
13 Reviews
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David Warbeck
22 October 2001
is the only reason you should watch this film, it was certainly the only reason I watched it. Apart from his amusing cameo the film sucked (pardon the pun). I was going to say this was a terrible waste of talent, but as there is none in this film (apart from Mr Warbeck) I won't.
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Do your dirty laundry here, but remember to undress first!
22 October 2001
A fine little film from cult director Ruggero Deodato, not one of his personal favourites but one of the few you can see in the UK uncut. It is certainly worth watching, most people think of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST when the name Deodato is mentioned, which is a shame because he has directed some very entertaining films and this is one of them. If you like erotic thrillers then this is for you, if you just like to be entertained then this is also for you.
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Double Target (1987)
Not Good.
22 October 2001
I am not a big fan of Bruno Mattei, in fact I think his films are terrible, but for some reason I still watch them when I find them. This one, like STRIKE COMMANDO followed the plot of RAMBO FIRST BLOOD PART II to the letter. If only it was as well made as the Stallone film then it might be worth watching but alas it is not. The acting is awful, not even genre vets Pleasence, Pigozzi, Monty or Vanni can lift this film. The script doesn't help, in that it is littered with pathetic humour that wouldn't fit in a CARRY ON movie, a good example being when hero O'Keefe races through the Russian / Vietnamese camp on a motorcycle and runs over one of the enemy, one gets stuck on the front of the bike and the heroes throw him off with the cheesy line "no hitchhikers" or something banal like that. Just avoid it at all costs
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Cut and Run (1984)
Blood and Guts!
22 October 2001
Fine action film from Italian Ruggero Deodato that features a great cast of American stars - well you know what I mean when I say stars. I was fortunate enough to see the uncut version under the title AMAZONIA LA JUNGLE BLANCHE - although it was in French with no subtitles, I still enjoyed it though. Claudio Simonetti's bombastic score is a real treat and needs a CD release. Look out for the Anchor Bay DVD release due out sometime in 2002 - Uncut and Widescreen with an interview with good old Ruggero.
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Enjoyable B Movie!
22 October 2001
I like this film, apart from being directed by the great Antonio Margheriti, it also features a great cast of B Movie stalwarts - Christopher Connelly, Lee Van Cleef, Luciano Pigozzi and Mike Monty - all with tongues firmly stuck in cheeks. The model effects may not be convincing, but I will take them over CGI any day. Margheriti directs with pure gutso and the cast look to be enjoying themselves. If I had to make a choice between Indiana Jones or Captain Yankee, Captain Yankee would win hands down.
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The Commander (1988)
Third time unlucky!
10 October 2001
This film follows CODENAME WILDGEESE and COMMANDO LEOPARD. It is not as good as either of those films, due mainly to the fact that the action sequences lack the tight editing and loud sound effects of the two earlier films. The acting is good, and far better than your average B movie. Fans of these European films will get a kick out of the cast of B movie favourites Collins, Van Cleef, Pleasence, Halsey, Lehmann, Puppo, Monty and others. May director Margheriti continue to work, I for one will still watch his films.
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10 October 2001
Italian B movies don't get better than this. Great cast, fantastic action sequences, great score and top notch direction from old hand Antonio Margheriti. If there was a trio of movies that should be released on DVD it is CODENAME WILDGEESE, this and THE COMMANDER. Maybe Anchor Bay will do the right thing and get it out on disc.
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Slipstream (1989)
Oh well!
25 August 2001
At one time I was a huge Bill Paxton fan, and at one time I was a huge fan of SLIPSTREAM from Entertainment Film Distributors. I even had a 30 minute long MAKING OF SLIPSTREAM from Entertainment In Video for publicity purposes, and the only reason I watched KANSAS was to see the trailer for SLIPSTREAM. So when the film was finally released into UK cinemas in 1989, I rushed out with a friend of mine and watched it twice at the Beau Nash Cinema in Bath. I loved it, Mark Hamill was better in this than he ever was in the STAR WARS films, Bob Peck was Bob Peck, Kitty Aldredge was nice to look at, and Bill Paxton was cool (that word was popular back then) unfortunately the film has not aged to well and by todays standards is very, very boring. Great music score by Elmer Bernstein, which was available for a while at ASDA!
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...and about time!
18 August 2001
At last an official sequel to Sergio Corbucci's classic DJANGO and what a return! Franco Nero reprises the role that made him famous, and it fits him like an old glove. Nello Rossati directs the film with some flair, improving on his previous film with Nero the wacky TOP LINE. The late Christopher Connelly turns in another great performance, and Donald Pleasence is a treat in his amusing role as Ben Gunn. Lots of action and plenty of style make for an enjoyable film and this is certainly that...see it!

N.B. Try to get hold of the Anchor Bay double DVD set, it includes the missing prologue featuring spaghetti western favourite William Berger.
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Ninja's in enjoyable film shocker!
13 August 2001
First things first, I hate Ninja movies, in fact I can't stand Martial Arts movies either, the exception of course being ENTER THE DRAGON. But this is one Ninja movie I like, I first saw it back in the mid 80s when it was first released on video in the U.K. by Entertainment In Video, and it blew me away with its great action sequences and excellent music score. It is just great fun from start to finish and Chuck Connors adds a touch of class to the proceedings. A few years back I was able to buy a brand new copy for £10, also got COBRA MISSION for the same price and condition, check out the trailer for SAKURA KILLERS on this release also from EIV it is a blinder...
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12 August 2001
Italian director Antonio Margheriti serves up another entertaining action flick. The film has a great international cast, great music, great action and some great model effects. Seek this one out and enjoy, if only someone would release a widescreen version in it's correct ratio of 2.35:1. Quentin Tarantino you did it for THE BEYOND now how about for this. I recommend the following titles if you liked this THE LAST HUNTER, TORNADO, COMMANDO LEOPARD, THE COMMANDER and COBRA MISSION.
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Brutal and bloody...
6 August 2001
Saw this film way back when it was first released in England, being very young at the time this film made quite an impact on me. The English countryside may not be convincing but the brutal and bloody action is, very graphic and a strong stomach recommended. If you live in England and have trouble tracking the film down it was re-released as COMBAT ZONE by Castle Home Video.
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Entertainment with a capital E!
5 August 2001
Ruggero Deodato's 1983 classic is one of the most entertaining B movies I have ever seen, the story might be out there, but this is one film where the actors and action drive the narrative. Christopher Connelly and Tony King make a great double act and director Deodato was obviously having a good time directing something more entertaining than his previous film THE HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK. Find this film and enjoy, because they don't make them like this anymore!
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