
5 Reviews
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21 August 2002
I hope you're not that naive to believe our fellow reviewer below who claims this movie is better than "Citizen Kane" and "American Beauty." This movie is the sort that you'll find in the $1.99 bin at Blockbuster next month, or playing on the USA network at 3 in the morning. The special effects are horrible, the film is flat and there's nothing of any importance in this movie - a total waste of time. Don't even bother...please?

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Jason X (2001)
Best in the series.
3 May 2002
My opinion...this is the best in the series, it's the only one I actually liked...

That's all!

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They have got to be kidding....
14 October 2001
There's no need to explain the jumbled plot of this confusing and convoluted disaster that's full of large gaping holes, bad acting, messed up editing, pathetic direction, lousy cinematography, poor writing and dialogue and lots and lots of over-dubbing (especially in scenes when people aren't moving their mouths).

This is a shoddy, messy and embarrasing production. Other reviewers have said lots of this movie that I don't want to cover because they spoke my mind.

This is good enough for some B-movie fans - people who like movies made by people who were so serious when they made this one.

But I suggest to you all to stick with Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead...not this one - not at all.

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Lame attempt at promoting old horror films.
13 October 2001
I kept getting goosebumps and chills up my spine as I saw these infamous boogeymen terrorize their victims in perhaps what was one of the best "work" of their "career" (best kill scene).

But I don't need this stupid Boogeymen Compilation if it just offers me all those scenes in one hour.

I would most rather just watch all these movies in a week.

This is an utterly disappointing "special"...I expected a documentary on these films.

The DVD extras are so-so. The interactive game "Name that Frame!" gets dull. The Boogeymen profiles "The Legend of..." is so-so.

While reading the credits for each film clips, i noticed one for Jack Frost 2. Where's that one? Eh?

They also make some bad choices. They picked William Friedkin's The Guardian over William Friedkin's The Exorcist........

They chose The Dentist and chose something that probably many people have never heard of - The Ugly.

Of course they have all of our favorite Boogymen on like Jason, Freddy, Michael.

But once again...I'll just stick to watching the movies from start to end than watch this worthless piece of trash.

Like the other reviewer said, just read the list of films on the back and rent them. Seeing one scene from each 17 movies in a hour - is NOT a great way to save money. Sheesh.

This just ends up to be some kind of a lame advertisement for old horror films just to get you to rent or buy the others.

Steer's not worth it.

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Whoever said "Third Time's Always a Charm" should be shot.
12 October 2001
First of all, let me inform you that this movie is NOT PG-rated like everyone claims. They just saw a misprint on the Universal Pictures video sleeve cover for the VHS/DVD. At the end of the credits was the actual MPAA rating which was PG-13. That explains the language, violence and gore.

Now for the movie itself. This is nothing like Tremors. This is an embarrassingly, horrid third installment, to the fun horror-comedy, that imitates the first two films. But they added a predictably different and ugly-looking creature this time. These things are "magically" created on film with some of the most saddest special effects i've ever seen in my life. It's cheaper than white trash.

There's a reason why Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward wouldn't stick around for this one...Seeing Michael Gross at the top billing warned me that this one was gonna stink. Has-been actors depress me.

The series is tired, they all look alike except for the creatures - who are just boring - they're nothing like they used to be. The humor and dialogue is lamer. It's not "so bad that it's good", it's just "so bad that it's bad."

Going Back to Perfection was a bad idea.

Strictly for mindless 'Tremors' fans who think this stuff is a masterpiece.

I strongly advise everyone to stick to the first.

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