
3 Reviews
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Escape from Sobibor (1987 TV Movie)
Victorious Escape
12 October 2006
Only watched this film for the first time recently and although I cannot agree with the 'can't believe it was a telemovie' statements, I really enjoyed it. In terms of realism it comes well down the list of Holocaust films. The English accents, for one, give it away. The acting is great, particularly Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer. In terms of a realistic account of the story, it would have to be close to the facts, mainly due to the amount of survivors. What I really got out of it was the feeling of the oppressed ending up victorious. Almost all Holocaust films leave us with a feeling of hope at most. Hope that nothing like this ever happens again. The facts of the matter, rightly so, dictate what the portrayal, for the majority of Jewish prisoners, was like in terms of outcome. This film really left me with a feeling of victory, not just a moral one, as the oppressed rose up and struck down their persecutors. This presented all the prisoners with a chance of survival and condemned the camp nonoperational.
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Offside (2006)
Positive Iranian Film
4 October 2006
Another fantastic film from a country, where due to decades of oppression from fundamentalist regimes, has no problems in creating passionate subject matter. Panahi takes a different approach this time around with a blend of ironic comedy and an endearing, non-professional cast. While still getting across his message of what he sees as being inherently wrong with his country, he does so without the need of a heavy storyline. It is a positive take on a country, in particular its people, that the Iranian population desperately need. The greatest pity is it won't be released domestically. The insular, paranoid Iranian government assert that this fine film maker is only successful overseas because he is part of a global conspiracy to embarrass them. After growing up amid revolution and watching the academics, artists and educated 'disappear' over the last 25 years he shows great bravery in continuing to put his work out there. The realism achieved by shooting at the actual world cup qualifier really transports you to the event. The fact he shot it on 35mm is amazing as most would only attempt this project using a digital format. It looks fantastic. His insistence in only using non-professional actors also really works in this film. Fine performances all round. After watching many films showing the problems Iran has and also the news media reporting the facts we can tend to demonise the people as well as the government. This film does the opposite. It shows us they still love the same things and that by laughing at themselves and the absurd rules of sharia law that maybe a change for the better isn't too far away. Some call Panahi a feminist film maker but I think he just fights for the most oppressed demographic in Iran. Young, independent women.
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Budget Terrorism
3 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
contains spoilers. Fantastic example of low budget film making. The finished product looked up and above the money spent. The tight camera work compensated for the reality of 'unpaid' extras and a limited choice in location. The crisp, digital sound design increased the tension in a film that isn't driven by dialogue. The subject of a suicide bomber after you take her nationality, religion and background out of the equation is more perplexing. You have to look at the phenomena that is blowing oneself up, along with a whole lot of other people, as purely the insane act it is. The trade off is believability in the character without some sort of motivation from her past as to why she would commit such a heinous act. The actress was good in the whole. You knew what she was planning fairly early on so she had a long way to carry it. I just didn't buy it. Worth a look though, for the backpack specialist and his assistant/translator and also the mouthful of noodles.
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