
44 Reviews
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Great Acting, Well-written plot
19 October 2021
This show had a great start, every episode made me want more. Every game had me thinking and routing for the charcters, the complexity and the easiness of each game really kept me going. The character writing was great until the beach arc where things got a little rough... I'm ot necessarily saying that the beach arc was made but it couldve been more clean and smooth and overall done better. They kept forgetting certain points that were to remebered from previous epsiodes which was quite annoying. The charcter writing for this arc was great, somthing new each episode. They lift at us on an almost cliff-hanger here, which really made us want more but to my own suprise there will be no season two for almsot an year or so if i'm correct. The acting and sets were great, very fitting and well-made. 8/10 would recommend to anyine who wants something short to binge which will distract them for a while.
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visually pleasant
17 August 2021
I've watched pretty much every Mokoto Shinkai film and i'm not one to compare because this was one of his older works the animation is beautiful shows us exactly what Mokoto Shinkai is capable of.

The plot started off very plain and simple like every other movie movie Mokoto has directed and the more you watched the better it got and not even halfway through the movie a sudden tragedy/shock, which was very unexpected since it was early off in the movie.

Then he topped it off with some action, jump-scares and aesthetic shots to drive the movie towards its end.

The ending was rather disappointing... I hoped for a happy-ending or a sad one. Never a incomplete one. The movie ended in the middle of the escape when the main point of the movie was proved wrong. They could've easily added a better ending or a more finishing ending, where we could've seen them return to their families and pass the main gates of Agartha to go out again. And Mokoto could've spiced up the plot by adding something like the time was stopped in the outside world while they were outside or Sensei moves on but he did not.

So. In conclusion i'll give this movie a 8 for the progress, the animation, the character writing and as well as thinking out every single detail to the extreme amount of creativity went to this project.
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Bad Ending, Cute but disappointing
29 June 2021
At first when i started this anime i liked it a lot and was really curious about how this was gonna end but the ending was so disappointing all the good things happened mid-way in the anime so there wasn't actually anything good to put as the ending so that disappointed me a lot... The anime is good but until like episode 8 or 9. Wouldn't necessarily recommend this to someone unless you just want to get your mind off something and feel a little light-hearted its a good one but not really something that would I would give a good rating too.
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Not Sure
24 June 2021
I watched this movie around 2 am yesterday and at a time like that usually my thoughts come to me faster... But after watching this movie i was left blank. I didn't know what to say. Even after 7 hours of watching this movie I really don't know how i feel about this usually i would call movies like these cringe or predicable and rate them a 4/10 but the entire time i was watching this movie i wasn't thinking about predicting what was going to happen next. This is going to be very hard to rate but if I go blank again i'll just rate this a 5/10. Either way i would recommend everyone to watch this move personally i'm a shounen or comedy Anime fan but this one was weird.
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Your Lie in April (2014–2015)
Predictable, Average and Basic
17 June 2021
Your Lie in April wasn't necessarily bad it just wasn't my type. You see the plot was super predictable which i didn't like at all, I'm not looking for plot twiats in every Anime but the plot just being predicatale to the point you know everything that's going to happen next it gets boring. And I don't see how its sad or something to cry over since we knew what was going to happen to Kaori the half of the anime and they didn't even show us someone shedding a tear over yk which was kinda weird so I didn't find it sad at all. And to everyone who said the ending was just like the movie called ' I want to Eat Your Pancreas' I kinda agree. Not just the ending the entire thing was really similar but i think the movie had a plot twist or something towards the end whereas this show did not so eh. I wouldn't necessary recommend this to anyone but if you like cute, funny and kinda sad Animes about teenagers go for it.
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Great Writing, Not the best, Intresting
30 May 2021
As a Junji Ito manga reader iv'e been waiting for one of his stories to get animated and when i realized that he in fact does have an animation i was excited but in the end i was disappointed the animation and the voice actors were not able to show us how creepy the characters are and the emotions were portrayed very poorly compared to the manga. But personally i never expect the Anime Adaption to be as good as the manga ever its very rare in that case. But i'm still giving this an 8/10 for the story line and Souichi ;))
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Maid Sama! (2010–2011)
26 May 2021
Boring very predictable the characters lack personality im so bored wasted my time could've watched something better instead.
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Just like Season 1 but Better!
26 May 2021
Yes this Movie was a continuation of the Season 1 of demon Slayer not sure if it is canon or not but it did have the same animators and voice actors. Anyone who liked the first Season of Demon Slayer will absolutely love this, anyone who has watched the first season of the show must watch it. SO worth the time. This time with better Animation and More powerful demons. Just wish it had more of the backstory like why they were boarding there train for people who haven't watched season 1 besides that absolutely I loved it.
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Beautifully Animated, Well-written and Heart-Touching
26 May 2021
Anime's like these are actually very rare. Specially shounens like these. This anime had a mix of everything from sadness to comedy to beautifully animated, breath-taking fight scenes. Straight from the first episode I was in love with this show. Personally I don't like over-powered main characters specially ones with a hero complex or so but Tanjiro's Character was written so beautifully everything about him was great. To be honest I love a sister-loving Elder brother in Animes and specially in shounen anime. I love how the entire point of Tanjiro's life was turning his sister back into human and that's what the show is all about i do not want to give any spoilers but everyone will definitely love this show. The animators and the voice actors did a amazing job as well in showing us what the characters really feel like.
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Great Execution, Thrilling Plot and Beauitful Animation
22 May 2021
At first I was really hesitating to watch this anime because almost everyone i knew told me that it had no plot and the only reason it actually had fans was because of Zero Two. I'm so happy i still decided to watch this anime... The plot is written so well one of the best Sci-Fi Anime's iv'e ever watched. There was not even one single moment where i was bored of this anime and/or I wanted to watch something else. All i could wish for was this to never end while i was watching this.

However the ending was kinda plain... I know they tried hard to make it a happy ending but personally I feel like a anime like this should have a sad ending. Some people might say the ending was sad but honestly I really don't agree. Everyone was happy, who ever died, died happily. Whoever lived, lived happily so it was not really a sad ending.

Either way i absolutely loved this anime. I will be re watching 10/10 i would recommend this to anyone who likes a good Sci-Fi anime with a little romance (and nudity...) besides the plot and the waifus ;) the animation was very beautiful.

I'm not a big fan of dubs but the dub voice acting was great this time the voices sounded almost the same as the original Japanese ones.
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Sad But Happy??
14 May 2021
I liked this anime a lot but i'm not sure why every episode made me feel like i was missing out and i felt super jealous because i wasn't Futaba... I liked Kou before Futaba changed him, like when he was cold and emotionless and didn't have much energy. That Kou was really cute and Yuuri annoys me a lot too i don't know why. Basically i don't hate the plot its fine i guess nothing to interesting but i have something against these characters and their development besides that the animes overall was very cute this is review is very different from my other reviews cause at this point i'm just hating on it but i would recommend all Shoujo watchers to watch this, its adorable and it only gets better... I don't plan on reading the manga cause its not That interesting, i think I've seen enough of this plot at this point either way very good anime :))
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Cute, Erotic and Cunning
12 May 2021
I watched this anime thinking it was an anime about teenage High-school rivalry , but oh boy I was in for a shock.. Of course it had a High-school rivalry in it i mean that was the main Theme I suppose but there was so much more to it, things I wasn't expecting... I don't want to give any spoilers but i binged the entire anime in one day. Every time I watched an episode i wanted to see more. But in the end a lot of pages were left unturned and the season ended incomplete. No they didn't leave us on a big cliffhanger but they made us so curious and ended the season... It is a very good way of marketing if you want the audience to keep watching but from what I see on the internet it doesn't look like there is going to be an another season... I liked it a lot from the girls to the smart teenagers to the minor fights turning into something big I loved this show, I would definitely recommend watching this but without your parents though:))
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Preidctable, Intresting, Something New
11 May 2021
To be honest for me this movie was better than the show... The show was also very nice but it was kinda boring and they kept adding unnecessary and uninteresting details. They kept over-using the same concept over and over again. But this movie was something new... Yeah the same characters, yeah the same scratch and Shoko and Mai fighting over who's gonna be Suta's girlfriend but this movie showed us a new side of Shoko and a new side of Mai we didn't know existed besides that it was very predictable, you could guess what was gonna happen next half the time but at least it wasn't as boring as the show and i didn't want to top watching in the middle..
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Phenomenal, Beautiful, heart-touching, Relatable
9 May 2021
It just amazes me how Mokoto Shinkai animated this movie in 2007, most anime made before 2011 can't even compare to the graphics of this movie from the characters to the scenery every single part of this movie is beautiful. The plot was extremely sad you can just see how they go from waiting hours and hours for each other in snow to trying to force themselves to text the other. After all they never got see cherry blossoms fall at 5 centimetres per second again : (( I absolutely love this movie I can see myself re-watching this again in the future.
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Adorable, Heart-Touching and Beautiful
7 May 2021
To be honest i'm not such a fan of Studio Ghibli films and iv'e watched almost all of Mokoto Shinkai's movies and honestly no director will ever top this man. This is just like his other works; heart-warming and cute. I always rely on Mokoto Shinkai when my Alexithymia kicks in and he never fails... After watching his movies i'm always moved , there's just something about his movies I can't explain it. The animations are always gorgeous, this man never disappoints trust me Never. And about the plot i absolutely loved the concept the way its a movie about cats but with a hint of human romance is really cool too me, adding the hint of Slice of Life. I absolutely LOVE this movie. I can see myself re-watching this, I would recommend this to anyone who's in a mood for some cute romance : ))
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Graphics are Insane and is very Well-Written
5 May 2021
I don't obsess over a show like this but WOW the graphic were really impressive for show that's made in 2018. I am such a big fan of Horror Anime an usually a lot of them lack plot, Character Development and backstories. But this anime it had everything i love it, i would re-watch this again without any hesitation. I binged it in a day, and it was so hard to get to of my chair to even get water because i was so so curious. The show just kept getting better, and i had a idea of what it would be like a game and Oh. My. God. This could be such a good video game i don't see another season coming out as i don't think there is anything else to the story but i would love something similar to this.
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Unexpected, Funny and Cute
27 April 2021
I added this anime to my list thinking it gonna be an Anime with a lot of death, competition and hatred but what it turned out to be was surprising. It was a cute anime about a girl who claims to be god and makes friends with a very ordinary boy. Her power of omniscience helps them make new friends and do things they never thought they could do. In the end the Yota (the ordinary boy) uncovers her past and the show gets dark and sad but like in most animes it does end with a happy ending... I don't want to give many spoilers all i can say is you can watch this anime if your'e looking for a laugh or some cute friendship episodes (subtracting the darker ones at the end).
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Plain and Plot-less but Good Enough
13 April 2021
Lacks plot, kinda plain but enjoyable. It way too fast very single episode there's various new things, new characters, new abilities. I'm used to this so it was easy for me to catch up but them put 130+ chapters into a 12 episode show wasn't right they could've easily dragged it. You don't expect much from anime's by netflix usual half-naked girls bad ass girls. The character development was kinda boring too but i guess if you're looking for an anime to binge watch and pass time this is it.
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Assassination Classroom (2013–2016)
Loved the plot, Really funny and Super Intresting
10 April 2021
This is one of those Anime's which has a little bit of everything, Some times i was dying from laughter the other moment i was at the verge of tears. It had references to some other Anime's in the middle too it was really fun to try to find them like those references were Easter eggs hidden withing the the entire show. The ending was really touching too - i expected the show to end on the 23rd episode but im truly really happy that there was another episode to cheer us all up .

This show doesn't get better from where it now i would really wish for a second seasons where all the E class students are grown-up and they get called to Assassin someone i feel like it would really make the entire fandom extremely happy but i don't think that's going to happen and i don't mind : )

To be honest i would recommend to anyone it doesn't have much quality action in it besides that i would recommend this show to literally anyone, there is not a single flaw i would like to state about this show.

Thank You Yusei Matsui <3.
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Gorgeous, touching and adorable
1 April 2021
Like always Mokoto Shinkai never disappoints with his movies, this man can make you cry in less than 10 minutes. This movie would easily be along side Your name if it was longer was truly heart touching people who have moved out of their parents house will be sure to cry. It crazy how much you an do in just 2 minutes and the animation and art style was like always beautiful.
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Very Cliched, Writers were basically forcing us to cry Did Not Work
28 March 2021
I don't understand why people say this is the saddest movie they have eve4r seen.... i don't get it it wasn't sad to me at all it was kinda funny cause almost till the end until her Sakura's mother confirmed it i though she was lying about her disease just to be with Haruki... The movie was written nicely you could predict a lot of it basically just another ones of those 'Super popular girl falls in love with a lonely and shy guy' romance movies. There was barely any directed comedy in the movie (not like i expected there was going to be) just me laughing at how bad their relationship was, Kyokou made me laugh here and there a few times and no i didn't cry because of this movie there was nothing even slightly sad, he knew Sakura was gonna die soon and he still chose to be friends with her a simple no would've made this movie non-existent.
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4 March 2021
This Is soo good like the animation and everything is perfect. And this time they give reasoning too like they usually do not and they explain everything and the fighting scenes are really good, no one knew ibuki or mahiru could fight and i just love it totally worth my time i would watch this again
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Boring, Very bad
4 March 2021
Out if all the danganronpa animation this Has to be the worst one, its so bring its way tooo slow and the animation is bland like the filter they have put on to make it seem dark is really bad. The plot s super boring like trash i wouldn't recommend this to you i wanted to drop it but i watched it till the end thinking it would get better... Only good thing about this entire arc has to be Byakuya Togami
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Bland but Not Bad
4 March 2021
I mean its bot as good as the games but its great the animation s very pretty and the plot is quite bland definitely not what you except from Kodaka but its not that bad if youve played the game i would recommend this to you but its not gonna be a big deal if you don't watch it cause its actually not that important
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Loved It !!
25 February 2021
I Loved how we finally got Atushi's backstory, it was just like the actual show. The plot was great too; very well written. Bungou Stray Dogs never disappoints me
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