
122 Reviews
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Barbarians (2021)
Broadway or Hulu?
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I only came to comment how annoyed I was during the scene where we get this prancing performance of the guy destroying the dining room area. It was like ok, get to the point. What is this all about? Am I watching broadway or Hulu?

This movie was so slow paced and I was ready to get to the who are you and why are you doing this. A little predictable with some things. I knew the two messed around when he paused the video on her during her birthday wish to him. Not a terrible movie but it also isn't an award winner...maybe for some smaller ceremonies. I have never seen any of these actors in anything else but they weren't bad. They were each pretty typical and played the roles well. It's a good movie if you have nothing else to do but hasn't reached the background noise status.
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The Wrong Cruise (2018 TV Movie)
What in the Wrong Cruise was this?
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mkay....what? There's so much but I'm only going to focus on a few things. It's a lifetime movie so you just go in with mid expectations anyway.

1. You and your daughter get it on with some guys you met less than 24 hrs ago?

2. You bring the guy back to your room and sleep with him? What if your daughter came to the room? Where's his room? Who is he on the cruise with? Do you know anything about him at all?

3. You allowed your 18 year old daughter to wander off with the guy she JUST met in a foreign country, AND SHE'S DRINKING??? Absolutely not. Now Vivica, you know we don't do that over here boo.

4. The way Rico and the cop just fell and died instantly after being shot was freaking hilarious. Like seriously? We couldn't get some kind of sentimental moment between Rico and the other guy? Rico deserved more respect than that. His character wasn't just random like the cop.

5. The daughter irked me so bad. Idk if it was the actress, her character or the direction but something was off. She just felt miscast to me. However, she got the role, so ultimately, it was hers...I guess.

6. Ashley the character only had one very short scene but boy was she terrible. I mean my goodness. In this case it was more so the script like get it out already. We spent 5011 hours waiting for her to tell us why she was at the location but couldn't get a couple seconds to bid a decent farewell to Rico.

This in my opinion, is the worst out of all the "Wrong" movie franchise. The last movie I watched with Vivica was 'The Crazy Housesitter' or some title like that and she was so terrible in that movie. I cringed every time she was on screen. Also including how terrible and inconsistent her character was written. However, she did her usual Vivica thing in this one. I didn't find myself having second hand embarrassment due to her acting so that was a plus.
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Girl (I) (2020)
Betty is my favorite!
24 March 2024
Another reviewer said the bartender and Betty were the best parts of this movie and I'd have to agree. Bella's acting was a hit and miss for me. Some parts she was, well, her. Other scenes, she was terrible. I think it was her character being country, it didn't fit her. There was one scene she yelled and I cringed. Half the time I had second hand embarrassment for her. There's another movie I love her in, and I could have liked her in this one without the force of the country accent, the "mamas" and the "daddy's" it was just a lot. I don't feel like writing a longer book than I already have so I'll end here.

3 for effort. I still like Bella, but not here. I LOVED Betty's character.
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Into the Deep (2022)
What in the waste of time?
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What in the waste of time was this? This movie was so pointless.

What annoyed me most, is as he's choking Lexi, Jess just stands there and screams "No, no, please don't do this".... AS SHE'S HOLDING A FLARE GUN. I mean do something. Shoot, hit him like you did Lexi. Something. The second most annoying this was how Jess kept jumping and acting suspicious every time Lexi came in the room. Idk if that was the script, the directing, or terrible acting but it was overdone. Like please. *Eye roll*

Then she goes back to the boat yelling Lexi's name AFTER THE BOAT BLOWS UP? What? Then Lexi comes out of nowhere and they ride off as if they didn't just experience a traumatic event.

I think this was done purposely. Just to piss us off. Lol! Job well done crew.

Another viewer commented on the nudity and said how that's signs of a bad movie. I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the scene rolling my eyes.

While this movie played, I was on YouTube and then came to IMDb to make sure I wasn't tripping. 50+ min in waiting for something to happen and nothing interesting did. I was so bored counting down when it would be over, which was the most satisfying part of the entire movie.

Well they made their money so who am I? I watched but will not be watching again. Watch at your own risk, but I wouldn't even recommend this as background noise.
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Home, Not Alone (2023 TV Movie)
home NOT alone...too funny
17 March 2024
The title is hilarious. The acting is laughable. Especially the daughter. Her acting is as bad as her annoying character. She sounds like she's reading and remembering her lines, especially when her and Noah were in the pool talking about following ugh I forgot his name. She is really hard to ingest.

This is a lifetime movie so it's nothing to write home about, nor is it an award winner. It's also predictable. Not only the plot but the script. I heard what they were going to say right before they said it.

I'm starting to think Lifetime hires writers, producers, directors etc straight out of school (both high school and secondary). If that's the case, I can appreciate these movies a lot more. Otherwise, my goodness. I'd be so embarrassed to be a seasoned individual whose name is attached to these projects.

All in all, I will continue to watch LMN movies. Ahahahaha all that for me to say this. But it's true. Terrible movies like LMN, Tubi and Netflix originals are my guilty pleasure. Shrugs. Thank you for keeping us entertained no matter what. All press is good press so whether we hate it, like it or love it, we're watching.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
One Irritating Factor
5 December 2023
I haven't reviewed anything in a while, just been watching and accepting and or enjoying whatever I've been watching. With this show, it's a mix of both. It's enjoyable enough. I'm only on season 1 episode 9 and the only reason I'm leaving this review is one reason and one reason only. Will anyone care how I feel especially being three years after the show ended? Idk or care, I have to get this out. While there are a few things that irk me, there's one I just can't get past.

I am so annoyed with these shows/movies casting 30 year olds to play teenagers. How can you expect me to look at Cheyenne and her fiancé and believe they are teens? I get casting directors know we know...or do they...but it still feels like an insult. While she is a good actress, she does not act like a teen. She literally acts like an older lady who hasn't mentally matured well. It's actually quite weird in a way I really can't in this moment, find the words to describe it. Ok, rant over.
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Skyscraper (2018)
One annoying factor
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I typically don't comment on movies with more than 40 reviews, it really depends, but I couldn't help myself for one annoying reason and one annoying reason only.

I absolutely adore Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Neve Campbell. They have been apart of my entire life and they are amazing actors. Plus, Dwayne is really easy on the eyes. Is this movie the typical cliche? Yes. And all the other stuff the bad reviews mention, however, it was a good watch for me.

My biggest downfall with this movie and a lot of movies....why in the world, when your husband finally gets to you while you ONE, are in a building surrounded by fire and TWO, away from your children who are also surrounded by fire, do you take the time to not only give this big long hug and waste time, but then ask "how did you get in the building" that relevant right now at this very moment? Could you not have asked that after you at least got to your kids? A lot of movies do this and it is so annoying like wth are the writers thinking? I'm in a life or death situation, you think I'm gonna worry about what color underwear you have on? I mean come on.

For irking my nerves, this movie gets a 4. Otherwise, because of the leads, I would have given it a 6.
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April Fool's Day (2008 Video)
This movie is hilarious
13 September 2023
Was this supposed to be a parody or satire, or any type of comedy? I found myself laughing at almost everything especially the acting.

The brunette lead, I believe Taylor is her name, is the funniest of them all. I read a few other reviews that she's in a popular show I've never heard of. It must be her looks getting her by because she's gorgeous but her acting is terrible.

The script falls very short and if this was meant to be a remake of the I believe 86 version, they did a horrible job. But my criticism truly stems more from me laughing at almost the entire movie. Good job on that, I appreciate it.
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In Isolation (2022)
I couldn't make it...
5 September 2023
I made it 30 minutes in before I couldn't take it anymore. I tried, I really tried. I have sat through some bad ones and there are very few I won't finish but this did not make the cut.

From the first five minutes I knew it was bad. It took me about 1 minute before I realized I wasn't watching a foreign film dubbed in the states. I figured when they watched the final movie, it didn't sound as expected but don't you figure that out ahead of before the final completion? Well, it is super low budget.

I have said this before and I stand by it. Low budget does not equal terrible script, plot acting, directing, cinematography and so forth. This was absolutely awful. I honestly would have kept watching despite the dubbing because I'm a sucker for foreign films so I'm used to it, but everything else was horrible.

Please please take heed to the real reviews and save yourself from this one. If you read any of my other reviews I even sometimes recommend the bad ones but this one, I cannot, I will not, I absolutely refuse, to stand by.
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Meh, typical
5 September 2023
These reviews are hilarious. This movie is worth no more than 2 maybe 3 stars for effort.

From the very beginning the acting was laughable. The lead actress was talking so loud. Within the first few minutes I found myself asking the air, why is she so loud? She also sounds like she's reading her lines. Her and the actor who plays her husband, have absolutely no chemistry.

The father in the beginning was horrible and unbelievable as someone who was "interested" in her.

His daughter, the villain in this story is no better. Super unbelievable as the daughter living with mom wearing that hat. Yea, uh huh, ok. This 35+ year old woman is playing this I guess 20 something year old? What? It would have been better if she was maybe visiting mom, or if they had her living there, she could have dressed her age.

This movie is nothing new and very typical. An ok watch to get you by but definitely no must see here.
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No thriller Tubi original my foot
2 September 2023
The very first review scored a 10 titled best Tubi original is definitely either paid or someone involved with the movie because NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. I appreciate Tubi originals and I will continue to watch them but let's not get beside ourselves here. I've seen better.

This is categorized as a thriller. It's more so a drama with a minimal mystery. Literally over 50 min of "build up" before something actually happens. The entire time I'm watching wondering when we're going to get to the point. A movie should be based on its description. If it says woman framed for murder and trying to basically prove herself innocent, that's what I want to see.

This was about stripping which as a woman, I'm all for. Get your money girls, but that's in real life, this is a movie. I was truly bored and annoyed by the characters. You feel no connection with them, no kind of remorse for any of their problems. I think one of them might be a trans woman, which is different for Tubi if so.

The acting isn't terrible but of course not stellar. The cinematography is a 4 at best. Some scenes way too dark. What was with the shaky camera action at some moments? The story is super super slow paced and to be honest 1:25 is too long for this bore fest. The three is for the work that went into the movie and I think I'm being very generous.
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Black Balsam (2022)
Don't Get Too Co-Zy
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What in the world was this? The storyline sounded pretty good and I thought, this should be good. I quickly learned, that was wrong. Where do I begin? I won't do too much.

1. Josie Davis has obviously had so much injections/fillers/silicone, the poison has literally affected her brain cells and made her even more talentless than she was before. I have "enjoyed" some of her other movies, not because she's a great actress but because I can tolerate Lifetime movies. She was much better in those than this. It's like she didn't even try to connect with her character, her cast mates or even the film. Was she was mad at the directors/producers/writers and said I'll show them. I have no idea, but while the overall acting from everyone was terrible, she was horrendous. And let's not discuss the cringy father son scene when son reveals he doesn't want to be on the team. Yikes!

2. Who was the camera person (not man because it could be a woman) a 5 year old? What was with all the close ups. Terrible cinematography and editing in this film.

3. Who green-lit this? Was this supposed to be satire? A joke to the audience?

There's more to point out but it's no point. This entire film was absolutely horrible. I DO NOT recommend this unless you just want to give it a watch or need to pass time, but even's up to you. Take heed and please don't be fooled by any reviews over a 4.
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I'm A Good Neighbor B!+C#
29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kudos to Tubi for their "unique" storylines lately. Unique in quotations because they aren't new storylines, but different than Tubis usual.

While not award winning acting, I actually enjoyed this movie. It was like a comedy, drama, semi-mystery. I think the actors (all but one who shall remain nameless) did pretty ok playing their roles especially because the budget for this one was on the lower side.

The cinematography was good for this type of movie - nice houses with beautiful lawns, lighting for each scene was perfect, fitting wardrobe, etc.

My favorite scene was when they did shrooms. It was hilarious because it was so believable. I've watched movies where the characters got lifted and you could tell they were acting and it was just horrible, but they did pretty good. It gave me a good laugh.

I recommend this one to get you by. It wasn't bad.
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Fake Review Central
29 August 2023
I'm not surprised at the fake reviews. At this point, with these movies, it's expected. I lose so much respect for the movie when that happens. I was going to give this a 2 but now, it gets a 1.

This movie is low budget, so like I've been saying in my reviews lately, don't expect stellar acting. I will say it wasn't terrible but those fight scenes were hilarious. You won't be on the edge of your seat due to a thrill but more so a laugh. Darn close to falling out of your seat. You could clearly tell they were over rehearsed and over acted. You could also see there was absolutely no real strength to at least make them believable.

What also threw me off about this movie, was it seemed like every scene was literally shot once. This movie just had very little effort put into it.

It was an ok watch and I recommend it if you have nothing else, but please with these phony reviews. They are just as laughable as those fight scenes.
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Shackled (2023)
40 min in, I couldn't bear it any longer
29 August 2023
I literally suffered through 40 minutes of this dread fest and had to stop. The acting was absolutely horrible from the moment it started with her yelling the way she was.

The premise of this movie sounded pretty watchable but unbelievable so I decided to give it a try and boy was that a mistake.

It's low budget with one or two familiar faces from some other low budget films I've seen. Don't expect academy award winning acting.

Should you decide to torture yourself through this one, good luck. Hopefully you can finish the movie unlike me. I am a stickler for finishing what I start and I've made it through some really really horrible ones, but I just couldn't rough this through.
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Broken (III) (2021)
77.19 min too long
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh em gee what a bore fest. It's low budget so don't expect stellar acting. I was most annoyed by the head detective. I'm not sure if it was her voice or what but she just annoyed me so badly.

What a Punk AB the lead actors character was for asking his girlfriend to kill his best friend he's known his entire life. Then she has the nerve to ask him if he'd ever kill her. Um, you think? He killed his bestie. Well technically, you did, but by his request. She took being a Down AB to an entirely new level, because I would have gotten that rental and got the hell on.

I read Tubi's description of this movie at least 10 times trying to understand what I was getting into but I was still so confused. It's categorized as a thriller, drama, crime which I typically enjoy, so I went against my better judgement and gave it a try. A decision I seriously regret. What was with the Hallmark movie music? Why the long 'Broken' song intro as we watch three adult idiots riding in the car doing stupid stuff to each other?

I spent 1/3 of the movie reading the two reviews it currently has and ALL 37 reviews from a previous movie I watched; 1/3 on YouTube; and the final third continuously checking to see how much longer. What a super dramatic eye roll. This movie is only 1:17:19 minutes long but it seemed like it took forever to get to the end. I would have turned it off but I just had to see it through. I do not recommend this one at all.
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Deadly Matrimony (2018 TV Movie)
This one gave me a headache
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was 4-star rating worthy until we got to the end and I got a headache watching this unbelievably horrid ending.

Woman marries man within after a few months of being together. Three months later she discovers he is not who he is. He is a womanizing bigamist who marries/dates women under false names and takes them for all they got, and has even gone as far as murdering a wife he's been married to for one day.

The woman joins forces with husbands other current wife and girlfriend. All three are in the house together with a brand new security code, yet husband was still able to enter the house ridiculously wearing a black wedding veil. Instead of waking up the other two ladies after hearing the baby alarm that went off, the girlfriend fearfully searches the big house all alone and is killed. I didn't even feel sorry for her. Why go searching on your lonesome after just seeing what this guy is capable of and literally being afraid he may kill you?

Skip to the end, you have four people surrounding this guy to confront him and get him to confess the murder. He in turn takes down every single one of them even killing one by tossing her off the balcony. I didn't feel bad. Then as he's choking the main wife, she miraculously takes him down by choking him back with a chain. Yea, very believable, ok, you got it. What an eye roller.

I appreciate the artistry and effort that went into the film and while the acting was subpar and the women made stupid decisions this movie could have been a 4 but the ending really p'd me off so it gets a 2.
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Calm Before (2021)
21 August 2023
Idk what this was and honestly I should have known better. This movie kept popping up in my recommended movies on Tubi or as I searching for something so after almost a week I gave in. However, as I stated I knew better because I read the description about 10 times each time I came across it and it literally reads...

"A struggling married couple stay at an Airbnb where the unusual homeowner informs them of a ghost story that comes with the house."......

And you know what, that wasn't a lie. They indeed are struggling, staying at an Airbnb and were told a ghost story by the homeowner whose unusualness was forced into the plot and by her acting.

This movie sucked, like literally sucked. It was all over the place and became muddled, lots of flashbacks that if not paying attention, you can get lost. I'm still confused if her therapy sessions were live (meaning during the stay at the bnb or also flashbacks even with the therapist being confronted).

Look, I don't want to spend anymore time on this review. Lots of fake reviews, heed the warning of the real ones and don't waste your time unless you're anything like me and gonna watch anyway because you just have to see for yourself and like to be tortured, ha. Good luck.
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Carjacked (2011)
The blame game
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie yesterday and today rated it. However I only starred it vs a comment review but I was so bothered by this movie, I had to express so I can let it go.

Whose to blame for the pissed-offness and annoyance I felt after watching this?

The writers for writer the worst character in my history? The actress for saying yes and playing the worst character in my history? The directors? Investors? Supporting cast? The list goes on. I blame THEM ALL.

Maria (idk her last name) plays the absolute worst and most annoying character ever. This woman is weak, timid, passive aggressive yet submissive, and so untapped into her power and I couldn't stand it. The entire movie from beginning to end with her I felt no connection, no remorse, really nothing for her. I felt more of a connection to the child and kidnapper than I did her. She kept making the dumbest decisions especially her big moment of "I'm gonna get this a**hole". All she does is speed up, try to spray him with outdated pepper spray, only to end up on the side of the road and ultimately in the trunk. WHAT? And I can only assume it was intentional that her weak a** felt something for kidnapper because I just as confused about her feelings as she was. There's this back and forth of "I'm scared" to "I like him, he's so sweet, omg" the ENTIRE TIME EVEN UNTIL HIS DEATH. I can't even blame Stockholm syndrome because that's not the energy it gave. It gave more so I have low self-esteem oh my gosh he said I'm pretty and he's opening up to me.

This was just trash. I kept watching thinking yea she's gonna do something badass and I'm gonna be cheering her on. What a disappointment. Her actions were unrealistic and down right stupid. She didn't come off as this taking my power back bad b heroine but more so this arrogant pompous idiot. I don't think those words really express how she came off but it's what first comes to mind.

I was so dissatisfied with this entire movie and I do NOT recommend. The two is me being nice because I appreciate creativity in any form even the eye rolling type.
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Rock the Boat (2023)
Chris and Marques, please hire seasoned writers
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start?

This is yet another movie added to the Chrubi (Chris + Tubi) Universe. As usual, I appreciate the creativity. However, I think if Chris and Marques hire one or two more writers to clean up the script editing awkward and or out of place lines or lines that are mediocre at worst...hahaha, would definitely enhance the movie. Hearing little Katie constantly calling her brother brother, was so cringe. Olga constantly yelling at little Katie...cringe. The way Zonniques (I forgot her characters name) "uncle" kept looking her up and down and hugging her...cringe. I guess I can blame that on direction vs script. The young lady who dies by falling down the stairs had JUST LEFT THE ROOM. When they are in interrogation, one of the friends say she went on a date. She didn't even make it to the date so that line could have easily been an explanation of how they didn't see anything and she was on her way to a That example might sound small but if this were a real life situation, you wouldn't tell the cops someone went somewhere they didn't go. When I watch a movie, I want to be immersed in the movie and forget I'm watching something. I want to be apart of it which is why it's challenging to rate a lot of movies anything over a 4.

They hire c-z list actors and rightfully so. I'm all for employing those who aren't necessarily a or b list especially in the black community. Love, love, love that. That being said, I can write about the acting, but it's no point. It actually wasn't terrible....from everyone. Little Katie (idk her real name) is cringy at times. Olga, while absolutely gorgeous and I loved watching her melanin on screen, was super cringy like omg. I love Cynthia Bailey but her character and characters divorce storyline was cringe. She's not the best actress either and I doubt she's planning to be - sis needs a bag and is expressing her talents, I respect that - but I will say, she did a lot better than she did in the stepmother movie. This time around her character had a little more substance and purpose. I guess with more to work with she can show us a little more of what she herself is working with acting wise...but it doesn't change what I said about her character being cringe.

This story had some potential but it felt underdeveloped and left me feeling underwhelmed.

It just so happened that the brother was able to get all the kids at the same college at the same time? Yea, ok, sure. That's laughable. When the cops came to let the family know the parents died, why only ask if the youngest child is home when there's a whole 18 year old grown man they could've spoken to? There are more questions, some plot holes and bad angles at time, but it's a watch I guess. Definitely won't be circling back, but at least I can cross it off the Tubi original watch list. I would have given this a 4 if not for all the cringe moments. I wish I could do halves because this could've been a 2.5 from me.
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Fare (2016)
What the fu.....
19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dge did I just watch? Did the writer/director/star run out of ideas to successfully wrap up the story? Was the writer/director/star sending a message/plea to rekindle with his lady through this movie? I have so many questions but I'm done asking....except....

What kind of law enforcement do they have where they are that won't do anything to help someone who calls in to report they've been kidnapped and provides the necessary information for the kidnapper? Did they think because the victim was a big grown man they weren't a victim? And they don't have enough 911 dispatchers to answer the phones? Imma need the whole city to reevaluate how they're tax dollars are being spent.

This movie was sooo good and had me up until they see a dead body in the road. Like I thought the conversation with the husband and boyfriend was a good build up to tension and a believable enough convo. Adding the wife into the picture was good as well. But idk wthec that ending was plus that boring ahh conversation between the husband and wife. For the entire ending that starts a little after 40 min to the 1:15 end, I give this a 3. It could have been a solid 6 but it just fell all the way flat. I'm in a good mood so 3 it is, otherwise, it would have been a 1. I mean to sit through 40 minutes of an interesting story and get to that disappointing ending really makes me upset. Maybe that's what the writer/director/star was aiming for???? Also included in my 3 rating is the fact that this movie is just 15 min over 1 hr. Thank you for not torturing us too long. I appreciate that, though you really could have cut it down to at least 90 min. Ok this review is long enough.
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Low budget and forgettable
17 August 2023
On Tubi this is titled 'Desperate Hours'.

The camera angles and shots are horrible.

The editing is bad, like 1st semester film student...amateur bad. What's with all the annoying close ups???

There are too many stories going on at once and the writers try to mesh them together but it doesn't work. While a no brainer to follow, it feels messy and every character becomes the main character.

To my understanding, the kidnapper is a seasoned actor though personally, I have never heard of him. In this, he's terrible. None of them are good but I expected more from someone viewers seem to be familiar with. At first glance, I thought he was Eric Roberts and I thought, oh's him, hahaha. While he's terrible and the movies he acts in are just as bad, he has become one of my favorite super low budget guilty pleasure movies actors, so I got excited....*shrugs*

This movie is one of those you watch and forget about the next day.

I watched it. The end.
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Hunther (2022)
Glad it's over
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why did I go against my better judgment and finish this? I just have to finish what I start. It's truly a gift and a curse. This movie was so stupid. Everything the mother did was absolutely dumb and worked my nerves. What pissed me off the most was when the white cop was asking her daughter if her mom hurt her and - well I was actually pissed at both of them. Here you have the mom whimpering and the daughter sitting there acting like a dang deer in headlights like she scared of her momma and can't answer the question. And why every scene this little girl act like she can't speak? She is well over age to stand/speak up for herself.

Then we get to the slowest paced twist ending. I don't like rushed endings but I also don't like them this slow. Like my goodness just do it already. Idk if it seemed so slow because I knew I was nearing the end of the movie (I couldn't stop picked the remote up to see how much longer) and I was ready for it to be over.

I'm not gonna go any further into this. I'm glad it was a short one. While longer than I may have liked, if any longer, I'd be more annoyed and more inclined to cut it off. The acting is absolutely horrible and I honestly can't even recommend this for passing time or background noise. Just ugh. Please stop with these fake reviews. This movie is worth no more than three stars and thats being nice. I'm giving it two for effort because I appreciate any kind of creativity even at it worse.
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David tapped into his creativity during the pandemic
14 August 2023
Was this a comedy?

Let me start by saying, I appreciate the fact that David got creative during the pandemic....kudos to you. However, this was no horror so please stop with the fake reviews. One thing I can't stand is a liar. I would respect your work so much more if you didn't pay people to leave fake reviews and just accept a low rating. No one is expecting you to deliver Tony worthy content.

The acting was hilarious with all the heavy breathing, the whisper talking, the crying, the subtle reactions to things that normal people would flip tf out at. And why did you have Aunty K shaking like that? Ahahahha, you didn't have to have her do that, she would have been fine delivering her lines.

I won't give any spoilers and I say if you're looking to pass time or for some background noise go ahead.

IMDb you should start allowing us to use emojis and do away with this ridiculous character limit. 3 emojis would have expressed my sentiments for this movie and so many others. It's 2023, get with the program.

David, while my rating is low, you were hilarious in this and I would watch more of your work just because *shrugs*. I will say that this was way too long. You could have completed this project in 90 min ok? Otherwise, we lose interest because nothing is really happening and the story isn't interesting but for some reason, I will watch more of your work. It's a conundrum I can't explain.
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Blind Waters (2023)
Another one in the Tubiverse
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mkay, so yea this was uuum typical. And I'm questioning...

1. You, Coastguard, get a call about being stranded. You really have no idea who you're talking to just know someone needs help. Your crew tells you they found a boat with the captain dead. When you speak back to the ones who need help, you automatically assume their in danger from a stranger. What if they were the real killers and now you've alerted them you know there's a killer? It's easier for them to pin it on said stranger. Even though it's not what happened, my point is, no sensible officer of any unit would do that. Everyone is guilty until further proven innocent.

2. Your leg gets tore up by a shark. Within minutes your pain seems to have disappeared. You reach the island and are walking like it's nothing. And then you come up with a plan to get the boat off of the rocks and somehow were able to run and swim to said boat. You even went back to get your fiancé, yet you couldn't swim to the rocks with her during the initial attempt to get to the island.

3. How did it get dark so quickly. It was literally seconds when she got off the phone and now we're on the boat trying to fix it and it's dark....what?

4. You concoct a plan to lure the shark in so it can help you pull the boat. There's a half eaten dead body being offered up as bait and you turn it down? So what else are you going to use? Rocks? Yourselves? I'm so sick of these movie scripts being written with these ridiculous non-sensible morals during a time of fight or flight.

I have more questions but don't care to keep going. I didn't care if the shark got every single one of them nor did I care if their characters drowned or anything. Acting was ok. If you're anything like me, and enjoy low budgets and just passing time watching them, go ahead and enjoy. It's not an a nor b list though I wouldn't put it in my z category. It's a c for sure, so you know what to expect. Take heed to the so far two reviews.
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