
17 Reviews
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Rose Matafeo: Horndog (2020 TV Special)
Probably one of the best stand up shows ever?
5 February 2022
Hilarious from start to finish, watched it twice now and somehow even better the second time! I don't understand the low reviews? Rose Matafeo is amazing, really recommend :))
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why such low ratings?
23 December 2021
Ok, maybe it's not as good as the first nativity film. And not even as good as the second one but i don't understand why this film has got so much hate??? The girl who plays Lauren is actually a very good actor and the songs are just as fun and catchy as the other films. Yes, some bits don't make a lot of sense (like why is it dark in London when they are doing the flash mobs but the middle of the day when the other kids are watching it live from school?!?!) and the whole story of Mr Shepard losing his memory is incredibly unrealistic. But it's a cute, fun, christmassy film so what's not to love?
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Tipping Point (2012– )
I'm a 16 year old girl and i watch this religiously
12 October 2021
TIPPING POINT IS THE BEST QUIZ SHOW EVER AND I REFUSE TO EXCEPT THAT IS HAS SO MANY LOW REVIEWS?!?!? It's addictive to watch and i don't even know why?? Ben is an icon, the format is brilliant and i could literally watch it all day everyday, dear god help me.
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Outsiders (2021– )
Taskmaster in the woods
4 October 2021
Only seen the first episode but i'm loving it so far!!! Obviously not as good as taskmaster but still hilarious! Love all of the comedians and hope they make more series! Cannot wait to watch more DAVE YOUR ORIGINAL SHOWS ARE MY MAIN SOURCE OF HAPPINESS.
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Dave shows are fab
18 September 2021
Watched the first episode of this the other day and it's great!! Fern, Darren and Ivo are so funny and likeable and the whole show was interesting, educational and hilarious! Cant wait to watch more. Cheers Dave for all your brillaint original comedy.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
this film made me feel ready to eat apricots
3 September 2021
10 stars just cos of James Acaster.

The film is rubbish beh beh.
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Mama Mia on a budget
28 August 2021
Listen, it's terrible. But don't hesitate to watch it!! This is one of me and my friend's go-to films at sleepovers just because it's so hilariously bad! We laugh out loud everytime but for all the wrong reasons. The songs come out of nowhere, the acting is pathetic, the script is so badly written and the storyline? Unbelievably unrealistic and predictable!! But I LOVE it.
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Bang lyrical blow to the Jaw
28 August 2021
The film was everything i hoped for and more! If you are a fan of the series then you will love this!! Absolutely hilarious throughout and so many memorable moments that me and my family have been talking about all week! The storyline is great and the Japan setting makes it even more entertaining! I'm presuming the bad reviews are just from people who have never seen the show! But go watch it!! #fucktaka.
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Rolling in It (2020–2021)
tipping point from wish
28 August 2021
I mean yes, it's a relatively entertaining game show but one pair always end up stealing the spotlight and getting all the money then at the last moment the others steal it and it all changes or it doesn't. The general knowledge stuff is all so easy that it's all just a question of how good you are at rolling a coin in the right direction. Steven please just stick with catchphrase you have enough money already. This show is just tipping point from Wish.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
no, just no.
3 August 2021
Watched like one episode last year and just didn't understand the hype. Just a bunch of supposedly attractive cringey american teenagers prancing about on an island. Wasnt interesting enough to continue watching. If you want some proper entertainment watch some british comedy x.
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The Emily Atack Show (2020–2022)
2 stars just cos i feel bad for emily
28 July 2021
Watched this show a while ago and only just remembered how terrible it was. I feel sorry for emily cos she's so funny, was great on i'm a celeb and celebrity juice but mate, this just isn't for you. Whoever wrote the awful jokes should be ashamed of themselves. Me and mum watched 10 minutes and had to turn over cos it was just so cringey and unfunny! All i remember was 2 sisters fighting over money after a family member died and it was just weird?!?!? Emily, stick to what you're good at x.
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Ed Gamble: Blood Sugar (2019 TV Special)
The diabetic comedian does it again
4 July 2021
Ed Gamble is brilliant!! This had me laughing out loud so many times and is really rewatchable!! In my opinion it gets better as it goes along because the stuff about the sponsored dog and his dads cat is hilarious!! My only criticism is the farting at the massage jokes go on a little bit too long 😭
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Hypothetical (2019–2022)
Acaster is Amazing
4 July 2021
I can see why some people wouldn't like this show, it's very random and crazy but in my opinion that's why it's so funny! There is always a great selection of comedians on it too!!
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Josh (2014–2017)
Not amazing but not terrible
28 May 2021
I'm a big fan of British comedy so i'd thought i should check this out. I'll be honest, it's not the best. I like Josh Widdecombe but this could have been a lot better. The acting is a bit crap but in a way makes it more funny. Personally i think the character of Geoff, the annoying landlord who won't leave them alone is a lot like Jim from the channel 4 sitcom Friday Night Dinner, just a more sane and less funny version. The plots for the episodes are clever and funny but it's not really Laugh out loud hilarious and i definitely won't rush to watch it again. If it wasn't for Ellis James then i would probably rate it even lower!

Edit: I take this all back, it's 7 months later and i'm rewatching. It's actually great. Watch it again and you will appreciate it more 👍changing to 10/10.
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28 May 2021
James Acaster has done it again, this man is a comedy genius but there was something about this show that just feels so special and personal. This will make you laugh and cry at the same time! I really recommend you buy it because it's worth it!! I can't wait for the day when i get to see James performing live :) *** UPDATE!! I met him and Ed gamble on sunday night for the off menu podcast show and got to get photos with them both afterwards!
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Taskmaster (2015– )
This show makes me proud to be british
28 May 2021
Firstly, Alex Horne is a genius. This show is just incredible. Every series is hilarious and unique and the tasks are great! So many great comedians have taken part , all bringing there own unique humour and take on the tasks making this programme so enjoyable. Greg Davies as the hilarious headteacher-like taskmaster and "Little Alex Horneeee!" are what make Taskmaster so special though. This show is fantastic and i hope it continues for years to come!
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
underrated and hilarious!
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From reading past reviews, many have said that after series one the show is not worth watching however i completely disagree! i think series 2 3 and 4 are the best because of cuckoo's long lost son "Dale" Greg Davies makes this show however, and i think without ken and his hilarious neighbour Steve the show would be rubbish. I did however think that series 5 was a bit of a let down. Dale is suddenly just "gone" and there is no explanation as to why. This really annoyed me as i loved his relationship with Rachel and it was very irritating when we are not told why. The plot is still quite good in series 5 and very funny but it's just not the same. MAKE A SERIES 6 AND BRING DALE BACK!!!
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