
32 Reviews
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Insanely overrated
5 June 2024
I'll admit I watched the rifftrax version. Hey there's such little dialogue they weren't talking over anything. It's like the director just said hey let's get a hot blonde to walk around most of the film looking stupid. Lol one riff was hilarious there was another long boring shot (like most of the movie) and Mike says this shot actually inspired Stanley Kubrick's the shining.. Oh really? Yes, It inspired him to make it good. Sums it up. In 1962 I'm sure it was all the rage... Oh and there's no carnival, at all lol. What a rip off. Then there's the organ music... The minister gets mad she isn't playing good stuff? How can you tell? So many good riffs and what a overrated film. Atmosphere that's about all this had going for it. No plot and no story whatsoever.
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Reading the negative reviews funny and sad
3 May 2024
Just started watching in 2024. Way too late to the party and what a laugh fest. The negative reviews of people who hate this show are funny and sad. It better not get revived.. Well it did loser lol

These are obviously family, actors or the production crew from these horrible movies being bashed. Crying bc the only attention their movie or children acting /working on it ever got was from being bashed on this hilarious show.

Also the snobs calling it pretentious, while insulting the intelligence of the fans... Then you call the ppl on mst3k elitist? Go pound sand, you're basically a troll with your reviews. What do you like thats so great and talk about pretentious lol? More stupid sounding than anything. Nelson wasn't great compared to Joel, and Mary no should have stayed off the screen I will admit, but there's some weird amount of hate here for Nelson that seems... Personal.

This was a cult show and if you care so much to come here and negatively review it when I'm pretty sure ten ppl watched it when it was on, then you are beyond sad lol.
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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Gloating Place (1986)
Season 1, Episode 11
Hilariously bad
25 April 2024
Look I love the original AHP and this one I grew up watching as a kid, so I have a special attachment. That being said this episode had some of the worst acting ever, and rewatching it now on chiller. Same low res as the 80s so maybe it just hasn't aged well and needs to be remastered but wow. It should be on mst3k. When the blonde comes to her house and they argue over who got killed. Hilariously bad and when she closes the door saying "you lied" If you don't laugh somethikg is wrong.

A character limit is stupid, especially if you're only reviewing a singular episode lol?

Look I love the original AHP and this one I grew up watching as a kid, so I have a special attachment. That being said this episode had some of the worst acting ever, and rewatching it now on chiller. Same low res as the 80s so maybe it just hasn't aged and need to be remastered but wow. It should be on mst3k. When the blonde comes to her house and they argue over who got killed. Hilariously bad and when she closes the door saying "you lied" If you don't laugh somethikg is wrong.
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Immaculate (2024)
Tropes gore and then naptime
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Can you stop subjecting us to this woman's face? It's bad enough we have to endure her in euphoria (almost good it's taking so long between seasons) She sucked in white lotus. I mean if you think playing yourself is good (yes, she was a stuckup b*tch lol)

Who the hell is going to buy her as a nun? She's known as the town bicycle lol. Everyone will get a ride, eventually. The pool for good actors is gone they are all too old, just like me right kids?

Hollywood just decides shoddy ppl are actors and throws them in our face. Looking at you Lady gaga and kim K, but pls don't make me actually look. Yuck lol, at least Kim had it before she married that idiot.

Make a quality film with competent actors FFS!!!!!
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Way better than breaking bad
3 July 2023
Lol the reviews from the idiot mob saying this show sucks, yet praising breaking bad lol. They are the same shows both by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. Same style and same flow. Same slow burn and great stories / writing. Hating one and liking the other is.. Silly to say the least. At least this one gets going from the start unlike breaking bad. 8/10 BC's. 7/10 BB.

Lol the reviews from the idiot mob saying this show sucks, yet praising breaking bad lol. They are the same shows both by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. Same style and same flow. Same slow burn and great stories / writing. Hating one and liking the other is.. Silly to say the least. At least this one gets going from the start unlike breaking bad. 8/10 BC's. 7/10 BB.
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The Passenger (1975)
Are you people idiots?
18 June 2023
You can't even speak proper English so why are you watching these movies lol? Stick to your Bollywood crap and leave our classics alone. All these great films that are an 8 or more have their rating destroyed by ppl who can't even put on deodorant lol. Or it's just dumb ass kids who think marvel is the epitome of film. Morons, all of you. The usernames and dates of these sad little reviews really tell all. Down vote me all you want. Again, morons lol

You can't even speak proper English so why are you watching these movies lol? Stick to your Bollywood crap and leave our classics alone. All these great films that are an 8 or more have their rating destroyed by ppl who can't even put on deodorant lol. Or it's just dumb ass kids who think marvel is the epitome of film. Morons, all of you. The usernames and dates of these sad little reviews really tell all. Down vote me all you want. Again, morons lol.

I'm sure everything you like is in fact, garbage 😏
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Amazing and Lynch at his best
18 April 2023
If you're stupid or don't know film making of course you wont like this. I love reading the one stars. Clowns who can't even speak English or write properly, yet they can take the time to attept to write a review of a show they don't like. Hey abberant behavior just like characters in the show you hate, you're a joke of a human lol.

It was rated at over a 9 at one point and now bc of the idiots being born every generation it'll constantly go down. What in 20yrs classic shows like twin peaks will be rated a 6 bc children have no appreciation of anything but marvel?

I'm 38 btw, oh I bet they are still calling me old lol.. Idiots 🤣
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Who are the fans of this show lol? Cubicle dwellers... Clearly
29 January 2023
You people rate this stuff like it's better than godfather and other classics more deserving. It's a dumb spoof that had a couple laughs. Also whys it say it aired in 2019? I'm watching the episode from season 7 where they watch it now. Also the show itself isn't funny by season 7,so makes sense!!

Thos who gave this show a nine or ten probably don't even like the original superior UK version. Let me guess you also rate the abysmal last two seasons with paymer a 9/10 too? Dear God lol

The people who gave this show a nine or ten probably don't even like the original superior UK version. Let me guess you also rate the abysmal last two seasons with paymer a 9/10 too? Dear God lol

**** your character limit. If people can't bash things they don't like it's called restricted speech. Jagoff American idiots lol.
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It still amazes me lol
28 December 2022
I still get amazed at these zealot fools who write negative reviews because of language they didn't like? Are you that dumb you can't see it's rated R or MA for coarse language...? Why are you watching stuff you know you'll cry about?

Like knowing there's gay sex and you watch it, then complain lol.. If you're such a prude and your beliefs SUCK why bother watching anything? Talk about entitlement

Anyways the show is ruined by Selena Gomez. The two dudes who are supposed to be actual actors aren't much better here either, so you know this is a stinker. Father of the Bride, there's a true comedy with Steve Martin / Martin Short.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
21 December 2022
Learned nothing new about beard.. People talked about how this showed some dark side of beard. Not really, he just seemed to be having a bad or unlucky night. The scorcese homage was also noticeable but mean streets wasn't even that great lol?

Learned nothing new about beard.. People talked about how this showed some dark side of beard. Not really, he just seemed to be having a bad or unlucky night. The scorcese homage was also noticeable but mean streets wasn't even that great lol?

Learned nothing new about beard.. People talked about how this showed some dark side of him. Not really, he just seemed to be having a bad or unlucky night. The scorcese homage was also noticeable but mean streets wasn't even that great lol?
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Hello Ladies (2013–2014)
Too Bad...
10 July 2022
Too bad it didn't work out for Merchant with this. I watched the first season and could see how it would turn ppl off. Lot's of lonely men who probably could relate and not in a good way lol.
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Queer as Folk (2022)
Don't even need to
25 June 2022
I'm almost done season 2 of the US series. This has to be just a horrible remake, I don't even need to bother watching...

Also some of the dumb reviewers as usual showing their bigotedness lol. Hey Adumb.. There were maybe two characters who acted like 13yr olds on the earlier "iterations".. (way to sound like a pretentious a**!! One was bryan a sex addict and one was a kid who is 17. In your warped mind I guess were all mindless children though lol? It's called enjoying life you prat and prude shill.

Now make sure to put aids in capitals again.. Goof.
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Top Gun (1986)
Yikes don't rewatch if you grew up loving it and can be objective
23 June 2022
Good score by Harold Faltermeyer and the part Moroder did. I'll listen to it until the day I die.. That's what evokes the memories.. Not the dull af acting and propagandistic bs

Even the aerial scenes have aged horribly. In 86 they were fun, now it's just planes flying around. One gets shot maybe once lol, so like many reviews say. NO REAL ACTION... In an action movie from the 80's ffs.. The 80's!!

I was born in 85 and I hate most stuff made after the 80's but looks like this new sequel will make up for how horribly this has aged.. It's still entertaining for how hammy it is. 6/10.
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Queer as Folk (2000–2005)
Good stuff
17 June 2022
Straight man, just watching season 1 now and loving it

The obvious sad reviews from incels and other loser men pretending to be gay in order to bash the show is ridiculous. You can't fool anyone lol.
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Why is this still on?
9 April 2022
If it weren't for devoted fans in philly with nothing better in their lives than a tv show that makes their existence seem worthy this wouldn't last.. this is why I always read negative reviews and glad sensible ppl can agree. This show was funny, once upon a time..

If yelling is acting to you, you're an idiot. If the same story and their excuse for "plot lines" being reused episode after episode is your thing good for you. You're a tasteless fool, probably the same ppl who think this is as good as seinfeld lol. Just wow.
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For the love of god stop Bruce
6 April 2022
At least Arnie and Stallone stopped when they knew the jig was up

These action movies are great from the 70's to maybe mid 2000's I'd say 90's was it for great movies and this crap being churned out is proof. Is Bruce under contract or owing money to someone?

Just remember him from Sin city and before... You'll feel much better about your childhood "heroes" lol.
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17 March 2022
Why is cable and all these crap ads still on?

And the winner is...

Watch five minutes at least of ads lol

Doesn't it get old you plebs? Even if I were streaming it it would still be lame.
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Childrens Hospital (2008–2016)
Hilarious for the first five
7 March 2022
First five seasons are solid silly, alot of times stupid and absurdist adult swim humor. The last two aren't that great tbh.

Also if you have to call someone stupid for liking it maybe that says more about you. Must be a joy at parties lol

Even our positive reviews are saying the show is stupid, so wouldn't that make you a useless idiot for calling us names? Just sad how ppl are these days. Mindless plebs who can't enjoy anything anymore.
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Watch it at least twice
20 February 2022
It's Tim and Eric. It needs multiple viewings, not to understand but to embrace the ludicrous and surreal nature of it all. Make sure you have plenty of cannabis on hand, preferably strong sativa edibles too lol..

You can like shows like this and curb your enthusiasm, stuff on BBC, ect. It's ok I think?
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Dexter (2006–2013)
It's good but
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only on season four and the cracks are already starting to show. The basic police drama aspect of the show is what brings it down.. Didn't like what they did to doakes. Jimmy smitts was enjoyable as always in s03. His narration also gets irritating. You can't kill and expect sympathy, so the whole show your like why? Who do we root for? The cops lol? They're American cops so anyone with a brain isn't rooting for them. The 2x bush voters at the time of airing ate it up I'm sure.. His sister and Rita are useless to annoying. It's good but 8 season of this? Yeah, no.
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8 February 2022
Lady Gaga in center with a legend Pacino next to her. What a waste, guess he dried up all his funds and needs to work but wow it's sad. Musicians don't get to just decide they are actors. Lady Gaga has and will always suck. Yes children she sucks. You people supporting this are idiots lol.
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16 January 2022
Bad people. Blow hards. One person in particular, bla bla my kid this, my Kid that. Total turnoff and nobody cares

This is bad comedy. Not even bad reality tv, it certainly isn't about cooking like grocery games or diner drives and dives. Stick to that if you value what food networks programming is supposed to be. Don't give this crap the eyeballs.
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People Puzzler (2021– )
28 September 2021
Leah looked bad last season with the lip bs, even worse than kloe Kardashian looks now lol. A new season just started and she looks even more tired and like she's aged ten years. The second season also started this same year... How does less then six monthes do that to your face sweetie? She used to be cute too, I even had a crush on her when she was on that stupid show Jerry Stiller was the only funny one on...

This show... Its hilarious, I watch to see how bad it is.. Worst balance ever in a gameshow. Like other reviews have stated. People who are losing get the first turn in round two and it doesn't matter if the person in first had a perfect round before, the loser is rewarded, gets to come back and negate the first person.. I'd be throwing fists and you can tell ppl are mad but can't point out the issues of the show on air, that would be truthful and honest lol.

Then someone will get to clean up the words left aka get an extra turn over the other two people. Like no each person should each get a word corresponding to how many points they have. Three words left three people not one person gets to pile on points over the other two. Nobody wants to watch that stupidity. Balance... Fix it... Too much work for the producers of this dreck lol. A stupid ad for people magazine. About it.
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Chain Reaction (2006– )
7 is for updated version
14 September 2021
The updated version is ok, but the old shows last game was God awful. They are replaying old eps on gsn now.. The new shows last game is way better and what it should be. I will agree Dylan is nowhere near Brooke burns or John Michael Huggins as a host and the comment about 90210 is hilarious, no he wasn't on that show but he reaaally should have been lol. Also this show highlights how americans are so uneducated and stupid. These are common sayings and phrases. A letter comes up under a word and I usually get it. These boobs need at least three letters before they guess and usually it's wrong still lol, never yelled at a screen more, thank you america what a gift.
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Fallout 3 (2008 Video Game)
Average at best
26 June 2021
Interplay/black isle era gamers know it's just a mangled version of the fallout universe. Bethesda made an ok world and transferred the 2d style into a 3d shooter, with a crappy engine. That's all they did, then had to hire out obsidian (which is the old companies that made the original fallouts, interplay and black isle) to make the suquel Vegas, which was far superior in every way. Makes this look like crap and every other Bethesda fallout was weak until they made it live service with 78 and killed the franchise. Hopefully Microsoft can rebuild what they ruined. Children aka Bethesda fanboys and plebs vote it down, you know its true lol:)
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