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The Holiday Proposal Plan (2023 TV Movie)
Quickly became annoying.
27 December 2023
I was excited at first to watch this movie as I am a fan of Tatiana Ali, but this one sucked. I personally don't like the films that include "this is what we do is this country, blah blah blah, now lets over explain every single thing about the traditions". And this happened atleast 4-5 times throughout the film.

As for the acting, the guy that played the fiancé of her friend was horrible at first, then he wasn't too bad after. I don't see why they brought in the other couple later on, they added nothing to the movie, and one of them, his hair was too distracting.

What really got me was the point when the male lead's character got mad at Tatiana's character for such a foolish reason. She made her decision before they ever thought of rekindling anything, and he uses it against her? And then she's gonna beg and plead and try and reason with him?? That's what made me wanna change the channel, but since I was 3/4 through the movie I just tolerated the rest.

Bad script and not so good acting is what this movie's about. Don't waste your time.
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Marshall Williams kept me from changing the channel.
17 December 2023
He was the only reason to watch this movie. The script was ok, but the acting from everyone else was horrible!

Absolutely ZERO chemistry between the two leads, and don't get me started on the awkward supposed "chemistry " between him and the other girl.

Execution of lines from the other actors was on the same level of my grade 9 high school play.

The facial expressions of the female lead was way too distracting. Constantly looking confused, spaced out, frustrated and bewildered all at once. The scene when her and Marshall almost kissed made me laugh out loud. She looked absolutely frightened and he looked like when you're about to bump into a stranger on a sidewalk and you are trying to move out of each other's way!

I kept it on in the background as it was ok to listen too, but to sit and watch this mess, absolutely not!
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I've seen worse, I've also seen better.
28 November 2023
In the beginning it wasn't too bad. The characters seemed interesting, and I love the actress that plays the older staff member.

However the last 30 minutes of the movie made absolutely NO sense to me! The entire time Mena Massud's character was pining after the female lead, all while she pays him no mind because she is trying to sell the hotel, then out of nowhere she has feelings for him??

I got the impression that the housekeeper secretly admired the other chef, at least that's the way it came across, so when he's on one knee proposing, it made absolutely NO sense!

The only characters that has some sort of buildup to their coupling was the older couple and the guy that lost his dog.

I went from wanting to keep this one saved in my PVR to wanting it to be over so I could delete it! Just so silly!
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The Love Club (2023–2024)
Sydney's story was THE WORST!
5 July 2023
I couldn't finish Nicole's story, as it's a story told over and over. Not even Marcus Rosner could keep me interested in continuing to watch.

The one with the lady having to pick between her soon to be ex husband and the other guy, couldn't bother finishing watching it either. The friend group lacks energy and I could tell how the story would end, and I was right. So what was the point hallmark??

The last installment was ok. Actually watched it from start to finish and it was cute.

But Sydney, O M G! The man clearly doesn't want her, but she's seriously been sitting around for 10 years pining over him!? "I want him to see that I belong in his future!" Girl get some self esteem and new friends! Because the way they needs to talk some serious sense into her, yet they sit there and let her carry on with this desperate mentality!? Who writes this mess?? I had to turn it off and I don't care to see it again!
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Undercover Holiday (2022 TV Movie)
Very underwhelming
2 January 2023
I really wanted to see this movie for Stephen Huszar, and when I realized that the female lead use to be on Young & the Restless, I was super excited. After the first 20 minutes or so, nah!

The lack of chemistry was very obvious, but other moments in the movie were cute and watchable so it was still ok.

My main issue is how they glossed over the stalker type behavior of the ex boyfriend. Matt was posing as her boyfriend, but he still aggressively approaches her wherever she is. Those notes were kinda menacing, did god sakes, he wrote her a note on the underside of her coaster! And they just brush it off as "she likes my poetry" and we the viewers are supposed to accept that and move right along as if this is normal!?

The writing of this movie needed some serious work If you ask me!
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I'm not Jewish, and I was offended!
24 December 2022
I couldn't get past the disgusting attitude of that that greasy faced ding dong with muscles to find him remotely funny!

The way he was just so ignorant to everything related to the customs, and his possessiveness over his fiancé, absolutely unwatchable!

It really all comes down to the writing, it's like out of nowhere he was rude to the "boy next door". It was infuriating during that scene when he decided he called the shots for the family business!

This isn't a run of the mill feel good holiday film. I tried my best to ignore the dimwit (and the random guy with the guitar) and watch everything else. This is NOT on my rewatch list!
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Not what I was expecting.
21 December 2022
I expected a nice variety show, not a "movie" about her making a show. During the first 5 minutes I was thinking that was just an intro to the show, but no, it continued.

When she was singing the non Christmas'y song in the field, I was confused even more! Then the scene at Dollywood. That was just full of stage fright and overacting from all involved.

I fast forwarded it to the "go to hell" song as I saw it on a meme and wanted to hear it in its entirety. I had a good laugh and after that point, pressed stop, then deleted it.

This was too all over the place and just didn't care to see how it ended nor was I interested in seeing any of the other celeb appearances. Waaaaaaaay too much cringe for my liking.
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Well Suited for Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Absolutely not!
13 November 2022
From I saw that this was a lifetime film I didn't expect much. The commercials already made me roll my eyes and what I saw confirmed absolutely everything I expected.

I only tuned in for 3 minutes, during the scene where the not so good looking male lead was having his measurements taken by the lead actress who was trying her darnedest to come off as bashful and trying to hide her desire for him. I honestly felt like I was watching a scene from the campy soap opera Passions! Like seriously?

This must have been lifetime's poor attempt at making their version of "lights, camera, Christmas" and they failed miserably! Don't waste your time watching this amateurish acting.
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Christmas Bedtime Stories (2022 TV Movie)
This should be called "friend zoned for Christmas"
6 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Starring Steve Lund, getting shafted six ways from Tuesday from his so called girlfriend who can't come to terms with the past enough to move on with her life! The poor guy! I see what they were going for but they missed the mark horribly!

Really made the main character look wishy washy, manipulative and down right insulting! Pierce deserved better! This was not whimsical, it was not touching, and it definitely DID NOT pull at my heart strings! Nothing but a mother who refuses to address trauma and allows it to impact her and her child's life!

Maybe If it was their first Christmas where he was presumed missing, Pierce tries to express his feelings all while being there for her, then hubby shows up. That woulda worked for me. Or better yet, he's not in the movie at all and it's just her trying to deal with missing her husband at Christmas time etc. Not this mess!

Was he at a 5 star resort while in captivity?! He looked like he was well fed and stress free! And shouldn't there be some sort of fanfare for the return of a soldier that was released from being a P. O. W!? I honestly don't know what was the point behind this movie.

I am adding this movie to my "never watch, ever ever again" list!
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Save your time
30 October 2022
This movie was horrible! I couldn't even make it to the point where the two leads actually meet each other. The quality of acting from the "supporting actors" was absolutely atrocious! I had to keep pausing because after I was completely shocked by the obvious stage fright of these people, I would burst out laughing!

Also not sure why GAC is so heavily promoting this movie as a new film when it came out last year! Unless they edited it, swapped out some of the actors for ones that can actually act, then I don't see the point in essentially re-releasing a film that already isn't worth being shown twice!
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Bros (I) (2022)
Slightly more Rom than Com
4 October 2022
I only wanted to see this movie because I absolutely adore Luke McFarlane and was eager to see him in something other than a hallmark film. He didn't disappoint at all!

Billy Eichner's role, was kinda hard to watch at times. Complain complain complain, rant, rave, over the top narcissism, being unnecessarily aggressive and in peoples faces isn't a good look and doesn't represent me as a gay man.

I also found the film to be very choppy at times. It was trying to tell too many stories and show to many perspectives all at once. I'd hate to see what was edited out. Some talk about the sex scenes, I think they were suppose to be funny, but it fell flat if you ask me. Total cringe.

This movie coulda been so much more. Which would explain why when I saw it about 4 people got up and left mid way.
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Two Tickets to Paradise (2022 TV Movie)
Love the two leads
22 September 2022
Anything with Ryan Paevey gets my attention. Love Ashley Williams, and them both together made for an enjoyable movie.

I see a lot of down votes for ratings that are speaking well of this movie and it's QUITE obvious why. Get over it people! How about you stop being a bunch of sticks in the mud and make a review stating your ignorant opinions??

While I found one of the gay characters annoying and overly flamboyant, who cares! Y'all need to stop. Sometimes hallmark can get preachy with how work they are but thankfully this movie didn't have that element to it.

It was a lovely film, loved the story and the characters! It's a win for me!
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Even Judge Jerry was better than this mess!
15 September 2022
The third week was when I started to notice it's trashy side. The plaintiff hollering, and I mean HOLLERING at the defendant was just disgusting! That judge kept order in the court, but I was so turned off!

Fast forward to the next week (September 14th), first case the litigants are just yelling and carrying on towards each other in the most disgraceful fashion! You can't tell me they weren't being dramatic on purpose just so they could build their social media presence!

I looked up the show's hashtag on Instagram and found the profile of one of the litigants who came to "sue his ex". They never broke up and people in his comments were calling his appearance a fraud and an attempt to gain Instagram fame. Lame!

Could barely hear anything from the Florida case (don't think they every went back to it) and haven't seen the third judge at all (she must have quit!) and again, litigants being BEYOND dramatic for no reason!

There is a reason why I don't watch jerry springer or Maury. As a matter of fact even Jerry's court show was much more orderly! Don't get me started on that woman judge in the studio! Why is she so loud!!!?? Why is judge Mathis on this crap?!!

It's one thing to set up a court in a bar, but it's another thing to have the court audience CLEARLY drinking alcohol and going as far as to tag themselves on IMDb as an audience member. Clearly all actors and the litigants are mainly people seeking social media clout. I don't have time for this crap!
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Road Trip Romance (2022 TV Movie)
Now I remember why I didn't watch it when it premiered!
7 August 2022
I love the leads in this movie, but this story wasn't written properly at all! I tuned in about 15 minutes in to see the future bride and groom delivering the silly puns. Immediate unnecessary dialogue, very annoying. That bridal party scene, O..M..G! If it was 5 minutes long, it was 4 minutes and 30 seconds too long. I couldn't believe the level of amateur acting, silly script and poor delivery that was crammed into one scene! The remainder of the movie I kept it on low volume while doing other things and completely forgot they were actually on a road trip trying to go somewhere. Silly silly movie!
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A Splash of Love (2022 TV Movie)
1 August 2022
I went into this film in a bad mood because they cut short Christmas in July by a day to show this. Why? I have no clue! The story, the writing, just horrible! This could have waited until August, or better yet, they coulda shelved this mess.
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Color My World with Love (2022 TV Movie)
Simply amazing!
18 June 2022
One of the few newer movies where the acting is amazing and the story is engaging, watchable and relatable! My heart fluttered from start to finish! Great job hallmark! This one is a gem!
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A Second Chance at Love (2022 TV Movie)
Nice seeing Gloria Ruben & Eriq LaSalle
3 April 2022
It was nice watching a film with these veteran actors. I wish It was a little bit more of them and less if the daughter. The daughter was very annoying and I was actually hoping for the husband to go after that girl at the mall that caught his eye.
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Too many YouTubers that can't act
16 January 2022
Unlike the first one at least there are less "social media celebrities" in this one. But lord! They still can't act! I noticed one that was atrocious in the first one was in this one but had no speaking lines (smart!)

If this man would just come out the closet already, then it would all make sense! He clearly Hires these types of guys for his shows and movies cuz he secretly desires them. Forget about the fact that they have absolutely ZERO acting talent! Here's a word of advise mr. Perry, I'm not a ditzy teenager, I'm not watching your movies to see hot men! I'm watching to see quality acting and a story that makes some sort it sense!
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Quickly became a waste of time
10 January 2022
I use to enjoy this show and when they used something reliable like the lie detector to interrogate the subjects it was believable.

The show lost credibility for me when there was a case where the lady thought her husband was cheating with the neighbor. He was questioned by a speech pathologist who "interrogated the taliban" as she kept stating, (as if this was to give her any credibility). She went as far as to state how the man over explained everything, which is typical of a liar, but then thought he was telling the truth because he was able to make everything make sense to her. This is typical of a manipulator btw. So she comes to the conclusion that he wasn't cheating.

They do a follow up, and would you believe it, as soon as he got home he was caught with the neighbor again! At that point I was done with this show. Such foolishness.
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Holiday in Santa Fe (2021 TV Movie)
Felt like I was watching a tourist board movie
9 January 2022
Too much forced dialogue that was not needed. The niece was annoying, too much attention paid to her as she added nothing to the story. Other than that it was watchable.
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A Very Merry Toy Store (2017 TV Movie)
Nothing but a 2 hour long Hasbro commercial
8 January 2022
It ain't no holiday in handcuffs I'll say that much! The chemistry from that movie didn't transfer over into this one unfortunately. Probably because I felt like I was watching a toy commercial for the most part. Nothing special here.
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6 January 2022
I watched it mainly for Mya, hoping to hear her sing etc. I couldn't watch long enough. Switched it off during the scene when she's teaching the music class and there was waaaay to much poorly edited awkward silences. The lack of chemistry between her and the male lead, coupled with flat delivery of dialogue and actors I've never seen before results in me losing interest VERY quickly.

Wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the male lead being unnecessarily rude, (almost catty like) with her for no reason, as a means to create the "tension".
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I expected to see a wedding!
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping this installment would show us the wedding of HRP and her love interest, but no! I sat through 3/4 of the movie hoping dude would show up, but nope! The museum story was a snore and coulda been left out.

I think Ezra only showed up so he could announce he was romantically involved with Oliver. In "Tidings and Joy" he mentioned being introduced to someone by Lisa, but never said who, so I guess the writers wanted to confirm this. This is also made evident in the last scene when Hannah and her beau are having a touching moment and the camera goes to Ezra walking with a new man. Not necessary if you ask me.
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Horrible horrible horrible!!
31 December 2021
Someone owed somebody a favor when they shot this, and when they hired these actors! Was it shot on an iPhone? The choppy scenes, 5 second delay between saying a line, you can almost see them counting in their heads before telling themselves to lean in for a kiss. These "actors" move like they know they are on camera and are suppose to act like it doesn't exist, but they do! I felt like I was watching SNL with a guest host looking off screen to read the cue cards! Just atrocious!
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A Royal Queens Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Distractingly low budget
31 December 2021
The storyline didn't bother me as much as the fake American accents from the Canadian actors as well as how it was obvious to me (a Toronto resident) that the movie, at least the outdoor scenes were shot in Toronto and not New York. Not even enough of a budget to cover up the street signs?? Couldn't make it past the first 20 minutes. The male lead was good but that's about it.
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