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An inept Brucesploitation movie
15 December 2023
When Sammo Hung sat down and made 'Enter the Fat Dragon' this is the kind of movie he strongly criticised. Bruce Lee was Sammo Hung's hero and he could not stand seeing such cheap cash grabs having Bruce's name and likeness attached to. I thought at first Sammo was being too harsh but when I sat down and watched more of these Brucesploitation movies then I understood why Sammo was left with such a bitter taste in his mouth.

I feel the same way. Everything reeks of ineptitude from the directing, writing, acting, cinematography and to storytelling. Hell, this movie is supposed to be about kung fu fighting but it is shot so badly that you can not see half the action because it is either too dark or cinematographer did not even bother to try. The story is just stitched together by just blatantly ripping off The Big Boss and Fist of Fury. The "star" has the body and moves but none of the charisma or acting ability of Bruce. This is just one in a long line of lazy and cheap cash grab of Bruce's name.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
The extra 2 stars are for Keaton's Batman.
19 August 2023
This movie has had quite the mixed reception with some Hollywood elites calling it a masterpiece, critics generally disliking it and an audience that is divided into extremes. It is either great or just plain trash. I would like to say that the truth is more like somewhere in between. The movie is not the great masterpiece that some people have said it is but it is also not the trash that some people say either. It is in fact quite average albeit with a good story and some touching scenes.

While the CGI can be quite wonky I do not see how it is worse than the CGI of many Marvel movies that are often so color graded and washed out to the point where everything feels so dead and sterile. Here at least the time distortion by Flash's perspective makes everything look plastic-like, which I do not mind. (But oh boy, did the babies look bad.)

Speaking of Flash, I do not mind Ezra's performance here because he was not as annoying as he was in Justice League 2017. He in fact made me cry a few times. I honestly also do not care what he is doing outside of acting because we would probably end up cancelling more than half of Hollywood and our favorite actors if we do not separate the artist from the private person.

Anyway, I was very happy to see Keaton as Batman again. I felt the kind of magic with movies I have not felt since I first watched Batman '89 and that to me is enough to give this movie 2 extra stars. I had my doubts whether or not an aging Keaton would be able to pull it off but not only did he deliver, he also made me laugh, cry and left me in awe.

P. S. The only real gripe I have with the movie is the ending. It has to be like one of the worst joke endings I have ever seen so much so that I almost requested a refund.
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I wanted to like this since Bruce Campbell endorsed it.
28 April 2023
But I guess that is what you have to do when you are an executive producer for the movie. This is the first time I am gravely disappointed in an Evil Dead film that borders on anger. Do not get me wrong, the movie had potential but after seeing a cheap jumpscare right after the beginning where a cringe CGI recreation of camera-travelling-through-the-forest scene I was already ready to refund my ticket. The only reason I stayed is because I knew my friend would enjoy it.

The movie for me just retreads cliches and is just gory for the hell of it. Little to no character development, most characters are props for bad special effect gore scenes, the story is very thin, plot is contrived, all kinds of cheap jumpscares and one-liners are used out of place. The Evil Dead franchise succeeded by not playing it safely or by expanding on the universe, here everything was played safe and familiar to the point it feels more like a fanboy got a budget for his remake of his favorite movie. I have been watching the franchise since the original Evil Dead but after this movie my love for the franchise is completely and utterly dead.
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Frenetic, electrifying and fast paced.
17 October 2021
Sammo Hung's version of the Dirty Dozen is a Hong Kong action movie that should not be missed by fans of the niche. It is a fast paced and frenetic action movie with some of the best performances and action sequences ever captured on film. While the plot and story are flimsy and rough around the edges they are only there as topping on the action. The real meat is the outstanding cinematography and creative action sequences that will please even the most hardcore fans of the genre.

Despite this being more or less a vehicle for both Sammo and Yuen Biao the other actors were given plenty time to shine. In that regard I really must mention Joyce Godenzi as the leading guerilla girl, she gave an outstanding performance as a scary killing machine while also looking hot. She portrayed a stoic but also a vulnerable character that was not just thrown in to be eye candy. The other actor I want to mention is Wah Yuen as the main baddy. He has been in several Sammo Hung movies but his performance here is on another level. He managed to be scary while looking elegant and frail.

I would definitely give this movie two thumbs up and recommend it to hardcore action fans.
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Am I dumb?
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the cinema twice to see this movie because I enjoyed it so much. I am therefor perplexed at the backlash because I feel like I missed something. I see a lot of comparison to 'Taken' and 'Home Alone' in a very unfavorable light. I can understand that to some extent because some plot points of the movie are similar to aforementioned movies. But 'Taken' and 'Home Alone' do not own the rights of those tropes. Instead, I feel we have to go back to 'First Blood' to understand the context of 'Last Blood'. In 'First Blood' we see Rambo who recently returned from Vietnam to seek his comrades, but instead, he discovers he is the only one left. Not to mention he has untreated PTSD and the scorn of society who calls him "vile crap". He is a lost soul and at the brink of losing touch with his humanity. The only person who pulls him back is Trautman. Oh, it is also a revenge movie. Now Rambo II, III and IV ignored that and instead were - mostly - silly action set-pieces to show off how macho Stallone is. But with 'Last Blood' we return to the existentialistic theme where Rambo is trying to settle and reconnecting with people around him. Our cinema played the international version with the extended intro where Rambo failed to save 2 out of 3 hikers from the storm. He went home and ruminated about it, indirectly implying he feels that all he knows is killing people and that bothers him.

That goes back to Rambo feeling he could not save his comrades during the Vietnam war. It is not his fault but he bears the burden of guilt. Instead of Rambo being portrayed as the perfect killing machine like the author of the book wants him to be, we instead see a Rambo being portrayed as a human again: grief-stricken, alienated, coping with untreated PTSD and full of rage. He has not adjusted well to a civilized life, he instead spends time on his ranch and tunnels. Which by the way indirectly implies that Rambo spent time in the Cu Chi tunnels of the Vietnam War. In other words: Rambo might have been a tunnel rat, performing sabotage missions. That perfectly fits well with the character's lore of being a specialist in guerilla tactics. Oh, the humanity part? He finally connected with his humanity through his adopted niece, but then it got taken away from him. Also, people calling Gabriela dumb and being a prop to Rambo's bloodshed is missing the point. Gabriela, like Rambo, took on an - albeit dangerous - existential journey to understand her past better, like Rambo did in "First Blood Part II". If Gabriela is dumb, then what is Rambo then in "First Blood Part II"? Or am I reading too much into the movie and have no understanding of how people with damaged pasts work? Anyway, I am glad the movie went back to the roots of the character and like Paul Harrell said not being another "blood and guts routine" like Rambo IV is. Rambo here actually had an arc and Stallone was actually acting too instead of just snarling and mumbling one-liners into the camera. I am honestly a bit torn between having 'First Blood' or 'Last Blood' as my favorite Rambo movie, but I guess I am just a fanboy.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Self-serious melodrama.
4 December 2020
The attempt at being a riveting drama with an anti-hero as a leading character felt not only forced, but also out of place considering the roots of its character. It is like the writer/director just took the famous name and tried to make a tale of tragedy by ignoring the source material, except by just dropping in some fanservice in a sad attempt at trying to tie the movie to the DC universe. Our favorite psychotic sociopath became a generic mentally ill outcast, whose life is so, so against him that wherever he turned he was vilified. His family life is in shatters, his job is soul-crushing, his "friends" backstab him, his psychologist does not care about him, the system is failing him, women think he is a creep and yet somehow he accidentally becomes responsible for a revolution that leads to the murder of the Wayne family. Like, really? I know the director is trying to make him relatable and the movie as "realistic" as possible but with that premise it sure asks for a humongous amount of suspension of disbelief. Not to mention the movie is so self-serious The Dark Knight would be jealous. I think this movie is the most pompous movie ever since The Dark Knight, like oh God, throw in some bleak humor or at least show you're self-conscious about how much egostroking is going on.

I know mentally ill people have a hard time in the U.S. - which this movie is supposedly trying to touch upon - but the movie really just scratches the surface without ever really going in depth with it. Also everything feels forced and phoned in, from the directing, writing, acting and exectution. And no, I do not feel the "punchline" at the end where Joker is laughing and saying "you wouldn't get it" will save the pretentiousness of the movie. It was just a cringeworthy attempt at trying to tie it into the Batverse as lazily as possible. Like, we already get from the title that this is Batman's nemesis and it is taking place in it. No need to shove in a lazy fanservice to phone it in. And no, this is not an intelligent movie nor is it that good of a drama. If I really want to watch a movie about a man losing his real self to an alter-ego I would much rather watch Bronson. At least that one is entertaining and has some moments of unintentional hilarity. But this, this is trying too hard to be realistic and artsy at the same time yet asking for a lot of suspension of disbelief that I just can not get into the hype and get immersed. I would consider this a sub-par drama at best. 4/10
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Tenebrae (1982)
Argento's brutal entry to the slasher genre.
2 December 2020
Argento's entry to the 80s was quite the return to the Giallo subgenre after the supernatural horror fests of Suspiria and Inferno. It has a fairly typical plot, but with a riveting story that harkens to Freudian psychology. Which is a specialty that never goes away from Argento's arsenal of tools of filmmaking. After the colorful Witch series Argento gave Tenebre a cold and sterile look, which according to him was done to mimic TV mystery thrillers. While not as visually pleasing as the color palette of Suspiria it nonetheless invokes a cold, cynical ambience. Indeed, it is kind of like a psychologist studying the mind of a killer in the movie. Slowly unraveling the inner workings of how a sociopath's mind work. It is a sort of voyeurism that brings us back to Hitchcock's Psycho, which is a director that Argento is definitely influenced by. It also has elements of Edgar Allan Poe ala The Murders in the Rue Morgue. Besides the story elements that Argento likes to bring back, Tenebre offers some standard slasher scenes but also scenes that make the standard slashers look pedestrian.

The movie starts out sort of light and basic with the blood and gore; but builds up to a crescendo of ultra-violence that will make even the most hardened slasher fans want to puke and make normal people turn away in horror. Cinematography is typical Argento: use of extreme close-ups, the camera that is never static and long takes that stretch up to 2 minutes. I especially love the use of shadows and extreme close-ups of eyes to invoke a sense of dread that a character is feeling. Although it is not on par with for example Deep Red or Opera, it is definitely different enough to stand out among the many slasher movies of its time. Acting in the movie is solid but some minor characters did some sub-par acting. I especially want to praise Anthony Franciosa, John Saxon, Daria Nicolodi and Veronica Lario for their performance. Their acting in the vital scenes were pretty much spot on and they drove home the point that Argento wanted to make. Oh, I also want to mention Lara Wendel for her performance. She was also one of the highlights of the movie, albeit not for reasons that are in favor of the character. Argento fans will mostly agree that this is not his best movie - Suspiria often takes the title of Magnum Opus - but I want to break the conformity and declare this my favorite Argento movie, followed by Opera and Deep Red. If not for that, it is definitely a solid hybrid of murder mystery and slasher that has something to offer for fans of both genres.
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