
19 Reviews
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Mermaid Down (2019)
You what?
17 May 2024
I honestly don't see the point of this? It's actually well shot, the visuals and the camera work are pretty good. Sound quality is decent also.

Whoever made this however has zero idea about story. It's an absolute mess and it barely makes sense, I hate torture pics and love sci fi mindbenders. This happens to be a poor mash up of both.

The story makes so little sense I gave up trying to understand it half way through, It's like the maker had some vague idea what a film should be about but has had no real guidance in what films should be like.

So to the creator, you're lucky there are morons who will pay for this nonsense to be shot so well but you're a rubbish deadbeat writer.
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Ghost Stories (I) (2017)
One of my favourites
27 April 2024
I watch far too many horror films. And there an awful lot out there. It's a market saturated to the point of no return to be honest.

Whilst most are exactly the same and follow pretty much the same formula, this one breaks the mould very well. It's not ever really like your typical gritty "Film4" horror. The best way I can try and describe it is a dark comedy film that isn't really quiet comedy. But it's never really 100% serious which is what I like about it.

It's a "League of Gentlemen" does horror kind of thing. Indeed Andy Nyman and Paul Whitehead appear to give it that kind of feeling.

It is however really quite unsettling. Keeps you sucked in til the very last, very, weird end. Just watching it for the third time and it's not getting worn. Second time I watched it was late on Xmas Eve with my dad one year with a beer and some Lindt. Excellent.
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No faults at all
13 April 2024
Saw this on a streaming site and thought it would be good. Guessed it would be a bit gritty and miserable and Film4 like (which is no bad thing, Film4 is fantastic!).

However its a creature purely of its own. I'm not Northern and I sometimes get a bit annoyed that Northern films make out the North is better than the South. Just as the South does the North (I'm a Midlander so I don't care).

There was simply nothing I could say against this film. It was 100% genuine, the writing and story were top class. Apparently neither of the two lead performers had acted before and the lad who plays the lead now has other business ventures in the local area (my great aunt lives there). You couldn't tell they were debut folk!

The shooting and scenery were beautiful/real and the music was great but not OTT.

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The Tearsmith (2024)
Pretty darn bad
9 April 2024
Ok, so this film isn't aimed at my demographic. It's more aimed at young to middle teenage girls. I guess that needs to be taken into consideration, as well as the fact that the dubbing was clearly done really badly as the English was stilted and poorly delivered.

However even with those excuses it's still very poor. It looks very nice and is shot beautifully for the most part, and the soundtrack/score is pretty good.

But the storyline itself doesn't really go anywhere or make any sense and the characters all act weirdly or very 2D. All the character appear to be crazy or stupid, or a bit of both.

If you're going to rip off another franchise (Twilight) learn from the mistakes rather than exaggerating them. This makes that look like a masterpiece.
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Irish Wish (2024)
Lohan on general form
15 March 2024
All of the characters seem nice except Lohan's low intelligence, rude and unrealistic main role. No way could someone that silly and rude get a job and be a success. The supporting roles had some fun about them, but her character just trashed it. I have no idea who her agent is but I'm stuck between wondering how they got her out of the mess she was in and why they couldn't get her some good roles.

The story is very wet and loose also. Cliche packed and not at all fun. It's a rom-com that is low on both the rom and the com and the heart just isn't there.

There is talent in the cast, but unfortunately Lohan didn't get a role that showed it for her. Just re-enforced her stereotype. I do think that with the right script and direction she could be good.

Which is part of the general downfall of this. An Irish film, with Irish writer and director would have nailed this. Just turns out it's a Plastic Paddy piece of nonsense where you release a film around St Patricks Day with a red head in it and you're supposed to like it.

Top 'o the mornin' to you! Do you fancy a Guinness with a Jameson chaser with a leprechaun on Temple Bar? To be sure, to be sure.....
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Turned off after 15 mins
8 February 2024
Turned it off after 15 minutes. I was going to turn it off after 10 but gave it a bit longer before writing this.

I like the way it is filmed and I like the setting, it's intimate and relatable. But the whole thing goes totally south within minutes which is a shame. The female character is a totally and utterly vile. She's insensitive, arrogant, entitled and a beatch. If I were the guy I'd have sent her worthless backside packing after two minutes.

The guy is unrealistic as he just sits there taking abuse for ages.

If the roles were reversed and some bloke came into a cottage and started hassling and badgering some woman this would (rightly) never have been put online. The film maker clearly has talent in terms of sets and ambiance but no clue about social relationships or what will cause people to turn off.

I imagine the people who like this are female and pretty much like the vapid leading lady.
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If you like child lover films it's cool
26 December 2023
It's very well written and it's lovely to watch but at the end of the day it's about a 15 year old being seduced by an older person to get what they want.

In a world where kiddy loving is (rightly) being called out, this is exactly the kind of thing we don't need.

Unless of course you see kiddy loving the way that Wilde saw homosexuality back in the day. Back in the day his book was censored for containing gay content.

So if you like this then you think being a child lover will be seen as the same in a hundred or so years time as being gay back then.

Like it's source content it is controversial. Just can't see how anyone can say this is bad when back in the day the original wasn't.

Hard to watch but perhaps a tale to say we aren't any "better" or "worse" than those who came before us.....
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Chantal (2007 Video)
Ummmmm, what?
18 November 2023
What the heck is the point of this? If you want to watch adult content, watch adult content. If you want to watch an entertaining, well written and acted film then watch something else. This waste of time mash up of both doesn't meet either criteria.

I'm not sure if it's trying to be clever or funny. It's funny in a limited number of places but as I'm not sure its supposed to be who knows if that's a good thing. It certainly isn't clever.

It's incredibly badly written and acted and it's filmed in a weird washed out colour that is probably supposed to look cool and Indie but just looks like it was filmed on the cheap in the 1970s.

This is what happens when someone with delusions of grandeur are given a few dollars to waste on a film. The money would have been better used by people who have a clue what they are doing and haven't got the minds of a twisted 12 year old boy.
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Exit (I) (2020)
Nothing special
10 October 2023
It was interesting to see what would happen next and in the end but it's nothing like as good as people are making it out to be. Worst comment I've seen on here is someone saying it is "for intelligent people" as there are allegories of Brexit. That's total pompous show off nonsense.

Whilst it does heighten the tension and is well acted a lot of it doesn't make any sense. Half of the characters don't make any sense, people's actions don't make any sense. There are annoying scenes that go on too long with just annoying noises and rubbish music. The director somehow doesn't know what crazy golf is, and the end doesn't mean anything.
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Greatest Days (2023)
Loved it
27 August 2023
I am quite a fan of Take That but didn't expect too much of this. Thought it could be tripe like Mamma Mia was. However it was way, way better. The story wasn't as stupid, I thought all the actresses were really good (especially Bea) and the singing was far better than Mamma Mia. I do think that The Band could have got more credit as they just seemed to be in the background for some reason. It's probably the second best jukebox musical I have seen, Blinded By The Light being the best. It very much is a feel good film and I really didn't want it to end. And that's enough of a review I think for now!
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My Fault (2023)
Why the love?
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not entirely sure what all the fuss is about this film. I think it's pretty much just women who love this film, I can't see any bloke of my age (late 30s) getting excited about it at all.

First of all the plot is ludicrous. All the "cool" situations that Nick get himself into (car racing, fight club, gang culture) were entirely unbelievable. It was almost laughable at times. Also when Noah's dad left prison he was just allowed to go and kidnap and try and kill her. Yeah right.

Secondly the characters were all pretty boring, except for maybe Noah. Why everyone loves Nick so much is quite beyond me. Maybe they all just wanted his money. Everyone else was really 2D.

About the only good thing in the film was the soundtrack which was about 100 times better than the film itself and contained some real bangers I'd never heard before.
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Jellyfish (2018)
An unexpected gem
17 June 2023
Well, I really didn't think I'd be reviewing the film on here after I'd watched it, I only put it on as something to watch before going to bed.

As others have said, it's not at all an "easy watch". There are so quite distressing topics involved here. But, unlike in many other films, the distressing topics are displayed as things that sadly happened. They are not overplayed or there just for sensuality.

And that's what I think makes this film stand out from the many many kitchen sink drama films I've watched. It's not a melodrama, neither is it deliberately underplayed. It's paced at the pace of life itself. In 99% of films I find myself thinking "that wouldn't happen in real life" but with this I never once did.

I must confess I'd never heard of Liv Hill before today. She shines with her performance here. Just watch the film, it's well worth it.
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#Horror (2015)
Wow, that's bad
8 June 2023
Ok, so the premise was pretty slim anyway. Normal females in the house and a killer picks them all off one by one stuff.

Then saw it had an angle on social media use and thought it might be ok.

First of all, has Tara Subkoff never been on social media and did she do ANY research? Even the opening sequence with the stupid rushed titles were a mess. Social media doesn't look like that. It makes no sense.

Secondly it appears that Subkoff can't write as an actual human. I've watched many a "mean girls" and "bad boys" films but none of the characters in them are as 1D than this. It's robotic.

Thirdly it's a genre mess. It's not a horror film. You got 1hr 10mins of pre teen girls being nasty to each other and then 20 minutes of 100th rate "murder" scenes.

Fourthly it's an insult to ACTUAL online bullying. If this film is the response to the problem then boy we have a problem!

Fifthly it appears that Subkoff has quietly fallen off the radar since this. Good. Please don't try and make films when you can't and just make things worse.
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Tin & Tina (2023)
Utter trash
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I disliked this from the very start, giving it two stars about halfway through before downgrading it to one star. It's pig swill and the director shouldn't be allowed near a studio again.

Why though? Here are some notes I made:

Unoriginal: Adopted children get taken from an orphanage and end up evil. Oooooo, someone give them a prize for that amazing concept that hasn't been done loads of times before. Leave off orphans you plebs.

Terrible dubbing: The dubbing is APPALLING. Everyone sounds like they have learning difficulties.

Insult to religion: I'm not overly religious but this insults religious people as much as it insults orphans.

Stupid nuns: The nuns are pathetic mind warped 2D parodies of actual people who may or may not (unreliable narrator) physically abuse the children.

Dumb parents: The freakish kids kill the family dog, tie up the mum and then nearly drown the baby. Thankfully the stupid parents get rid of the brats after the last one. The father is a mouth breather and couldn't possibly be an airline pilot.

Annoying children not helped to fit in: At best these kids are mentally ill victims of child abuse. I don't know also why they dress so weird in the film. Any normal parents would help them to blend in.

Just becomes boring and weird after the kids leave: When they kids leave the film gets dull. Also the guy gets on fire after being struck by lightning. What?

The ending: What absolute spoon wrote this bilge? Why in the name of all that is good and proper would you ever take those kids back?

It's pathetic and as I said, the writer and directors should never work again. At the end of the day the characters aren't real but these people "making films" shouldn't be allowed to.
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Opal Dream (2006)
Heart warming
30 May 2023
It's a lovely film that's very well written and acted. I'd never heard of it before and randomly picked it from the list on one of my streaming services. Some of the minor characters were sketchy and unbelievable but the main characters, especially the little girl were great. It is a very Australian film in every way, which is also a good thing.

The main theme of the imaginary friends reminded me a little bit, quite randomly, of Craig Gillespie's "Lars and the Real Girl". Unlike that Ryan Gosling flick however this film is much more emotional rather than comedy/emotional. I don't normally cry at films, very, very rarely, but this one got me close.
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Grimcutty (2022)
Who wrote this garbage?
12 November 2022
This film feels like it was written by a robot. None of the characters act in realistic ways at all. It's as if an alien came down to earth and tried to write a deep and meaningful film about the dangers of the internet without ever having once been a child, teenager or parent, or human.

It isn't realistic at all and you end up becoming annoyed with the characters rather than feeling sorry or empathising with them. It's also a massive rip off of the much better Slenderman. The title is also silly and annoying.

I can't understand why someone would write and make this. It doesn't teach anyone anything. There are lots of good films out there about the dangers of the internet. Making trash like this does more harm than good.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Silly twist and silly ending
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It starts ok but once the "twist" is revealed it all fall apart, big time. Nothing but nothing could convince me that a girl who is about 5ft 2 with no real training (she's not a super soldier or anything or an X-Man) could win a fight with me, let alone a "hit man" who is supposed to protect a senator. It goes beyond the realms of belief. Also, like in many films, Rachel is willing to kill random people who are pretty much innocent but when she gets to the big baddy she doesn't kill her. So in the end the kid is just some messed up failure. A train wreck of a film that would have been much worse had the decent cast not managed to salvage something from Brian Andrew Mendoza weak debut. Hopefully this is the last we'll hear from Mendoza.
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
So, so
8 August 2021
Some of the characters were pretty flat and some were just plain unlikeable and weird. The story didn't really grip me and the ending was a bit flat. The acting was very stilted at times.
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Hippopotamus (II) (2018)
Brilliantly written and acted on a budget
21 April 2021
Slow burning but hooks you with a weird twist at the end. Certainly one to watch!
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