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Love, Victor: Welcome to Creekwood (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not for me, but still pleasant
10 March 2022
I want to say right off the bat that I think anyone who enjoyed Love, Simon will definitely enjoy this show too. It's family friendly, enjoyable, and has characters with a lot of potential. To me, though, it just wasn't my thing, which is totally fine.

Most of the characters, especially Victor, feel to me like any other Disney/Nickelodeon live-action protagonist. Actually, a lot of this first episode kind of feels like the same style of those older 2010s shows, except with less goofy kid comedy and instead mixing it with a lighthearted highschool drama. I say this because these characters aren't necessarily relatable, but a watered down version of what high school is like. This completely makes sense for its rating, but I just prefer something a little less by-the-numbers. I think Everything Sucks is a show that feels a lot more free in the highschool setting, as an alternative.

Still, this looks like a nice show that could be a wonderful story for young queer kids to be inspired by. Maybe the dialogue is basic or the story a bit unengaging, but I hope this brings as much positivity to the LGBT story subject as much as Love, Simon did.
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How I Met Your Father: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
The most subdued comedy I've ever seen
9 March 2022
I'm sure we've all had enough of reboots and remakes these past ten years. However, this pilot is one of the most pointless ones I've ever seen.

Why even make a remake of a beloved show if you're not even going to go all out? A few references just reminds me how much better the original HIMYM pilot is compared to...this. It's not even that HIMYM was a top-tier comedy, or that I was looking for something exactly like it. But at least HIMYM didn't pull any punches. Ted's irrational relationship choices, Barney's charmingly unlikable attitude, and Lily and Marshall's wacky chemistry is already apparent in the first episode. Compared to this, its the most emotional experience ever.

There's nothing interesting about this pilot at all BESIDES the idea of a possible relationship, which is exactly the opposite of HIMYM's pilot (and honestly every other above-garbage sitcom). The style of the show is the exact same as any other, but with no fun. No crazy, fast, dumb jokes (something that HIMYM had perfected) but instead something big is about to...happen. But nothing did. Even a WOOSH sound for flashbacks would energize this pilot a little bit.

Not to mention the massively cliched story with absolutely nothing else to glean from it. Posh British man thinks America is dirty wow. Man gets engaged and then...nothing. Some would say this is a fun introduction to the characters, that nothing HUGE needs to happen immediately. But, again, just watch HIMYM's pilot. It's leagues ahead of whatever this is trying to be. Nothing amazing, but it was clear that the writes were having fun, trying to be entertaining. HIMYF's story has nothing but a bunch of cliches and modern references. "Woah wouldn't it be funny if we made a siri joke, or an uber joke?" There's nothing to get from this, entertainment or otherwise.

I hope to all that continue watching the show that it gets better one day, but something tells me it will always be in the shadow of the original, because for some reason that's all it's trying to be. You can't change something that doesn't want to.
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Star Wars: Visions: The Village Bride (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Serene but bland...
21 October 2021
On a whim, I decided to check out one of these "Visions", even though I'm not necessarily an anime or Star Wars fan. However, I was left pleasantly surprised in some areas.

While the overall premise is surprisingly bland, I enjoyed how it unfolded. I'm glad it took its time to build its characters instead of the short entirely consisting of fighting (something that Marvel's "What If?", a show with a similar premise, seems to do), I wasn't necessarily invested in any of the characters.

I feel as though there was a very interesting backstory to this small town, and that it used the Star Wars elements of war really well. However, there just wasn't enough actual STORY to get me into it.

The visuals are STUNNING, which is why I'm giving this such a high rating. I'm just a sucker for beautiful animation. It definitely added to the whimsy of the story, even if the whimsy was short-lived, with only a classic "mysterious Jedi reveal" being the thing that kept my interest.

I'd like to see more of these, with hopefully a bit more substance. However, this was perfectly enjoyable, not to mention beautifully made.
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Superman & Lois: Pilot (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Surprisingly positive...especially for the CW
10 October 2021
I am not the BIGGEST fan of modern CW programs. From Riverdale to The Flash, all of their shows I've seen so far have either been dead in the water from the beginning, or run for so long, their stories get tired to death. I really, really hope that doesn't happen with this show.

I'm not that into DC projects, but I think I'll stick around for this one. Unlike what I've seen before (Note: I've only seen the DCEU films for reference), Superman is incredibly likeable, and actually seem like, you know, a real person. Unfortunately, many of the other characters I'm not yet completely onboard with. Their sons are probably the characters with the most potential, as this series seems to be equally focused on them as it is with Superman. The side characters aren't very unique, but I mean, I might just be nitpicking.

I don't want to be too harsh on this show and nitpick every little thing just yet. I'm generally used to big budget, exclusive streaming service superhero shows, where the budget can be as large as required. But this is new for me, and I'm interested to see where it goes.

I just hope that the villains don't do that annoying trope where they just keep getting more and more overpowered, until the rules of the show need to be broken just to end the story. In other words, please don't end up like The Flash.
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Sex Education: Episode 1 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
An Incredibly Promising Premiere
19 September 2021
I don't think I've seen a Netflix Original series premiere be so high quality since Stranger Things. Genuinely, this was pretty damn amazing.

The first thing I'm already on board with is how this show treats highschool. Yes, of course it's exaggerated, as all highschool shows are, but it treats the characters with respect. In many lesser shows (really anything on the CW), teens are sexualized, stripped of identity, and rely on tropes. But what I noticed in this premiere is how "unsexual" the sex is. Being a highschooler myself, I hardly know anything about real, genuine, adult relationships, but from what I know, this is as honest as it gets.

I am adoring the characters, and I love how we're already seeing some of the key dynamic relationships. Otis and Eric are both incredibly likable, and I hope we see their storylines progress, and not just drag like a lot of highschool shows do to keep the status quo.

I'm interested to see where this show goes, and if it can hold up to this standard of quality. Because wow, this was really enjoyable. Well-paced, never dragging, likable characters, and a premise that seems simplistic, but that has a lot of potential. Not to mention it was incredibly funny, which is something that a lot of coming-of-age-related "comedies" fail to do.

Can't wait to see where this goes.
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Why Are You Like This: I Love Gay (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
The worst protagonists ever...and why that's great.
24 April 2021
Gotta be honest, I didn't like the premiere of Why Are You Like This at all. In fact, I felt a really strong urge to shut it all off throughout the entire first two-thirds of the episode. That is, until I realized...

yeah duh, it's supposed to be horrible.

The protagonists are absolutely obnoxious. Nothing about them is likable, and all the humor comes from their ignorance. But that's exactly where I missed the point.

This show is mean to point out the damage of performative activism, a trend that's dangerously popular in my generation (Gen Z) and in some millennials. The reveal at the end, I think, is the best way of showing just how awful this kind of activism can be, and the characters getting off scot-free is very common in reality as well.

This is the first time a show has made me feel empathy for 2 dimensional, underdeveloped side characters, and I think that's an achievement, even if it was achieved by making the three "protagonists" as awful as possible.

Unfortunately I still have to give this episode a 5, because I still hated everything for most of the episode. Hopefully I'll be able to see the next episode from a new, more informed point of view.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Tagger (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
B99 Rewatch - Character development, yesss
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Continuing my full rewatch of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I watched "The Tagger". This episode, while not as strong as the pilot, in my opinion, definitely does a better job planting this shows' roots as a memorable sitcom.

I think that the best thing this show has going for it is the growing and evolving relationship between Holt and Peralta, and this episode is the first of many of their semi-team-up episodes. I still think Jake is quite unlikeable in this episode, but it doesn't hinder the episode's quality. The writers know how overconfident he is, and make sure that his coworkers (especially Holt) let him know.

The plot of this episode is nothing special, but it's for the best. I think if this show came out of the pilot guns blazing, it would have been much worse recieved. Like Community (one of my favourite sitcoms), it takes its time to get gradually more ridiculous. Additionally, the plain and simple assignments mixed which hide a more sinister plot (in this case, the cop rivalry between Jake and commissioner Podolski) are a recurring theme in B99, so I think that having the second episode be one of those is a good choice.

Where this episode faults is in the B-Plot. Charles and Gina are very unlikable in this episode, keeping their obnoxious traits from the pilot. I'm glad Rosa wasn't as one-dimensional as she was previously, at least. However, her positives are greatly outweighed, I believe, by Charles' overwhelming cowardliness and Gina's...well, straight up bullying. I'm not the biggest fan of Charles x Rosa storyline in the early half of this season, and I can't wait until the storyline comes to a close.

Solid jokes, a pretty basic plot, and an overall better, more colorful vibe than the pilot. This should be the base level of quality for all B99 episodes, and I'm happy to say that it only gets better from here.


Best Joke: That's the butt.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Pilot (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
B99 Review - A solid pilot
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In honour of Brooklyn Nine-Nine airing its eighth and final season later this year, I will be attempting to review every single episode of the show from start to finish, in release order. This will be my third or fourth rewatch, I think. Anyway, I'll try.

B99's pilot is one that I hold in very high regard to many other sitcom pilots. I feel like this episode succeeded in what many other comedy shows fail to do: develop their surroundings effectively. In this pilot, we learn basically everything we need to know about the characters we will learn to love in the later seasons in a succinct way, even before the cleverly placed recap from Sergeant Jeffords to Captain Holt.

I say "learn to love" because, let's be honest, nobody really liked Jake here. He's arrogant without the right to be, which is much better corrected in the Halloween episode later this season. Don't get me wrong, I like that he's not the "perfect man", a Jim from The Office, if you will. He just took a while to grow on me.

Personally, I didn't really like quite a few of the characters in the first few episodes of the series. Boyle especially, who is cowardly, without the loyalty he shows in later episodes. Rosa is nothing more than intimidating, and, well, Gina's just mean.

But Captain Holt, who is a great perspective for the viewer to follow through the episode, is the star of the episode. His coming out is done surprisingly well, and not made a big deal. It's handled fantastically, and I think it's my favourite aspect of the episode.

The one main problem I have with the episode is just that is feels much flatter than future episodes. It has less of a Community vibe, and more of a show that's afraid to go the whole way. That being said, some of the jokes are hilarious, with the exception of Jake's arrogant showing off. And don't you forget about Mlepnos, the true star of the show. Love you, Mlepnos.

This episode has gotten a bit boring after the years, but I mean, it holds up pretty damn well after four rewatches.

Next up: VANDALS

Best Joke: Mlep(clay)nos
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WandaVision: On a Very Special Episode... (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
You didn't see that coming...
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I wasn't very fond of last episode is because it felt like all of the answers to all of our questions were being thrown at the screen at once. However, I think that was for best, as we're now able to see both perspectives of the story, and the previous "slow burn" style of the preceding episodes can be put to rest. And as a result, this episode is, in my opinion, the best of the five so far.

What I love about this episode is how easily the storylines merge with each other. Previously, WandaVision felt held back by the mysteries of Westview, but now this show can finally be put in full swing. The mystery is still heavily present in the story, but now our perspective has shifted to the same as S.W.O.R.D's, which I think is a brilliant idea that allows the surprises, plot twists, and cliffhangers to continue to be an effective tool for surprise, but without the vague and misleading format of the more sitcom-situated episodes.

I'm more excited than ever to see where this mini-series can go, especially with this week's reveal, having the potential to connect with future MCU films (I'm sure you can guess which one). Fully on board with this show.
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Doctor Who: Smith and Jones (2007)
Season 3, Episode 1
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Any episode of any show with moon rhinos is automatically good. 10/10. Perfect.

But seriously, this was a really fun series opener. This episode includes a great dynamic between the Doctor and his new companion (I'm assuming, unless she only lasts a little longer than Donna), a simple but enjoyable premise, and, of course, space police rhinos, aka the Judoon.

Loving the new companion dynamic from Martha. Rose was curious, reliable, and wide-eyed. Martha still carries those good-hearted traits, but with more intelligence. I really hope we see scenes in the future where Martha's medical skills come in handy when the Doctor can't help. I love when people outsmart the know-it-all Doctor, and this new companion is a great opportunity to do so.

Yeah, the blood-sucking old lady probably won't go down in history as a formidable villain, but the developing relationship between the Doctor and Martha as well as the mystery of the Judoon carries this episode as an enjoyable and new opener.

I hope to see more episodes like this in the future.
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Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride (2006)
Season 3, Episode 0
a lot of angry people in this special
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes there are "good goofy" doctor who episodes, and sometimes there are "bad goofy" ones. This was one of the bad ones.

Don't get me wrong, i'm far from hating it. But just casually making earth the center of the spider-racnoss people's species is strange.

I actually really liked donna, I enjoyed how she was intentionally annoying. Every companion in new doctor who (I haven't seen the original) has been young, wide-eyed individuals. So to have someone so opposed to the doctor's antics is really interesting. His charm just doesn't work on her, and I thought that new dynamic was really clever.

But an evil fiancé working with a spider lady, just because? That was real cheesy, and they just kinda fed all that exposition to us in one minute, not letting us digest (ew sorry) much before the next action scene.

Sad that donna didn't come with, i hope we see her another time. Overall, though, this is a pretty forgettable Christmas special.
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Really nailed the sitcom vibe
19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I understand why some people don't really like this episode. After waiting practically two years for a new installation in the mcu, a 1950's style sitcom is not what anyone expected as the first thing to be released after the hiatus. However, I really enjoyed it.

Because there are only a few "breaks" out of the sitcom world in the episode, I think it works much better taken at face value, just an imitation of old tv shows such as "The Dick Van Dyke Show". And because it works best viewed this way, I think a lot of people will be wondering what the purpose of this episode (and show) is.

As a big mcu fan, the speculation of the future of WandaVision is what I liked the most here. I don't think non-mcu fans will like this show so far, just because there isn't much to hook them in. Wandavision is, so far, a way for Marvel Studios to show off how creative they can be, and I'm really excited to see what else they do.
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