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From the Hip (1987)
Courtroom dramedy that is better than the sum of its parts
27 July 2021
There's something good about this one. Sure, it's dated, some of the jokes don't land, it's very unrealistic and the acting and technical qualities are all over the place, but it remains entertaining for nearly the entire runtime. Judd Nelson is sorta flat, but him and his lawyer friends (Dan Monahan and David Alan Grier) are still fun to watch. There's some great character acting (by Darren McGavin, Edward Winter, Nancy Marchand, Ray Walston, Alan Arbuand) and the story keeps stringing you along while time flies. This might not be the most deep film you ever see, but it is oddly charming.

The story, about a young junior lawyer pulling antics to quickly rise the ranks, is filled with preposterous courtroom scenes that somehow, through humor, make you forget how stupid the proceedings are. Swinging a hammer around and arguing about using curse words during a deposition are just good bits. The third act takes a serious turn, the movie suffering for it, and there are some weird things that don't add up by the end (what was Judd's obsession with those comic characters about? Why is his friend having girl troubles?) but overall it's a decent lazy afternoon movie.

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Steve-O: Gnarly (2020 TV Movie)
27 July 2021
Steve-O was never the best on his own, but his manic drug-fueled stunts on Jackass and Wildboyz were undeniably entertaining. And the documentary PCP Saved My Life should be shown in drug and alcohol prevention classes - it's very good, but extremely hard to watch. This, on the other hand, is *just* hard to watch. Good for Steve-O for being sober and seemingly happy, but Patrice Oneal said it best: "This new sober you STINKS".

A stand-up special with no funny jokes. A stunt video with no good stunts (just gross-out stuff). Rambling storytelling that's only for the most diehard of diehard fans. There's no reason to watch this, unless you've seen everything else he's done, and can excuse some lame stunts and bad jokes.
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Censor (2021)
Into the Video Nasties
20 July 2021
Back in the 80s and 90s, any video store you walked into would have a decent sized horror section. These were always stocked with B-Movies you'd never heard of, with striking cover art and plenty of gore, but not much else going for them. This movie is sort of the inverse of that: it's kind of a student film dressed up as an old-school slasher.

The best thing about this movie is the production quality and attention to detail, along with a clear love for the genre. There's an 80s aesthetic complete with convincing outdated props that saturate the sets. The main character Enid wears ridiculous glasses and a pant-suit hiked a foot above her naval. There are subtle homages to classic 80s horror films like Possession, and plenty of 4:3 super-8 style horror footage, too. Truly a fan-service film that relies on you being a former Blockbuster cardholder. This movie is very obviously made by someone with a passion for those old days.

But if you weren't around for those days, I think the movie would still work. It *is* a slow burn, but the technical aspects are all quality, so it kept my attention. It stands in stark contrast to the horror films depicted in the movie, and also most modern horror. There's only one jumpscare! This is more in the vein of Lynch or The Tenant, and the cover doesn't really convey that (great poster, though).

As for the negatives, it is very predictable, and it shows it's low budget by offering few locales and sets. There's a subplot involving videos corrupting people and making them violent, but it's never developed or tied into the plot beyond the movie flat-out saying, "this is a thing that's happening". I could see people being put-off by the ending, it certainly leaves a lot of loose ends, but I was mostly okay with that. Not everything needs to be spelled out.

Overall it's good, especially if you judge it as low budget horror. I had some laughs and dug the aesthetic, I might even watch it again some day.
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Baoh the Caller (1989 Video)
A smile for tomorrow to dry your tears of today
18 June 2021
46min anime about two people with mutant abilities, one is a little girl with a pet squirrel pokémon and the other is just typical anime dude... he's a guy who gets powers blah blah blah. There isn't much characterization here. The underlying story about an organization that controls and tries to harness the power of 'Boah' (and others) is the most interesting stuff. That, and the well directed violent battle scenes; great use of POV and close-ups. Very reminiscent of JoJo at times, and unfortunately there is a bit of dog torture, I'm not sure why Araki has (or had) that fixation.

The English dub sounds bad, just VHS quality; and they turned down the music it seems... I usually prefer the dub but here you gotta go with the OG Japanese track, my copy is great quality.

This gets an easy recommend, it doesn't drag at 46 minutes (the start is a little cheesy), it's unorthodox and bloody and kept me entertained and interested 'till the end.

Make sure you watch through the credits.
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