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Found this film very hard going.
30 January 2012
I really wanted to enjoy this film but found it hard going. It moves very slowly and the story if there is one hardly gets going. The film is really photographic essay and on that level it works. The photograph is very delicate, with very carefully crafted scenes. The sound is a bit muffed. Sound like a layer on top of the picture. The BFI is right to back this films but I don't think it would have wide appeal. The extras that come with the main film are also hard going. I don't think many people will enjoy this film and I am unlikely to watch it again. Maybe in a cinema on a large scene it would work much better. The print stock is very grainy, and in my own view it has very little charm.
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A wonderful film.
30 January 2012
This film is all pleasure. The story is well told and has good casting with many famous British actors. I enjoyed this film many years ago and the latest DVD release with Virgina McKenna and John Shirley giving a commentary adds a lot of viewing pleasure. There is comedy, tragedy and a whole host of facts presented in this film of the womens SOE during war time. The public at the time of the film release must have been very interested in SOE and now at this time there is a renewed interest. Virginia McKenn got a BAFTA nomination for Best British Actress in 1959, and this was well deserved. The music is also an important part of the film and is composed by William Alwyn and Alec Wilder.
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Days of Glory (2006)
A story well told.
13 May 2011
This war film shows a different side to the 2nd world war than we normally. The acting casting is excellent and story unfolds effortless. The prejudiced the young solders experience as they fight for the mother country is a running theme through out the picture. Its hard not to compare this film with Saving Private Ryan. As the story progressed I really began to feel for the people and felt emotionally involved. The last scene, (as others have commented) states the way the solders were treated by the French Government and a real sense of shame should rest on the sole (if they have one) of the French Government. I would like to check out the historical facts shown in the film. Its great that film making like this gets done.
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Nine Men (1943)
A British unknown Gem.
31 March 2011
At the beginning of this film there is a lot of detail in the acting that could be easily missed. The story is mainly told in flash back, and the tension is held though out the whole time. Many of the first time audience must have saw this film bearing in mind that people they know, husbands and sons were fighting - doing their bit for king and country. The photography is well done, the acting is a bit rough in places but some how the the whole thing hangs together. There is no women cast in the film simply because the subject matter. I wonder how many more gems like this are hiddening in the vaults waiting to be converted to DVD.
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Great film on Middle class french family life.
1 February 2011
I can't think of how Holloywood would do a remake of the fine film of social manner "but" I hope they don't bother. The comedy never stops, Tatie Danielle is everyones favourite Aunt, we all love to hate her, and its not that difficult. One of my favourite scene is the bit when the "dog" gets dump in a Paris Street, (removing its collar, so that it can't be identified. The acting is very good. There are some very beautiful women in the film, including the young nurse in the hospital. The film is very French and one can learn a lot about the modern middle class in French today, just by looking at this film. Another plus, the film gets better with repeated viewing, and I have seen it about six or seven times already.
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The last of the trilogy, and should be seen last.
28 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The more times I watch this film it gets better and better. The story continues very much where the last one ends. Here we see Apu at University, getting very drunk, and shouting poetry late at night, and by happy accident, getting married. The early married scene are the best in the film. The circumstance of the marriage are hard to believe but with the magic of "Ray's India Cinema" the love between Apu and his beautiful young wife grows by then day. A child is born. And this is the spoiler, but, anyone who watches India films will know there is a death. I watch this film on DVD which I like because it gives me intimacy with the screen, but I know it should be watched in a packed out picture palace. You will not regard watching this film.
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Great film, apart from the singing.
6 November 2010
My summary says it all. The Marx Brothers are great when they do their stuff, but when the singing starts, the story slows down to a stop, and its sad, the songs don't do much for me. The Marx Bros., always were the same in all their films, their humour is timeless, and will live for ever. I can not understand people not wanting to see their films just because they are in Black and White, that is no reason. The DVD that I have has a "film historian" giving us his expert opinion which I am also grateful for. All in all a great film. Just enjoy it. Then after you seen it, go and see all their other films. The only problem with the DVD is the sound could be polished up a little.
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Really a dull boring film with nothing going for it.
14 July 2010
Yer, you can't be serious, this is the biggest load of crap I have ever scene on the big screen. The film is just one long mess from start to finish, the film maker must have been making some kind of in joke, but its all lost on me. If you want to bore yourself stupid, take a look at this, and then go and get a real life. Making use of video technology to produce this is one step too far into the new. I was so glad when it was all over, only a few people walked out, I remained, but wish I buggered off a got myself a big, big, McMac. Crap at its best. If thats what you want. The end credits was the only interesting point to this otherwise pointless piece of film making.
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A 60's romp around the Sea side.
6 July 2010
Looking back at any 1960's film one can't but help look at the shops, the streets, the way people dressed, the girls, and and the boys. The food even, I noticed the Kurzel cake display in one scenes, this is all great visual history. The film is obviously cashing on the new found Great British Youth culture, on the band waggon of the Beatles, A hard Days night. A film well worth seeing, but perhaps not too many times. Wendy Richards, gets a very small walk on part, and like the DVD cover box said the film contains a host of British stars some were to make it big much later on. The film is very tame by todays standards but there is a feeling of a youthful freeing up which was happening at the time, a good period film of times gone by. See it today.
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A good film which grows on me the more times I watch it.
22 April 2010
This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The location looks very much like Churchill Gardens, Pimlico, with Battersea Power Station in the background. And, plenty of smoking going on, in pubs, and on the tube. The film is strangely sexy in its own way, with the young girl playing along with the much older man, its really a sexual fantasy come true. It is another one of those British low budget film where the low budget adds to rather that take away value. Watch for fun, which is what it is. Good for the BFI for bring to a larger audience on DVD
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A real gem of a movie
6 April 2010
This is a good film It shows the swinging sixties, and to be honest they were not really that swinging. The very petty au-pair goes round London given almost everyone she meets the Clap. But what I liked about the film was outdoor shots of London, BMA House, was interesting because I used to work there, and the back ground demo of the the ban the bomb marches. The opening title shots, around the City, and the Barbican have nothing to do with the story, but still this is British movie making at its cheapest. All the women seem to be good looking, while all the men seem B or maybe C rate actors. Still this film is a gem and should have a wider public. See it and enjoy it.
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Cinderfella (1960)
Not Jerry at his best, but still enjoyable.
14 March 2010
Yes, I did like this film. Just good around entertainment but not Jerry at his best. Some how the film was a bit of a let down. The support cast somehow just did not work well. The sets seem very dated, and the comedy was very laboured in places. The script was weak, and the film camera effects never really live up to much. I don't know why JL choose this film for a vehicle for himself, it would have been better to have two bothers completing with each other and to play off each other. the love interest never really works well either. Shame. If you are a JL fan, (and U am) than see this film, otherwise, give it a miss. The Nutty Professor is a much better film. Also I loved the Bell Boy, great stuff.
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Great film, well made, just good fun
7 March 2010
I have seen this film about 4 or 5 times now and it gets better each time I see it. The acting is better than superb, and the plot line is well told. The colour and just the good fun of the film is a joy. When you think of the difficultly of what these "boys" had to do you must wonder in orr at how good they were. To say that this film is a gay film is just silly, everyone can enjoy it. You get a feel for all the people and when the action gets going (and you will know what I mean when you see the film) it is quiet a shock to the sytem. British flaking at its very best. I could watch this film many times and never get fed up with it.
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The Guest (1963)
Fine acting and a fine performance.
5 March 2010
I could not belief how good this movie is having seen many years ago on the big screen, and now on a BFI DVD. The sets suit the play so well, and the cast is very believable in every thing they do. The transfer from stage to screen is first class, and the pauses, delivery of the said lines is just right for the play. My only sadness is that WE "the British Film Industry" are just not producing things of this type nowadays rather than just a sad pap of work which demands no merit. Long live Pinter, and long live the Caretaker, see and died!!! The black and white photography is perfect and does not inter fear with the telling of the story. It must have been a very cold, cold, set on which to work.
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The Big Sleep (1946)
A great film of its time, for all time.
20 July 2009
I have seen this film once or twice on the big screen, but this is a review of the recent DVD release. I understand that this version is slightly different from that one which was first release. Lauren Bacall looks good in all her sconce, as do the full supporting cast of American lovelies. However the story itself is not its strong point. The film is very much studio based, and sometimes it shows. However the atmosphere of another time and place, the comedy, the good script all go a long way to make this an enjoyable film. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall look good together. I enjoyed it very much looking at the DVD giving a very intimate feeling to the film which one does not get in the cinema.
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London (1994)
A personal film essay thats flows well
28 April 2009
This film has a hypnotic feel to it, the narrator fits the scene as well as the music. The photography is good to supered. The film maker seem to be on a quest for something, but we don't know what. The images do linger, and the sense of London being a comusuming monster works well. We never see the film maker giving the film a hidden depth,and the narrator makes many references to a unknown person (who lives in Vauxhall). We see a familiar London, but also (and this is the clever part) a strange London. The route master bus for instance, so common, but in this film a strange object - maybe from outer space. I just simply enjoyed in. It nice to see a personal film like this being made, but wonders, who was the film made for? And where could this film be shown. As Lonodn continues to change over this film will become more and more remarkable.
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Fun film differcult not to like.
23 April 2009
Although set in a bygone age, which is part of its charm, this film is just pure fun. Even the opening shot of travelling on the steam train along the tracks is fun. The gun running and the IRA connection must have been topical at the time and shows people how long the "troubles" have been going on. Will Hay is also very likable(as all the characters. England became well known for making this sort of "capper" in the 1930's and OMP is the best of the lot. Will Hay died young, this film is a great legecy that he left behind. The windmill bit goes on for a bit longer but generally the action is well paced - this film is a film to be enjoyed.
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The acting is so good particularly Derek Jacobi as Bacon
9 April 2009
This is a film about relationships, relationships which flow over and between Bacon's life and work. I come away from the film knowing much more than I ever knew and felt about Bacon and his work, and also the period in which he worked. I would liked to have seen much more of the famous (or should that be infamous) "Colony Room" where Bacon done his drinking and socialzing. Daniel Craig is spot on as the East End spiv and petite crook. Tilda Swinton plays the hilariously foul-mouthed Muriel Belcher and I am sure that Belcher would make make a good central character in another film. The film is not about Bacon's paintings, but the man himself. His relationships his world. London could never ever been as seedy as this but what a great place to search out life.
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The Blue Lamp (1950)
An enjoyable film of a time gone by.
9 April 2009
This film is well made and tells the story well. Of course it is dated now but does have a bases of fact especially in police procedure and the fact that there was young men gangsters about because don't forget this was just after the war. All the policeman are like able and as the film goes by you find yourself caring what happens to them. What PC Dixon gets shot it is truly upsetting although most people know that the character when on to be one of the most watched 60's BBC television shows in the form of Dixon of Dock Green. The London shown in the film is a London that I remember lots of war damage and open spaces. I like the old road signs and shop sign which places in its time and space. London just after the war, and was soon to change. Worth a look just for this.
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