
26 Reviews
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Goodfellas (1990)
A story about a man's rise and fall as a "goodfella".
14 June 2008
As a teenager Henry Hill's (Ray Liotta) dream begins to come true when he lands a spot during jobs for a local mob. To him, things can only go up from this point and they do. For awhile anyway.

Eventually he is turned into a certified member of the mob family. He gets married and starts a family all while working for the mob. He hangs out with many different characters from his mob family, including mob boss Paulie (Paul Sorvina), Jimmy (Robert De Niro), and Tommy (Joe Pesci). As time goes on, Henry comes across a few rough patches.

This movie is just an amazing movie. I've never been really into mob movies, but this one is just too good to pass up. Everything is great, the acting, the writing, just everything.

The movie has a great cast of characters, all with dramatically different personalities brought together by the mob. Henry is the type that can act both innocent and deadly at the same time. Tommy is a true off the wall psychopath with a crazy sense of humor. Jimmy is you're typical gangster who can go from your best friend to your worst enemy in the blink of an eye.

Martin Scorsese is by far one of the most talented directors of our time and this is one of his finest pieces of work. It's worth watching even if you're not much into mobster movies. Although, if you just have a problem with violence or mobsters in general, pass this one up.
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O (2001)
brilliantly played out
25 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A superb movie showing humans with all key emotions in life: love, jealously, betrayal, trust, and envy.

As a beautifully crafted modernized version of Shakespeare's "Othello" this movie showcases the effects of jealously and suspicion in its truest form (although taken to a much higher level). It tells the story of a promising young basketball player named Odin (Mekhai Phifer) and it is his jealousy and putting his trust in the wrong friend that is his downfall. While living the dream with his girlfriend, Desi (Julia Stiles), his close friend Hugo (Josh Hartnett) is engulfed in powerful envy and comes up with a plot to ruin Odin's plans.

It is such a powerful movie and I can't help but feel sorry for all of the characters, even the twisted, heartless Hugo. The performances were stunning and I don't think a modernized version of Shakespeare's "Othello" could be any better. This modernized take on Shakespeare by far surpasses "Romeo and Juilet". It is definitely worth the 90 minutes.
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loved it
24 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the best romantic movies ever. This movie was great in all aspects. The writing, directing, and acting were brilliant! Granted, the movie was quite predictable. I knew everything that was going to happen from beginning to end. Normally, things like that would just completely turn me off from a movie, but everything was just played out so well I didn't even care.

I don't really watch that many love movies, but I thought that the plot was pretty original. A woman marrying a man that she doesn't even like let alone love. So, she has an affair which her doctor husband fins out about. He blackmails her into accompanying him to China where a deadly disease is spreading in an attempt to get them to reconnect or should I say connect? And, of course love and tragedy ensue.

I say that whether or not you're into love stories, you should at least check this one out because you just might end up falling in love with it!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
worth a watch
24 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I'm quite surprised by how many people dislike this movie. Then again, whenever a blockbuster movie about a historical event comes out all people can ever talk about are the historical inaccuracies. I'll admit that I don't know much about what happened at Pearl Harbor, but what I do know was quite accurate in the movie. People act like movies like these are suppose 100% correct. If you want to watch a movie like that go pick up a documentary on Pearl Harbor instead of watching a movie that is obviously going to have some fiction in it to attract More people to watch it.

I enjoyed this film because it was shot excellently and the special effects were amazing. The main reason I watched it in the first place was because I heard about the dramatic romance (I am a chick after all), but even I thought it was a little cheesy. The writing in some of those scenes were a little over the top, as if anyone would ever say, "I'll never look at another sunset without thinking of you". I think, however that the love story brought more feeling to the movie. It made it seem more real, people that had loved ones were dying.

The movie might not be a number one in any aspect (writing, directing, acting), but I think it deserves a little more because for a blockbuster movie, it was pretty good. I mean, look at some of the crap that is being put on the big screen nowadays.
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The Dead Girl (2006)
worth a watch
1 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It had a great story, great actors, and it made its point. That point being that a single person can affect a great number of people, some of them they've never even met and some closer than anyone, whether it be in life or in death. Before I watched this movie, I never understood how a person's body could impact strangers, now I fully understand.

The performances were great and all, but a couple of the stories fell short with me. The beginning one, when the caretaker finds the body, just didn't move me at all. And to be honest I was a little wierded out about it. The third story also didn't make the cut, its just I think they could have come up with a better storyline for the killer's wife than that one.

The other stories, however, were amazing! I think the best one, though would have to be the last one, with the dead girl. From my experience with other movies I thought that somehow the girl was going to get the bear to her little girl even though I knew she was going to die, just merely because she really wanted to. When she didn't, I was glad and shocked. The girl was telling the guy just how happy she was to be able to be there for her little girl on her birthday and we know that that just wasn't going to happen and it ends. Thats great cause it shows just how life really is, you'll be making plans for the not so distant future without you knowing you're just minutes away from death.

Love it or hate, I think its worth the watch.
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The Notebook (2004)
for a love story it was good
1 July 2007
For years I've avoided watching this movie because the previews made it seem like just another typical romance movie where you could predict the beginning, middle, and end. Till a bunch of friends of mine suggested it to me. So, I decided to watch it (although I kept putting it off cause I didn't believe it).

The storyline was great. I am getting a bit tired of this rich girl loves poor boy storyline, but this one worked out nicely. As everyone says it is about a sugary sweet romance turned sour. I really bought their love. The performances and writing were just as great, I kept forgetting I was watching a movie. Just the most adorable way to fall in love (a way many women can only dream about).

The one thing I really just did not like about this movie was when it would cut to old Ally and Noah in the nursing room. I mean, yes, this story is about forever love, but is it really necessary to constantly go back to them. he main story is about when they were young and in love. I think that a simple 5-10 minute beginning of them and a 5-10 minute ending of them would have been much better.

What I'm trying to say is that rather or not you enjoy sugary love stories, you should at least give this one a try.
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not bad for a chick flick
21 May 2007
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I heard all about the book before I watched the movie and I had no intentions of reading it or watching the movie. But one day I just came across it on TV and I actually thought it was a fairly good movie. I normally hate chick flicks, can't stand them and have absolutely no desire to watch them. This movie on the other hand is a whole different story. It was just so cute and adorable and knowing the tragic end that was to come I just couldn't turn away.

I thought the acting was great and I actually had tears in my eyes a few times because I really bought into it. It shows every girl's dream and every girl's nightmare. These two teens were lucky enough to be a part of the few people on the earth to find true love and to have it ripped away just brings tears to your eyes. It shows how great and cruel life can be and that no matter what you can't be bitter about your fate.

Regardless of how much you hate chick flicks or the actors in it, I think its at least worth a watch.
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do i even need to say it?
21 May 2007
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The whole reason I picked up this movie in the first place is that I just adore low budget made horror movies because in my opinion they normally turn out to be better than the big budget horror films (examples: "Campfire Tales" and "Dead End"). This movie just gives ALL low budget films a bad name. Many people before me have talked about how horrible it is, but it was just so bad I can't resist to write about it.

Where do I even begin? The acting. Wow. Just plain out HORRIBLE. Even Jamie Lynn's performance made me sick and from what I hear she's supposed to be good. But just, wow. I am just blown about how horrible it was. Then, there's the "special effects", my saying is, "if its not good don't even bother with them". I mean, the background of a full moon in the second story didn't even look real at all. Next, the cameras. Whatever type of cameras they used just made the movie worse. It looked like I was watching a documentary at times because it was so horrible.

The plot line wasn't even that good. The only story that even made me a little creeped out was the third one. Thats only cause I put myself in the girl's position. And even that one had a thousand plot holes. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that if you like watching horrible acting, filmed with horrible cameras, with horrible effects, about a horrible plot line this is will be your new favorite movie.
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Alpha Dog (2006)
wow so powerful
1 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
man, I almost passed this movie up, but after watching it I'm so glad I didn't. I always saw ads for it, but I just thought 'great! another stupid gangster movie with justin timberlake as a badass. I'll remember to never see this'. But then I saw many of my favorite actors in it and I decided to give it a shot.

This movie just blows my mind. I mean, its just so real (not just because its based on actual events), but because for one the performances were just so strong. Some may say that it was a little over top on them trying to be badasses. But I know people that are exactly like that so I bought that completely.

I watched the trailer and read up on the movie but never the actual events. I even heard somewhere that the kid does die, but watching the movie I just didn't buy it. I mean, I figured it'd be a grade A typical movie where regardless of how the real story ended this was going to be happy. The kid had it good, he loved it there. Even some of the kidnappers loved it there.

This story is a sad story for everyone involved, though. These kids were just looking for a way out and they chose the worst way possible. I mean, how could they possibly think it was a good idea to help them get out of trouble by killing the kid? One of the reasons they couldn't just let him go in the first place is because his brother knew and would go looking for him and they worried the boy would tell. But killing was the worst idea for one killing is just horrible and for two all of these people have already seen them with him and they told them that he was kidnapped. How could this movie just not blow your mind because of that.

I actually had tears in my eyes when they killed the kid. It was so unexpected. This is definitely a movie you should check out. The performances were so great that if I didn't know any better I would have thought I was actually watching a real life kidnapping and murder. The only thing horrible about this film is that this is based on true events.
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Titanic (1997)
who hasn't seen this movie
8 April 2007
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I don't think I have ever come across someone that hasn't seen this movie. Whether you loved it or hated it you at least saw it. The amount of money this movie made speaks for just how good it was. People say this movie is overrated, but I don't think so. I think this movie is the perfect example of everything a movie should have: romance, drama, history, tragedy, and amazing effects.

The directing was great! I really began to feel like I was a part of this movie. The acting was great. I really bought Kate's performance in being a "poor little rich girl" and Leonardo's performance in being the "poor free spirit", everyone did a good job. I love movies about things that have happened in the past and out of all the movies I've seen I believe this movie was the most accurate account of what occurred on the Titanic (except with the whole love thing).

The plot line is great. It was a great idea to put the romance in because that drew in women, the history drew in older people, and the effects drew in the guys. To me, I think everything was great. This movie had so much feeling and if you didn't cry at least a little at the end, you must have no heart. And if you haven't seen this movie, you are defiantly missing out.
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Keeps you entertained
30 March 2007
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Some say that this movie started out slow. And naturally for a movie that gives you so much insight into characters where most of them are going to die by the end of the movie I normally find it kind of boring and pointless, too. But not this one, in this movie the characters were pretty entertaining and I found the events leading up to the massacre to be quite entertaining also.

There's the out of control sexual predator brother, his murderous "only when need be" older brother, a preacher that lost his faith, and two his teenagers. The only thing that really got on my nerves, though was how they tried to make the preacher man seem like he was a good guy bad ass when really all I thought it was was annoying. And then there was the plot hole of how this strip club managed to operate killing all truck drivers without none of them kicking their asses like they did in this movie and also why considering the fact that they were hauling semis why no one would go and look for them.

Other than those two things I found this movie to be great! And would recommend it to anyone!
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Brick (2005)
so so
28 March 2007
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Ehhh.. Not as good as some people say it is and not as bad as some people says it is. After I found out what this movie was about I thought "now this is my kind of movie". I went out and bought it for $10. Personally, I think it was worth it.

A great storyline. I've read people's comments on here about it not being believable that this teenager is going around playing detective. But I completely bought it because for one he really loved this girl. If I loved someone and they went through all this trouble then ended up dead I would do the same thing this guy did. I don't get how people couldn't understand them when they spoke because I could. I just couldn't understand them when they talked to fast, but there are some teenagers that really do talk that way. I should know I am one.

There were a few things I didn't like about this movie, though. At the end, when Larua says that Emily didn't love Brendon it just didn't make sense to me. Cause if she didn't love him why would she go though all the trouble to talk to him and why would she keep a picture of them together in her notebook. Then, there's Brendon. I mean, if he loved Emily so much than why did he get together with Laura not that long after Emily's death.

Other then that I enjoyed the film. Most of it keeps you interested, but some parts of it you're just like "God will this never end?". You'll probably enjoy this movie more if you are around your teen years, though. But from this fellow viewer to another this movie is at least worth having a look at.
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October Road (2007–2008)
every true to life
25 March 2007
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When I saw the previews for this show I thought I should check it out cause it seemed like the kind of show that could keep you intrigued without dozens of plot twists thrown into the mix.

I mean, I TRIED to watch the OC because I just love dramas, but it was just too out there for me and made me feel completely unsympathetic to all of the characters no matter how many bad things happened to them. But this show makes me sympathize with all the characters case this is stuff that people really do go through. Sometimes you are an ass to your friends and you do talk trash behind their backs. And sometimes someone you love really does leave you.

This show can really hit close to home. If you go into any small town across America you will run into people just like this and fact that they can just throw real life on screen and keep you interested without throwing a bunch of useless drama into makes you want to just stay tuned.
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Lord of War (2005)
haven't seen anything like it!
25 March 2007
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Such a great film! I have a hard time finding good dramas to watch because I'm more of a horror kind of girl, but this one is hard not to love.

The whole movie keeps you interested. With an original plot about a guns dealer running into problems on and off the job. The writing was great and the acting was great.

It does things that most other movies don't do. It has man with a serious and life-threatening job and it shows the impact that this job has on him, his family, and the entire world.

One of the best movies you will ever see. This is definitely one you shouldn't miss out on.
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22 March 2007
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American Beauty is such an amazing movie! The drama, the comedy everything was just beautiful. Beautiful written and great actors.

This movie made you laugh at just how crazy the characters are and it makes you feel bad for them because they are so over the top crazy. I love the way it begins with the main character saying, "within the year I will be dead".

There is no movie out there like this. The characters are excellently written. You really buy the ruined marriage, the angry selfish daughter, the crazy stalker neighbor, and the object of the father's affections. No other movie has all these crazy together in the same movie.

If you haven't seen this movie, you have no idea what you are missing. I say go rent it and after you first watch it you'll want to go buy it. I promise.
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Married... with Children (1987–1997)
never anything else like it!
22 March 2007
Ahhh.. I don't think there will ever be another show like this one. At least not for me. I was only a kid when it was airing, but I never missed an episode. It was like a family tradition to gather around the living room and laugh at the Bundys.

There may be fifty thousand television shows about dysfunctional families, but none as dysfunctional as this one. And none nearly as funny or original.

I've watched each episode at least 10 times and will watch each episode 10 more times and so on and so forth.

This show is about a married couple that always poke fun at each other and complain about how miserable they are, but they still love each other. And their children are just horrible. The daughter is no smarter than the dog (who sometimes "talks") and always brings around strange boys (who are even strange to her). And the son is the exact opposite, nearly a genius and desperate to get some action for SOMEONE.

Best comedy there will ever be. If you haven't seen this show then you should definitely catch the reruns on FX. You don't even need to buy the DVDs!
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Dealing Dogs (2006 TV Movie)
shows you just how evil some people can be
19 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I gave this movie 5 stars is because I love the fact that it's bringing awareness to how poorly these dogs are being treated. Aside from the occasional sad stories you hear about on the news. This movie shows just how bad things like this really are. The reason that I didn't give this movie a full 10 stars is because it sickened me to see this poor helpless innocent dogs that didn't do anything wrong to anyone get tortured. The only reason I didn't turn the movie off was because once I saw one dog being mistreated I couldn't wait to see these bastards get theirs.

I've seen many stories about dogs being killed horribly on the news, but I had no idea how bad it was until after I watched this movie. It opened my eyes in so many ways. After watching it, all I could think about was how bad I, myself wanted to put a stop to these kind of abuse and I knew from that point on that when I'm older (I'm only 15) that I would do anything in power to bring these sick freaks to justice.

This movie made me cry like no other movie has ever will ever. This movie made me mad than anything I have ever seen. If you are a dog lover this movie is for you and after you watch it you'll probably be wanting to do everything in your power to stop it just like me. But if just the idea of a poor doggy being tortured and killed for no reason makes you sick than this movie just isn't for you. My thanks to the activists in this movie and all the people that made it possible for putting this sicko in jail bringing his place down and for giving people like me just the awareness we need.
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Ring Around the Rosie (2006 Video)
1 star
18 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If it was possible to give this pathetic excuse of a movie absolutely no stars I would have. This movie definitely ranks up there with one of the absolute worst movies I have ever seen.

For one, it was extremely boring. For like 5 minutes every 20 minutes it'd seem like it was going to get interesting but nope it just went nowhere.

The acting was horrible. I, myself, seem like a golden globe winner compared to the acting in this movie.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the plot. The whole makes-no-sense plot was all suppose to lead to a "surprisingly good ending", but nope definitely did not. Once the ending was revealed I thought that they were at least going to explain why this girl dreamed the whole movie up, but nope. They didn't explain how her sister died.

To sum it all up, if you have a choice between this movie and any other movie on the face of planet, get the other movie. I wasted 3 bucks to rent this movie cause with the title "Ring Around the Rosie" I thought it was going to be about a bunch of creepy kids (which absolutely scares the hell out of me). The title didn't enough have anything to do with the movie. This movie was just the very definition of crap!
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See No Evil (2006)
never again will I watch this
18 March 2007
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Even though, whenever you intend to watch a movie starring a WWE wrestler you should never expect the best, but I at least expected something better than this pile of crap. I don't even have to say how horrible the acting was.

I could come up with a better plot idea than this and I'm a 15-year-old girl. But I didn't even expect a decent plot but I hoped for at least some good gore but even that was dull.

The ending was boring and predictable. I was hoping that what with the movie not being A listed that there wouldn't be a "happily-ever after" ending but there was.

My point is that if you don't have to waste your time watching this than don't do it.
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6 March 2007
The first time I heard about this show was through all the ads on NBC and I just thought "dear God not another stupid TV show coming on the air for me to not watch" without really paying much attention. Then, the day it was set to premiere I heard a little more about it. The whole "brothers fighting for brothers" thing intrigued me. It kind of reminded me of "Four Brothers" (one of my personal favorite movies). So I decided to tune in. And boy, was I glad I did that.

This show is great! Finally, a little action and originality coming to TVs. You can tell that the writers wrote many movies just from the way its written, GREAT! The whole "Joey-Ice Cream telling the story" thing is quite original and with a little humor added into it.

Even though there's only been two episodes I can tell that I am definitely going to be tuning in for all the rest there is to come no matter how many that my be.

To break it all down, if you love movies/shows with action, drama, violence, with a little humor, etc. then you'll love this show. And if not, try to give it a shot, you probably won't regret it!
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Darkness (2002)
6 March 2007
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Wow! This movie was absolutely horrible! I could barely stand to sit through the whole film. Me and my friend went to see it when it came out in theaters and boy were we disappointed. The whole time we were just laughing and saying "what?".

For one, this movie didn't really make much sense. I think the whole idea of that was that the first time you watch it you'd just think "man, that was so stupid it made no sense" so that you'd go and watch it again and again just hoping for it to finally make sense. I think I may have started to understand what was going on, but I hope not cause then that would make the movie more retarded.

This movie went in the same direction that many other movies before it had only they made sense and all came together at the end.

My point is, is that if you haven't seen this movie and are thinking about it just forget or you'll end up like me and every person in the movie theater asking for their money back.
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5 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely right up there with one of the worst horror films I have ever seen. It was just so predictable. I knew everything that was going to happen in this movie before it did. And I didn't even see the original! What first drew me to this movie was that it was supposed to be some what based on an urban legend I use to love. Well, this movie just completely ruined the legend for me. They should have made the ending into one of the other versions of the legend where like the babysitter dies and tries to climb up the stairs with no legs. Now, THAT movie I would have loved.

This movie just seemed to go on and on forever, it was so boring! My advice is if your browsing through movies and come across this one, just move along.
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Pulse (I) (2006)
give it a shot
5 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I actually quite enjoyed this film. I don't see why so many people hated it. It didn't terrify me or anything, but I thought the concept was pretty good. The way it was filmed, special effects, actors, writing, and special effects I also enjoyed.

Many people say that this film copied off of other movies such as Fear Dot Com and others. I did indeed see some similarities. But what with the millions and millions of films out there now of course your gonna come across movies that are similar. And in my own personal opinion I think this movie was better than the ones people say it "copied off of".

I'll admit that at first I didn't quite get how in the begin everything was so slow moving and only a few people died, but at the end half the world was gone. I thought things moved WAY too fast for me. But then I thought about what it would be like if this really did happen and I believed it.

So, I think that if you haven't seen this movie you should at least give it a shot and ignore all the negative comments.
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Tales from the Crypt (1989–1996)
miss it!
3 March 2007
Oh man, I miss this show so very much. I wish upon oh so many stars for them to bring it back. *sigh* There aren't many shows EVER to have a whole new storyline every episode. And for the ones there are, none of them can even begin to compare with this one. It had EVERYTHING; humor, horror, drama, and an amazing, original host to start each episode off: The Cryptkeeper.

There may be other shows that are similar, but none will ever have anything like the Cryptkeeper. When I was younger, I was terrified of him. But as I got older I listened more to what he said and realized how hilarious he was. Not because his jokes were funny, but more because of how corny they are, but yet he thinks they are just the funniest things in the world.

The thing is is that if you haven't seen this show then you definitely need to go out and buy the episodes. And if you don't feel like taking a big step like that, go rent them, then you can buy them. I, myself, am waiting eagerly for them to put the rest of the seasons on DVD so I can have a HUGE marathon of nothing but "Tales From the Crypt"!
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Dinosaurs (1991–1994)
love it!
3 March 2007
I am very very happy that I grew up in the '90s or else I probably would have never heard of this show. It made me giggle like a little girl when I was a little girl and now that I'm older I still giggle like a little girl at this show.

I have some of the old tapes from when they came out on VHS, oh so many years. I stumbled across them when me and my friend were bored and looking for something entertaining to watch. I remember loving the show from when I was little but once I put that tape in I began loving the show as a teenager.

It's hilarious. The line I remember and love the most is "my family loves him so much, my wife calls him honey and my kids call him daddy". I can't remember the episode or the guy that said, all I can remember is the quote and it being about the boss man.

If you haven't seen this show then you should definitely find a way to see it all.
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