
14 Reviews
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Joey (2004–2006)
Just not that funny
8 July 2006
I did not expect another "Friends", but I did expect funnier dialogue. The script seems somewhat flat, and the so-called funny bits seem to elicit laughs of the forced variety. One reviewer commented that people didn't compare "Frasier" to "Cheers"; there really was no need. "Frasier" may not have had the same writers as "Cheers", but it was still fresh and witty. "Joey" does not boast the golden team of writers that "Friends" had, and perhaps that is where it's lacking. These writers aren't really digging for subtle or original humor- it's a rehash of just about every other sitcom that's been before. And I'm sorry, but that's not humorous- that's regurgitation.
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Mainly for young kids
10 January 2006
My kids and I were really anticipating the release of this film, and perhaps that's why it ended up falling flat for me. Then again, it could be the overly advertised and merchandising that Disney/Pixar obviously spent zillions of dollars on to ensure your kids would bug you to buy them every CL thing under the sun. Or, Pixar has set the computer animation bar so high with gems like "The Incredibles" that everything else seems lame by comparison. But really, I think the storyline was very weak. Yes, Chicken Little finds "A piece of the sky", which turns out to be something you'd never guess in a million years. Because of his over-the-top belief in the sky falling, everyone in the town avoids him or makes fun of him, and even his own Father is embarrassed by him. Once he is proved right, though, they're singing a different tune.

There isn't a whole lot to praise/discuss about this movie, although they did secure a great cast (Zach Braff, Joan Cusak, Garry Marshall and Steve Zahn, one of my all-time favorites). After wondering if I'd lost my love for animation, it was a relief, albeit strange, to hear my 7 year old daughter ask me (after it was over)if we could "go do something fun now". When I rounded on her, indignant at the lack of appreciation for taking her to the movies, she commented with totally honesty, "I just didn't think it was very good". I think that says it all, don't you?
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Boxing Helena (1993)
A train wreck
10 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Kim Basinger never spent $9 million so well as she did pulling out of this stinker.

Horrid dialogue, cheesy acting and Art Garfunkel sporting two puffs of hair on either side of his head (like a hippie Bram Stoker's 'Dracula') make this rotter an unintentionally hilarious film. But it's obvious that Jennifer Lynch wanted so badly to strike a bizarre chord just like her famous daddy that she was willing to sacrifice everything...apparently, even her dignity.

BH is the tale of a whiny doctor (Sands)who's mama didn't love him. Gee, do you think he'll grow up resenting women? When gets a whiff of wench-o-la Helena (Fenn)he's obsessed and begins to stalk her. Her macho-man boyfriend Ray (Paxton, modeling a mullet Billy Ray Cyrus would have been embarrassed by)does nothing to instill the audiences confidence in Helen's ability to choose men. It's also never stated what this woman does for a living, but she's got some pretty sweet accommodations, and even a full bar in her bedroom.

When Dr. Nick can't get Helena to go for him, a severe accident involving a truck and Helena gives Nick the opportunity to have her recouperate in his home. Unfortunately, he's also used the opportunity to his advantage by cutting off her legs. When she deigns to slap him, he removes her arms. All throughout the film, we see shots of the Venus de Milo. Plot point shoved home! And apparently, Lynch would have us believe a man can hack off your limbs and still make you fall for him. But the obsurdity of that pales in comparison to the "Bad Movie-Making 101" ending. Rent it purely for comic relief.
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Coupling (2003)
11 April 2004
Many people say that the American version of "Coupling" bombed because they were comparing it to the UK version. In reality, the Yank version didn't stand a chance. The actors chosen were decent enough, but they just cannot recreate the dysfunction in the same way. I mean, how can you have someone else play Jeff Murdock?? Or Jane, for that matter? Not to mention the fact that they would stick to the original script word for word at some times, and then add their own material in other areas (presumeably to reach the American audience). Soooooo bad, so very, very bad. Buy Seasons 1 and 2 of the British "Coupling" instead, and you'll understand the difference.
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The American version was utterly horrible
11 April 2004
So horrible, in fact, that the UK version probably changed it's name to "British Men Behaving Badly" so no one would confuse the hilarious version with the wretched American one starring (of all people) SNL's Rob Schneider and Ron Eldard (who was much better in "Sleepers").

The UK version stars Martin Clunes ("Shakespeare in Love", "Saving Grace", and the voice of Kipper) and Leslie Ash (who's had some atrocious plastic surgery since- she doesn't even look like herself anymore). Watching Clunes and Morrisey fumble around through bachelorhood is hysterical, since you wouldn't believe some of the things they do to cover their tracks from their girlfriends (who, of course, already know what they're up to). Great show. Too bad NBC insists on doing their own versions of Brit comedies- remember the debacle that was the American "Coupling"? Ugh. Leave it to the pros, guys.
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Judas (2004 TV Movie)
Naples, FL
9 March 2004
Absolutely the worst, WORST, storytelling ever. Are we trying to make the Bible hip and fresh for the youngins'? While I'm all for Judas as 90 minutes worth of eye candy (Schaech is bloody fit!), do we really think he'd turn to Jesus and say, "What the hell?!?"? And what's with the new Jim Morrison-like teenager friendly Jesus? I seriously doubt Jesus would use the phrase, "whadda say?". Ugh- the worst piece of tripe I've seen in a long time. And the only thing funnier than Tim Matheson as Pontius Pilate is perhaps Yul Brenner sporting a cowboy outfit in "Magnificent Seven". Pass on this. Go for an A&E Bible epic like "Moses" with Ben Kingsley. Much better than this after school special debacle.
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Doctor Doctor (1989–1991)
"Maxx Headroom" gets his own show
25 February 2004
Matt Frewer, best known for his "Maxx Headroom" Coke commercials, had a great series going with "Doctor, Doctor". I was pretty young when it was on, but I remember my Dad and I used to laugh and laugh. It was one of those shows he'd anticipate watching (a big deal, as he's someone who regards watching T.V. as a huge waste of time). If you have an opportunity to see it, you should. Personally, I'm emailing networks that air reruns and suggesting DD. Funny stuff. Makes you wonder: how does a great show like DD get canceled, yet insipid tripe like "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance" is a huge hit. To quote Sideshow Bob, TV has become a "chum bucket". Bring back shows like DD and let's obliterate 95% of "reality" shows.
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Deliciously cheesy
25 February 2004
Whenever my sister and I get in the mood for a mini-series marathon, we rent "The Thorn Birds", but only if our all-time fave is checked out. I refer, of course, to BTB's "A Woman of Substance". This mini-series boasts a stellar cast- Deborah Kerr, Liam Neeson, Jenny Seagrove, Barry Bostwick, and a young Miranda Richardson. The rags-to-riches story of Emma Harte's (Kerr/Seagrove)empire is riddled with tragedy and passion (what else?). The acting at times can be a bit overdone, but that makes it all the more a guilty pleasure. And hey- yummy Liam Neeson is in it! How can you go wrong? Check out Barry Bostwick pre-"Spin City" sporting a cheesy Freddie Mercury mustache!
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5 February 2004
It goes without saying that this film is a total "Witness" ripoff, except now the tough-guy cop is a woman (Griffith) and the religious setting is within the Hasidic Jewish community instead of the Amish. Oh yeah, and the difference in acting (i.e. "Witness"= superb, "Stranger"stinko).

The first scene shows Emily Eden (Griffith)and her partner in front of a club, reminiscing about their "rock" days, and how bad they are. They're apparently waiting for some thugs to walk into the bar to arrest them. Once the said thugs arrive, they follow them at about six feet behind, yelling about "back-up", and apparently the thugs are so dense, they don't hear them and bolt. Eden's partner ends up getting knifed as he cuffs the guy while winking at her (saucy!), and ends up half comatose in ER. 10 minutes into the movie, you begin to envy him.

This movie was poorly written, directed and acted. We cannot buy Griffith as a tough talking rebel cop with that Betty Boop voice of hers, and it's easy to see why "Stranger Among Us" is one of the top 10 "butt of movie jokes" films of all time.
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Coupling (2003)
Is anyone else tired of ths US nicking great Brit comedy?
29 September 2003
Having been a longtime fan of "Coupling" (the original and better Brit version), I rolled my eyes when I'd heard NBC announce they setup an American version of this show for their fall lineup. The actors/actresses are awful, none of whom can make their lines sound believeable. They all sound as if they're reading straight from the script. Just as "Men Behaving Badly" was a smash hit in Britain, but failed miserabley here, I predict "Coupling" USA will pretty much follow the same path. Boo. Get digital cable and watch the Brit "Coupling" instead. Season 1 is available on DVD (around $25) and well worth the money. Skip the hideous American version.
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Queer Eye (2003–2007)
The best-rated show in Bravo's history
5 August 2003
If you haven't tasted Bravo's "QEFTSG", you are missing out, mate. These gorgeous boys make we lasses swoon (they are soooo yum!). Not to mention the constant head-nodding that we do throughout the entire show. What surprises me the most is how some of these people (men and women) live like utter slobs! The "Fab 5" come to the rescue, not only scouring the filth, but revamping the apartment/house (much like "Changing Rooms", or it's American sibling "Trading Spaces"). They also strive to train the straight guy how to groom himself- not just what to or what not to wear, but the best way to shave to avoid ingrown hairs, why shampoo+conditioner combos are horrible, why a manly manicure is appealing, and what to cook for their lovely counterparts. The best part comes at the last 15 minutes of the show, where our boys watch, on camera, as the straight bloke prepares himself and his evening meal, and watches the girl's reaction. "Cheers for Queers", everyone! Don't miss this groundbreaking show.
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Smells like rivalry
9 July 2003
I heard somewhere that Courtney Love tried like the dickens to get this little documentary banned. If there is no truth to it, why would she care so much? Makes you think...

Nick Bloomfield interviews people a courtroom wouldn't consider reliable witnesses- El Duce, for one- a singer who was one bizarre addict himself. He claims Love offered him $50,000 to kill Cobain. Looking at this guy, you automatically rely on his testimony like your local weather report. Still, it is very interesting that weeks after this interview, El Duce was found dead on the railroad tracks by his home. An investigor who was at Cobain's "suicide" scene claims Cobain had way too much heroin in his system to be coherent enough to pull a trigger on himself with any accuracy. Cobain's Aunt claims the whole conspiracy theory is a load of bunk, and she feels Kurt had suicidal tendencies as well as addictions. Yet most of the people interviewed agree that Courtney was a vindictive slag, jealous of Cobain's success and tried to hitch her wagon to Nirvana's rising star (memories of Courtney and Kurt on the cover of the now defunked "Sassy" magazine, with Courtney trying to portray herself has the Nancy Spungen of the '90's comes to mind). I've never been a big Love or "Hole" fan, mainly because I don't think Love is that talented a musician or singer. I feel she has what they call "delusions of grandure", which is why this documentary, for as shaky as the evidence presented is, makes me wonder if it isn't the naked truth.
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EastEnders (1985– )
Bring back Melanie Healey/Beale/Owen!
19 May 2003
Oh, how I love my "East Enders"- it's a weekly treat I never miss. I do wish, however, that they could somehow bring Melanie Owen back into the story- she was great. And I also wish that Barry Evans would have an accident at the car lot or something. His incessant whining grates on my nerves!
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EastEnders (1985– )
The best and most realistic soap you're not watching
7 January 2003
BBC America runs an omnibus once a week of this popular British soap opera. If you don't get BBC America, call your cable company and ask about digital cable- it's generally only about 10 bucks more a month than regular cable, and you get more channels. That said, I was hooked from the first time I watched "EastEnders" a little over a year ago. It took a few episodes and a book ("EastEnders Who's Who", available from me to catch on, but it was worth it. These characters, although sometimes predictable (cheating exes, guy gets fatal brain tumor, etc,)are more realistic than any lame-o American soap- maybe because they don't sport red sequinned dresses and 5 pounds of make-up at 10:30 a.m. on a Tuesday. There's a chock full of good stuff happening in Albert Square- call you cable operator and get the Beeb if, for nothing else, this fabulous show!
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