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Audrey (I) (2020)
Heartbreaking documentary of a woman by a woman...
1 December 2020
I read a, quite frankly, stupid Guardian review of this film prior to watching and I was scared justice had not been served to my idol, the woman with whom I've always felt a connection. But boy was I glad when I finished watching the doc. The documentary is woven together by Audrey in her own words, acheived by tapes she recorded for a journalist in the 90s, I believe. I cried too much during this film because here was a human, who nearly starved to death during a war and came out of it with the promise of happy children for the future only to be betrayed by the false promises of a capitalist and post-colonial society. Audrey had immense sorrow in her. From the abandonment of her father, to the war and the eventual disloyalty from her partners. But at the end, Audrey found love. She did find someone who understood her and she did find respite by opening the eyes of the world to what the inhumane politics of the 20th century did to the lives of the innocent new citizens of this Earth. Audrey was one of a kind. Her legacy of being a fashion icon is touched upon early on in the film too, as the mood changes from light to dark. No doubt, her fashion will always inspire us. Because the woman who wore it had heart. The lines, the colors and the mood followed which then created a character like no other. Audrey, you are alive more than ever...
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