
20 Reviews
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Doctor Who: The Armageddon Factor: Part Six (1979)
Season 16, Episode 26
(Review of all 6 parts) A pretty meh 4 parts and then picks up at the end
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I found the Armageddon factor pretty boring if I'm honest, especially the first four parts and I think that's the main problem, I think the story would've been better as a four parter instead of six. It's no wonder this was the last six parter of the classic series. I did however find the last two parts very enjoyable with the appearance of another timelord which came as a complete surprise to me as I didn't know much about this story, I never knew the doctor was called theta sigma on screen I always thought it was something from the books so that really surprised me and got me back into the story. Yeah I thought the last two parts were really enjoyable and if it wasn't for them I would've given this story a 3 or 4 probably, yeah I'm not a massive fan of the key to time series but I think part six is a pretty decent end to it, perhaps the black guardian could have been used a bit more as you do have six episodes to play with. 6/10.
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Doctor Who: The O.K. Corral (1966)
Season 3, Episode 37
People who hate on this one are wrong
6 August 2022
This episode is in my opinion a real classic 60s story, it's a story we don't get so much nowadays, a comedy! It's a comedy, I just find this story so much fun to watch you can't help but feel the enjoyment everyone on screen is having. The last chance saloon is a great song too, just a good laugh.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Simple and brilliant
3 August 2022
The simplicity and speed of this film is what makes it work, it's not complicated just a guy looking for his daughter. All the action scenes are fantastic the editing is so quick and snappy the music is great and intense everyone involved is firing on all cylinders, a must watch.
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Doctor Who: The War Games: Episode Ten (1969)
Season 6, Episode 44
One of my favourites stories of all time (review of all ten parts)
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The war games is an excellent story and a fitting finale to the 60s era and the second doctor. There are so many parts of this story I love, the use of history blended with sci-fi elements, the great characters like the war chief and the war lord. It really feels like a story where our main characters are truly out of their depth and can only succeed with help from a higher power, the time lords! This story also introduces so many things that would continue into the future, the time lords, the master like character of the war chief and the sonic screwdriver (not the first time it was shown but it is one of the more interesting times in the 60s.) we also have in my opinion the best portrayal of the time lords ever shown on screen. They feel really powerful in this story as they do not need to shout or show off in any way, they wear simple robes and speak quite monotone. Much better than their later appearances in the 70s and 80s. So yeah overall this is a stellar story and Ben though it's ten parts long I can watch it all in one sitting without getting bored! A must watch.
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Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks: Part Two (1985)
Season 22, Episode 13
A really fresh type of Dalek story!
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story really is one of a kind. Which other Dalek story could have assassins, a radio DJ and a planet for funerals. It really is unique. The setting of necrosis is really good and davros being this great healer is fantastic! The assassins sent to kill davros are also excellent! The best characters other than the Doctor peri and davros in the story. I would've liked to see them come back if they weren't killed at the end! You also get some really great scenes with the Doctor and davros. There are also excellent action scenes. And the DJ is brilliant! My only criticism is the rubbish love story which ends in one of the most ridiculous scenes in Doctor who history where she stabs him with a syringe. But yeah overall a great story.
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Doctor Who: Timelash: Part Two (1985)
Season 22, Episode 11
Not as bad as people say
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this for the first time on the season 22 collection box set with optional cgi replacements on. And I think when watching it like that this story is actually alright! I think the robots are cool the board design is fantastic! The stuff with HG wells is also very good, the callbacks to an unseen adventure with the third doctor and jo is also very good and the crystals that you can use to jump 10 seconds is a very good idea! So yeah overall I would say a pretty alright story.
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Doctor Who: The Two Doctors: Part Three (1985)
Season 22, Episode 9
One of my all time favourites! (Review of all 3)
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story is one of my favourites, it has two of my favourite doctor Colin baker and Patrick Troughton, my favourite companion Jamie mcrimmon played by Frazer Hines and one of my favourite monsters the sontarans! It also features location filming and a really cool new monster, the androgums! I really like how unlike other multi doctor story's this one is just a story that happens to have two doctors. It's not the end of the universe or the end of time or something like that, it's just a normal story that happens to have two doctors. Patrick Troughton and frazer hines are amazing at slipping seamlessly back into their roles. Another thing this story does is it puts the returning doctor in danger. Multi doctor story's always seem to leave the returning doctor(s) unharmed, they just seem to not be as involved in the action like they were during their tenures. But in this story the second doctor is at the heart of the story more so I think than the sixth doctor. The second doctor gets turned into an androgum at one point which is very fun! The location shooting is brilliant! Jamie works well with peri and six! And I think the sontarans look really imposing. My only criticisms are that the doctor and peri are always arguing ( this is more a criticisms of the whole series though) and that the sontarans are very underused. But I think they are good when they are on screen. So yeah overall a personal favourite of mine!
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Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani: Part Two (1985)
Season 22, Episode 6
Doctor who vs the trees!
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mark of the rani is a story that shouldn't be taken too seriously. It's just (in my opinion) a bit of fun that actually really enjoyed! The rani is much better in this than in her second story time and the rani. The rani seems really interesting in this and not boring like in her second appearance. She also has a very cool tardis! The master as always is great, Anthony ainley as always is great as the master (if somewhat comedic which is also great imo) so yeah overall a pretty decent story!
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Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos: Part Two (1985)
Season 22, Episode 4
That is enterprise!
9 July 2022
I would say this is a massive step up from attack of the Cybermen, vengeance on Varos is a really atmospheric and scary story. With some excellent scenes and great monsters like Sil! Sil is a great villain and one I'm surprised hasn't reappeared in the new series, very original story amongst a series of mostly old monsters which I always respect. It's just a very good story imho. It's not my favourite of the season but it's very good.
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Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen: Part Two (1985)
Season 22, Episode 2
A retread
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It starts good in episode one it has excellent atmosphere and cast, and I actually quite like all the stuff in the tardis! Also the scenes in the wastelands of telos are very good! But really after part one the story sinks like the titanic, the cyber-controller played by doctor who veteran Michael killgariff is in my opinion embarrassing. With all the studio stuff on telos the design feels a bit dull. The cyber tombs are no where near as good as tomb of the Cybermen, the cryons are awful, some of the music choice is strange and the plot makes no sense to a fan let alone a casual audience member. There is some good though, David banks' cyber leader is excellent! It's just a shame most of the other Cybermen are terrible. The Cybermen invading the tardis is really cool and something I wish they explored a bit more, and the use of the chameleon circuit is also very cool.
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Doctor Who: The Androids of Tara: Part Four (1978)
Season 16, Episode 16
Sword fights and androids!
11 June 2022
Very enjoyable story in an interesting setting. It cool seeing a medieval society with robots and swords that shock you. The only thing I thought was a bit weird was how easily they found the segment of the key to time!
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Doctor Who: The Invasion of Time: Part Six (1978)
Season 15, Episode 26
Very slow start but great fun at the end
11 June 2022
I've always really enjoyed this story and I think if you look past the cheap Tardis set and the vardans you have a very underrated story. And I personally don't think the vardans even look that bad. It does feel a bit long at six parts though the first three parts can feel tedious. But nevertheless I still enjoy this story.
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Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl: Part Four (1977)
Season 15, Episode 12
A highlight of season 15!
10 June 2022
This whole story is very back to basics for the Tom Baker era and I think that's why it's so good! The Fendahl are very well designed and well executed monsters. I did find it a bit confusing at parts but that might just be me. But overall very good story.
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Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy: Part Four (1977)
Season 15, Episode 8
Really enjoyable and creative story!
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the hate towards this story. It does start a bit slow but really picks up once you arrive at the space hospital. The whole walking around in someone's brain is a really creative idea and the nucleus is cool! When the nucleus leaves the brain however it does look a bit ropey but doesn't all of season 15?? I think if you look past the limitations of the budget this is a great story imo!
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Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation: Part Four (1978)
Season 16, Episode 4
Definitely not for me
10 June 2022
I really get bored of this story after part two. It starts off good with the white guardian and the introduction of romana but once you get past that and the introduction of the setting there's really not much going on.
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Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet: Part Four (1978)
Season 16, Episode 8
Fun story
10 June 2022
Overall a pretty fun story with some gloriously over the top villains in true doctor who fashion! It does have some flaws, it does seem to drag a little in the middle but thankfully picks up at the end. There are jelly babies handed out left and right so I would say a great story!
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One of a kind bond movie!
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While I don't think it was the best bond movie I think it was definitely different to the other films by one main reason (The ending!) The villain plan was alright not brilliant, and there were a few plot holes but overall and enjoyable watch the whole way through.
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Squid Game (2021– )
19 October 2021
A spectacular watch! Was on the edge of my seat the entire time, the show deals with human nature in a interesting, entertaining and most of all original way! Would recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it thrilling the whole way through.
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2 October 2021
Yeah it looked good but it felt so so soooo long and boring I almost fell asleep halfway through.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
Best sci fi show ever
7 September 2020
My all time favourite show EVER

There is so much to love about it the great charecters,the great monsters And episodes themselves. Thee are so many episodes I would rate 10/10
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