directing on this one also as from start to finish the film never tries to explain everything at once but slowly, in layers until the final scene. In the beginning the movie gives you a feeling of "what the heck is going on here" even knowing before hand what the general premise is, that is saying something. It's nice to see a film not dumbed down to make everything clear right away but yet coming full circle in explaining its what's and why's. See my Calvaire review for the exact opposite of this.

If there was any complaints from me it would be the creature design. I know the creature is to be some sort of genetic parasite but its design is a rather confusing mess looking a lot like a cow turned inside out and an insect. The good thing in this case is the creature is not shown a lot. In a normal situation or monster flick that would be a strike against it but this movie works so well that showing a mediocre monster design too much could have ruined the vibe of the film.

In the end this is a solid serious monster/Eco-horror film. I really look forward to the director Billy O'Brien's next project. Hoping that it is Horror as he understands that keeping it serious is a must for good suspense. With elements of The Thing, Alien and The Hidden sprinkled in for good measure you really cannot go wrong here and if your of fan of said films I really cannot see at least giving this one a rental as it is well worth it.

Other than a few very slight lulls and the questionable creature design I really cannot find much to fault this movie for and I give it the score of: 7/10: Solid Serious Horror here!!! A definite watch and for some a purchase. They don't make them like this too much now-a-days so scarf this one up and have fun!!!
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GoreMongral's Review: Rolling Thunder
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Exploitation films are a hit and miss genre within film. You get the ones that are on point with what they are trying to accomplish and others that miss the mark. In the case of Rolling Thunder you have a exploitation/revenge style movie that snuck itself into the theaters through MGM and darn if it isn't one of the coolest movies of its kind I've ever seen.

The pic stars William Devane (of Knots Landing fame) and Tommy Lee Jones as 2 Vietnam POWs brought back from their imprisonment. A celebration of sorts ensues for Devane's character Charles Rane in his home town as he is gave silver dollars that numbered the amount of days he was in captivity as well as the keys to a new car. Unfortunately being how evil men are in films of this kind a crew of baddies break into his house, steal his coins and slaughter his family. Did I not mention that he also gets his right hand grind up in a garbage disposal as well. Welcome home Charles!!!

Shore enough with some help of a local girl who has the hots for him and his ol' buddy Johnny Vohden and his new found prosthetic hook hand he goes out seeking vengeance which is fully realized in its final violent finally. This movie really hits a home run for me in several areas. First the characters are so well fleshed out for a movie of its kind. You feel for Charles as he comes home to find his wife is with another man now. You also feel for him as he tries to start a relationship again with a son that hardly knows him.

Not just Charles but his wife, his son even the guy who stepped in while he was away...I never really seen this amount of detail and emotion in such a movie. Enough of the sissy stuff though the highlight of this film is its suttle dark humor at times (hollywood take note) and the all to brief scenes with Johnny (Tommy Lee Jones character). Johnny has a way of being more than ready to kill people that comes off as so "normal" for him that you will get a kick out of it. Let alone his family which are just a tad "odd" as you will see.

What else can I throw at you, hook stabbing, gun blasting and all around sinister characters make this a must-see movie. Other than more screen time for Jones character there is really not anything to complain about with this one as I give "Rolling Thunder": 8/10: Very Good: high violence and cool characters make this a must see for anyone interested in revenge movies or just a well put together film in general.

Sadly this movie has no DVD release at this time...MGM needs to get on the ball with this ASAP in a Special Edition of some type. Regardless rent this or find a boot of this one as it is worth every Silver Dollar!!!
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Primeval (2007)
Goremongral's Review: Primeval
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Killer Crocs and Gator movies are a dime a dozen for every "Alligator" there is "Lake Placid 2". However the concept of a very violent and aggressive Crocodile movie gets me a tad excited. Unfortunately for Primeval more hopes were dashed as we get a tad to much comic relief and way to much political/civil war story and not enough Croc action.

The story is about a news crew who are sent in to South Africa to capture a 25 foot long killer Croc dubbed "Gustave". Unfortunately for us the film-goer there is a civil war that has broken out which we are surrounded with for much to long of the stories running time. Be it the tribes in the area or the military men that are with them the movie just really wanted to hammer that fact home, with the Crocodile as the side story. We do get the Croc and when it was on screen it was a bad sucker unfortunately they opted for more CGI then you could shake a stick at but it was not of "The Mummy/Mummy Returns" crappiness so I guess we can let it slide to a point but would a prosthetic monster Croc be too much to ask for in some of the scenes as it would have been more effective.

The shame here is that the whole myth and legend of this creature was very cool but ruined by the fact that we hardly see it for most of the running time. I believe total there is about 20 minutes at best of Croc action. The rest well you get the point. I highly recommend getting the original "Alligator" or the lesser known Austrailian Croc film "Dark Age" as they are more effective and you get to see what the movie intends for you to see...Croc and gator action.

In the end this is a waste of time, it really is a "just there" movie with a few good Croc scenes (the cage scene comes to mind). If you have seen all the Croc movies and want to see another well have at it but for the average horror movie/ nature amok fan this one is just not that good.

4/10: Below Average: A few Croc scenes that are good otherwise a lame excuse to shove info on South African civil war at us.....go figure?
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1408 (2007)
Goremongral's Review: 1408
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
John Cusack has always been one of my favorite actors...come on the guy has made some kick ass movies and my personal favorite 80's comedy "Better Off Dead"!!! Enough of that though John always seems to go for the not so normal film which I love but in this case "1408" we get a movie that offers entertainment, but only in moderation.

Cusack stars as Mike Enslin a paranormal investigator/writer of sorts that goes to all the hot haunt spots then writes a review of the stay and its general creepiness. One day he receives a postcard for a place called the Dolphin Hotel which has an infamous room 1408 that so happens to have killed a lot of people. After talking with the manager of the hotel Gerald Olin (played by Samuel L. Jackson) who all but begs him not to stay in the room Mike proceeds to stay in the room for the night.

Mr Olin tells Mike that no one has survived for more than 1 hour in the room. Shore enough after some minimal meandering the alarm clock goes crazy and shows a countdown timer of 60 minutes and begins a countdown. From there Mike has to endure a living hell as visions of past and present collide attempting to cause him to end his life and the suffering.

The movie is a sort of cerebral haunted house film that works in parts and in others not quite as well. This is due to some rather mediocre scenes that really do not pay off and end up being a tad boring. There is some entertaining things here don't get me wrong, the humor is typical dead pan Cusak and the scenes with Mike and Gerald are really well done and there are some good scenes of suspense here and there but I left the theater feeling like there was so much more that they could have done here to make for a complete thriller experience.

Do to some lulls in the story and some parts that went on a tad to long at times I give 1014 a modest yet slightly better than average score of: 6/10: Above Average: haunted house fans don't expect to see tons of ghouls and specters but those into head trips and mind games in the paranormal realm take a look. Just be prepared for a mediocre middle act that could have been so much more.
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Big Bad Wolf (2006)
Goremongral's Movie Review: Big Bad Wolf
7 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Big Bad Wolf is another in a long line of attempts to make a good werewolf movie. This film tries to give us a slightly different twist. Instead of an all animalistic werewolf we get a werewolf that knows who he is, what hes doing and can shoot a wisecrack back atcha with well...lets just say he tries to be funny.

The beginning starts with a hunt in Africa where a group of hunters are attacked by the wisecracking canine. From there we flash forward years later to find out that one of the guys killed had a wife and son who are now being taken care of by one of the guys on the hunt. Said son decides to steal some keys to his step dads cabin only to have most of the beginning cast get slaughtered by the Big Bad One.

Thinking no one will believe them they decide to stick to a story about a wild animal killing them until the boys uncle, who was also on the hunting trip begins to come back into his life and confirm with him his worst fears...the killer was a werewolf.

BBW tries its best to rise above mediocrity even throwing in some all to brief cameos from horror veterans Clint Howard and David Naughton. It has a nice start to the film but when we get to the story you will have figured out the werewolf way before the middle act and your left with a lot of stupid decision making by some of the characters to pad the running time (ex. DNA testing). We do get an OK conclusion to this one but unfortunately for some viewers it may be too little too late. Also let's also not forget the trash talking, chick raping werewolf who tries to be funny and at times may give you a slight chuckle but more than likely will give you a feeling of uhhhhhhh.

In the end we do get a couple of nice gore sequences, a solid turn in from Richard Tyson and Kimberly Brown but in the end it just doesn't make the grade for me. Though the film generally uses prosthetics and blood packs there is one transformation sequence that uses CGI and is not very convincing. Those who are into Freddy Kreuger style killers or just love their Werewolves may want to try this out as a rental as it is worth that. All others can skip this one by.

My final score 4/10: Below Average: though I did like that they limited the CGI and that there was some decent gore here and there some of its own hokeyness and middle act bogged this one down enough for me not to recommend this one to the horror masses but the select few who can overlook its shortcomings.
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The Thirst (I) (2006)
Goremongral's Sucky Review: The Thirst
6 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It sucks when your girl is a recovering junkie. Its also not to good that shes went back to being a stripper. What sucks the most is she has terminal cancer and doesn't tell you. Thats just some of the luck our lead character is having in the vampire film "The Thirst".

This movie tells the tale of a guy who loses his girl to cancer only for her to be reborn as a vampire thanks to some last minute sucking by a female vampire who "admired" his girlfriends dancing. From there our lead boyfriend finds out about her resurrection and eventually he himself is turned. From there the movie plays out A lot like Near Dark as we meet "The Family" and watch as the main character is taken on a hunt to prove his worth. The bad thing is it does not reach anywhere near the caliber of film that Near Dark was and for a climax we get an ending similar to Return of the Living Dead 3.

There are some good things here, very attractive woman all over the place, geysers of blood and some decent moments here and there but the movie as a whole really tries to be a little too much of everything and not a straight forward horror or horror comedy. When movies cannot decide what they want to be that tends to get on my bad side as knowing it is to be one or the other you can get yourself in that mindset whereas with movies of this kind it really tends to make for an uneven ride.

In the end "The Thirst" is a marginal movie with good ideas at times and others seemingly taken from other movies of its like to make for a ho hum experience. Low expectations are the key to this one as I give The Thirst: 4/10: Below Average: Not utter garbage but definitely not anything you would want to watch more than once. Odd ball camera-work and some confusion by the writers/filmmakers on what path the movie wanted to tread make this one a cut below average.

Thats it for now Pygmies and remember there is a cure for cancer...its Vampirism!!
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Gore Mongral's Movie Reviews: The Night of the Werewolf (aka The Craving)
30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Paul Naschy is back as Waldemar Daninsky the cursed werewolf who has to stop a resurrected Satanic Witch turned Vampire, The Blood Countess Elizabeth Bathory before her evil spreads throughout that Carpathian Mountains. The Night of the Werewolf known in the states in its edited version as The Craving does a solid job of bringing us Werewolves,Vampires and a Zombie to boot and is a fun watch for fans of such films. Especially fans of the old school effects department as we get prosthetics and time lapse photography sequences like the original Wolfman.

There is a story though fans of Naschy previous Werewolf opus Werewolf's Shadow will notice there is a lot of similarities so if you can get past that then your fine. The movie chugs along fairly nicely and I did not find myself bored at any time throughout. Saying that however fans of gore and the like my find themselves disappointed as there is no true gore scenes other than a lot of blood spilling, no hacked off limbs or the like on screen. Fans of monster films will have a fun time with this if they are in the right frame of mind for an old fashion monster romp or are fans of Naschy. Others use to modern effects work and those in the need for an elaborate plot should look elsewhere.

In the end this is a solid monster fans movie and a love letter to the classic Universal and Hammer films. Though not entirely on par with them it still entertains and Naschy's Werewolf never looked better. For the monster fans (myself included) I give The Night of the Werewolf: 6/10 above average, fun for the monster fans.

Deimos as released this in an Uncut Anamorphic Widescreen (1:85:1) HD mastered DVD which is the first time the original uncut version has been in the states. For that fact alone it is worth the pick up. The DVD has some nice features such as an intro by Naschy, deleted scenes, U.S. Trailer, Spanish Credit Sequence, Still Gallery and Liner Notes with rare photos and stills. Also the film has the original Castilian language track with Subs or English Dub. Overall a nice package and a good reason for fans with boots to trash them and pick up the best release of the film to the States to date.
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Gore Mongral's Rage Review: 28 Weeks Later
12 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Back to Britain we go for the sequel to 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later. "Weeks" tells the tale of the aftermath of the first cases of the Rage Virus and then shows us what happens when a successful clean up operation goes horribly FUBAR.

Basically we get a telling of some events from another family that occurred during the time frame of the original and how one of the said family members is left for dead only to later be found alive. The catch is this member is not infected in the way the others were however she does become a "carrier" of the virus. Starting from a simple kiss we have an outbreak all over again.

This movie is scripted well (except for what is mentioned below), and there is enough character development to move the story along and there are some decent kills and gore but there are two things that keeps this from being a knockout punch. One the camera work, the same thing that plagues the original is back again rearing its ugly head. I like to call it Rage Cam. It seems whenever there is an action sequence the camera also gets infected with the Rage Virus and starts to spaz out so much that you can bearly make out what is going on. I don't know if when it comes to DVD if viewing it at home will make a difference or not as in the case of movies like Batman Begins but at the theater it is a definite detractor.

The other is some of the coincidental happenings that occur in the movie and the rather dumbed down ways that the script decides to throw the audience bones as to what is going to happen. The whole dual colored eye sequence with the boy and him saying that he got that trait from his mother and the infected father always seeming to be in the right place at the right time to jump out and attack them. You would have to see the movie to totally understand but it dumbs down the movie slightly as oppose to having some surprises we pretty much are force feed what is coming next.

In the end though this is a solid film and well worth a look. I really like how the "28" Films keep the tone very serious throughout and never reduce themselves to crappy imitators to horror by having to have a token comedic character to "lighten the mood". Thank God for this movie as this year has been a roller coaster for the horror genre, from the superb throwback B movie Planet Terror (part of the Grindhouse double feature) to the God awful Hills Have Eyes 2, this film fits firmly in there as a solid entry into the horror genre and maybe even upon DVD the hyper camera sequences may look a lot more clearer and bring the grade for this one up.

A solid movie that gets a solid score of: 7/10 Good. If only for a few "dumbed down" moments in the film and the Rage Cam issues this may have even scored higher. Regardless as it is it is a solid movie that if you can look past those issues you'll find more than a few things to entertain you.
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Bottom Feeder (2007)
Chief Goremongral's Movie Review: Bottom Feeders
1 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The last time we saw Tom Sizemore fight monsters he was in the undergrounds of Chicago fending for his life against the Kothoga in 'The Relic", now hes back fighting a monster in the undergrounds of ..who nos where yet again in "Bottom Feeders" a movie that did manage to entertain this monster movie fan but only marginally.

Lets get to the good, you will not see crappy CGI in this movie only man in suit style monster mayhem which is usually the best kind. Second there is not a lot of cheesy moments that seem to plague the B-Monster movie genre. Don't get me wrong we do have people shooting when they should be running and we do have the one annoying character named Sarge that you will prey for a quick demise for but all in all this was not a bad DTV.

The general premise is a millionaire has been severally scared from an auto accident. Using his dollars he has possibly found a cure to regenerate his skin tissue through a scientist who he makes a "deal" with. After the scientist proceeds to tell him of potential side effects the good millionaire decides to have his hired muscle beat the tar out of him and then throw him in the underground tunnels of the facility after injecting him with the "cure". A few hours later instant monster soup and were off and running.

Sizemore and his band are Maintenance people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We get a few decent kills including a decapitation and a nice jaw removal scene just for kicks. We also get a rather interesting ending that made for a nice change of pace from the happily ever after we tend to get in these kind of films. The monster itself was OK, nothing great but definitely a step above the CGI garbage we are forced to endure nowadays. It comes off as looking like a mixture of dog,rat and human.

Fans of monster movies may want to check this one out. Better than average production values help this one out but in the end its nothing ground breaking or spectacular. Give it a rental, keep your expectations low and you will be moderately entertained.

Score: 5/10 Average, nothing to write home about but for a direct to video release it does entertain you for 90 minutes.
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Vacancy (2007)
Chief Goremongral's Movie Review: Vacancy
1 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You know your having a bad day when you take a "short cut" only to have your car break down. Your having an utter nightmare when you check into a hotel only to find out that it is ran by directors of some Snuff films and you are their next big star. That is pretty much the premise for Vacancy a modest Horror/Thriller starring Kate Beckinsale and surprisingly funny man briefly turning serious actor Luke Wilson.

What I can say about this film is fans of a more traditional thriller will like this more than the last movie I reviewed. "Disturbia" as it does not play to a younger audience and does not date itself with trite dialog and wacky teenage humor. The sad thing is this could have been a very solid film however thanks to some missed opportunities and a very ho-hum ending this plays out like a by the numbers middle of the road thriller.

Don't get me wrong it has its moments but nothing we haven't seen already done before and in other cases better. I cannot recommend a full price admission to this one, only a matinée or even a rental. Again its not a bad movie just nothing that you will be singing its praises over several years from now.

With a modest story and enough going on to keep you interested I give Vacancy the standard: 5/10-Average. With a more original ending and some additional back story on the killers this would have been an above average Thriller, however as is this is an average Thriller that will entertain fans to a point but you will more than likely feel like something is missing here.
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Disturbia (2007)
Gore Mongral's Movie Review: Disturbia
19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Howdy Folks!! Im back again with a short and sweet review for the Film Disturbia take a look!!! Disturbia is the tale of a young boy who after his father passes away has a bought with getting into trouble with the law. He is put on house arrest and after finding complete and total boredom being stuck in his house he resorts to becoming a peeping tom. Unfortunately he finds out a little more than he bargains for as his next door neighbor may very well be a killer.

I do not want to waste a lot of time on a review for such a mediocre title as this was. It has its moments but they are too far in between all the teenage humor made famous by the supposed horror/thrillers of the 90's. This more or less plays out the same way as all the 90's and PG-13 "Hip" and "Cool" bannered flicks work, queue the corny humor with the token comic relief character, throw in relatively bloodless kill scenes (very little in that department by the way) and way to much focus on the boy meets girl story and you pretty much have the idea of what your in for.

Fans of 90's and PG-13 "Horror-Lite" movies will probably enjoy themselves more than I did however it is what it is and saying that I give Disturbia 5/10 Average Teeny Bopper Horror/Thriller-Lite material here. A Rear Window style story dumbed down for the current generation is what you get here. Not totally as bad as most films of its kind but definitely not worth the price of admission, for fans of this kind of film only. All hardcore Horror and Hitchcockian Thriller fans can bypass this at the door.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Gore Mongral's Movie Review: Grindhouse (aka A Tale of 2 Movies)
7 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For awhile now I have missed the grainy look in horror movies. There is something to these films that brings a greater feeling of dread and gloom whenever the terror hits. Apparently Rodriguez feels the same way as his entry Planet Terror adds the grain, the maimed and the insane to make one of the finest throwback style films I've seen since...well...throwback horror films.

Planet Terror is one part horror and gore, one part fine grade cheese and one part B-Movie goodness to create one of the most entertaining flicks to come along in quite awhile. The story more or less is about a botched attempt to create a biological weapon that turns those around it into zombie-like puss bags. Rose McGowen looks very scrumptious as Cherry a Go-Go Dancer who just wants to become a stand up comedian. Along the way she is assaulted by a gang of infected beings and looses her leg in the process. That however comes to be a major plus as the movie progresses.

Not only do we get a nice turn in from Rose but a whole freaking cast of awesome B-Movie stalwarts such as Jeff Fahey, Josh Brolin and Micheal (Cor. Hicks/Kyle Reese) Biehn who turns in a nice performance as the town sheriff. Throw in Tom Savini,Freddy Rodriguez,Bruce Willis and a rather "revealing" cameo by Tarantino and you have B Movie greatness.

On top of the cast and the great B premise the music and ambiance is pure old school greatness. Rodriguez gets the music perfectly and fans of the Carpenter sounding scores and late 70's/early 80's soundtracks in horror movies will have a blast with this one. There really isn't anything "bad" about this movie that I can think of unless you do not have a tolerance for cheese. In that case you mileage may vary. However if you are like me and like a perfect mix and just want to be entertained this is the ticket so far this year!!! Fans of bloodshed, castrations, blown off heads, limb ripping, finger munching, needle stabbing, puss popping,eye gouging and Bar BQ'ing need not wait run to see this flick. Planet Terror is the king of throwback film-making and deserves the score of: 9/10 future classic of the genre. Rodriguez set out to pay tribute and actually upstaged MANY films of the era he so loved....if I had a Cowboy Hat I'd tip it to you my friend...excellent work.

In the middle of these 2 were some entertaining trailers which due to letter limits I cannot comment on here: go to the Chief Goremongral My Space Site for their full review: Overall score on all total Fake Trailers: 7/10. Now onto act 2, Death Proof.

Deathproof tell the tale of Stuntman Mike (played by genre stalwart Kurt Russell) who seems to have a fetish for killing PYT's (pretty young things for the 80's unaware) with his stunt cars. From inside or out he sure does know how to make a mess of things....when we get to see it. Unfortunately Tarantino decides to bore us to death with far to much dialog and not enough Stuntman Mike as we get to watch not one set of girls jabber their jaws but 2 sets of woman jabbering their jaws for nearly its entire running time to make for a movie with a few bright spots but a lot of sleep inducing segments.

Russell's character is cunning and sinister for the first segment as he decimates our first crew of woman but when the second crew comes into play he turns into another character all together making any coolness portrayed in the first half seem like a totally different character and turns a psycho into a sissy. Tarantino has stated that he misses Russell in the more B-Action movie and horror scene as do I but this movie does him an injustice as oppose to focusing more on Russell's character and what makes him what he is we focus on annoying female leads that are not interesting or fun to watch at all.

Like a prior movie I reviewed, Penny Dreadful, I wanted the main characters (especially in the second act) to be vehicular or any other way man slaughtered by Russell and his muscle cars. From long lulls in action to dialog that seemed to only exist for Tarantino to educate the uneducated in 70's cinema and female conversation to the misuse Kurt Russell and his character I can only give Death Proof: 4/10 Below Average, Other than a rather cool crash and chase scene this movie misses the mark that it was intending to hit. Sorry Quentin maybe next time.

In the end the overall product was very solid. With a better handling of the last act this would have been an amazing double feature treat. Instead we get a must see started and some cool fake trailers but be warned as the last act is a bore.

Score: 7/10: Good, this is the overall package but if you only see it for the first movie it alone would be worth the price of admission.
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Chief Gore Mongral's Movie Review: The Hills Have Eyes 2
23 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
THHE remake was a superior movie remake in every way. Most remakes end up being total garbage but under the very talented direction of Alexandre Aja became one of the best ever made in terms of remakes and also as far as the mutant inbreed human sub-genre of horror is concerned. In steps part 2 directed by another individual Martin Weisz and written by the father and son combo of Jonathan and Wes "I cannot make a good horror movie to save my life anymore" Craven and if this is any indication of Weisz directing skills and young Craven's writing skills we are all in for a painful future as THHE 2 not only fails to be as good as the first but also fails to entertain on ANY level.

We start off with a fairly graphic mutant baby birth which though is rather cool will not prepare you for the utter garbage that is to come, only hint to what could have been in this film. We then get to see a crew of scientists who all to briefly are introduced and dispatched by our radiated rejects. In steps our main cast of army reservist to save the day, this is where the major problems begin.

From very sub par acting (yes even for this kind of movie) to the horrible characters to the lack of true carnage for most of its running time THHE 2 becomes a labor to watch as a lot of nothing happens as idiotic soldiers make mistake after mistake only to meet there demise not by the mutants but themselves. Think the Marines in Aliens only the exact opposite and you have the idea of how well these soldiers are trained. This is the true shame of the film as most of the Hills occupants do not get the kills you would like to see, like in the first film, in fact if this did not have THHE 2 attachment in the beginning and the brief overview in the beginning tying this loosely to the first this could have nearly been a Sci-Fi Channel original.

The Mutant Mountainbillies as well are not as amusing this time around in fact in a lot of way they are far inferior to our prior batch as they all come off as being rather under designed and uninteresting. Also the one that took the cake was the Sloth-like Mutant (you know Sloth from the Goonies) who helps them out in the 3rd act. I was waiting for him to ask for a Baby Ruth or start going on about Rocky Road Ice Cream. Truly disappointing and shameful is the only way to describe most of the goings on here.

The gore is in the film but not nearly as visceral as the original in fact it seemed toned down for the most part as other than the mutant baby birth scene there really isn't anything that stood out like in the first. Another major strike against this movie. So what did work here, the answer is nothing at all. This felt like a sequel designed specifically to make money off the success of the first and not to make an actually "good" film.

I can go on about the crappy Drill SGT., the radio man that has a speech impediment (that's right, he is the kind of guy I want radioing in for help in a real crisis) or the pacifist fighter that resembles the exact same character mold as our "hero" in the first film but I believe you get the point. This movie is not even in the same league or even the same planet as the first. It should have been given another title and been added to the Saturday Night Line up on The Sci-Fi Channel. A true shame as a solid sequel could have been made but alas it looks like another horror movie that drops the ball on nearly every level and will get one of my lowest scores as I give THHE 2 the same score as its part: 2/10 Dreadful: Words cannot describe how bad this movie is a total polar opposite of its predecessor in every way, uninspired and down-right unnecessary. Next time guys if your going to make a sequel this bad...don't even bother. Please don't go support this garbage at the theaters, save your money and thank me later!!!!
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Dead Silence (2007)
Gore Mongral Movie Review: Dead Silence
17 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Puppets and Clowns, 2 things that are meant for fun and laughter but in some cases come off as creepy and disturbing. Dead Silence takes the first road and creates a rather interesting tale that though lacking in some acts still makes for an entertaining time.

Jamie Ashen has a normal life a beautiful wife and now a new puppet delivered to his door by a mysterious stranger. Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad as this said puppet has appeared to have done some terrible things to his wife leaving him a widower and now in the eyes of police detective Jim Lipton the prime suspect. Jamie however knows what puppets stand for in his hometown so back to where past madness ensued Raven's Fair to solve the mystery of his wife's demise and possibly some even older town secrets along the way.

The story itself is rather similar to other films of its ilk. Person killed in the town who is suspected of murder, never gave a fair trial, they come back from the dead to get revenge. If you do not want another of those films just skip it. However if you are in the mode for this kind of film you will find that this is an above average example of this kind of horror/mystery movie.

From the creepy puppets to the ventriloquist killer (or is she) Mary Shaw the visuals are of the better in the horror genre. The movie also throws in a "Saw-like" finale that may surprise some but for this careful viewer caught it the first 30 minutes in. My only real problem with the movie is some lulls in the film due to what I feel were missed opportunities to inject more scare sequences and or gore. However if you can look past these things and take this for what it is Im sure you will have a solid time. With all the puppets at attention I give Dead Silence: 6/10: Above Average: A few more scare sequences or gore scenes would have raised this one up a bar however if your in the mood for a movie that has creepy puppets, undead puppet masters and a "Saw Style Finale" then Dead Silence will more than entertain!!! Not a bad follow up effort for Wan!!
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Gore Mongral's Movie Review: Beast of Hollow Mountain
9 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The 50's is one of my favorite eras for horror and sci-fi as most of my fond memories as a kid come from watching Harryhausen flicks and Universal Horror movies of that time frame (thanks to my father introducing me to them of course, Im not that old). Along the way there was some really good ones and then there were others like the film here Im reviewing TBFHM.

The story has a basic premise, a Mexican village has a legend that when the waters lower a creature comes out of an unexplored mountain and looks for food anywhere it can get it. Like a lot of the 50's monster films this would be enough to satisfy and entertain. Top that off with stop motion effects and your thinking pure 50's fun right,wrong. The movie also has another story of an angry cattle herder feuding with another herder to gain a monopoly on the cattle business in the area. This part of the story is focused on for nearly the first 60 minutes only briefly bringing up the monster that the title describes.

As a western, which the movie predominately is, it really isn't that good. As a monster movie it is not good either. The monster which finally shows up in the last 20 minutes is more or less to be a T-Rex. It is a very unconvincing stop motion sub par on every level and the way the monster is finally defeated is so stupid you have to see it to believe it. The funny thing about the T-Rex is he has a tongue that Gene Simmons would be envious of and at times they us a guy in rubber monster legs and feet to show it walking, another effect that added a level of badness to the movie.

In the end there is not much here to see. several of the cast would go on to star in the better stop motion monster gone amok film, The Black Scorpion. This seemed like a warm up to that film. If you want to see the best cowboy monster movie out there see "The Valley of Gwangi" which is light years ahead of this dreck. A lot of talking with very little action and the action, when there, being of the very lame variety I have no choice but to give TBFHM: 3/10: Bad, one of the worst 50's stop motion monster films. despite a respectable cast the story and pacing were dreadful along with the special effects.
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Gore Mongral's Movie Review: Warlords of Atlantis
6 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Warlords" tells the tale of 2 scientist's (father and son), a captain, a crew of questionable deck hands, a young boy and our hero Greg, aka Doug McClure who are out to discover the lost city of Atlantis with a revolutionary diving device Greg has created that is bottomless. Along the way however some things go bad and the crew are attacked by several creatures including a giant octopus as well as the occupants of Atlantis. The Atlantians capture them and an escape attempt is made by our crew to get out of Atlantis before they are "altered" to live there forever.

If you are a fan of rubber suits and puppets as oppose to the modern day CGI you are in for a treat as this film deliveries many different beasties made of the Godzilla style persuasion. After saying that if you are not one to be into that kind of effects then you will not really like what this movie has in store for you. For me I liked them and thought it added a certain charm that you cannot get with a movie made nowadays.

The story is basic and there is really nothing here that is awe inspiring or revolutionary but as far as a PG rated adventure goes (the first I've actually entered a review on I believe) this one is a nice little ride. If you have little ones they will more than likely be entertained by all the monsters and more than likely your inner child will enjoy them as well.

No gore here, nothing horrific just a nice little escape along the lines of a descent Fantasy or Sci-Fi film. People looking for anything else than a 70's style low budget adventure film need not apply all others I would encourage you to give it a look. My score for "Warlords of Atlantis" is: 5/10: Average, a nice little escape nothing huge here, just a nice change of pace film to show off to the kids that will not make you want to rip out your eyes.

This movie has not yet received a Stateside release however for a little "pound" you can get this one from England, courtesy of the DVD company Cinema Club. It is a 16:9 Animorphic transfer with an English Mono only audio.
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