
3 Reviews
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Bama Rush (2023)
This doc is a total mess that goes nowhere
11 June 2023
When we start off in the beginning of film, meeting all of the wannabe pledges, I thought that we would be following their journey through Rush week and see how it all pans out. But all we get is a bunch of selfie footage of the girls talking about themselves and showing off their wardrobes, interspersed with a few conversations of girls talking to the director about their insecurities. There are no timelines so you have no idea where in the semester they are. (At one point there is footage of two of the girls are dressed up like movie theater ushers and I thought they were going to part-time jobs but then all of a sudden, everyone in the scene is in costume and you realize, oh this must be a Halloween party). In fact, most of the conversations seem to take place before Rush, rather than during. Then, the director turns the camera on herself to talk about her alopecia and tries to equate her struggle with the condition with the girls who are rushing. Say what? The only interesting parts of the film are learning the history of sororities in the US and finding out that there are actual Rush coaches who help the wannabes get into their dream sorority. I am not even sure how it ends because I turned it off halfway through.
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I enjoyed it more than I thought I would
11 April 2021
Admittedly, the premise of this show is a little all over the place. Jenna Lyons is launching a new business since leaving her storied career at J. Crew. Ok cool. I would've loved a show where this was the focus, a behind-the-scenes look of her working life (like 'The Rachel Zoe Project' which I LOVED).

However, then they throw in this reality show competition thing where she is ALSO hiring a new associate to be on her team. That part was an unnecessary mess. In the real world, these folks never would've gotten through the door with her in the first place. She is a total perfectionist who IRL would hire the most accomplished, professional and talented people on earth. But these contestants show up for interviews with NO resume in hand (hello? That's Rule #1 of interviewing). No portfolios (When Jenna asked to see her work, one says, 'I can show you pictures on my phone?' Jenna recoils at the idea). And not a ton of relevant work experience. (They DO have loads of confidence, though). She brings these people along with her to help with various major design projects, which is baffling because they are untested and inexperienced.

And also, the little pop up captions were corny and annoying.

Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the show for one reason -- Jenna and her team. They know fashion and interior design and retail, and I've been trying to find a design show to fill the void (HGTV is basically all real estate shows now). Jenna is a master stylist and I love the "Just the Tips" vignettes. Plus, Jenna herself has such great style I could watch her walk back and forth on the TV screen.
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Booksmart (2019)
Funny, but not perfect
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I see why 'Booksmart' has been compared to 'Superbad', but I actually got more 'Can't Hardly Wait' vibes and a few from 'Dazed & Confused'. With that said, it's not as good as any of them.

I did think there were a lot of funny moments, though and I think the overall plot was good. I laughed out loud at the dance moves at the beginning and I could def relate to Molly waiting for her crush to return to her at a party and then he ghosted her another girl.

But certain things really bothered me that made me give this a lower score than it might've been.

Right off the bat was, why are these kids wearing turtlenecks, tights, blazers and layers in Los Angeles in May/ June?

Also where were Molly's parents? And why was Molly -- 17/ 18 years old -- the one who got Amy out of jail? In real life, she would have at least had one of her own parents with her to help (if Amy didn't want hers knowing where she was).

Similarly, why was it MOLLY who dropped Amy off at the airport? Realistically, Amy's parents would've been the ones to do it (and they probably would've gone into the airport to wait with her at the terminal).

And don't even get me started about the girls changing into Miss Fine's clothes in the back of the car and they just happen to fit (Jessica Williams is 6' tall).

It's little unrealistic bits like this that could easily have been dealt with and made the film better than it was. I really like Olivia Wilde, but she doesn't seem very detail oriented in her direction.
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