
13 Reviews
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Kids on Fire (2020)
20 March 2022
This is a blasphemous short movie which uses the word of God as a device for sexual abasement. I've no idea what the producer was trying to achieve, other than to put the Christian religion down.
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The Rapture (1991)
What a botch up of a movie!
23 October 2021
The movie is waste of time, it borders on Christianity but has nothing to do with Christianlity. The movie starts off like a 'B' grade sex movie, which is graphic. It then goes off on its own tangent talking about 'The Pearl', whatever that is. (nothing in scripture about it other than a parable), and the preacher is a very young coloured boy who whispers his teaching to an adult who then shares the message.

I've seen reviewers on here say that after watching this, they're glad they're atheists! Please don't base your judgement of Christianity on this movie, as mentioned earlier, it has little to do with Christianity.

The wife/mother is played by Sharon (Mimi Rogers, a Christian scientist in real life) and I won't tell you the ending and while I dont want you to see this for yourself as I'm definitely not recommending it.
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Termitaria (2013)
Very sad but honest movie.
9 October 2020
The movie is well done, showing the reality of the Philippines and the way many people live there. The movie displays a lot of the many myths and superstitions that the uneducated still believe. I've been lucky enough to travel through the Philippines and also sail around and through over many years. I've been to more islands there than most Filipinos and love the place and its people. I have many friends there, so thats why I believe I can comment on the authenticity of the movie. The movie is exremely well acted, filmed and directed, hence being a very sad subject, hits you and makes you wish for a better life for the population there. I wont reveal any spoilers, but suffice to say it is definitely worth watching.
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A Chinese Road Movie
6 December 2019
A good road movie from China. Wang Xuebing plays the lead role backed up by a young boy who is very likeable. There are many twists and turns and they keep adding to the plot. I watched the movie with English subtitles which were very good. I would have given it 7.5/10 but that's not possible, so I gave it 8/10. Very much enjoyed it!
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Made for TV
28 March 2015
I was hoping to like this movie, I wanted to like it. I usually enjoy character driven movies, more so when they have child - adult interaction.

Watching this movie I couldn't help but feel I was watching a soap opera, or at best a made for TV movie. It doesn't deserve the high rating it has here on IMDb. The film is based around a formula of pity and compassion, which has failed miserably. An adult ex military, a kid with problems, a dog, all coming together to make life worth living, but it doesn't work this time, rarely does when you rely on formula alone. The acting is woeful, unbelievable. The hard nosed social services woman is so over acted, the movie is melodramatic in every sense. Hollywood produces these movies based purely on formula and think the formula will work every time, sadly Hollywood has got it wrong.

When looking at movies with adult - child interaction and character driven, see The Butterfly (2002) aka Le papillon, or Oshin (2013), Skyggen af Emma (1988).

As I stated previously, I wanted to like this movie, but didn't at all.
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Very well made movie with
27 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A well made and thought out movie.

The actors were all very believable. Vanessa Di Quattro did a particularly wonderful job playing the part of Ana. Her mothers refusal to allow sign language meant Ana was unable to communicate fluently, and you could feel her frustration. Each of the characters were well acted, to the point where I began to hate Antonio (Ana's stepfather}, and had great empathy with Ana, Sofia (her younger sister) and Manuel (Ana's brother). Towards the end I even felt sympathy for Julia (Ana's mother) who had been unable to see {or unwilling to see} what was going on between her own husband and his abuse of her daughters.

I gave the movie 7/10.
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A sweet movie of a difficult subject.
28 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Child by Children (2008) aka Kodomo no kodomo is a sweet movie. The two children involved, Hiro and Haruna aren't promiscuous, just inquisitive. They're only elementary school children after all. The teacher Ms. Yagi tries to introduce sex education to the class but the principal, the other teachers and the parents are against it. Little do they know that its too late anyway for little Haruna. The sex education does at least enlighten Haruna as to what has happened between herself and her playmate, Hiro. Haruna realises she is pregnant, and eventually all the children in the class know about it. A number of times there are attempts to notify the adults, but the adults are too busy or preoccupied to listen.

The entire class of students become involved, following the pregnancy and eventually end up delivering the baby.

Naturally when the parents and the teacher do find out (the baby has already been born) there is shock and surprise, but they eventually show love and acceptance.

Very good acting by all involved. The teacher in particular is very good, and one of the students, Mika is wonderful. She's only a child but is attractive and has real charisma. I hope to see her in future movies.

Despite the title and the storyline, this isn't a movie that will offend anyone. There is no titillating moments for perverts or voyeurs. I enjoyed it and give the movie 8/10.
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Chocolate (2008)
A Very Different Style of Martial Arts Movie.
25 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
An autistic girl (Zen), the daughter of a money lending Thai mother and an estranged Japanese father, both highly skilled in martial arts, learns to become highly skilled in the art by watching the masters on TV, and also the training taking place at a martial arts school next door.

When the mother becomes ill, the now teenage (and cute) Zen seeks to recover debts owed to her mother to pay for the medical treatment She has to use her fighting skills to defend her friend 'Moom' and herself from the Thai gangs they approach seeking the money owed.

Whilst I'm not generally a fan of martial arts movies for the sake of martial arts, this has an extremely interesting storyline and some very good acting. The choreography is amazing and the fight scenes, especially the one that takes up the majority of the final 28 minutes of the movie is outstanding. You will have to see it to believe it. There is no doubt many actors/stunt men (including the star, Zen) were injured during the making of this movie, and you will see some of these takes during the closing credits.

Every now and again a movie GEM comes out of Asia. Eg. My Sassy Girl (Korea), The Road Home (China) Swallowtail Butterfly (Japan). I have become a lover of Asian movies, and while each of these is very different, they are all excellent. I have many favourites, but this Thai movie Chocolate is up there with the best of them. I've now seen it a number of times (showing friends, etc.) and I give it 9/10.
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Love Korean cinema, but this fails.
24 August 2011
Well maybe this movie wasn't for me? I usually do like romantic comedies, what are usually referred to as 'chic flicks', and I love Asian cinema, particularly movies from Korea, and while I know this movie is referred to as a drama, I thought this would place me in good stead to enjoy this movie. Sadly it didn't. For me, watching this move was like watching grass grow. I got bored. Nothing really happened! I'm not into shoot em ups, not into action movies and usually love nothing more than to sit back and watch a movie about people, their relationships and emotions, but I couldn't help looking around for something else to do while this movie was playing. It just never got me involved or into it.
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The Road Home (1999)
Possibly the most beautiful movie I have ever seen.
30 April 2011
I have given this movie 10/10. I couldn't do much less considering I cant remember another movie that I have enjoyed so much and has touched me like it has. I have now watched this movie approximately 10 times (with different friends, and family), and it effects me the same way every time. It never loses its appeal.

The story is simple, the acting superb and the scenery and filming is magical. There are no action sequences, no sex (not even a kiss), but this movie touched me and moved me more than any other I have seen. This is how movies should be made! Simple, innocent, with a story of love that I think most of us dream the way love should be.

I cant begin to do this movie justice with my review, but I just want to say, if you love romance, if you are offended about the way love is portrayed in many Hollywood movies today and just want to see true love in its natural beauty and innocence, rent the DVD or somehow watch The Road Home.
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Hura gâru (2006)
A Wonderful Movie
7 February 2011
Sat down with my daughter to watch this movie, not really sure what to expect. I am a fan of foreign movies, particularly Korean, Chinese, and Japanese, but also other parts of the world, so I don't mind watching with subtitles. In fact, I find foreign films much more realistic than a lot of the tripe out of Hollywood.

This movie is very emotional, bringing tears (mostly happy ones) to both me and my daughter. The story is well told and the acting brilliant, and some of the gorgeous Japanese girls certainly helped to light up the screen, especially Yu Aoi who won "Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role" in the Japan Academy Prize.

Realising at the end that this movie was based on an actually true story added much more realism to the story, and the plight of the girls and their families.

A very inspirational movie, and a delight to watch. Why this only has 7 out of 10 on IMDb (at time of writing) surprises me. We loved it!!! Do yourself a favour and watch it.
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An amazing survival and rescue.
28 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is a long time ago that I watched this documentary and normally I wouldn't have considered writing this review, except for the fact that there weren't any other reviews here, and this documentary deserves some praise, so here I go.

I will preface this by stating that I am a keen sailor and I am Australian, so I no doubt have a bias as to the extent and the cost of this rescue.

The documentary is well presented, with a lot of actual footage of the discovery and rescue of Tony Bullimore in his upturned sailing yacht, the Exide Challenger.

He had been sailing his yacht in the Vende Globe single handed around-the-world yacht race. When 1300 miles south of Australia in the Southern Ocean, with reported 60' waves Exide Challenger lost her keel, overturning the yacht.

The Royal Australian Navy had been out assisting in other rescues and was diverted to search for Bullimore and the Exide Challenger. As it had been more than 6 days since Bullimore had been heard from it was assumed he had died in the freezing cold conditions. When the yacht was finally found floating upside down there was still no indication that Bullimore had survived. The Navy put out an inflatable to go and check the upturned yacht. The rescuers knocked on the upturned hull and to their obvious delight heard a knock back to them. Shortly after Bullimore swam out from his precarious refuge inside the upturned yacht. It was an overwhelming sense of relief just watching this (despite knowing the result prior to watching it). The elation that was obvious amongst the officers and crew of the HMAS Adelaide was amazing.

Bullimore had been trapped in an air pocket inside the yacht. If he had stayed outside on the upturned hull of the yacht he would have been washed off or frozen in the gale force winds that he had to contend with.

There was a lot of criticism of Bullimore (and others who push the boundaries) because of the massive cost of this rescue. However, in my mind the Navy seamen are being paid anyway, the HMAS Adelaide is being used, mostly just to practice their skills. This rescue was of more value than any normal exercises because it was real, because there was emotion and a life was at stake, there is nothing like the real thing to test our skills.
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Dakota Skye (2008)
31 July 2009
I watched this movie with anticipation as I was expecting a good teen romance. What I got was load of foul mouthed, pot smoking, drug taking, sleazy American movie making. I must admit I can't comment on the whole movie because after much hesitation, and hoping that it would improve, I finally decided I didn't want to waste any more of my life on this tripe.

The acting I must admit was OK, but the lead role, played by Eileen April Boylan playing the part of Dakota Skye, a 16 y/o girl who has a permanent chip on her shoulder. She is smothered in make up, and uses the 'F' word frequently. I understand it is rated 'R', but to me the movie was a waste of time, money and lacked any intelligence.
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