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Karnan (1964)
20 November 2006
The movie is in color. The movie is about an important character in the great Indian Epic Mahabaratha. Kannadasan's Songs adds the mood. Great Lyrics. Sivaji Ganesan and Other supporting actors had done a good job. Viswanathan & Ramamurthy have scored good with Music. Central theme is around Pandavas are denied their share of kingdom by their cousin's Kaurvas. Kunti the mother of Pandavas had begotten a son before her marriage and had abandoned the son on birth. This son grows up to be Karna, who is befriended by Duryodhana, the eldest of Kauravas. This leads Karna on the camp opposing his brothers. Karna is known for his charity, which knows no bounds, willing to give even his life, if asked. Complex characterisation, well adopted on the screen.
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