
11 Reviews
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It's Exactly What It Says It Is.
29 April 2022
It's not like it advertises that it's going to reveal any unknown secrets, or solve any mysteries. It's audio recordings of first-hand accounts from people who were there, not at the time of her passing, but in her life leading up to her passing. I found it very interesting.
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Much Better Than The IMDB Ratings Give It Credit
14 August 2021
The very beginning may make you think you missed something, but it soon falls perfectly into place, and then it just grabs your attention, and you can't help but get invested into it. All of the characters make sense, there's no added storyline used as filler, and any plot holes is filled before the movie ends. I wanted to give it 10 stars, but I had a personal problem with the very end. It makes complete sense, and in many ways, the ending should earn it that 10th star, but I held back, only for personal reasons that I cannot say, without spoiling the whole movie. This is a must see noir, suspenseful thrill ride, that deserves much higher ratings than it has here.
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I Found This A Great Sci-fi Fantasy Rather Than Twilight Or Horror
10 August 2021
I really enjoyed this. It's an interesting story of the depths one will go to to save a loved one. While it is a story of witchery, it is more of a sci-fi fantasy story with a little magic and alternate world's (to a degree). But, I was left a little confused by the very ending. The end hints at a sinister outcome, but also hints at a caring outcome. However, that part was sort of an add on, so it didn't really take from the main story. Maybe it was a hook to the possibility of a part 2, but it's not worth overthinking and ruining the rest of a perfectly intertaining movie.
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Val (I) (2021)
Honest, Heartfelt, Sad, Funny, Fulfilling
6 August 2021
I've always thought Val Kilmer to be one of the greats. Now I know why. When I first heard that this was going to be released, I was unsure if I wanted to watch it. The article that I read, made this movie sound like a sad farewell from Val ( I cannot remember the source, it was just an article that popped up in Google news). However, this tells the story of a more modern Hollywood, and the vintage dreams that brought many actors to a place in front of a camera; And often, Val was holding that camera, that home camera, for his personal memories. This is an amazing story of Val's life caught on film, from the time he was a child, right up to this chapter of his life. It does have some sadness, but it's filled more with joy and happiness of a fulfilled life of a an actor, a son, a father, a person. If you're a fan of Val, or just a fan of Hollywood, this is a must see.
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Big Sky (2015)
Great Story, But 45 Minutes Too Much Movie
5 August 2021
The storyline is great, and had potential to be great the whole way through. Unfortunately there's more film, than there is story. For some reason someone decided to spend too much time defining the characters. All that did was create on again, off again, moments of intensity and boredom. All the same, if you're a Kara Sedgwick and/or a Bella Thome fan, this would still be worth watching on a cold rainy day when you want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and bowl of popcorn.
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Boy Meets Girl (I) (2014)
No Matter Your Feelings About Transgenders, This Is A Must See
3 August 2021
I enjoyed the movies, "The Crying Game", "Dog Day Afternoon", and "Boys Don't Cry". However, way too often when a movie is made about LGBT community, they either turn it into a comedy, or they can be like religious fanatics, and want to shove it in your face and make a movie that judges the viewer. But this movie just plays out normal life, it just so happens that one of them is a transgender female. This is a very good movie on its own, but the subtleness that they put on the heroine of the story, keeps this in the normal range, and not the propaganda that others ant to list it as.
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Very Close To Being A Great Story.., But..,
2 August 2021
The outline of the story is great. However, they add too much filler in the beginning, as they try to explain the climax. 50% of the first 3/4 of the story could be taken out, and that time used in the end, and this could have gotten more stars. If you're okay with a slow movie that has a good ending, then you may enjoy this.
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Slither (2006)
Great Movie If You Like Dark, Gory Humor
1 August 2021
I will usually avoid gory humor, but I like both, Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Banks, so I decided to give this a try. It wouldn't be PETA friendly, and there is an abundance of gratuitous gore. But, where some movies will try to use gore to replace a bad story, this actually has a really good story, and the gore is just a part of it. I wouldn't recommend this for everyone, but if you can handle it, there is plenty of laughs. It's got a great cast, a good story, and it's very well made.
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It is to movies, what Rick Dyer is to Bigfoot.
31 July 2021
Anyone who knows anything about Bigfoot, will realize this is just another exploitation of the subject. I enjoy some of the low budget Bigfoot parody movies, but when Rick Dyer shows up in a Bigfoot movie, playing himself, you know it's junk.
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I found this to be perfect.
30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No major spoiler alerts. Kat Dennings plays her part perfectly. You can feel (her character) is uncomfortable as she tries stepping out of her normal place in life, as the rich girl with the famous dad. But, you can also feel her trying, struggling, failing, conquering, and back to an uncomfortable place as she wonders how to just be normal (at least that's what I seen). Ari Graynor plays the best drunk, since Foster Brooke's. She's keeps her part rolling fluidly. Of course, Micheal Cera is always perfect for the guy stuck living in the world with unrequited love. Although this time, her takes action to fix that, which adds to the movie, rather than the same ole love story for Cera. Honestly, there's a lot of places where there could have been plot holes, but these were all filled in nicely. I think that's a great movie, and all the actors just work perfectly together.
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A Hidden Treasure
25 June 2021
I never heard of this move, or the main two actors. I found it by accident, and I was plesently surprised. It's well written. It has a great story line, with a few unique twists.
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