
13 Reviews
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Spider-Man (2002)
Nicely Done
30 April 2002
I thought this was a very good adaptation of a comic book. Comic book fans will be disgruntled about some changes (minor & major), but hey, it's Hollywood, some things had to change. The casting was great, Jameson was my favorite bit of casting, absolutely perfect. The pace was a bit slow in a few places, but nothing too major.

The early scenes with Peter Parker learning to become Spider-Man were the best. A little bit campy at times, but a fun, enjoyable movie.
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A Simple Plan (1998)
A Simply Poor Movie
17 February 2002
I am still trying to count all the different ways that this movie was a let downer. I think I will stick to the basics. Raimi should stick to 90 minute movies, because he badly needed some editing help here. Pacing was terribly slow. The other major flaw is that the screenplay has a nugget of an idea, but left us not liking any character. Not even a little. Sure, it is an interesting journey to take when you suddenly find yourself doing the unimaginable...but take my advice, just rent Fargo.
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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
A mixed bag
13 February 2002
On the one hand, you can tell that Spielberg is on his way to "Jaws" at this point. Can't you here the "duh-nuh" as the truck appears?

The cinematography was great, as the camera shots alone were enough for suspense. No need for music, not for Dennis Weaver to say much. Which is a good thing, because he hardly does. It's hard to look at this film 30 years after the fact and not notice how bizarre everyone around is acting. A classic suspense movie, but one that might have been better with no dialogue at all.
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9 February 2002
Another great film for Russell Crowe and Ron Howard. Crowe is such a powerful presence on the screen. He just commands your attention. As John Nash mumbles through complex math theories, the entire audience is just spellbound. I am quite sure most of us don't have a clue as to what he was saying, it didn't matter. Being said by Russell Crowe is enough for us to know it matters. Very few actors have ever been able to do that, Brando comes to mind. The pleasant surprise from the movie was the script itself. I have heard the buzz for Crowe, and for Connelly...both deservedly so. But, I have not heard much about the power and humor of the script. Akiva Goldsman did a great job, as adapting books is hopefully becoming a specialty (Sum of All Fears is next). The Oscar buzz is not just hype, this is a serious contender for Crowe, Connelly, picture, adapted screenplay, and possibly director, although our buddy Ron is up against some tough customers this year.
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K-PAX (2001)
28 October 2001
K-Pax is a good movie that is at times a bit too heavy handed in sending the theme to the audience. Spacey was good, but not great. I won't hold it against him. The endearing characters are the other patients in with Prot.

I recommend that you see this movie with an open mind, and a willingness to take a small lecture.

On a side note, the trailer for Royal Tannenbaums played before the movie. The packed theatre didn't laugh once. Not a good sign.
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Crazy People (1990)
A fine fun movie
22 October 2001
This is just one of those movies that you can just enjoy. A very pleasing movie with a ton of memorable lines. If only advertising was really like this. See "The Freak", this movie will not only scare you, it will f**k you up for life! A classic.
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One of my favorites!
22 October 2001
This is one of the best all time sleeper hits. I have yet to recommend this someone who hasn't liked it. A wonderful, brother film. A nice story about 3 brothers who learn about each other, and what they mean to their family.
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Rush Hour 2 (2001)
Very Enjoyable
10 August 2001
What Fun! This was exactly what a summer movie should be. A riot! It was a little short (88 minutes), but the pace was great, and it was filled with action and laughs. If I was to complain at all, it would have to be that some of Jackie Chan's stunts are becoming least for him. Don't get me wrong, there are few people who could do what he does, but I think we are getting spoiled. We expect more from him as time goes on, I guess. Another complaint is that people who don't like Chris Tucker, shouldn't be seeing this movie!

Can't wait for Rush Hour 3! While not nearly up to the Lethal Weapon standard, this sequel was still pretty darn good.
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10 August 2001
When it comes to sequels, few are ever as good as the first. Usually, they are down right horrible. Pie 2 rates right up there as a good complement to the first. It didn't try to do anything much different, but managed to pull off the old formula from the 1st movie. The audience was laughing so hard that I missed at least 5 minutes of dialogue. There were plenty of nice touches from the last film, and plenty of new laughs. Sure, some of the best lines were in the previews, but it still didn't stop me from laughing again and again. A great summer flick. A solid 8.
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Made (2001)
6 August 2001
Gotta love the inside "Swingers" joke of double down on 11 as the license plate of the limo! This was a great movie, and a nice change of pace from the rest of the summer's options. No, this wasn't "Swingers" and thank god for that. I loved "Swingers", but a redux of it would have been cheap. Instead they went out and made a funny movie, without being money!
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The Score (2001)
A waste of great acting...
5 August 2001
The movie was utterly predictable. The only thing that makes this a 5 is Ed Norton was fantastic and DeNiro was solid. It was nice seeing Brando, but he wasn't anything fantastic. And Angela Bassett? I could have saved the studio some cash by hiring nearly anyone to play her role. This is not a knock on Bassett, but rather on the writing. Her character was boring.
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Memento (2000)
Pay Attention!
5 August 2001
If you have not seen these movie, be forewarned that you will EARN this movie going experience. you must pay attention! If you don't, you will be lost, and you will miss the BEST picture of the year so far. From concept to execution alone, I better see this movie at the oscars for director. Movie may be too much to ask for a "little" film. The acting is solid, it is far from amazing, but the story carries it off. I have seen it only once, so i too have some questions about the end...but I know people who have seen it multiple times, and they said it works! Definitely worth the price of admission, and I live in NYC ($9.25 now...yikes)
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5 August 2001
I saw this movie on the recommendation of my brother, and for once, I would agree with him. Ewan was hilarious! Just about every piece of dialogue he said had my laughing. Hunter and Lindo were an interesting match, although Hunter overacted at stretches. It was a nice rental.
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