
15 Reviews
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1923 (2022–2023)
Good except for horrifically stupid narration
24 January 2023
This, and 1883, coulda woulda shoulda been good. Great acting, great scenery, great music, great acting.

Except for "Elsa," the overwrought terribly southern accented oh so freaking dramatically profound dead girl who completely destroys both spin-off versions of this story.

Why do idiotic directors ruin projects like this? Why has no one in Hollywood learned yet to NEVER NEVER NEVER have an actor fake a Southern accent? It ALWAYS sounds stupid. ALWAYS.

And then, to make this moronic character splatter her "oh I'm soooo profound" spectacularly failed fake accent across every single episode with her unneeded narration compounds the utter ruination of a coulda been good show.
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WeCrashed (2022)
Don't listen to the professional whiners
24 July 2022
Much better than the naysayers claim. Well-acted, well-written. Those griping about this miniseries came into it with some unresolved issues about Anne Hathaway or whatever.
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Don't listen to these jackals, good story
21 July 2022
Yes, there's a stupidly superfluous and fictitious love story distraction. I've never understood why filmmakers almost never think the actual history is good enough. But this movie has great actors doing a great job of reminding us of an astonishing bit of deception that helped turn the tide of the war.
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Candy (2022)
Facts is facts.
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1980s story, Candy tells her husband she went to Target. Dayton department stores weren't rebranded to Target until the 90s. Another woman's husband tells his wife, who is worried she may be pregnant, to "take the second pill," but it was many years away before morning after pills became available in the U. S.
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Horizon Line (2020)
10 Stars for Audacious Stupidity
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
C'mon, I feel like this film was intended to be a joke on the audience.

You can see everything coming. And what is coming is, believe it or not, even more stupid than the last.
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Disregard the naysayers
18 March 2022
Quality movie. Requires some time, but it's worth it. Those with attention spans fit only for Marvel movies should avoid; this is for mature people. It's reminiscent of great movies from the 40s and 50s.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Good fight scenes. Being 2021, all men are pigs & women smart.
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great fight scenes and somewhat true story. But of course, when we get to the lady's version, which we are told is the truth, we learn the men are all stupid and insensitive and she has to reverse her stupid husband's decisions on the farm and re tax collection because only she, being female, is capable of logic and reason. Jesus.
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Finch (2021)
Don't listen to these nattering nabobs of negativism
24 February 2022
Bunch of millennials with an inability to focus talking trash about this gem. You want brainless car crashes? Watch Fast and the Furious.

This is a remarkable story about humanity transcending humankind. It's a great movie, with great acting by Tom Hanks and a CGI robot. Move on and skip it if you can't understand something like this.
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1883 (2021–2022)
It's OK Except for One Thing
16 January 2022
Not as bad as some claim, but Holy Mother of God when will directors stop having actors fake southern accents?

NO ONE can pull it off, particularly the one playing Elsa. They always come across sounding ridiculous and worse, the shows immediately lose all credibility.

Just say no.
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Better than some say
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Many here criticize the performance of "Axis Sally." Unfortunately, these people who rushed to judgment didn't stick around for the end where the reason for her behavior becomes apparent and you realize she played the part to perfection.

My issues with the film relate to the apparently fabricated events with Goebbels and her other previous relationships with men.

Reality is good enough. Too many people watch shows like this and believe they saw what actually happened.
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Was okay, then it went political.
19 August 2021
I thought this was an interesting "documentary" up to a point. They distinguish between "assholes" and "dicks," chief difference being that assholes don't realize they're assholes. Prim and property behavioral professionals toss the words about as though they're clinical.

But then they just couldn't help themselves and went political, pointing out people of the opposite political persuasion as being assholes.

Sorry, your impartiality and credibility went out the window.
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Homefront (I) (2013)
If you don't like this movie, you need to do more research before you watch movies.
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Statham. That's all you need to know. Jason Statham.

For those who just can't let it go, look, this is a Jason Statham action movie. You know there's going to be lots of good fight scenes, the good guys will survive and Jason will save everyone. It's a great movie. If you want an Academy Award winner, you need to pick another title.

Great movie.
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Ted Lasso (2020– )
Shocked and Amazed This Came from Apple
10 May 2021
Coming from Apple, I expected to tune out of this series within five minutes like most of what I see from the Indoctrination Channel. But lo and behold, there were actually non-interracial relationships, heterosexual romances and no lecturing the viewers about how we should all be ashamed of ourselves because we're all guilty of perpetuating systemic racisim.

No, with this series, we are - sit down now - presented with a bunch of human beings, of any variety of races, nationalities and genders, who are simply human beings. Some are jerks, some are nice, and their skin tones and sex are incidental.

There is one horrible stereotype thrown in, though, and Apple just couldn't resist: The title character is faking a southern accent - NO ONE DOES THIS WELL AND IT SHOULD STOP, and he has a southern accent because the writers felt that made him appear up on first impression to be an unsophisticated, slow, dumb hick. You just had to do it, didn't you Apple? The one group left for you to malign without fear of retribution and cancellation because those people are too graceful to make a horrible stink.

Aside from this, the show is astoundingly wonderful. I never do this, but I told my wife I'd watch the entire first season all over again. It's that good.
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Manhunt (II) (2017–2020)
2nd Season is Garbage
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't even finish watching the second season. There are so many falsehoods in this season. To name just a few:

1. Richard Jewell was cleared in six months. This has him still labeled a suspect as the FBI was investigating Eric Rudolph. That was much, much later. 2. There are two made-up ATF bomb experts who know everything but can't get the pig-headed FBI to listen to them. This did not happen, but it serves to demonize the people at the FBI, which are full capable of making bad mistakes without the help of this series. 3. The townspeople of Murphy, near the woods where Eric Rudolph hid for five years, are made out to be a bunch of Rudolph-abetting white supremacist rednecks. They didn't aid Rudolph - there is no evidence of this, and in fact they feared him and didn't want him hiding near them. 4. They show a dramatic chase scene in which Rudolph is captured. This did not happen. He was captured by an alert rookie police officer of - wait for it - the series-demonized town of Murphy.

Utter trash.
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King of the Hill (1997–2010)
Phenomenal Show for Ordinary People
31 January 2021
Narcissistic woke scolds should pass on by and watch something more comforting and less triggering, like pretty much anything produced by Netflix in the last several years.

This animated series is for normal people who aren't afraid to laugh at themselves or others and who recognize that we are all simple human beings with faults, regardless of our gender or ethnicity.

It's too bad that real shows like this can't be made anymore. Wish I could rate this "11."
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