
9 Reviews
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
A great film, very engrossing, beautifully shot and acted (but fast forward the first 5 minutes and last two)
31 December 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this film - it pulled you in and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. It's quite hard to describe in words - but there was just a closeness to everything that made you really feel like you were really there. I appreciated the historical accuracy of the setting and the film as well (a rare thing these days). Florence Pugh was absolutely brilliant as always and the girl who played Anna also deserves a lot of accolades. The only thing I don't understand and didn't like was the opening scene where they showed outside the set. It was completely pointless and pretentious. I don't know how this made it into the final edit at all because it has no bearing on the rest of the film. The same goes for the final scene - it was just so unnecessary. Aside from that I do recommend this film - it was refreshing to see something that stuck to just telling a good story. It was beautifully shot, color graded and lit too.
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Trailer is false advertising. Awful writing, editing and directing. Avoid!
19 December 2022
The trailer for this and Netflix advertising it as a mystery thriller is incredibly misleading. This ended up being a complete waste of two hours. The writing was absolutely atrocious and it honestly felt like a student film from 15 years ago. That is not to say the subject matter is not important and shouldn't be told - it absolutely should. But not like this. I kept waiting for the writing and editing to improve but it didn't. The script and even delivery felt akin to The Room at times, it was that bad. So many storylines that go nowhere or characters that are unlikable and poorly developed. They really underutilized the talented cast and I can't overstate just how awful the writing/script is. The only meaningful message you pull from this, is why did I just waste 2 hours of my life watching it? Avoid at all costs.
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Wild Crime (2021– )
Fascinating show - very gripping and great production value
26 October 2022
I really enjoyed the first season but the second season is even better. Couldn't take my eyes off the screen and wanted to watch the next episode immediately. Very interesting case and they have interviews with all those involved. How they track down the identity from just the remains is fascinating and hats off to those who must have spent countless hours researching the genealogy. Hats off also to all the law enforcement who never gave up. The show has a very high production value, well edited and shot with really well done reenactments and great cinematography of Yosemite valley as well. Hope that there is another season.
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Spencer (2021)
is this some sort of joke?
27 March 2022

The comparison to Anne Boleyn is just beyond the pale.

If this is the standard the Oscars have got to then it's no wonder the ratings are down.

It's an insult to film. An insut to British History. It's an insult to anything considered a film.

Avoid at costs.

P. S. I'm still thinking this is some sort of a joke.
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Delvey as Robinhood? The writing of this show is atrocious.
22 February 2022
This could have been really good, if they had actually stuck to the story and got a better writing team. Absolutely terrible writing, music and don't even get me started on the accent. They "invented" so many parts of the story it's just ridiculous. And to make out like she was some sort of Robinhood character - she was a scam artist and a fraud. Avoid at all costs.
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The Guilty (2021)
Complete waste of time
9 October 2021
I've enjoyed plenty of dialogue led films in the past like the absolutely superb Locke, but this completely misses the mark. I haven't seen the original but this is just unrealistic, nonsensical and quite frankly dull as dishwater. Don't waste your time with this utter tripe.
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Shrill (2019–2021)
Painfully unfunny
13 May 2021
How on earth did a show like this get commissioned, let alone renewed for more seasons. It is not remotely funny, interesting and without any semblance of a message. Avoid.
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Drain the Oceans (2018– )
Fascinating and remarkable show - a must watch
2 August 2020
This show is absolutely fascinating and I love watching the episodes. The visual effects are brilliant. Personally I prefer Russel Boulter's narration but that does not distract too much from this brilliant show. Seeing these shipwrecks brought to life through the VFX and ROVs is great and love the history behind it all. Hope we get more episodes.
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Inside Jokes (2018)
Is this show an inside joke?
6 December 2018
I didn't laugh once and I'm really wondering how on earth these comics ever even got a show. It's just so unfunny. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a joke that these people are trying to be comics. This was highlighted when the gay Gent (whose every joke was about being gay or mentioned being gay) said "I don't know want to be known as the gay comedian, I want to be known as a comedian who happens to be gay"

Don't waste your time with this.
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