
40 Reviews
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The wrong man for the job
6 January 2023
Guy Ritchie is one of the best directors now the man is recently known for the gentlemen and Aladdin but before these decent films there was Sherlock.

Starred by Robert Downey Jr in Sherlock Holmes and Jude law in Dr Watson who is recently took on an iconic character Albus Dumbledore

The two did a wonderful job and the chemistry between them is wonderful either but performances alone aren't enough to make a decent film

The main problem is as in the title guy Ritchie is the wrong man for the job when I tell you Sherlock Holmes your mind imagine a grim world with a lot of smart people who try to diss each other but no Mr Guy Ritchie is trying to use his famous style which led to a confusion in the artistic perspectives at the end it made me uncomfortable watching and led to other problems like not using the full potential of Mark strong and his wonderful performances these guys need to learn from detective Conan anime in how to build a mystery and how can you make people interact with it and how to make them part of room and how to surprise them by your smart detective and you could also kept the drama between the characters like it is and your directing style instead of focusing in one way and neglect the others.
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Troy (2004)
It should have been a series
16 December 2022
This film is so rich in the every aspect of it the story, the characters the world itself is so deep with many layers. Troy isn't a bad film but it could've been better as a film and far better as a series.

The main issue here is the big clashes between the two armies the edit was so bad the way the camera angles move isn't comfortable even it's packed with wonderful pics that can play a wallpaper.

My second problem is directing style which is pretty similar to ridley Scott's gladiator but not good like it

The third and the last is the music it's forgettable and bad especially when it is compared to a living legends such as gladiator and braveheart.
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Why so overrated?
5 December 2022
The last of the mohicans is a very disappointed movie.

I don't understand why it's rated so high when you look at it from every aspect it's overrated. Performances aren't special.

The chemistry between Daniel day-lewis and the lead actress isn't good either it was cold I did feel nothing at all.

The story isn't unique at all I knew what would happen just by reading the plot it's way too expected.

Directing isn't any special at all he was just shaking the camera but to be honest there was good angles.

Sound mixing and music is the only special thing but it's not iconic if you came to me after 2 days I wouldn't remember it at all

Cinematography was brilliant it was beautiful but not the most beautiful thing I have ever seen what I mean is it isn't that special.

At last the last of the mohicans isn't a bad film but it's me who raised My expectations too high but I'm not the one to blame it was because my background of Daniel day-lewis.
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The magic is here no more
11 November 2022
What went wrong about pirates of the Caribbean dead men tell no tales is it's too expected the movie doesn't do anything new when I first saw curse of the black pearl I was astonished and I remember doing captain Jack sparrow since then and I can't get rid of him he controls my mind from time to time and when they announced that there will be a new movie I was blown up and I saw in the theatre and I was so happy back then the dead man chest did everything made the first film awesome and added new ideas and elements to make it unique sequel and that explains the commercial success and that raised the expectations to the limits which led to the biggest disappointment of the year they overused captain Jack sparrow and wasted potentials of characters like captain tengue and captain sung of Singapore beside the not satisfying ending of lord Beckett and making the pirate lords silly but all in all it wasn't a bad movie and it was good trilogy and then I heard Disney is planning to make another trilogy I wasn't interested but I was in and film was released in 2011 I wasn't disappointed or satisfied I was just there and then the company decided to hold the franchise and that was a good choice and that particular choice what makes dead men tell no tales another disappointment.

They had the time to plan the future which didn't happen and they had the potential to use our old beloved characters which didn't either happen due to the movie length and that will take us to a later issue and most important they had time to give us brand new adventures which didn't happen.

The movie is just a collection of all good things we saw before they took the horror of Davy Jones and his crew and gave it to captain Salazar but he didn't give us the same weight despite the great performance of Javier bardem and the great quality of his design and they took the love story between Elizabeth and will and gave it to Henry and caryina Smith and it's nothing compared to the original and captain Jack sparrow and I'm sad to say it but this is the worst appearance for Johnny Depp in captain Jack sparrow.

They took the comedy side of him and kept using it all the time which hits sometime and miss sometime without any depth behind like the previous films not just that, Depp didn't try to develop the way he plays the character and the writers didn't put the weight of the previous experiences he has been through which resulted making captain sparrow imposting the old captain Jack sparrow besides Johnny Depp got old so he can't move the way he used to be

****Spoiler alert ****

Unlike captain Barbosa and Jeffrey Rush performance it's with no exaggeration the best appearance of the character since the first film he simply gave the proper goodbye and I'm really touched that I'm not gonna see him again goodbye hector you deserved better directors to hold drama like they held the action


The movie length is too short which made the movie too simple and too shallow lacking of any depth and this is the film's second main problem and the main one is lack of originality but I had a good time.
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Not perfect
5 September 2022
This film is kinda overrated when it comes to the story and the other elements in the movie.

Story is based on a book written by Jane hawking herself and I'm not gonna talk about the book I'm going to talk about the screenplay which is far from horrible and far from good there's holes between the characters development which need to be filled and introducing new characters out of nowhere which was uncomfortable it does a lotta things really fast and dialogue didn't help it leaves a lotta questions and not focusing on why Stephen hawking is so great annoyed me a bit

Directing is nothing special either he made the movie like a series but with no keeping track on besides the characters seems like they never aged with more than normal music that was actually spoiled important scenes that require silence except for the last 15 minutes when everything changes everyone did his best at that which made it really unique

I left acting at last purposely due to it's quality Eddie redmayne performance after I saw the trailer I dealt with myself that I will forget everything just to watch Eddie working the man definitely gave the best performance of his life he was acting without moving or saying a word he definitely deserved the Oscar he got and not to forget Felicity Jones which it's my first time to watch her and I don't know anything about her but she gave a satisfying performance I liked it too much the chemistry between them both is perfect just like they are real

It's a wonderful time I spent watching this movie beside this movie was my gate to cosmology which is really interesting.
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It's complicated
25 August 2022
I can't find words to describe this masterpiece it's so emotional the two main characters design is so twisted so connected you know, Everyone from the two main characters complete each other, though things didn't work out which lead to the main plot You know I find it so heartbreaking to find someone who completes you, everything you hope you find in that person and though things don't work out because everyone is focusing on the good part we become blinded by love we don't see the whole picture so I think this is the only question with no answer.

Back to the film, what gave me those feelings is directing which made me drown in a human mind, despite the all differences between us we feel the same, so I find it really interesting.
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So well
16 August 2022
Nocturnal animals is the right movie in the right time it's one of the philosophical films that is rarely exists now days.

And it's released in one of the strongest cinematic years of all time and it's perfect for me to watch now because it discusses the concept of dreams making it the second to take the same topic for the same year.

But unlike la la land this movie is so painful, so violent, too dark in unrealistic way no actually it was but I just can't imagine it happening in real life

The film is divided to 3 the current timeline Flashback And, the main character reads a manuscript And it was all connected in a good way

Acting is great everyone deserves a nomination my favorite is Michael Shannon because his character didn't take it's time like the others and still shines he is so great.

And directing is awesome he connected all the stories in a way that makes you feel what he wants you to feel ,with right soundtracks that keeps you in Bated breath and not to forget the beautiful cinematography ,I saw it coming because the director is a costume designer, anyway for the third act is the problem because the director decided to throw the story away and focus with the philosophy which I didn't like, don't get it wrong I like the philosophy but the movie asked for a story so he has to keep his promise so that was only issue that includes a lot of consequences

But eventually it was a deep movie that made me think all night and I take this particular movie personal because the idea itself is meaning a lot to me.
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La La Land (2016)
It's a dream come true
7 August 2022
Well if I got this script to direct I would have done it the same particular way like Damien chazelle it's my favorite type of storytelling

A type that makes you feel like you're dreaming but you it's a dream and you gonna wake up eventually

We spend the whole movie with 2 dreaming lovers seeing Thier challenges and how it affects their relationship and the opposite is happening too

Regardless how much the movie looks like a dream it's the most realistic musical I've ever seen it just feels real

Actors got a lotta challenges here they had to dance, sing, play and they should be giving a great acting and for surprise they did and Emma stone is better than Ryan gosling she got more challenges

Cinematography like I said looks like a dream it was astonishing beautiful I couldn't like it more because it's not just beautiful it explains the characters feeling just like it says what they feel even the seasons quote that " in the brightest day, in the blackest night hope will always rise" I know it's awful but it's what I feel

Music is a whole new world I won't say anything just listen it's 10 years worth

At last the movie is a revive to the old era and what is cool that it was explained in the movie it's a masterpiece.
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My Left Foot (1989)
I never seen such a thing before
31 July 2022
Well Daniel day-lewis performance here gave me the best performance I've ever seen in my life so far

he studied the character physically and mentally and focus on physically because the character mentally isn't complicated but to express and show the feeling of the character with crippled body and nearly frozen face, I thought till a near time it would be impossible

But, he changed my mind and 've shown me new highs I never knew it exists

To be honest this is actors movie because every other element is averaged between normal to weak everything was used to parade Daniel day-lewis performance and I respect this choice because he deserves it and there were supporting characters with great performance and arc

The movie fails to balance between Christy childhood and the rest of the film because his childhood doesn't have a great impact on the story we just could use the vital points not to waste all that time and used it instead in showing us his career development not just to sum it up in two or three scenes.
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29 July 2022
I saw it coming because reloaded is awful and time was too short I think they wrote the synopsis and forgot to write the script the movie is too sketchy no details at all nothing

It's the worst appearance for everyone except Keanu reeves he got a chance to act and it was good

Cinematography isn't as brilliant as its predecessors the movie is too poor there's no imagination, no creativity is seen

Directing is worst of all cause the directors are the writers and demanded a certain amount of depth in mixing between philosophy and action but for sorry they didn't keep Thier promise

At last I'm not connected with the matrix at all even when I saw the 1st movie I didn't build a relationship with it, ofcourse I appreciated his doing in revolutionizing the cinema but no connection at all may be because I'm not a 90s kid anyway

I'm sorry to say the matrix series failed the time test and I'm not excited at all.
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Too lazy
28 July 2022
After changing the game field and correcting some concepts I misunderstood in the previous one it's my right to expect evolution in every aspect,right?

No,hell no

Let's split it to 3 acts

The 1st is lazy to build Zion as it should be no rules

no system,

no showing the people agony,

no developing neo and trinity relationship,

introducing new characters in the fastest way in the history with Thier relationship

And sex scenes

(The 2nd act)

Passionate kiss Action sequence

(The 3rd act)

Philosophy Revealing secrets

That's the movie I'm leaving judge to you because you know where I'm going.
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The Matrix (1999)
Glimpse of the future
28 July 2022
Well I'm gonna review this film from the perspective of now so let's put it under the the test of the time which really shows the great from the weak

Is the matrix like the people claim deserves to be one of Hollywood icons or not?

Did the movie succeeded in passing the time test?

Does it deserve to continue in a 4th installment after all these years?

Well the answer is (yeah)

Note: I'm not talking about the special effects, CGI and sound mixing everything in the technical and technological side which revolutionized Hollywood and defined a new era isn't here in this review

Let's start with the story which is the main reason the films exist because I do believe filmmaking is the art of telling a story And here it's really deep so it raised the people expectations in receiving sci-fi movies and the whole movies in general

Did the wachowskis succeeded in telling this story?

Yeah, they did they invented a new approach they mixed depth and symbols with action and fun so at the same time you enjoy you learn and think it's simple beside using the colors and mixing them with awesome soundtracks which gave us perfect experience

But is everything is perfect?

No, it's to be blamed for the prospect of the Oracle which was useful in the philosophical side but it's meaningless in the story and for the lame sudden love story despite the chemistry between Carrie Anne moss and Keanu reeves and other plot holes and breaking rules they set in the needed time for the plot with lame excuses and neo's development is awful for sorry the character is icon just because Keanu reeves is beloved.

I hope I added or changed something in your opinions with this awful review pardon me I'm not a good speaker 😅
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Training Day (2001)
That's pretty smart
20 May 2022
I heard that training day is one of the most important movies in Hollywood history and I am relieved to say that claim 100% sure

When I was searching I found David Ayer is the writer and due to my experiences with his previous movies like suicide squad which was terrible in all aspects and fury which felt like a remake of saving private Ryan but here he is just the writer and he did exceed my expectations and wrote a masterpiece from the realistic dialogues to the legendary characters not just this every thing showed up at the movie got used to develop the characters and the story it's really cool

Characters here are really deeper than it looks like Ethan Hawke character Jake Hoyt is the incarnation of the audience he is new to this world and finds out about how terrible is it in every step he takes and king Kong Alonzo Harris this character is one of the most important iconic character in Hollywood history he resembles the devil he knows when to use power and when to use mind he is really great with a touch of humanity it's very light I Know he has one code that always play for his own sake a villain with a code really awesome

And what helped in making these characters iconic is the great performance of Thier actors who nominated for the Oscars in 2002 Denzel Washington won this for the second time he became one with the character no exaggerations from any kind the right expression in the right time and Ethan Hawke too but his character is a lot less harder than Denzel but he did his best to make the audience not to feel that he is the incarnation of them excellent

Not to forget the big boss Antoine Fuqua who made this masterpiece I saw southpaw which directed by him too and both have the same spirit Antoine Fuqua is one of the directors who can reflect the street life in so realistic way what make this so special is Choosing real locations and real gangs beside the great investment of the music by Mark Mancina

But, unfortunately the last sequence of the third act didn't make sense to me despite the quality and some other scenes but that's fine you won't notice while watching.
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Through despair and hope
7 May 2022
I was always wondered why this movie is the highest rated movie here well I know the answer now.

A really unique movie it's rare to see movies collide art with fun from my point of view being smart is about to make hard things easy and the movie did it pretty well.

Through special writing and Frank Darabont easy abstain style of directing which based on short story by the legend Steven king it used the narrative style of the Irishman whish the main character tells us his story his feelings which adds more depth to the character with Andy the embodiment of hope. All those factors helped the movie to be the best

Not just that the movie is loaded with a lot of amazing messages and it appears in everything nearly in the characters, in the music and the scenes it self the symbols are easy to get

Also Morgan Freeman gave the performance of his life this is my favorite character and this is the best performance I saw him give that doesn't apply to the others which I don't know anyone of them but they did awesome job in the supporting characters. You know the professional actor when his character don't get the proper introduction and he creates it's persona and let you interact with it.
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Fury (2014)
missed opportunity
6 May 2022
Fury is my third war movie the first was saving private Ryan and there are a lot of similarities between them but the movie also got a golden chance to make something unique but he missed and here what I think

Story is about the Allies at the end of the war where they were wining so the Nazis are supposed to be violent as the movie says but no we nearly spent the half of it in easy missions and when it came to end it was suicide mission and it doesn't make sense at all

Ayer could use the not constant plot and the missions to develop the characters and see how it's affecting them but he did it just for one character that've been chosen for unknown reason not just that it also missed the only sequence that could discover our characters missed the mark and he just did for brad Pitt so we have just 2 characters that were discovered enough to bond us with them and both aren't that strong

Regardless the great performance of the whole cast and chemistry between them helped me communicate with them in spite of the common weakness in Thier building I really loved Shia Labeouf this man should get some attention and Brad Pitt who the quite emotional performance beside showing the tough violent side of his character and the whole cast did a great job in limited space and drew thier characters aspects

All the blame on the writer who is also the director David Ayer who done a great job in making the fight tank scenes which is clear, iconic and really impressive it feels like you're in a tank he did a good job and that appears in choosing the right soundtracks and the sound mixing to exploit the audience senses. As a director he succeed but failed as a writer I wish him good luck in the future films.
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Southpaw (2015)
What the......?
4 May 2022
What the writer was thinking when he decided to write that film? It's just a cliched movie what those guys saw in to make. From the beginning to the end we saw it and we know how it's gonna work Darn it.

The characters are the same actually in the similar movies the only thing unique here is Jake Gyllenhaal he really did wonderful job he is the only reason I completed it not just him also Oona Laurence she is a discovery and the chemistry between them is awesome but there is a common problem in the characters they're so weak and take so weird decisions anyway the chapters in the movie are too many and too small the chapters should've been less with more details and persuasive characters

director spoiled the movie in the trailer and left nothing exciting in the movie but he did a good job in the zoom ins which served the actors' performance and delivered the feelings to the audience but with no remarkable fight scenes

Eminem soundtracks are super awesome and exciting.
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The Irishman (2019)
Dance monkey
3 May 2022
The movie reminded me of dance monkey song where bunch of grandparents are vital more than me taking sugar

Note: I just saw one movie of martin Scorsese and it was shutter island and it's totally different so it's my first time seeing something so special like that

From what I heard about martin Scorsese that he is the king of that genre and it's totally right

He used uneven style of telling a story like getting in a flashback from a flashback and manipulate the narration style in different ways which helped the audience to understand the characters more and not getting bored due to the movie Length and he used every minute, every second from that length to tell the story without forgetting anything. And the information he displays with every character introduction made the movie mush more deeper and a lot more that need a book to fill it in

Characters are all real and have it's interesting arcs so the screenwriter got a gift . Did he use it?

And the answer is yeah he did he focused on major 3 characters and made the other characters support them which made the supporting characters deep too if you decided to search about you will find disasters and he kept everything interesting from the very start to the end

Now come to the actors did the actors succeed in giving those characters life and the answer is it a whole new level those pals are super mega experts they literally act without saying a word just by eyes can you imagine those guys are aliens I've never seen such a thing like this before it's totally fantastic

Music is so valuable every era has it's own unique music with unique cinematography everything seems real the buildings the cars the people everything was so delicate

But unfortunately this movie has 2 particular issues The first is De-aging technology it's really uncomfortable especially in the beginning when Sheeran in his 30s I really tried but I couldn't his face is young but his moves is too slow for a murder or a young

The second is if you're not American or don't know anything about this era you will definitely get lost so I recommend reading the book the movie is based on so you won't get lost

The Irishman wasn't not just a movie it was my gate to the American history and what's really going on behind the scenes and made me excited to see the previous works of the mob legend martin Scorsese.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
I believe
23 April 2022
Hacksaw ridge is one of the most important movies in the genre due to the following reasons

First. Directing Mel Gibson is a wonderful actor but this is the first movie directed by him I see and it's safe to say he is brilliant he used everything he is got to make this master piece like the emotional dramatic scenes that incredibly photographed and war scenes which is ugly and wonderful at the same time to the casting choices which leads to second

Second. Acting The chemistry between the whole cast is harmonized in magnificent way every actor made us see what he is really capable of not all of them ofcourse but the leads like Andrew Garfield, Hugo weaving who really deserves an Oscar nomination for his job it's the first time I see the father useful in the story like that ofcourse he is effective but not like that in the similar movies I liked the other performances so much but there's a character lost in translation just disappeared that was mistake

Third. Screenplay The screenplay is accurate to the real story as much as he could according to IMDB there are little differences in the real story but it's no big deal the writers respected the vision of Desmond doss and how he wanted his story to be told

Fourth. Cinematography It's the gloomiest thing I have ever seen blood everywhere humans chopped and burned all over the place but to be fair there is also a charming places at the first act it's beautiful in all aspects

Fifth. Music Using music in this movie was accurate it was used for particular goals to give the audience different experience between the scenes I really want to talk about it but I will spoil and I don't wanna spoil so watch the movie

There are some problems like declamation in some dialogues and undeveloped romance but those are light problems didn't bother me at all because I loved the chemistry between the couple and I think dialogues are declamatories in the army but come-on there's no perfect movie

This experience made me believe that if you believe in something you will do everything to defend it Desmond friends saw him as a coward and he proved the contrary without breaching his code it's something worth of respect and encouraged me to defend my beliefs even if it kills me.
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Ted (2012)
Didn't see it coming
25 March 2022
I was bored sitting on my couch depressed for some reason I don't know and my friend told me hey dude I got something special for ya this movie is super fun let us watch it and he showed me the Blu ray DVD and I saw a teddy bear and man so like any human being I thought of Disney movie as result I didn't watch the trailer and I'm happy about it I got shocked

Story as simple as that is kinda unexpected in a lot of ways but the end is not

Characters depend on the chemistry between them the special character is Ted as it seems the problem is Mila Kunis character there's no reason at all for those two to be together however Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg chemistry was more than comfortable I wished for those two to be together in real life

Ted is most fantastic character and the most unique teddy bear I've ever seen have you ever seen a teddy bear smoking weed?

Of course not not just that the way he's walking is really a hard working to be appreciated

Production design was realistic as hard as it can be to add magical talent like Ted

Music and soundtracks used from 80s it's enough to know that queen sing the main soundtrack which helped in getting nostalgia and develop the main characters

Directing by Seth MacFarlane was simple,realistic and fictional at the same time and that what makes it so special some people say it looks like family guy after all both of them were created by the same guy and that encourage me to watch family guy cause I didn't watch it according to region issues

And there are other problems but I can't talk rather I would spoil things which I don't wanna spoil anything goodbye.
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Dream House (2011)
That what happens when the studio interfere
11 March 2022
When I saw the 9% on rotten tomatoes my expectations were beneath the ground and that helped the movie

The only good thing is the STORY it's really unexpected it required a professional director

ACTING is ranging from average to awful

And when it comes to the MUSIC I don't remember hearing anything

Cinematography is not a big deal it was awful any way beside the production design

Directing is the main reason for corrupting the movie he is the responsible for all of that no sense at all but after reading about it I discovered that the production was responsible for that they didn't respect the director's vision those greedy put the money as Thier priority and that cost them a lot

The studio interference is corrupting the industry I wish they stop but it doesn't seem so.
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I expected more
9 February 2022
I was excited to see the second chapter because the story bears to build a whole world and I trusted the makers to give us a proper sequel and I was right

But the movie's magic in the first chapter is less effective let's find out why

Story Is perfect it answered the questions of the previous installment and expanded to build it's world but there's a few plot holes

Music Have the same magic of the first chapter and still effective in the horror scenes

Characters and actors All the characters we left them from The final twist we start with them again with beautiful arcs and giving us new characters which is really interesting

Directing It was the main reason for the success of the first part but now it's the same reason to disappoint half the horror sequences is predictable and not scary although the same effective music but some of the problems fixed like to the Funny entities And I should thank James wan for casting younger versions of Loraine and Elise it was like de-aging it was awesome.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
9 February 2022
Insidious is really impressive because it's one of the few movies that proves talent always wins

Story Is really good and so attractive but with unexplainable things and it's really weird and questionable

Characters and actors There is nothing unique about them at all they are just normal either the actors they hadn't to do much and they didn't but it the right thing for the actors not the characters

Music Is iconic and super spooky when I just hear it alone it scares the hell out of me thanks to Joseph Bishara

Directing I know James wan before I saw furious 7 and the conjuring 1&2 so I'm happy to see him in his early days he is the one I meant with talent from the magnanimous takes and great filming and unique directing style and the right music in the right time.
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Didn't see it coming
8 February 2022
I didn't expect this part to be good I thought it will be milking for the franchise but I was wrong

New characters had introduced with expanding our old ones beside asking the same question of the first movie but the answer is different

Music and soundtracks kept on the same level of the previous two

Acting is perfect like usual the voice actors succeed at delivering the emotions of Thier characters with new legendary actors J. K Simons and Brian Cranston

Directing is the most unique part here with the greatest animation in the whole franchise and the most freshing takes


The story became more family friendly which I didn't like there was no balance between drama, action and comedy They reduced action than the previous two with unmemorable villain.
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
8 February 2022
Kung Fu panda is the usual concept of the chosen one but with different take

Characters kinda stayed away from the similar characters in similar movies and they made Thier audience and became iconics

Music took us to the old china where the events take a part it's charming and iconic

Voice acting is perfect every actor had been chosen for the right character so they did everything they can do

Directing that movies depended on the great animation and the fresh takes and use comedy in the righ time so he did and added a movie to our pop culture.
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The legendary war film
5 February 2022
Saving private Ryan is one of the few experience that opened my eyes on the ugliness of the war I never imagined it like that how the humans can be bloodthirsty like that how humans are the main reason for the corruption how it's hard to be a soldier physically ,mentally and emotionally I'm happy I wasn't born back then

Story Is kinda wired and doesn't make sense even the main characters objected on the mission but we'll understand what that means for the war itself the movie reflects the main reason for the war how precious the life is

Characters The characters are very realistic the dialogue is the main engine to build and develop our characters everyone here have his persona that affects his decisions through the journey and I loved and hated (upham) in the way how the humans beliefs vanish in wars there are few moments in your life if you didn't do the right thing you're gonna regret the film reflects that perfectly

Acting Everyone here deserves an Oscar nomination the actors blended in Thier characters and they succeeded at reflecting the horrors of war for half of them this is the greatest performances for me those are my favorites Tom Hanks in captain Miller Jeremy Davies in upham Giovanni Ribisi in Wade And the one who surprised me was vin diesel I couldn't imagine that vin diesel is a great actor that was a surprise And those picks don't underestimate the others as I said up here

Cinematography The greatest production design I have ever seen for a long time with all bloods and corpses there's a beautiful pictures around beside the great filming for the whole time

Directing Steven Spielberg won an Oscar for that movie and it's really deserved as I mentioned before the filming is great the 2nd scene is the longest scene I've ever seen in my whole life and the most effective he also cared for characters and lightened them with the greatest war scenes are I knew later that video games like call of duty had built Thier gameplay on that movie as a main reference so the movie affected the entertainment industry and for the first time I love the shakey camera in movies because it's clear and reflected the soldiers emotions and the war in general and in some scenes there's no soundtracks only guns sounds that was super awesome and horrible at the same time.
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