23 Reviews
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A Grand Old Irish Musical
11 March 2024
This was a wonderful story and the music was like a trip back in time to the grand old Irish music of yesteryear. Dennis Morgan was perfect for the role and his charismatic personality and handsome smiling face made me want the story to never end. It was touching and heart felt and all the supporting actors were wonderful. The sets were beautiful as were the costumes and the story was strong and well paced. I loved all the songs that Dennis sang with his beautiful voice. I knew he was a good actor but I never knew how great a singer he was. He was at the top of his talent. At the end he sang to a sweet little girl who in real life was his daughter. That was very special. It was a grand old Irish musical!
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The Verdict (1982)
Masterpiece Movie
9 February 2024
This movie was a true masterpiece. It was a well written story. The acting was fantastic and Paul Newman was at his very best. This movie should have taken all 5 academy awards. Why it did not is a mystery to me. The Verdict is one of the best movies to ever come out of Hollywood. When a movie is so good that you can get lost in the story and start to find yourself so moved by a character forgetting that he is an actor playing a role. That was how Paul Newman's electrifying performance made this in my opinion one of the greatest movies. When Paul Newman gave his closing statement to the jury I was moved beyond words.
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Christmas in Scotland (2023 TV Movie)
Ending didn't feel like a castle
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a Christmas classic but it was disappointing because I was expecting Emma to decorate the castle so wonderfully and at the end I was waiting for her to make a grand entrance in the magnificent castle ballroom all decked out with her Christmas decorations her coming down a grand staircase in that red gown. Instead the end was in some tacky set with hardly any decorations and it looked like a cheap hall not a castle. Very anticlimactic ending ruined the whole point of the movie which was her decorating the inside of the castle. Where are the spectacular decorations that she was going to do inside the castle? The ending could have been magical if the atmosphere was right because it was a good story with good actors.
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Confused during entire movie
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really like Robert Redford and most of his movies are very good but this movie I just could not follow from beginning to end I did not understand what was going on. And some of the scenes were a bit ridiculous, like how did Faye Dunaway happen to know exactly when Cliff Robinson was going to lunch and how easily he followed her being a very sharp CIA Agent. It was pretty amazing that Redford was able to get the exact telephone equipment out of the Bell truck and got into the phone company so very easily! The love scene was so out of place for what was happening, wasn't she afraid he would kill her? And after they made love everything was fine she trusted him and wanted to be his friend. Sorry but this was the worst Redford movie I am amazed it did so well at the box office.
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Powerful Movie
31 March 2023
This was a well written and very well acted movie. The story kept me interested and it was realistic. Richard Egan was at the top of his acting game. Dan Dureyea was excellent as the lawyer opposing Egan. Jan Sterling as the suffering wife gave an award winning performance. And as always Walter Matthau the most wonderful character actor was great as the thug union boss. The music score was good. This was a solid movie that I am surprised didn't get nominated for awards. I know when a movie is really good when it can hold my attention, I can't see any holes in the story and I don't want it to end.
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Love Elvis but this was Terrible
16 March 2023
OK I have seen almost all of Elvis movies, most of them are great. Even with not such great scripts Elvis always manages to carry the story. But this one was terrible. Perhaps they were trying to make him a more reckless rebel because of the late 60's vibe that was happening in the country. Really dumb story, too much fighting and beating each other up, him being attracted to Joan Blondell who looked like his grandmother. Whoever the makeup person was they did a bad job on Elvis dad and grandfather they both did not look like Indians. Burgess Meridith hair was not even dyed black well and in the beginning of the movie grandfather had pale skin that later turned tan. I have to say Elvis looked fantastic, tan and fit and as bad as the movie was he kept me interested that's how good an actor he was and a really handsome man.
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Clambake (1967)
Great Elvis Movie
15 March 2023
This was a great movie. I will never understand why his movies in the late 60's didn't do well. I suspect it was the times and the wholesome entertaining storyline was now not popular with the late 60's rebellion of free love, drugs, and more risqué movies. It was a difficult time for him. The movie companies that had made much money with him over the years were now abandoning him. This was a good story with good supporting cast. His leading lady was wonderful. He played the part so realistically. He was a very good actor. And the songs were sweet. I loved when he sang But You Don't Love Me. I know he was a bit heavier in this role but it suited him. He looked strong and relaxed. I read that he said it was his worst movie. I think he was just upset with the way the movie industry was treating him and it is sad that the public became a bit fickle and didn't support him as they did in the past. He was such a unique and extraordinary talent.
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Elvis In London
14 March 2023
This was a really good movie. It had the right vibe for the late 60's with a European setting. Elvis looks great and he played the role so well. He really was a good actor. I can not understand why many of his late 60 movies failed to do really well. I admit there were a few clinkers but most of them had good story lines and good supporting actors and Elvis looking fantastic and putting his best into the role. The scenery was well done and really made me feel like he was in Europe. He had his own unique look and always stood out above the crowd. The songs were cute and he being so talented could make Old McDonald sound cool. He was an amazing talent.
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Kid Galahad (1962)
A Great Elvis Movie
9 March 2023
This was a really great Elvis movie. He did some of his best acting and the story was well written and he was supported by a good cast. He played the character so well you forgot he was Elvis and because he had good actors working with him in the story he didn't have to carry it all by himself which happens in so many of his lesser movies. He was a really good actor wish he could have gotten more good scripts like this one. Joan Freeman his love interest was a good match for him. I really enjoyed the story and thought Elvis did a wonderful job in keeping the story exciting and interesting. It is interesting to see that he did not have his hair dyed black for this part.
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Roustabout (1964)
Elvis Always good
9 March 2023
This is a good movie and even if it is not the best script as always Elvis keeps the story interesting with his charisma and good acting talent. Please note in the beginning of the movie when he is singing to the college kids if you look close you will see a young Raquel Welch sitting at the table. Barbara Stanwyck is wonderful and Elvis is able to match her in talent. Joan Freeman was not very exciting and another love interest would have made the movie more interesting. In so many of Elvis movies the leading lady just couldn't keep up with his energy and the movies would have been so much better if he was not always the only one carrying the story.
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4 September 2022
This is a great story and it keeps one at the edge of their seat trying to figure out the mystery. So very well acted by Lana Turner, Anthony Quinn, I don't know why it is not up there with all the Hitchcock suspense movies it really was better than many of them. The story builds in such a way that it keeps you very interested. Photography is wonderful. The supporting actors were all perfect in their parts as well. I feel this movie should have been nominated for best picture, best actress, and best actor, and best screenplay. Lana Turner gives her best performance and Quinn shows what a talented actor he is. This is a exceptionally well done movie.
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The Searchers (1956)
The Great American Western
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To me this is by far John Wayne's greatest performance. This was the movie he should have gotten an Oscar for best actor. It was clear from the beginning that the young girl Debby was his child with his brother's wife. He was a war worn man filled with hate and vengence for the indian. The story was very moving and the photography was spectacular. The cast was great and Jeffrey Hunter kept up with John Wayne's amazing pretense throughout the movie. The best line that John Wayne repeated throughout the movie was always perfect for his character, "that will be the day!" John Ford tells a story that sets a mood of the early west and what the people had to endure to live in a wild land. It is the great American western.
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Katherine Hepburn miscast
8 August 2022
I admire Katherine Hepburn but I think she was to fragile for this part. The story was a remake of the one she did with Bogie when she was in her prime. John Wayne was old but he had great energy and personality and carried the movie but Hepburn was just to past it to be able to keep up with him. This was another John Wayne movie where Wayne carries the entire story from start to finish with his charm and great acting ability.
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True Grit (1969)
MIscast Disaster
8 August 2022
As a big fan of John Wayne movies this was not a good one. The problem was the story was so miscast with actors that could not act their parts well. Kim Darby was boring and had no range of emotion for the role. Glen Campbell's best was singing the opening song. He was annoying and their was no chemistry with him John Wayne or Kim Darby. Jeff Corey as the terrible Tom Chaney seemed more like a bad comedian. He was not believable. The story seemed to be written in a way where the writers didn't know what to do next. Thank goodness for John Wayne's powerful presence and acting skills that saved the movie.
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Great Old Fashioned Movie
4 June 2022
This movie made me smile from beginning to end. I loved the story and all the actors were just perfect. Especially the the great Billy Gray. In this crazy world it is so nice to go back in time and enjoy such a colorful, funny, happy, well done story. Doris Day and Gordon McRae were wonderful.
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Midnight Lace (1960)
Better than Hitchcock
30 May 2022
This was a real nail biter edge of your seat movie. So well done with all the twists and turns in the story. Doris was Oscar worthy of this performance. Great acting by all. The story was very strong better than Hitchcock because it really kept you guessing on what was going to happen. A true thriller.
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Americana at its Best
26 May 2022
Looking back at the times this was a great movie that had a real feel for the old fashioned American spirit. Doris Day and Jack Lemmon were perfect together. The location setting, the story, all the actors were true to the way this country was in the 50's in the small towns. It felt good to go back to a time when America was more innocent. This is a feel good movie.
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Not one of my favorites
24 May 2022
I am a big fan of Doris Day and Cary Grant but to me there was no chemistry between them in this movie. I t was very dull and slow paced and never reached the level of interest that Doris Day movies do. It just felt like they were struggling with the entire story. The story seemed silly for Doris who was not a young girl and Cary Grant showed no emotion through out the movie. This was not one of my favorite Doris Day movies.
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Great Western With Doris
22 May 2022
This was a great western. Doris did a wonderful job as a widow in a man's world trying to take a stand. All the veteran actors supporting her in a strong story made it easy to watch. Peter Graves was a handsome well turned out leading man. As always Doris made the movie work and she was beautiful.
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Favorite Doris Day Movie
20 May 2022
Everything about this movie is perfect. The casting is great all the actors were perfect for the parts they played. Doris was looking extra beautiful with a nice tan, stylish clothes and loved her hair. Great chemistry between her and Rod Taylor. Very funny made me laugh out loud. A comedy masterpiece.
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Caprice (1967)
Doris doing her Best
19 May 2022
This was a different type of story for Doris. It was difficult because the times were changing and the writers thought if they made her a kind of Bond spy it would be good. She looked great even though the outfits were over the top along with her hair. But she pulled it off she looked beautiful and I loved her hair. The story was kind of silly but she kept it real. Richard Harris was cute but I think another leading man would have made it better. Doris was carrying the story and being the pro that she was she was wonderful.
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Doris and Rod Great Together
18 May 2022
There was some great chemistry in this movie between Doris and Rod. I loved the story and the setting in England. Well written and funny. I can understand why they teamed up again for The Glass Bottom Boat.
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Best Doris Day & Rock Hudson Movie
17 May 2022
This movie was so funny, Doris Day and Rock Hudson were at their comedy best. Tony Randall was hilarious as the nerdy true friend neighbor. Paul Lynn was hysterical as the cemetery plot salesman. Directed so well non stop fun. Day, Hudson, and Randall were brilliant.
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