
19 Reviews
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Mortal (2020)
Dont trust the rating
2 September 2023
Once again a great quality movie from the Northern Region!

Dont get fooled by the ratings, great storyline, slow start but after you're on the edge of your seat all the movie!

Surely deserve a sequel, we don't do those kind of movie enough anymore, great acting, great story, great twist!

A mix between mythology, history and theology enhanced by daily knee-jerk reactions from the governments in subject matter that wouldn't fit their narrative!

No spoilers but best quote is "I believe in God and if he has anything to do with it I don't be on the wrong side of is work" (Watched it in french so might not be the real quote 😏)
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Good guys always end up alone
10 May 2023
Finally a positive, inspiring serie and as usual had no chance to continue because of the rating.

Greed over purpose!

From those thousands of remake or spin off or movie turned in series.... why cant we have that soul warming kind of tv show?

So sad that we dont make those kind of programs anymore. Disney drop the ball big time after Cupid and now that... heartbreaking.

Selfless action, joy, consideration, generosity, family without sex nudity or violence dodging caricatural pattern not mainstream enough to justify longetivity. How sad can it gets.

In 2023, that show have no chance to even get produced.

That show is a testimony of the failure of the human race.
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The Neighborhood (I) (2018– )
Beth rocks!
3 February 2023
I can't recall laughing that much!

I loved Beth Bohrs in Broke Girls and I'm pleased to see her reprise on a serie.

The neighborhood is a delight all the cast is hilarious! Beth and Cedrick the entertainer are just great actors that can play anything!

Yes the series as a storyline but this is the kind of TV show you can just watch the pilot gets the feel of it then binge in randomly. Just go with the title and follow what seems the best for the moment. My fav are definitly thanksgiving and the movement! Its shows the wild range of all the cast!

Its the kind of show you can watch amd rewatch as much as you can!
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Door Mouse (2022)
That is an Independant movie!
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you! Yes YOU ALL!

In a time where we see people all accross the world from Hong Kong to India, to Greece, Syria and so many more GETTING CRUSHED by their elite!

For me this movie is "Eye wide shot" viewed by the no-voice! And one thing is sure: Their voice was loud the script is a masterpiece! Not the compliance in victimhood so caracteristic of the 2020's. Not even a superhero movie even tho it would have been easy to fall in stereotype... no!

For me everything in this movie could have fall off; AND, actors were on, rythm was good and talking about breaking the 4th wall!

Its like if "Truman Show"'s guy meet "Mr Nobody" and find the girls of "Martyrs(2008)"!

A must!
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Amsterdam (2022)
The movie we deserve!
7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers

Hard not to see this movie as the perfect opposition to "The imaginarium of Dr Parnassius"!

The infamous set thst Heath Ledger was filming depicting the Illuminati, an elite underground asset. In which all the actor who followed Ledger were part of that elite and sabotage the whistleblow.

Amsterdam has so many A-Lister, so much talent and we can see the real Justice League of Hollywood! After Epstein, Maxwell, the MXGA sexual ring, the #Metoo seeing how the richest men of the main industrie have one god and one country=$!

How good to make the connection and show historical footage is refreshing! The media is so bias now that movies have more depth!
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Welcome back Lindsay!
11 November 2022
Great movie, a classic retwisted and perfect for family reunion!

I missed Lindsay goofiness and her maturity will make a nice generation transition like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Rachel Leigh Cook!

I love how Netflix keep puting easter egg with the self promotion in movies ^_^ I hope the studio aims on a Christmas Knight 2 and 3!

Lindsay Lohan can follow Jennifer Tilly's maturity success and go for a VOD format and do Hallmark's movie!_!

This movie is the perfect blend between The Christmas classic of the the superficial heiress of an empire and the warmness of a small town community!

Lindsay is back!
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Fortress (2021)
Emile Harsh
17 February 2022
I was wondering who wrote that garbage: Emile Hirsch. He should have eaten the mushroom of Into the wild instead! Its a bunch of hasbeen getting budget by their past fame to provide cr*p.
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How can it get worst every movie?
31 December 2021
Every movie is worst than the previous one... such a potential going to waste. 2hrs that i will never get back and the last time i waste my time with kingsmen!
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A masterpiece!
25 December 2021
The Woke will surely complain a lot but this movie is surely not for them 😂!

This is why legacy can only be made by the original creators. The back and forth with the last movies, the multiple reference to the freewill, faith and desire to know and the inside joke facing themselve is making this move a must like the trilogy! They successfully honored this classic 20 years later!

And for the haters/Woke, ask yourself why in all the multiverse you didn't saw a Spiderwoman in the Spiderman No Way Home.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
Only watch S1 to s7ep2
7 November 2021
Ridiculous waste of a ground breaking thème! So much potential and got corrupted at s7 change of scripter no mulder no scully wtf. This show had no sex, no swearing was aginst dogma, we are far of those open minding scenarios nowadays!
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Great TV Show but without Maeve...nop
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy the rollercoaster of emotion that Sex Education is bringing on screen! Im in love with all the characters but losing Maeve would mean losing me! We are watching over 250 hours of the up and down of the lovestory to finish with 2 kids and a bus ride thats bull***!

Give her more money it's the heart of the program ur sending abroad!
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Catfishing have an icon
6 September 2021
All about that film is the iconic disrespect of Hollywood toward people.

Catfishing her 2 bestfriend, claiming the bank has no heart.

All about that movie is a disgrace. Poor acting, poor strat, all about woman object and catfishing.
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The Water Man (I) (2020)
Great story
12 July 2021
Really good actors and script! Reminds me the depth of "I kill Giants"! Impressive movie!
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Next level
11 July 2021
I loved it! A 2nd degree movie! I love the gap between the visual and the writing people who gets it will enjoy!
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Ice 2 (2020)
No french traduction
22 June 2021
The 1st one was an absolute masterpiece, its so sad that it's not available in French as the 1st one!
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Finally a sequel that rocks!
30 April 2021
I'm so tired about the remake or sequel that depreciate the original. But this serie after 3 amazing movies! In an era of acceptance, it follows the moral of the movies. Acceptance, team spirit, open mind, support and love no matter how you are, who you are or else! I hope the season 2 will bring Charlie back in the picture!
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Love on the Rise (2020 TV Movie)
Great actress
15 April 2021
Classic Hallmark all about great actress, feel good story but except Katrina nothing outstanding but she deserves the 10!!! By far!
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Videodrome (1983)
Orwell wrote 1984, in 1984 Cronenberg did Videodrome!
6 February 2021
This movie is the pure legacy of Orwell! A great and breathtaking thriller about television, exposition and subversion! It's a glance into some of th MK Ultra program used to brainwash people!(see the special feature of Suspect Zero for more footage)

Even if its look arid, themovie is a pure delightful masterpiece coming from one of the Great!
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10 January 2021
Emily Blunt is incredible as always, one of my favorite romantic movie so far. We are talking about a beautiful lovestory overtime that overcome family, grievance and many other personal. So realist, so heartwarming. A great celebration of women empowerment and true love. The cast is torrific, the acting stunning. For a cheezy heart like me it was a blanket that was warming my soul. Reminded me Winter's tale but with a faster pace. It is a wonderful Masterpiece!
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