
43 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Ridiculous but fun
11 June 2024
Everything about this movie is ridiculous, especially the plot. However I warmed to it throughout and ended up enjoying it. Would recommend but you need to take it for what it is and it doesn't take itself too seriously so neither should you.

Everything about this movie is ridiculous, especially the plot. However I warmed to it throughout and ended up enjoying it. Would recommend but you need to take it for what it is and it doesn't take itself too seriously so neither should you.

Everything about this movie is ridiculous, especially the plot. However I warmed to it throughout and ended up enjoying it. Would recommend but you need to take it for what it is and it doesn't take itself too seriously so neither should you.
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Some retro easywatching fun with a nice balanced take on modern social issues
26 May 2023
It's crazy how a show can get such average ratings just because of gen z sensibilities and anti Chinese sentiment.

It's pretty balanced in that it has old school slightly offensive comedy, loads of entitled teenagers protesting (but still willing to have an honest conversation even if my personal opinion is that their views are jaded and unhelpful).. Bullies that take jokes too far. A full range of attitudes that reflects todays society.

This show and the characters are well done and demonstrate simple good fun which reminds me of 90's/early 2000s shows.

The main character has to deal with the usual mild racism that depending on your view is all harmless fun or all highly offensive and the truth is that it probably lies somewhere in between. There's also the usual teenager angst of relationships, parental arguments, unique friends that don't fit in along with the draw of being one of the popular kids. Not to mention the fantastical quest for the escapism element, moral decisions and sacrifices that need to be contemplated.

Watch with an open mind and realise people are allowed to think differently to you and you might not give this an absurd 1/10.

(I'm only two episodes but but this is the vibe I'm picking up on so far).
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
Great music, hilarious and important messages
26 April 2023
Whoever wrote Schmigadoon is a god. When it came to how I felt about humour and views on controversial topics I said watch South Park then you'll know where I stand. Now I finally have one for how I feel about the social political landscape, I can now refer them to this. Race, men and women, traditional pros and cons, modern pros and cons, it tackles these sensitive subjects with aplomb. So incredibly well balanced it must annoy a lot on the left and the right (unless they only see what they want to see). I'd be interested to know if this is seen by others as woke or regressive. I think it's just perfectly logical with plenty of wiggle room. Looking at what we think we want from our male partners and female partners. Such a perfect message for our time. Please watch and take in the message even if you don't enjoy the musical aspect (which is insanely good) or the humour (which is so funny) you'll definitely have your eyes opened about how re can all reconnect with each other.

The reason everyone should watch this is so they can view how to approach relationships in a better way for both men and women as we're making so many pointless mistakes. Today's dating game, which is basically an experiment that hasn't been done in thousands of years of human history, is one we all have to work out together.

Also, men have had to take a long hard look at themselves over the last couple of decades since the me too movement, now it's time for women to take some responsibility and do the same.

So in summary I'm just glad to finally see a balanced take on the woke vs the right, just normal people doing normal things but in the most eye opening way. The message is important but again, so incredible funny and if you do like musicals this is the best of them.
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South Park: DikinBaus Hot Dogs (2023)
Season 26, Episode 5
2 April 2023
It's about time South Park really started going admirer Woke culture and Gen Z.

Looks like this is the season where they've finally had enough.

It's about time South Park really started going admirer Woke culture and Gen Z.

Looks like this is the season where they've finally had enough.

It's about time South Park really started going admirer Woke culture and Gen Z.

Looks like this is the season where they've finally had enough.

It's about time South Park really started going admirer Woke culture and Gen Z.

Looks like this is the season where they've finally had enough.

It's about time South Park really started going admirer Woke culture and Gen Z.

Looks like this is the season where they've finally had enough.
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Thought provoking and well handled
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wrote this review for episode 10 but thought I'd put it on the whole series as this episode epitomises what the series is trying to achieve.

I had a few reservations about this show and how it handled some of the more delicate matters of autism. The first was that it might romanticise the condition but it showed a more severe case and noted that autism is on a spectrum so it doesn't shy away from explaining it in full.

I thought it was inappropriate for her to have a love interest with someone more advanced emotionally who could take advantage, she doesn't want to even hold hands so would a physical relationship not be right and whether this applies to the 'victim' and Attorney Woo and how their different situations mean what level of relationship they can have. And they handled that well and educated me on it too. Watching episode 10 I was actually waiting to see what the arguments would be. I'm usually someone who has an opinion and awaits to see if what I'm watching is inline but with this I was waiting to learn.

I really like that it wasn't black and white in this episode and how I was against the mother at first but then saw her point as the victim became more fragile and even though she was harsh to woo she made some good points.

You don't usually expect this level of thought provoking and balance on a law drama even if it is based around autism.

It's all very fascinating and I think the point is that there isn't one right answer, certainly not one that applies to autism as a whole but not even to a single particularly person.

I think ultimately it was right for the man to go to jail and I guess the difference is between the victims relations and Woo's is that Woo wanted to and initiated the kiss. On the other hand he's literally teaching her how to kiss but not in the same way a teenager learns as that's instinctual. Honestly I'm not sure about Woo's relationship but I still think the show is handling the topic well.

It's a great show that handles her condition sensitively and compassionately.

It's not preachy and just explains it very naturally. In the west it would have been handled very insensitively if it was done several decades ago or too preachy and black and white if done now. Somehow South Korea even with its cultural issues with mental health have actually managed to nail it better than I've seen anyone else do it.

South Korea have come along way in terms of technology and living standards but it seems their emotional intelligence and open mindedness is on on accelerated path too so that they catch up with and overtake western countries handling of mental health in the not too distant future.
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Well handled and thought provoking
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had a few reservations about this show and how it handled some of the more delicate matters of autism. The first was that it might romanticise the condition but it showed a more severe case and noted that autism is on a spectrum so it doesn't shy away from explaining it in full.

I thought it was inappropriate for her to have a love interest with someone more advanced emotionally who could take advantage, she doesn't want to even hold hands so would a physical relationship not be right and whether this applies to the 'victim' and Attorney Woo and how their different situations mean what level of relationship they can have. And they handled that well and educated me on it too. Watching episode 10 I was actually waiting to see what the arguments would be. I'm usually someone who has an opinion and awaits to see if what I'm watching is inline but with this I was waiting to learn.

I really like that it wasn't black and white in this episode and how I was against the mother at first but then saw her point as the victim became more fragile and even though she was harsh to woo she made some good points.

You don't usually expect this level of thought provoking and balance on a law drama even if it is based around autism.

It's all very fascinating and I think the point is that there isn't one right answer, certainly not one that applies to autism as a whole but not even to a single particularly person.

I think ultimately it was right for the man to go to jail and I guess the difference is between the victims relations and Woo's is that Woo wanted to and initiated the kiss. On the other hand he's literally teaching her how to kiss but not in the same way a teenager learns as that's instinctual. Honestly I'm not sure about Woo's relationship but I still think the show is handling the topic well.

It's a great show that handles her condition sensitively and compassionately.

It's not preachy and just explains it very naturally. In the west it would have been handled very insensitively if it was done several decades ago or too preachy and black and white if done now. Somehow South Korea even with its cultural issues with mental health have actually managed to nail it better than I've seen anyone else do it.

South Korea have come along way in terms of technology and living standards but it seems their emotional intelligence and open mindedness is on on accelerated path too so that they catch up with and overtake western countries handling of mental health in the not too distant future.
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23 June 2022
Is this still the same show?

Everyone who is good is woke and either female or not white.

All the evil people are against cancel culture, white racist men, all lives matter, etc It's not at all subtle and is such a long way from the amazing first season.

Completely unwatchable because it's not about the characters any more but about being woke. They may as well call this The Wokes at this point.
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The Boys (2019– )
The problem with society
7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first season started really well and was an interesting take but it got old and boring really fast.

One thing I can't understand is how something that is violent and grotesque (which is fine btw) can be so woke at the same time.

There are constant references to woke nonsense like 'we don't see gender that way' the scene after seeing a person blown to a bloody pulp.

I don't have anything against violence in movies but there is so much if it without batting an eyelid but assume someone's gender and pronouns and you'll get told off and cancelled seems like an imbalance of values.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Tribute movie
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first scream was awesome and was a tribute to thriller films with a lot of meta commentary about the genre.

This film did that too but more specifically a tribute to the scream films.

The acting was worse and the plot has been done many times but the main issue is what split people back in the nineties with the original That's that It doesn't take itself too seriously and is closer to a parody than an actual thriller, if you accept it for what it is it's actually a great balance of nostalgia and is entertaining. Not without some flaws but way better than the rating.

All the Scream movies got a lot lower ratings than they should have, I really think this is because the audience took them too seriously.

I feel like it needed one more twist at the end (third killer seemed the way to go) but overall a good watch if not groundbreaking.
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Lost some of the magic but still watchable
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Easy to rate the first three.

10/10, 9/10, 7/10 People weren't kidding when they said this was meta. This is about as meta is it gets. I thought I was watching a behind the scenes documentary at some points. At least at the beginning Some minor woke bits, nothing too serious. (But seriously making the main bad guy misogynist, it just doesn't make sense) Still has cool philosophical ideas in it. This is why you shouldn't always trust reviews. Some people just see what they want to see, but it wasn't their choice, they were always going to react like that just as I was always going to defend itl.

Not all of it makes perfect sense but it's a movie, they don't have to. You need to suspend your disbelief and enjoy it for what it is.

Also enjoy the whole idea again of is this reality or is this the matrix and you're being manipulated and held captive.

Very different approach and style to the original 3 but that's ok.

I always find these is it vr/matrix or am I going crazy fascinating. Ultimately how does anyone ever know, it's impossible. We just have to live our lives with the best evidence available until something else comes along to sway you, and even then there's actually no way of knowing. This film still gets my philosophical juices going.

Would have been nice to have a higher purpose main objective (on top of saving trinity) like coexisting with machines or bringing them down etc And of course the metaphor of the matrix being the double speak and thought police that institutions place on us instead of seeing the world as it really is and our freedoms that we think we have and if you take a step backwards there's actually very little freedom even in the western world still holds true.

There is something missing from this film. A je ne sais quoi and feel to the old ones that doesn't seem to be present in this, maybe it's nostalgia (i don't mean that this film doesn't constantly remind us of how special the trilogy was, just that it's new so can't ever be what the old movies were to us, yet).

Not really a fan of the heist style at the end where the plan is talked through and we see the plan in action in little snippets that cut back and forth.

Nothing particularly new or special but a decent film in its own right.

Went from an 8/10 to 7/10 then the ending almost brought it back up to an 8.

Seems to be missing some of the nuance and magic of the others but still as good as the third which was pretty average.

Maybe one too many call backs.
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23 February 2022
I've only watched one episode but I can tell I'm going to like it.

As others have pointed out it's a parody, once you realised that it's actually quite interesting and funny.

If you think this is real it's probably not for you.
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South Park: The Big Fix (2022)
Season 25, Episode 2
Where to even begin!
19 February 2022
Well this is an interesting one to analyse based on other reviews.

Let's get a couple of things straight first. South Park is not Woke, South Park is not racist. They despise both these groups equally.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing Woke people giving this 10/10 for being Woke and racist people giving it 1/10 for being soft on Woke. It's satire, not literal, you've both missed the point. South park are mocking the woke movement that tries to treat minorities differently by using quotas and other discriminatory methods to empower them. Guess what, black people and other such groups don't need young white people giving them a hand, that's racist and offensive. We can all support all people but singling people out, even if you think it's for a good reason, based on the colour of their skin is racist. That's why this is satire, this is who South Park is mocking.

I wondered how South Park would be able to survive in todays cancel culture but I shouldn't have doubted them. All they had to do was be so satirical that woke people would think they were being literal. Genius as always. It also puts the right wing racists off the show because they think it's gone soft so that's a positive too.

Ultimately can we just treat each other as equals and individuals based on what we say and do rather than arbitrary groups we belong to.
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Girl From Nowhere (2018–2021)
Needful things
31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Basically nanno is the devil.

She has the skills and abilities that the devil has.

She leads people to temptation and plays on their weaknesses and insecurities, she's smart and manipulative and is of course invulnerable. She targets the bullied and innocent as much as the bully's and guilty. It's like she is luring the bad people to hell and eliminating the weak.

I wasn't sure I liked it after the first episode because I thought nanno was a sociopath and like Dexter taking out the real evil but this didn't fit when the principals daughter died.

But once I worked out she was literally the devil I understood the show a lot more and liked it a lot.

Many of the episode are interesting in style and tense. Not all the plot points work and a lot of time people seem to do things that they would just never do in real life and that can take you out of the story a bit but overall this was a really good show, like a teenage Thai black mirror as someone else described it.
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Timer (2009)
Yes the ending's bad but the rest is solid
29 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This first part of a review I wrote an hour into the film... I really like this film It's like a self fulfilling prophesy. I think she will try and make mikey get a timer and that would instantly end the relationship because it would dissolve the connection and trust. Hopefully mikey convinces her to take hers out and have their happily ever after as much as any couple can

After watching all of it... The ending was really weird though. Why would they build up the romance of the main characters like that and then at the end be like, oh well I guess it didn't work out. Totally bizarre but I really like the rest of the film so gave it's high rating. I'll just make up the end in my own head that she got her timer removed and they end up together because you know, they obviously love each other.

Again, such a bizarre ending but don't let that spoil a really solid and enjoyable Rom com.
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Marley & Me (2008)
Just bad
25 January 2022
Cheesy and boring. Nothing funny, nothing romantic and nothing for dog lovers.

Just train the dog and it'll be fine!

I love Rom coms even average ones but this wasn't watchable. Avoid.
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Started off well but lost the plot
17 January 2022
Was interesting to start with but in the end didn't make any sense and the horror wasn't really there. Confused story line. Maybe watch the first half and leave the rest to your imagination.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A little mix of all sorts, paranormal, monsters, cults, scientific explanations all thrown in there but I still feel it kind of works. Amazing take on the vampire genre I didn't even realise it was until it became obvious several episodes in but a take without any kitsch So many slow scenes but always tense and interesting so it doesn't matter that it's slow unless your attention span isn't great.

Unexpected movements in the direction it was taking but it never panicked or rushed.

I really liked this and it makes for a great watch.

Great take on psychology, religion and cults as well as the horror grew and vampire genre too I'm agnostic with no belief in man made gods but for some reason this is the first time I've ever felt like it might be a good idea to join a church of some sort. Not sure if it's the community portrait or just morbid fascination into the psychology Brainwashing of religion cults and also politics and ideologies.

Turns into dusk till dawn but with so much more character knowledge and emotion The new tricks they do playing on no guilt as a demon vampire loses their sole. All the interplay between old vampire devices and new ideas and how they interact So hard to find a good horror but this is one of them Last episode changed into a new film again, stop the infected from leaving the island, not the best ending but still pretty cool And some goody vampires to throw in as well. It's a little confused but still tense Why did the man in the end have remorse outside the church. People can make choices but there's no remorse. Not sure what the rules around when you're a vampire but overall it's fun, tense and fascinating so let's just go with it.

(Sorry if the review is a bit disjointed, I made notes as I watched it)
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Pretty good if you forget about Shining
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this. Didn't actually realise it was (kind of but not really) a sequel to Shining until about 10 seconds after the the blood comes out of the elevator (20 minutes from the end and yes I am embarrassed). The first two hours were great and would have a got a 9 but the Shining stuff at the end was probably the film a lot of people feared.

Def watch it though, it was overall really well done.
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Arcane (2021–2024)
21 November 2021
I've never played league of legends nor do I know anything of the lore but that didn't matter watching this. Everything is really well done from the characters to the story and soundtrack. But what really pushed it to a 10 was the animation. Simply mind blowing, I've never seen anything like it. It's so detailed and it's the first time I've ever watched anything and been looking at every tiny detail just to appreciate it. Truly stunning.
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14 November 2021
This film was pretty good and very watchable. Unfortunately the songs were either missing or butchered but otherwise I had no issues.

Characters were well done, a lot more peril than the animated version. A different take but worthy in its own right.
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Better than the first
20 October 2021
I liked the first one but this is much better. It hits the nail on the head with great comedy, visuals, characters, etc.

Almost spoiled by the princess scene that is anti-man but ignore that and the rest is a good laugh.
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Glee (2009–2015)
I love musicals
18 October 2021
That's how bad this is. Anything musical or a Capella are my favourite things like west side story, Moulin rouge, the great theatre classics and yes, even pitch perfect. This I can't stand though, it's so contrived and unimaginative. Very disappointing.
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Free Guy (2021)
Funny, touching and thought provoking
4 October 2021
This is at least an 8. It's really well done. I watch a lot of YouTube and twitch streamers and am a gamer who is interested in philosophy so this might be a bit bias. But if you like some or all of those things it's a great watch.
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Community (2009–2015)
Funny and heartwarming
15 August 2021
I found this show recently and I haven't binge watched something this hard in a long time. Brilliant humour and well put together characters. They have a couple of the usual clip shows that every series has but get this, all the clips aren't taken from previous episodes it's actually new material! It's all free on Netflix (except one fan favourite that got banned that you get on Prime)
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Booksmart (2019)
Do not watch
1 August 2021
Like Superbad the movie without the comedy and if there's no comedy then what's the point.
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