1 Review
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Cloud 9 (2008)
Beautiful film. Fell in love with the story and the characters.
12 June 2008
I saw this film at the Cannes Film Festival 2008 and I must say of the 20+ films that I saw this was the most beautiful and most moving. This by far is the best film that I have seen in a long time. It takes a level of mental maturity to get past the "eeww old people sex" and see the story for itself. The film is touching, honest and emotional. The director did an amazing job in conveying the raw emotion of the situation. The actress that plays Inge was phenomenal. I could not see anyone else in that role. She was not playing a role but actually being. I highly recommend this film to anyone that enjoys true, honest, emotional and full films. If you like the light fluffy films this isn't for you. This is a film that will stay with you for awhile. (heck I saw it almost a month ago and I'm still thinking about it).
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