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A satisfactory chapter
26 June 2024
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We are talking about an animated series of films that has never disappointed the public, on the contrary, the more the sequels went on, the more memorable the enemies became and the in-depth analysis of the characters was truly and effectively explored. In short we can say that I personally find the first 3 chapters to be masterpieces despite their strengths and weaknesses and I admit that when they announced a "Kung Fu Panda 4" I was in ecstasy and when I saw the very first trailer with the return of the main enemies from the first film I was literally exploded with joy but above all with curiosity. Now I've just finished watching it and I have to say that I wasn't disappointed but at the same time I don't consider it to be up to par with the other chapters as it's missing some things that characterized and differentiated "Kung Fu Panda" from other cartoons. First of all, I'll start by saying that the plot is very simple and some twists are quite obvious, the villain is very handsome and very cool but at the same time they don't give him much space to try to characterize him a little more. In fact, one of the problems (absurdly) is the lack of characterization of the villain who, despite potentially being the most dangerous of all, ultimately makes him look like a normal level enemy. At the end of watching the film I asked myself: "Is the plan of this film to close the circle of the series?", and actually there is no answer as even the ending, if desired, could close the whole circle but at the same time time could open up ideas for spin-offs. In my opinion a closure with this chapter could be right and well managed as he finds himself faced with all his most fearsome enemies but I fear that they also have other plans in mind and I admit that it scares me a little because already with this film you see that the quality has dropped slightly and I'm afraid that the further we go the worse it will be. In conclusion I can say that it is an excellent film for children but impossible to compare to previous masterpieces.
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16 June 2024
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And here we are talking about the umpteenth film of one of the sagas that for better or worse left a mark in the history of cinema for its special effects that for the time were really advanced, too bad that this film (for visual quality) is inferior to the previous titles. The plot is really very simple but in the end functional although there are some scenes in particular so in the final scenes that made me put my hands in the hair for example the whole sequence regarding the armor for Noah that I found it simply a joke and likewise I considered the cameo of G. I. JOE. After all, there is not much to say because there are few things you can fully appreciate, let's say that the design of the robots are very beautiful and visually is not even terrible because the combat scenes are well managed and well shot. The soundtracks are cute, nothing epic but cute from with some tiny reference to the original soundtrack that I admit has put a slight goosebumps. One thing that I really liked absurdly was the main villain that although it is not very thorough, is really threatening and especially ruthless, this villain is almost better than the Megatron of the original trilogy (not for appearance but for concept). In the end, however, it is a film that makes you watch quietly without much expectation.
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Wrong times!!
16 June 2024
Let's say that as a film it is not even ugly, a plot that anyway is cute, references to the original saga and some references within the very cute soundtracks. The real problem with this movie is that it puts too much into an extremely long time, the film lasts almost two hours and forty and in all this time we have shot a lot of information as if the initial idea was to want to make a trilogy but in the end they decided to make a summary accumulated all in one film. If it had been divided at least in two parts, in my opinion it would have been much better because maybe the film would have lasted slightly less but at least they would have deepened certain aspects. I repeat that anyway I liked the movie, it is not a bad movie at all but it is not even one of the best, it has some problems directing every now and then except in the fighting scenes that for better or worse are shot well without too many agitated camera movements. Some scenes are so beautiful that when seen alone they look like an artistic painting. We say that it is very variable on the quality but I repeat that the biggest problem is the management of the narrative over time that despite being long is still "little" for all the things that are to be said.
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A CRAZY movie that makes an entire MonsterVerse
14 June 2024
This "Godzilla: Minus One" is simply an absurd film for many reasons, first of all the plot that is something touching to the nth degree, very dramatic and very very well interpreted by actors that Hollywood can just dream of. The soundtrack is AMAZING, taken from the original of the very first Godzilla, and I must say that there were moments when I really got goosebumps. In particular there was a wonderful choice of using the timing of the soundtrack in order to make the fighting scenes much more anxious and that above all convey a sense of weakness in front of a colossal monster. The visual effects are masterful, they have had a really delicate and precise attention to detail (something that nowadays is missing in many films even of large movie houses), Godzilla follows the classic style, which makes it much more disturbing in comparison to Godzilla "American" that we have been administered in recent years. Nothing to take away from the Godzilla of 2014 because anyway I think it's a good movie that you watch, but this Godzilla here I would see another 100 times and I would never get bored. If they asked me at the cinema if I want to go see "Godzilla" from 2014 or "Godzilla - Minus One" I would choose the second option with my eyes closed. In fact, only this film is GREATER than the entire MonsterVerse and I think that from today the expectations on this kind of film will increase for the audience, which could create problems in WarnerBros. Finally, I recommend everyone to see this film because it is as if it were a "turning point" for this kind of film that has been often and willingly underestimated.
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Civil War (2024)
A film with a really deeper meaning than you think.
10 June 2024
Obviously we are talking about the A24 and when you talk about them you know that 99% of us are faced with a masterpiece, and indeed this "Civil War" is nothing more than a masterpiece with a very deep and direct message. Although it may seem at first glance an almost sci-fi film, in retrospect we are not very far from reality and actually I would not assume that maybe one day this could happen even in reality. What makes the most impression is to see up to what level the wickedness of the man can get with explicit scenes and chilling phrases from soldiers who instead of protecting the nation goes against us. This film features an absolutely noteworthy cast with a masterful Kirsten Dunst who manages to express 100% any emotion only with the use of facial expressions and with a president of the U. S. A played by an equally masterful Nick Offerman. The soundtrack is distressing (as it should be) with moments of total silence that absurdly increase the violence of some images. I recommend everyone to see this film because it will leave you speechless.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
A real show, perfect as the video game
18 May 2024
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We are faced with the best (for now) film adaptation of a video game, what we have in front of is literally the video game in every way. Let's analyze this series calmly, first of all we can say that the music is well suited, from goosebumps and especially often music becomes a "secondary character"I was particularly impressed by the use of music in the final scene in the hospital where Joel massacres everyone. The cast is perfect even if Bella Ramsey say that not very similar to Ellie, but despite this we say that there is not too much lingering. While the rest of the cast is simply stellar as if the characters of the video game had come out to appear in the series. On the plot there is nothing to say, simply majestic as the video game, well adapted and faithful to the video game product. Now let's talk about the thing that would have worried me most and that is the realization of the infected, absurdly these monsters are made too much but really too well, I was amazed by the quality of this series. This series is a spectacle for the eyes with brilliant shots and breathtaking settings. I have only one concern at the moment, I'm afraid I'm not ready to see THAT scene in season 2, now we are all too attached.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
A series that broke me
4 May 2024
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At first glance it may seem like a "simple" stalking story with disturbing and inhuman nuances, but what we're looking at really happened and the more I watched this series the more I realized how sick mankind can be. Each episode is a punch to the stomach and despite this I finished the series in a day without even realizing. This story is really heartbreaking and in this series we see (in my opinion) one of the most destructive/ disturbing scenes of the last years, not so much for the images as for the concept, and I'm referring to the scene of the monologue at the final of the competition for comedians, That speech literally destroyed me. In general it is a series that shows a lot of the brutality and exploitation that the protagonist has passed and really comes to ask himself:" but how is this possible?" , Speaking instead of the technical side of the series is not bad at all on the contrary, the staging of some explicit scenes are well jousted with games of "see-see" accompanied by disturbing soundtracks when needed. Truly a very nice series and well built without neglecting any detail thanks to a perfect use of flashbacks. I recommend everyone the vision because you will not feel great for a few hours.
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Truly terrible in every way!
27 April 2024
There are very few words to describe this film... Meanwhile it can be defined "ugly", "empty", "vapid" and "shameful". Let's start from the fact that Russell Crowe is still a very good actor who has made the history of cinema through various masterpieces but this does not mean that he is immune to criticism for the blunders he has committed. This movie really ruined an afternoon because it has special effects from TV series, music really without a harmony that is at least memorable and especially most of the actors in this movie (in this case) are acting dogs. The main characters are not even thorough on some aspects that pass to the second floor but that in my opinion deserved the space within the film and above all they do not even have an identity, are empty people and the beauty is that they don't even try to empathize with them even in the most beastly moments. After all, it really is a film that leaves a void inside that almost fasitdio, you can not even identify in a genre, has horror sides but in the same way also comic sides that create a state of confusion. On the other hand it is unnecessarily violent, it is truly senseless violence and made especially badly. Nothing is saved in this film. Truly shameful.
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Monstrous series
20 April 2024
For being the first TV series about Monster-Verse, it's not bad at all. The series features 10 episodes that personally speaking most of these are very smooth enough to even get to see 3-4 episodes in a row a day, these episodes tell the story with continuous flashbacks very well balanced and above all in the right timing and right. Nothing to say about the CGI that about the monsters is almost perfect while it was not quite well cared for on some faces but being a TV series you can not expect the same quality as a movie. The soundtracks are cute and above all the intro is majestic in my opinion so much to be impressed in my head for days. The story itself is very interesting and with very nice and some even unexpected plot fixes, I don't want to talk about it too much to avoid spoilers but I can assure you that it will keep you glued to the screen long enough to even realize it. I highly recommend the vision (especially to fans of the genre) as I didn't even expect to find myself faced with a similar surprise with a similar quality.
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Not too far from the first chapter, but absolutely worse.
12 March 2024
Let's say that the first chapter of "Strangers" worked because it was different, but this is literally the copy of the first (with some difference on the ending). Being the copy of the first it brings with it all the merits and defects of the latter, with the addition of only defects. And the flaws that are most noted in this chapter are mainly the stupidity of the actions of the characters, both killers and civilians, with stupid and unnecessarily long dialogues without a minimum of explanations. The main flaw is that the story omits too many details, and what little they tell us is not quite clear enough that when the film ends you find yourself wondering why many things. I don't want to dwell too much on this film because I find it really useless if not for some small scene, but surely the first chapter is better than this wrong copy.
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The Strangers (2008)
A film without commitment
12 March 2024
This is a "rainy Sunday afternoon" movie, when you want to watch a horror movie that isn't too demanding, this is the perfect movie. It's a film taken from a true story (which makes it much scarier) of which little is known and exactly this film says very little. Every now and then there is also watching a movie just for the sake of taking off your head and "having fun", let's say that this film is absolutely not perfect and is not even the best horror movie ever but manages to convey the right anxiety and the right terror not too excessive. Obviously it has the classic mistakes of the most common horror films, that is, some actions have no sense and sometimes the actors' interpretation is not excellent. In conclusion we can say that it is a film that you watch but you should not expect the film of the century.
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Pasolini (2014)
I expected more but not bad.
29 February 2024
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Let's say I would have liked to see a movie about Pasolini, and actually that's what we saw but, unfortunately, it's not what I imagined. Let's say that too many things happen without explanation in a short time, in my opinion the ideal would have been maybe to make it last half an hour more but maybe analyze more the life of Pasolini and not just death. Very nice the fact that there are clips of "Salò or the 120 days of Sodom", the cast of this film is perfect, nothing to say about the technique of the film that still does not dare too much but still does its own. Let's say that the film itself is beautiful but I really had other expectations, probably my fault because I get my head up but if you make a film about Pasolini I want to see life, death and miracles of that artist with the "A" capital, instead here show us only the last 2/3 days. Hats off to the actors because they were all really perfect not to mention the mother in the final scene that manages to convey 100% the pain even to those watching through a screen, I personally was moved.
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DogMan (2023)
A truly majestic film
28 February 2024
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This is a very special film, perfect on many points of view with really small and laughable problems. Let's start by saying that it has a truly original plot with a staging and direction not just a little bit indeed really superb, with a use of soundtracks really so apt that they can convey the right emotions in the right moments. There is really little to say about this film because it leaves literally speechless and it is really a well-built film also narrative speaking with very interesting ideas with scenes of action well managed especially scenographically speaking with the movements of really interesting room. Not to mention the plot and the general story that almost leads you to empathize with Douglas, the peculiarity of this narrative is that it really goes through the sad moments of his life but they always make you see we say the positive side of the situation that in the end is nothing but the love that our dog friends give you. I was really amazed by this film, the only problem but really a lot but so small is the characterization of the psychologist and I would have loved to know how the situation ended between her and her ex-husband who continues to "follow her"... Let's say that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth because when I finished watching the film I said:" but then the psychologist with her husband remains in the problematic situation in which it is?". That said it is a really huge movie and perfect from almost all points of view and I really recommend watching it to everyone.
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Ferrari (2023)
Innocent film with empty ending
7 February 2024
The film itself is also cute with some minor technical inaccuracies that we will talk about in a second. I will preface this by saying that I have never read anything about the story of Mr. Ferrari so if I have to evaluate the story itself it is not even bad, in fact, despite the excessive duration let's say it is told well. As I said the duration in my opinion is too long and scattered on some things that pass briefly in the background, when in my opinion it was better to improve the ending with some small real narrative closure instead of closing everything right away as if in a hurry. Mainly this film has two problems, one is the hurried and inconclusive ending and the other is the poor CGI care (especially in the scenes where the cars swerve and "fly" away), I can understand that this is not a film that aims for special effects perfection but if one is not willing to work on it one may as well avoid shooting certain scenes. That said some shots are just perfect and the scenes shot in the car are not confusing, the music is nice but not memorable and the cast is good but not the best let's say. In the end this is an innocent film but with a bitter ending that disappoints all viewers, however, kudos must be given to this film because it finally represents Italy in a serious way by debunking clichés and not in a joking way as in many films ("Lamborghini" for example).
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Napoleon (2023)
Majestic and powerful
6 February 2024
Scott literally shocked me this time with a film that is different in comparison to his filmography and tells the story of Napoleon's rise to power and his love affair with Josephine. Right from the first 15 minutes one can see the violent and raw tones that are used throughout the film and I must say that they are not bad at all, accompanied by a majestic soundtrack and a chilling cast. Although the length is a lot (two hours and forty or so) the time really runs very fast and in my opinion it is really a very good product except for maybe some minor inaccuracies at the historical level but nothing transcendental. It is really a pity that I missed it in the cinema because I would have loved to see it on the big screen. The direction is very well handled and the action scenes (despite having a lot of elements) are very understandable with the right but not excessive amount of violence, also the scenes set in the cities manage to show very well the poverty and the inhuman situation that was lived with an explicit representation of the wealth given by the power over the people. Truly an excellent product that I recommend everyone to see.
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Nice animatronics
8 November 2023
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I had a lot of expectations for this movie watching the trailer, but unfortunately I was quite disappointed by a couple of details that I will explain below that precisely left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Let's start from the premise that I have never been a huge fan of the video game saga and the story in general but this movie seemed to me a good idea to maybe bring closer to this universe even people who have never been attracted to it so much. An opportunity that in my opinion was wasted on the silliest aspects. Let's start by saying that I definitely wasn't expecting a good badass horror movie as King would make it but at least I would have expected some jumpscare (since video games are based only on those) and a plot that was at least cute and not obvious... Instead far from it, I was faced with a literally empty movie where the only thing done well were the animatronics which alas are visually beautiful but seeing them playing with a little girl making a castle with chairs and tables really made me feel sorry for them. The plot is very simple and mostly obvious at best, the music on the other hand is cute. I heard many people in the cinema excited about the movie only the first 20 minutes because rightly the animatronics appear but then there was total silence and at the twist there was no one amazed. A movie that focuses only on showing how well they did the animatronics and that's it, I found it really empty and left me hollow inside.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Give me more now
3 November 2023
One of the best Star Wars series currently out there, I would consider it on the same level (if not higher) than Obi-Wan. This series is what any clone war fan has always wanted, there is everything we have ever wanted with historical and recent characters that we have only seen in the animated series. An engaging storyline that keeps you tethered to the screen from start to finish with well-choreographed fight scenes accompanied by a soundtrack worthy of being within a saga as important as the Star Wars saga. This series also features at its core a literally stellar cast with a strength in acting unique to their genre. Every shot in this series looks like an artistic painting, I happened several times to pause the video and admire the fantastic work that was done to the cinematography. I recommend all Star Wars fans to watch this series because it really deserves a lot compared to several Star Wars series that are not let's say beautiful.
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Saw (2004)
2 November 2023
I find it absolutely incredible that after several years this film is still very but very relevant and above all has aged so well that it might as well have been released yesterday. A plot that may seem simple but then in the course of the story adds several very interesting and above all original nuances. A wonderful cast with an apt but not memorable soundtrack, in short a very simple film that has aged incredibly well. Of course, it is not a perfect movie because there are some things that do not make sense anyway such as some choices that mother and daughter make but these are small mistakes that are present in any movie of the horror genre because unfortunately you have to give meaning and especially a duration to the events that happen. A very very good movie, I recommend to those who haven't seen it yet to run to it right away and I recommend to those who saw it maybe some time ago to see it again because it deserves it.
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But what is this thing?
17 August 2023
Let me preface this by saying that I am a big fan of Lamborghinis so let's say that from this film I would have expected a lot, and indeed I got a nice film that tells the story of Ferruccio Lamborghini but with mostly technical problems that should not be underestimated. Meanwhile, let's say that, as a narrative, even it fits but maybe it is too fast towards the end, what is really wrong is the dubbing. I have seen this movie 2 times, one in the original language and the other in Italian, in the original language nothing to say but as soon as the dubbing comes in it is terrible, voices lower than others, moments when the main characters don't move their mouths and speak, half-eaten words... In short, terrible. Otherwise, it is a simple film that limits itself to its objective, which is to briefly tell the story of Ferruccio's rise in the world of motors unfortunately leaving small details unanswered that we will not get. I recommend this film to motor lovers and especially to the Lamborghini realm.
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Very nice
10 July 2023
Finally Indiana Jones returns to the movies with a new adventure with a capital "A" with a mix of action, story, adventure, a plot with some sense and the original music by our good friend Indiana Jones. Truly a good movie that traces the discourse of Indiana Jones' old age and the limitations this entails, the jokes (few) are funny, the action scenes are well juggled, the enemies are really bad and the last fight/war scene is just BEAUTIFUL. I don't want to give too many spoilers of this movie because it is still currently in theaters in Italy but trust me that it is really a good movie that brings out the real Indiana Jones.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Too bad
10 July 2023
I will start right away by saying that this movie disappointed me a lot, in fact a lot, however it is not bad but we will get to that slowly. The film had presented itself as the conclusion of the story arc concerning the DCEU that started with Man of Steel and instead it turned out to be a film simply about the Flash that does not close any circle, on the contrary it opens new ones while knowing that there will be no other fil concerning the DCEU since James Gunn is already working on a new DC-branded universe. Leaving aside this detail the film is divided into 2 parts, the first one is terrible with scenes that are aberrant to say the least with CGI from Playstation 2 (I still wonder how we can see such bad CGI after years of work) that introduces the story and tells the Flash's origins but without going into too much detail also adding a second terrible and unbearable Flash. In the first part of the movie we also see how they wanted to ruin Ben Affleck's Batman by introducing him with an AMAZING chase which I personally liked but unfortunately as soon as it ends they make him make funny faces and make him say sentences without any logical sense like a fool. In the second part instead let's say there is more meat, we have the return of Keaton's Batman (chilling), the return on the big screen of the very great Zod, for the first time we see Supergirl and lots but lots of action scenes (always with terrible CGI). I don't want to give spoilers about this movie but let's just say: 1) It is disappointing if one falls for it at the trailers; 2) The CGI is terrible; 3) Affleck underrated; 4) Keaton overrated; 5) Zod is Zod.

That said, I recommend viewing to all because some people may like it anyway.
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Please, M.O.D.O.K.
7 June 2023
I have come to the realization by now that Marvel movies are not to be taken seriously. The movie has a very simple plot, with CGI that in 60% of the scenes is good (not great and especially often sucks), the music is not memorable in fact it seems flat without an identity. The real problem with this movie are the protagonists and the characters in general not deepened enough and especially that damn M. O. D. O. K. I hope never to see him again. The film starts way too fast, after not even 20 minutes they are already in the quantum realm and it's all extremely too fast. The absolute merit of this film is the big, menacing Kang the Conqueror, there is little to do with that, I already imagined him against all the Avengers and I must say that as a Villain I like him too much. Too bad for the little depth of the characters who inhabit the Quantum Realm because in my opinion it would have been interesting to at least delve into a few more details. It is not a beautiful movie but to take your mind off it and keep yourself let's say carefree it is great.
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The Unholy (2021)
Too bad
22 April 2023
I had high expectations for this movie, but really really high expectations, instead I ended up with a simple movie that works in its simplicity but is too trite. Let's start with the fact that as a plot it is also cute as an input, too bad that towards the middle of the film it is handled badly and then picks up a bit towards the end, the CGI at some points is literally terrible, but just terrifying, while (especially at the end) it is also cute and the original music is also nice. The problem with this movie mainly is at the CGI and the loss of plot in the middle of the movie, I honestly expected more... Too bad.
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Exactly what one expects, nothing more and nothing less
21 April 2023
I had high expectations for this film and they were all met, I was very pleased with the film, full of references and with a simple plot that verges on the banal. We have to remember that this is a film that aims primarily at a very young audience so if some things seem "trivial" or "obvious" to us remember that maybe in the eyes of a child it might not be. This film does not aim so much for let's say dry and precise criticism, but wants more to hit the viewer emotionally by bringing a tear to his eye. The cinematography is fantastic, the graphics as well, the music is outstanding. This movie is Super Mario, it is exactly what we were promised without aiming too high, I recommend viewing to everyone even if only to take your mind off Saturday night.
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Grimcutty (2022)
Meaningless and mostly badly made film
25 February 2023
Let's start from the premise that I didn't have who knows how many expectations of such a film however, I didn't expect such crap either. I wouldn't even know where to start, nothing is good enough: the plot is terrifying and without the slightest logical sense, the music is not the least bit memorable, the characters are one dumber than the other (typical feature of every horror movie, but in this case we've gone too far),some if not all of the character choices are meaningless, Grimcutty is also "cute" because he's a puppet anyway but okay come on I'll let him get away with that one, otherwise it's a movie without an identity and especially without any logical sense. Throughout the whole movie they don't even explain to us a bit who or what this Grimcutty actually is, which got on my nerves. Very not recommended this film, avoid it like the plague.
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