27 Reviews
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Damsel (2024)
24 March 2024
Yawn. Nothing exciting about this. It was watchable and the acting was good...Millie slightly overacted but I think that's her thing. But before I even watched it knew the ending. It's so predictable and it made it boring. I felt like I'd seen it before. I wondered if it was a remake of something? I don't think so but who knows. Are any movies original these days? What's left to make new movies about? Feels like every film that's made these days is a remake or an unoriginal one. It's probably because we've made movies about almost everything now so we're all bored. Nothing excites most movie goers nowadays. Especially not this movie. This didn't do it for me. Wasn't that exciting and I looked at my phone through most of it. 3/10.
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Pignorant (2024)
11 March 2024
This film is a must see. I am shocked after watching it. Heartbroken. Those poor animals. How could we all believe something humane happens in there? I feel like a fool. I'm so angry at myself. I had no idea. I really didn't. We think we know. I always said "yeah, I know animals die, it's obvious they die!" But wow was I naive. I am so angry. And I am so sorry. To all the animals who suffered because of my money. That's why they die....we pay for it. God I feel like an idiot. What I was expecting I don't know. But this is abhorrent. Complete and utter barbarism. How can we justify this. It's so sad.
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Fall (I) (2022)
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm not climber. At all. But there were some basic things in this that made me think....did a child make this movie? I mean, two climbers climbing a tower without extra rope, water, food or even clothes. Why? But I'm not gonna lie, this movie gave me bad anxiety. I knew it would. I waited ages to watch it because I knew I'd be so tense. My legs were tense. My hands were sweaty. I was biting my lip. It was one of those movies that just made you wanna look away but you can't. I did actually like it. At the start it was OBVIOUS who would be alive by the end. But I still liked it. The acting was okay.... I'm no professional actress either but for me, a good actress or actor is someone who can convince me of the role they're playing. And I was convinced. They seemed like silly, unprofessional climbers who would do anything for a 'like' online. Typical 'influencers'. But they acted like that and it was good. The blond girl Hunter was your typical friend who pressures you to do stuff you don't want. The brunette was your typical friend who has a wild friend who drags her on crazy adventures. It was obvious she was gonna be the sole survivor.

But for some reason, I enjoyed it. It wasn't realistic but it was terrifying! Imagine being stuck up there. FORK THAT.

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1899 (2022)
So good!
3 May 2023
I was pleasantly surprised by this. I tried to watch it twice before but couldn't get into it but this time I stuck to it and I wasn't disappointed! So many unexpected turns and twists for me. The ending blew me away too. Wasn't expecting that. I thought the acting was brilliant too. I got totally invested in all the characters. To me that's what makes a good actor or actress, if they convince me of the part they play. And I was gripped.

I'm gutted the show was cancelled. I wouldn't have bothered getting into it. Netflix have a bad habit of cancelling shows I like.

This show wasn't anything about what I thought it would be about. It was much better. The way it was told and the surprising bit at the end had me hooked. Would have been nice if we could find out exactly why it all happened but hey ho, that's Netflix for you.
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It Follows (2014)
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What the f even was this crap? What a load of rubbish. No back story to a single character. Nothing to fill the movie out except some weird STD that literally walks towards you to what?? Have sex with you till you die? Okay then. No imagination went into this movie. I don't know why people like it so much. NOT SCARY!!! I watched the entire thing absolutely confused and wondering when it's going to get good. This film was a joke. I would say they (the writers) screwed up the ending but the whole movie was a flop. I honestly can't believe the hype around this. Absolutely boring, not scary. Not creepy. Not even thought provoking. 1/10 and that's generous.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
So good.
4 July 2022
I don't understand the backlash from this movie. It's a fun, feel good movie. The acting was great and the story was great. Absolutely no complaints from me.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
What happened?!
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First four seasons were really good. Then it got rubbish. Randell acting like he's been mistreated??!!! What a privileged life he's had an he's so ungrateful. Acting like his parents and siblings were racist. He's such an ungrateful person. Spoiled brat. And what's with the virus stuff? I watched this show to get away from real life and politics.

The writers really screwed this show up. It was good. Now it's just much of the same old rubbish. 3/10 and that's only because I enjoyed the first few seasons. Won't be watching this ever again. Shame really.
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25 May 2022
This was quite good. Not amazing but but made you wanna know what happened at the end. But they screwed the end up so the film was quite a dud.

Good acting though.
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Our Father (III) (2022)
11 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The fact this man wasn't charged with rape or anything of the sort is shocking. The laws for that are disgusting. This was clearly a sexual violation and not only to the mothers but his children too. How can anyone support him after that? He's sick. He needs mental help. To think that what he did was okay shows how unwell he must be, mentally. Nearly 100 children. I hope they're all okay. That must be so hard for them. I hope they all get some kind of justice.
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Dominion (2018)
19 December 2021
This was such a sad film. I've never seen something more horrific. It is by far, the most gruesome, gory, emotional and scary thing I've ever seen. If I wasn't vegan before watching it, I would have turned after it. We really need to stop being so destructive towards everything and everyone. These animals are not here for us, they are here with us. Help save them. Go vegan. Because the alternative is unthinkable.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Meh...... they all died.
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wouldn't recommend. Extremely slow. Takes the whole season to kick in and when it did, it ended. The whole town, with the exception of a handful, turn into vampires and it only lasts one blood filled night, then the sun comes up and they all die. All but two. The girl in wheelchair and the dude who likes her. Pointless. The creature that turned them all into vampires might have survived and they (the writers) might make a second season which I hope not because this was crap. 2/10.
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Don't Let Go (2019)
Actually really good.
18 October 2021
So I put this on for some background noise and I got hooked on it. Was really good. Clever the way it was done. The acting was great too. Would definitely watch this again. 9/10.
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Fly Away Home (1996)
17 October 2021
This movie was and always will be beautiful. I watched this as a kid and loved it. Just watched it again as an adult and it's still as lovely as I remember. So heartwarming it had me in tears. So moving throughout the whole thing. Brilliant acting and brilliant storyline. I wish the whole planet had this much love for all animals of the world. Idealistic of me, I know. But if we all treated animals this well, we'd realise eating them is barbaric. I'd recommend this movie to everyone. 10/10.
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Outlander (2014– )
I'm not sure.....
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm from Inverness and the one thing that seriously bothers me is the accents on most of the actors. Terrible. The Scottish accents in general are pretty bad. Even Jamie Frasers accent doesn't seem natural. And don't get me started on Murtagh Fitzgibbons accent. So bad it's laughable. And Brianna's accent is pretty bad. I wonder if they have anyone on set who is an expert in accents working with them? It doesn't seem so. The story itself is okay. Until they went to America. Brianna is a childish and spoiled brat and doesn't listen to anyone. I think Sophie is an okay actress though. She just gets a rubbish storyline. And her accent is so distracting. Most of the Scottish accents are hard to listen to as well because they're not real. The show tries to portray Brianna and Roger as the new and younger version of Jamie and Claire. But they are not right for each other. Their arguments are pathetic and Brianna is an absolute child. I think Brianna is the worst thing about the show now. Claire is a great character and very good at holding her own. Frank/Jack is brilliant too. Very good acting by Tobias but then he always is a brilliant actor. Sam Heughan in my opinion, isn't very good at acting emotional. His facial expressions don't match the moment. Especially when it's sad emotions. Sometimes he looks like he's trying to figure out some mad equation and sometimes he looks like he's about to start laughing. He looks so confused a lot of the time. I think he got his acting tips from Joey Tribbiani. Lol. And what's the deal with all the rape? The whole family has practically been assaulted that way. Absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for. Overall, I don't like this show. I don't know anyone who does like it where I live. I'm surprised how well it's doing but then again, I think that's because of America. They can keep it. It's a show for them. It kind of explains why Americans like to tell people their Scottish, when they're not. Their ancestors might have been though. This show is not for us Britons and definitely not us highlanders.
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Awake (III) (2021)
25 June 2021
It was good, right up until the end. Had some promising scenes and quite good acting. The story had potential but the producers/writers/directors, whoever you wanna blame, screwed up the end. 5/10.
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Panic (2021)
9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really enjoyed this. It's not to 'young' even though it's aimed for teens. The acting was good. Ray Nicholson was a surprise. Very much like his father jack. Although I don't know how we're supposed to believe he's fresh out of high school.... lol he looks like his real age, not a teenager like the rest of them. Still, I'm really hoping it gets renewed for a second season. I liked it that much. The story was very intriguing and makes you wanna see the next episode. And the last episode implies there's more to know and I want to know!! I like how the challenges are dangerous yet fun. It's clever the way it's done and is entertaining. Nothing new about the love struck teens and the corrupt cop but it's still really good. I wanna know who invented the game and what challenges are coming next. 8/10.
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26 May 2021
I found this very interesting and informative. You probably need to believe these kinds of things to take on board what they're saying. If I had watched this a year ago, I might have thought it was nonsense. But since I started believing that there is no death, this made absolute sense to me. I think to believe any of this, you should try meditation. I absolutely believe there are different levels of consciousness and after we pass, we develop a new level. I think meditation can help you get to those levels too. I believe that's how mediums work. They have a higher state of consciousness and can tap into that when concentrating. I recommend this film but only if you're open to opinions as there are no scientific facts in this. If you are open minded and open hearted then I think you'll do well with this. If you are a person who needs proof and scientific facts then you won't like this.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really know what to say about this movie. It was okay. Good actors and decent story but it lacked something. Excitement maybe? It was kinda tense in parts but only because of anticipation, not action. It was never explained exactly why there was a stowaway either. How did that even happen? Overall it was pretty bland. Boring. Wouldn't really recommend. 3/10.
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My Spy (2020)
6 May 2021
VERY VERY VERY Predictable, very unoriginal, extremely boring and quite tasteless. No one can act. The little girl was terrible. The whole film was such a cliche. Was actually hard to watch. I thought the trailer looked rubbish but I gave it a go anyway....big mistake. Didn't enjoy it. No funny bits in it whatsoever. Was cringe for most of it. Supposed to be a kids film so I guess that's why it's so bland. However, Finding Nemo was better than this. And that's a kids film. Don't waste your time.
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27 April 2021
I really recommend this!! Can't stress enough how much this needs to be seen by everyone. It's extremely informative and a MASSIVE eye opener. It's shocking in every sense of the word. So much makes sense to me since watching this. Watch it. Spread it. Rewatch it. Follow it with 'CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND'. Unacknowledged is absolutely underrated and NEEDS to be more advertised and more people need to see it. Highly recommend. 10/10.
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Sirius (2013)
An absolute MUST SEE
27 April 2021
This was shocking and informative. I recommend anyone with an open mind to watch this. I have a new look on life because of this and the two that followed. Sirius, Unacknowledged and Close Encounters of the Fifth kind are three of the best and informative films I've seen on the UFO subject. 10/10.
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Greenland (2020)
Really good
18 April 2021
Surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. Was really good. Gerard didn't attempt some silly accent he's no good at either. Story was tense but predictable. That didn't stop it being good though. 9/10.
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Snowden (2016)
18 April 2021
Really enjoyed this movie. Very interesting. Found myself trying to find out more. It was laid out well. Shame what he did was so illegal. He did the right thing.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
It's okay.....
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well this isn't the worst thing I've ever watched. Season 1 was really good. The story was good and left you wanting more. The character stories are very well thought out and the characters are intriguing. Except the main character, Dolores. She is as dull as a doorknob. Such a bore to watch. All other characters have a way of making you feel something for them. But not Dolores. She's unbelievably bland. I'm not sure if it's the actress or the character but she makes me wanna turn the show off. Had it not been for the other characters I would have ages ago. I'm half way through the second season now and Dolores becomes a kind of leader and it really doesn't suit her. Her emotions make me feel nothing but boredom. It's her face, even when there are tears it has little to no emotion. And the tone of her voice is more boring than a tumble dryer. It's the same tone no matter what she says. The madam, who became a kind of leader too, is much better at reeling you in. She has an expressive face and keeps you on her side. Makes you feel strongly for her and her allies. And the tone of her voice isn't numbing to the senses. But all in all, I'm getting bored of the show. It's not like season 1. It's slow and getting boring. I don't know if it's because of Dolores or not but if something good doesn't happen soon, I might have to stop watching. Which I never do. I always keep watching something to the end in case in gets good but this is dragging and Dolores is difficult to watch. Given she's the main character, I doubt she's going anywhere soon. I'll watch the rest of this season and see if it's worth any more of my time.

Well I finished season 2 and dull Dolores has a new body so I'm hoping it sticks and the blonde who played her doesn't come back. She really was unbelievably dull. She practically whispered all the way through season 1&2. Let's hope they don't bring her 'old body' back. 🤞🏿I'm starting season 3 with high hopes. A lot of good characters died at end of season 2 so the show has a lot of blanks to fill...

First episode in and the blonde is back!!! Nope, turning this rubbish off now. 4/10
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Not what it's cracked up to be.
17 December 2020
Didn't enjoy this as much as the first one. Didn't enjoy mrs clause's performance. She wasn't great at acting. The story could have been better. It's was pretty rubbish.
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