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I feel like I'm going crazy giving this an 8.5/10
20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Originally written on June 20, 2024

For goodness' sake, Loud House actually made a good pair of episodes??? The other person reviewing these modern episodes is probably still gonna dislike this like he always does, but oh well. For some reason these two were really enjoyable for me. I always watch these episodes with my best friend Dylan, and he really liked them as well, just so you know I'm not alone.

Only Mime Will Tell ended up coming off as one of the biggest surprises this show has thrown out in a long time. The episode as it starts may seem similar to others like Stage Plight but is actually nothing like them. First of all, this episode's score and animation really compliments the mime aesthetic it's going for. Since Luan doesn't talk much in this episode, I actually end up liking her in it, and because they outright say that she can't text or write either makes it even more surprising as to where it'll go.

Which is the thing, this episode is actually not predictable for once. Yeah, it was obvious that Luan was gonna reveal herself and get it anyway. But like I stated in my InTODDnito review, predictability doesn't matter if the execution is good. This episode wastes no time in its structure and everything happens just like a normal Loud House episode, especially for how down to earth this one is.

My only issues about this episode are why Luan didn't just hand Lynn his phone whenever she got to the restaurant and why no one smelled the lobster, including Lynn Sr. I mean, come on. If you really couldn't tell that a lobster is rancid you're up there with with Joanna did in season 3 of Hell's Kitchen.

Other than that, I see this episode has nothing wrong with it, I love how original it feels and for once this is a plot that's not too common in modern media so it adds to its enjoyability. I'm also not usually a fan of Luan but I like her in this episode.

Mostly because she doesn't talk and that makes her less annoying, but also for how passionate she is. It was also shown in episodes such as Head Poet's Anxiety but I feel like it was done better here honestly because she didn't do anything to break the rules like she did in that episode (metaphorical rules referring to Poet's, her trying to sabotage Lucy). However I'd still say that episode is either on par with this one or slightly worse.

So yeah, I really don't have any issues with this one. I'm surprised to say but.... 9/10.

The next episode is actually one of the better Lucy episodes we've had in a long time. I usually don't like Lucy and the club because of how stereotypical they come off, but I didn't dislike any of them in this episode. Why? Because for once nobody was overwhelming and Persephone got a real part in it for once.

This is one of those episodes with a relatable concept, especially for children. I'm really glad they chose Lucy for this plot, because mostly 4th graders watch this show anyway. Worrying about failing a subject you're not good at? I'm sure everybody on the planet knows what that feels like. In this episode it's P. E. I don't know if it was just my elementary school, but we never had a big end of the year test that determined if we passed the year or not.

This episode feels like a better written version of episodes like The Loudest Yard and Haunted House Call. Unlike the Loudest Yard, Lucy actually succeeds in passing her exam. Which in this episode actually has a good payoff because of Speedy Edie's training.

The only thing I didn't like about this episode was the thing about Coach Pakowski turning into a lizard. But it's Loud House, I'm starting to not even bother critiquing it anymore. Also that I knew Lucy was eventually going to pass on her own. Also, the "liar revealed" moment wasn't even handled like other episodes. No Family Guy zoom in, no piano music. It was just "so you're telling you did this? Ok then" and she did it.

I don't know if it's just because I'm a little sick right now, but I really liked these episodes. 8/10 for this one.

Thank you for reading, sorry this review is shorter than usual. It's really hard to find material to say about episodes that I don't have much to critique about.
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The Loud House: InTODDnito/Weather or Not (2024)
Season 8, Episode 4
Excuse my ego, can't go inTODDnito!
20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Originally written on June 20, 2024

I apologize for writing this review so late compared to when the episode came out, I've been really unmotivated and busy with other things. I will review the next episode, Only Mime Will Tell, later on.

I'm just gonna get right into things, both of these episode are the exact same in terms of structure. One character does something selfish to benefit. Lisa with Dr. Brown and Flip with Nacho. They both also have the same ending pretty much, so for that reason I will go ahead and state that both of these episodes get a 2/10 from me for being ripoffs of each other and InTODDnito only being slighty better for the return of Darcy.

The episodes plots however are different from each other, but more like just another coat of paint rather than being really different from each other.

InTODDnito could've been such a better episode if the episode wasn't a very basic plot... that honestly I'm surprised this show didn't do sooner. The "character disguises as someone to get out of an event" episode. As you can imagine, the episode ends up being very predictable due to this fact.

The whole episode is really just Lisa being oblivious and mean to Todd. She's even more unlikeable in this episode than she is in Friend or Faux and Eye Can't. The only enjoyable thing about this episode is Darcy, which is why it didn't get a flatout 1/10. The birthday party is actually really cute, but that's all I have to say.

It's pretty sad when the most redeemable thing about an episode is the way it looks, especially because Loud House isn't a show that has groundbreakingly good animation (its animation is better than modern NIck shows like A New Wish and Rock, Paper Scissors) .

Most of the episode is just fluff. Fluff covered in a cute birthday party. Just because you put whipped cream on garbage doesn't make it any less appetizing. Lisa doesn't want to go to Darcy's birthday because of a scientist she wants to meet on the same day. Todd goes in her place and it all goes down from there.

The rest of it is just one plot to the other going from one thing at the party to Lisa, so on and so forth. It's very basic and ends up being one of the most boring episodes of the modern seasons because of how predictable it is. If execution is good, then a predictable story doesn't matter. However this episode fails on both fronts resulting in the rating it got.

The ending is probably what makes me the most disappointed. Just like episodes such as Community Disservice (9/10), which is pretty much this episode's ending done right, Darcy tells Lisa how much she appreciates Lisa being there and then... oh no! Lisa realizes she did something bad! Gee willikers, it would only take someone with a PhD to figure that out! So she goes back to the party and it pretty much just ends how anyone would expect, except Todd doesn't get revealed as being a fraud like other episodes that usually do this plot would do. Which honestly makes this episode worse, as Lisa gets off scott free for being a bad friend. Yes, she didn't get to meet the scientist, but there will always be other opportunities to meet someone, you only turn a certain age once.

As such, this episode fails and fails for pretty much the exact same reasons Weather or Not fails. The predictability, the lackluster story, and the plot being about a character no one cares about.

The fact we are getting more and more episodes about Flip is just sad, I'm starting to dislike him more than Lynn at this point. This whole episode is just Flip being greedy, like how most of them are. However, this time it's to pretty much the one person he cares about, his pet Nacho. Which makes Flip and Lisa come off as out of character in both of their respective episodes, despite it becoming more common for Lisa to do this kind of stuff, like her behavior in Can't Hardly Wait (3/10).

Like what I said about InTODDnito, this episode is just fluff and Flip being a really bad character. I really don't need to repeat myself, just change out the episode title and it's pretty much my same thoughts.

However, this episode's ending makes me more upset than the previous episode. Why? Because this one actually TRIES to be heartwarming, and even includes a hug and a little cry. I don't even know why Lincoln and Clyde were in this episode, they had no reason to be here honestly, they didn't even do anything to help Flip in the ending despite Flip saying they're good at "touchy-feely stuff"

Everything else is pretty much interchangeable, it's actually so upsetting.

If Loud House is gonna keep make ripoffs, then I am going to be done with this show. This show is such a fall from grace. Both of these episodes are a 2/10. As always, thank you for reading.
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The most nothing episode in a long time
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Originally wrote June 14, second time getting this approved

Oh boy... I can't remember the last time I've had less to say about an episode than Be Careful What You Fish For. I'm really happy to see the return of Chandler though. I might get hate for this, but I think Chandler is a really entertaining character. To me, he is the Chloe Bourgeois of this show. A very unlikeable personality but really fun to watch as the main characters the two make fun of (Lincoln and Marinette) are both unlikeable and not enjoyable to watch.

Steeling Thunder is another episode that rips off multiple other better episodes. However, this time, they rip off the episodes The Loudest Yard and Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow, and more which I will mention later.

For this episode, as a high schooler, it's very strange to see middle schoolers be assigned to make movies for a film festival. I don't know if it's just my area but this doesn't seem right to me. Whatever, that's honestly the least of my issues here. Because Lincoln is a terrible stunt guy (which reminded me of how he reacted to woodshop in What Wood Lincoln Do?), he hires Lynn to do the stunts for him. Which is where we see the ripoff of The Loudest Yard... at least this time Lynn was wearing a wig?

At the film festival, Lincoln of course wins and lies about being the stunt guy because he's getting attention. What's really sad is this is a ripoff of a season 7 episode, Hunn-Cutt Gems, where Liam went through this same "lying for fame" plot. It doesn't make sense for Lincoln's character however as he should have already learned this lesson in episodes such as The Loudest Yard and What Wood Lincoln Do. I get the writer of this episode, Whitney Wetta, had no part in either of those episodes... but that's not a valid excuse.

So Lincoln gets attention hogged and even the teachers excuse him from tests and assignments, just like how Lynn was treated in Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow for her kick at the soccer game. The weird thing is that Bolhofner played a part in both of this favoritism. This is where Chandler starts to come in as he gets jealous from all the attention Lincoln's getting and tries to get to the bottom of it.

Honestly, I'd be into an episode like this. I don't know if it's just because I don't like Lincoln as a character, but I'd be so into this plot if it was just established earlier and more entertaining. So Chandler has the movie on the school computer and he finds a little bit of Lynn's hair exposed. Which... first of all... that's not how wigs work, especially since she was wearing a helmet. Two, Chandler didn't even acknowledge it was Lynn. He just said "Lincoln's a liar" and that's it.

But as you can probably expect, it just ends up embarrassing Chandler. So then he wants Lincoln to do the stunts in front of everyone else. Okay, fair enough I guess. So blah blah blah happens and Lincoln falls out of an airplane without any broken bones. The episode says this is "punishment enough" which is at least better than what they did with Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow but it's not enough to redeem this episode.

It kinda just ends here as the kids are still enthralled by Lincoln's "incredible stunts". Do children even act like this seeing stunts, or bother to care if it's that same person or not? Man, imagine how they'd react to dirt bike stunts... 4/10. This episode really could've been decent if there was just a little something more to it. Also the fact that multiple episodes were ripped off here doesn't help its case.

Now we move on to what I mention as being the most nothing episode in a long time, Be Careful What You Fish For. I don't even know what to say about this episode. It's a ripoff of Big Caesar from Hey Arnold, moving on.

Lance and Shiloh from Twas the Fight Before Christmas (an episode I gave a 1/10) return in this episode, where they were just as annoying as they were in their first appearance. Lance's only personality in this episode is being the "big brother" type and Shiloh is only there to be the "weird" one. Think characters like Curly from Hey Arnold or Hazel from that weird FOP reboot (I'm planning on potentially reviewing that). Leonard was also really annoying in this episode. Not as annoying as his appearance in episodes like Bummer Camp, but I really just do not like seeing his character. It's less of a hatred and more of a "why should I care" situation.

This whole episode is just riddled with "why should I care" type questions. The whole time watching this, I was pretty much just staring at my screen in confusion at what I was watching. This episode is also a ripoff of Dopey from SpongeBob (I can't say the other word for language reasons, sorry), which was actually a really good and investing episode. The entirety of Fish will just make you annoyed and/or confused, there is no other reaction you could get out of an episode this boring and lackluster.

It's really one of those you need to see for yourself in order to get what I mean. 2/10.
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Already a contender for the worst episode of season 8
13 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm finally back to reviewing this awful show! I'm so excited to get back to it. Check out my season 8 ranking when more episodes air for my full thoughts on every episode. Why is this show even on its eighth season? Inside Job gets canceled but not this?

Fitting enough that the first episode of this season is a ripoff of multiple episodes. *sarcastic comment coming* I always wondered what it would be like if they wrote Garage Banned, Don't You Fore-get About Me in seasons 6-8! Honestly though, I'm really glad to see Lori back. She got better for me in season 5, and now seeing her back full time? That makes me quite excited actually because she will actually have more episode plots other than... golf. That's one of the only things this premiere gets right, but I'd argue it's worse than Waking History (season 7's premiere, 3/10) because of it ripping off multiple episodes, and using one of my least favorite media tropes.

Which leads us to the biggest problem of this episode, the sabotaging that's been in this show since the beginning and still hasn't been seen as something worthy of scorn. It feels like an earlier season episode but in the worst ways possible. It got really bad whenever Luan pretended to be a saleswoman to sell Lori a really bad apartment. First of all, Lori, how did you not realize that was your 16 year old sister? A 16 year old's face is really distinctive compared to an adult's face, even in this show. She caught on to her laugh being the same but just trashed it after that. And she didn't notice that the van she tried to trick her into buying was a van that Luna is frequently seen in? What, were you not there for like every episode she had the van? Really Loud Music???

A ton more bull happens after this section of Luan trying to get her to buy fake houses. The kids all try to mess up basic activities for Lori to... somehow get her to stay in the house? As if bad wifi and no food weren't enough, she gets electrocuted... and that just gets ignored. It's A Fridge Too Far all over again, and I actually like that episode!

Then they make Lori miss her job interview by turning off her alarm and causing her to go there with cake all on her, messy makeup, anything else you can think of when it comes to these "woke up late" type shenanigans. Which of course causes them to tell Lori the truth, and she is understandably furious. Something they at least did better than Don't You Fore-get About Me. I wouldn't call this episode a "done right" version of that episode, but this episode is more tolerable.

Then after a forced apology, Lori lets them off with no punishment for whatever reason. Just because your heart is in the right place doesn't excuse you doing something like this. Karma houdini is gonna be on all of you guys.

Everyone in this episode other than Lori, Lynn Sr., and Rita, are unlikeable. Which ends up making siblings like Leni, who should have already learned this lesson 4 seasons ago, and nicer siblings like Luna and Lana, come off as really out of character.

Then because we have to rip off yet another episode, Lori moves into Mr. Grouse's garage where she is somehow able to get a functioning toilet and kitchen in. I didn't like Garage Banned anyways, but oh boy if that wasn't a slap in the face ending. I'm very happy that Lori doesn't have to deal with her 10 devil spawns she calls her siblings nearly as much with this new living space.

3/10, the ending was okay but everything else just soured this episode. Could've been good if they went away from the same sabotage plot this show is used to and did something else.

Well, if you thought that was the worst, you are dead wrong. Because in fact Pressure Cooker is the worse of these two episodes, and is already a contender as the worst episode of season 8. Why am I already wanting to claim that when this season is probably going to shoot out many more terrible episodes? Just stay here and I'll explain.

The entirety of this episode is complete nonsense. If this show wants me to take itself seriously, fine. But if they're gonna continue to make episodes with convoluted plots like this episode, then I really can't. And as a critic that's one of the worst things I can say about a cartoon. Because if i can't be invested in it, what's the point? I'm still here in Loud House for characters like Lola and Leni, but they were both terrible in the previous episode, so it's hard for me to even like anyone other than characters like Lori or just random background characters now!

I haven't even gotten into why this episode is complete nonsense. The main reason is because of Clyde and Nana Gayle's behavior. They are both at fault for the conflict that could've easily been stopped if Clyde's dads stepped in instead of running away like little babies, or if Nana Gayle scolded Clyde for his frankly very disrespectful behavior towards his grandma. If I acted this way to my grandma, I know I'd probably get it hard. Not saying the Nana Gayle isn't equally at fault, but as the adult in the conflict it's her job to be the bigger person, which neither her or Clyde were able to do.

They get an old truck from the Sunset Canyon which they turn into a food truck, okay, I can buy that. What I don't buy is the way they act in this episode. Clyde and Nana Gayle have this whole "we are always in sync" attitude in this episode, which has never been apart of their characters or relationship in any other episode. I'd believe if this was one of Nana Gayle's first appearances, but she's been in the show since season 5 which an already established her personality in episodes like Resident Upheaval and Out of Step.

The reason for their conflict is because they can't agree what desserts to sell at their truck. Hey guys... you can just do both you know... but NOPE. That's apparently not an option for them I guess. So they both have separate windows to separately sell the desserts they want. Which leads to disaster and ends up with the two of them calling assistance to lead in more customers. Clyde doing this I can believe, but Nana Gayle? Nah, especially not to someone she loves so much after something so petty. Once again, you're the adult in this situation yet you decide to stoop down to the level of a child as well. This is even worse than The Fish Bowl's conflict from SpongeBob, I swear...

Then the truck's brake turns on because a bowl manages to turn it on. You know why parking brakes in trucks are made to be stiff? So that stuff like this doesn't happen, which once again, is an unrealistic thing. Even for the show with established magic and time travel. Seriously, the writers cannot expect me to believe this. Even my little cousin probably wouldn't buy this.

When the truck goes off, instead of trying to stop it, the two continue to bicker and selfishly take and sabotage the other's recipes. Please don't start reminding me of A Dish Come True. Oh hey look, another sabotage in this episode! Wow, I have just hit the absolute jackpot haven't I.

Somehow when their truck goes haywire, the whole time they saw none of this through the windows even when they were seen looking through them multiple times. I get they both wear glasses, but these two must have like ZERO peripheral vision, like at all. Even me who wears glasses calls bull on this. Then somehow the two end up on a boat going to Ireland, and the captain doesn't seem to care even though the two didn't pay at all or refused to tell them that they were boarding a boat in a truck nobody was controlling. Then, the episode just ends with them going to Ireland. Leaving the conflict pretty much unresolved except for "let's just sell both".

It's episodes like this that make me wonder why this show is still airing. Rock, Paper, Scissors is a much better modern Nick show, just to name one. 1/10, if an episode is worse than this, of course I will say it, but so far I don't see anything that could come remotely close to this trainwreck. As always, thank you for reading.
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Rome has never been this fun
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode makes me so happy because it makes me think of when I was younger (my favorite teacher I've ever had is a history teacher so every time I think about history I think of her). This doesn't have any relevance to the review, just pointing it out because bias and whatever else.

A lot of the good episodes in this show have a noticeable sense of passion put into them. I can tell by how different an episode is and how much they take what they're doing seriously. This episode has a few things...

1. It takes this show's "Time Toad plots" (I don't know what else to call it) and expands on it by making it more of a major part in the episode than just a setup like in episodes such as Homework Hydra or even the interactive special.

2. It has stop motion elements exclusive to this episode, similar to Robot Chicken or something like that. From what I remember, no other episodes have stop motion elements in a Robot Chicken type style (I say Robot Chicken style because the puppets and whatnot don't count).

3. It doesn't make any kind of jokes about how this is more using Ancient Rome as a guideline with more fantasy elements like potions. When they don't make jokes like that (mostly seen in the space episodes, episode 5 especially) I can already tell they care more about they're doing.

4. This episode has two O-Rama's. Very uncommon.

Speaking of the fantasy elements, I can tell this episode did at least a little bit of research. For one, the backgrounds are really nicely animated and look exactly like what I'd see in school back when I had that teacher I mentioned earlier. The use of olive oil in this episode is also something that was very important in Ancient Rome due to the practicality and many uses olive oil had during that period. Using it as potions is less of an insult to me, it's more of just (once again stating this) using the setting as just a guideline for what they wanna do. It works for the plot so I really can't fault it.

Every scene in this episode works. Even when they're not in Rome it's really enjoyable, especially when Krupp takes the battery out of that guy's car. I crack up every time he just comes in there with that devious look. It's just pretty funny in general, especially the beginning but when they get to Rome there are a lot of funny moments, mostly from Krupp (the best character in this show, FIGHT ME).

All of the "sequences" (for lack of a better word) are great. The animation is especially good in the ending chase scene when everyone is in the chariot running from Cruelius. Great visuals all throughout, all the purples in the prison look great in contrast to everyone else's colors. I could mention every little background, but at that point I'd probably get a little annoying.

For a franchise as silly as this, the amount of enjoyment I get out of it as someone over 13 years old and a female is a little ridiculous, even my best friend gets a lot out of this show. I really appreciate this show for everything it has done. Captain Underpants as a franchise has been in my life since I was 8 years old, and I really appreciate how many laughs and how many hours of enjoyment reading the books, watching the movie, and watching the show have given me.

Sorry for going on a little tangent, but this episode (and this franchise) just bring me a lot of joy that I can't help but tear up, sorta like how Brandy & Mr. Whiskers has impacted my life. Thanks for reading.
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The Venom episode
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've decided this episode is my favorite for the time being. This was ranked #2 on Crazy Gamer Inc.'s ranking of every episode in the show and it's the highest rated episode on EpisodeNinja (tied with Ghost Dentist). Plus, this episode is rated somewhat high on IMDb. So, I'm really not alone.

First of all, this episode is really unique. It's the only episode focusing on Captain Underpants and he's in it for most of the episode, which is something different for this show because he's usually just in it for the last 10 or less. It's also a bizarro type story which the books did something similar to, BUT this episode takes that concepts and branches off of it and ties it in to season 1 episodes like TP Mummy and JORTS which adds a bit of lore to it and makes it seem like they put more effort into this one.

Just like I mentioned in my review of Brainy Blabulous, the best episodes are usually the ones that start their plots off right away, and this episode also fits into that category.

It has a lot of unique/different locations like the school, toilet lab, jail, court, and Robe-O-Con. Which differentiates it from many of the other Captain Underpants show episodes as usually they only take place in one or two locations (like the school or the middle of Piqua for example).

About the actual plot? It's kinda like Spider-Man 3 in a way... because Venom. Captain Underpants gets framed by Splotch so he can control everybody with robes. This episode has themes of possession and mind control, which is really creepy in of itself, especially possession, it's one of the most intriguing things a villain can do in my opinion.

This episode combines certain elements of a bizarro story with a court plot with a bad@$$ showdown with so much more and makes it to where nothing is too much or too little. It's the perfect combination, especially how they tie in a sign change and a comic into the court scene.

Everything about this episode is just brilliant. I can't praise it enough and it's something I've been severely missing in a lot of shows with similar plots to this episode. It's such a breath of fresh air to be able to watch something and feel like there are no problems in the world for 22 minutes. This is the kind of feeling a lot of the good episodes in this show give me, it's sort of.. my escape from my depression.

I could go on and on praising every little part of this episode if I wanted to, but it really is just one of those where I can't do it justice by talking about it. It really is just that good, it's also why I haven't reviewed something like the movie yet, it's just that good I'm kinda scared to review it because I wouldn't be able to do it justice..

With episodes like these, I don't need to spell out the entire plot in one review, I can just say what I like about it because it really is just so good you have to see it. I'm really bad at making positive reviews, I'm much better at ranting, but I hope this might've convinced someone to check this episode out. Thanks for reading this silly little review of mine.
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More of this, please!
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You know one of those episodes where at first you just find it okay but then rewatch it and love it? This is that episode for me. I love season 3, and this one of the best examples for why I like this season so much.

This is one of those shows where I don't hate any of the side characters/classmates (except for Erica), so when they give one the spotlight to give them a bit more development/time for people to get to know them, it's really intriguing especially in this episode. In this case, it's Dressy. She has always just been adorable to me, but I like that this episode shows off that she loves doing crafts and has a bigger role by helping George and Harold in the Dream Dimension.

The first half is enjoyable. The kids are tired of the bland activities at their camp so they ask Krupp to give them camp activities in a mini song. So, Krupp tortures the kids by locking them in a room to make arts and crafts so he can get a Leisuremyland. Really dark yet really funny. Some stuff happens and Melvin falls in the water looking like a sea monster, which causes the boys to fear what that would be like.

Their camp crafts turn into a competition between the camps and Dressy is shown to be really good making dreamcatchers, George and Harold try to stall Dressy by asking her about the dreamcatcher, which causes them to get sucked into the dream dimension in the dreamcatcher. Made entirely of George and Harold's dreams because they were both holding the dreamcatcher.

I really hate just stating what happens in the episode, but in this case I kinda have to to show why I like the beginning. It's just the right amount of stuff happening and is enjoyable.

When they enter the dream dimension is when this episode gets cool. Just exploring the complicated place of their dreams is so intriguing to me and since it's all made up by George and Harold it gives me something to be like "they'd do that for sure" or "yeah I can see them".

Melvin tricks them into making Melviathan come to life and they can't reverse it because you can't control your nightmares. I don't know why because it's an obvious reason, but I love that they even explained it in the first place. I severely miss this in shows like Loud House...

Then the boys want to bring in Captain Underpants, but they bring in a more high tech version of him called Captain Ultrapants, similar to their comic from the beginning of the episode. After that doesn't work, they bring in the original and he defeats Melviathan with camp activities. The originality of this scene has two parts to it and I really like that. One, new design. Two, my dude defeated a villain on his own for once.

They go back to their normal world because they always win in the dream world, you need balance. Which means their actual dream camp was where they were in the first place, sending them back. It's another good moral, you can't have the good without the bad. Kinda like "See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey" from the Powerpuff Girls.

I have no problems with this episode so it gets a perfect score. I feel like this review is a little redundant and long, but thanks for reading.
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Brains went into making this one
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
No, I don't have a better title.

For starters, this episode has a special place in my heart due to a few reasons. It really makes me feel good due to the fact that it makes fun of the fact that short form content like TikTok and YouTube Shorts are horrible platforms that rot your brain.

The best episodes of this show are usually the ones that get to their main plot right away, and this episode is no exception. It takes barely any time for them at all to get to Herome Jorwitz for the plot to start. Everyone is a mismatched version of themselves (except for George, Harold, and Krupp) like in the Purple Potty People book. They are lazy by just reusing the same designs, but I can excuse it because it works in with the plot. It's better when they start off right away because there's less filler and shows that there was more of a "bigger idea" for lack of a better word.

Another thing, I also really like Krupp in this episode. Seeing this nicer side of him especially towards George and Harold is something I didn't know I wanted. Even the bizarro classmates are fun, like them making fun of the whole "according to my calculations" stereotype.

This episode is also just really fun and makes me happy, especially the "Fresher Start" intro. It's so cheesy that it works. And the fact that this episode also ties in to the bizarro theme by making the villain a bizarro version of one of their villains is very entertaining and makes me think that they actually gave two shots.

The fight is really entertaining too. It ties back into how TikTok rots the brain by that being the way they defeat Brainy, it's honestly really nice how they sent that message of "do you really want this to happen to you?" kinda thing. The Quiz-O-Rama is also so funny, especially how Captain Underpants getting hit with the yacht ties into the end of it when he accidentally destroys Herome Jorwitz.

Plus, this episode has a surprisingly nice moral. Would you rather have perfection and be bored out of your mind or chaos and excitement? It makes me wonder... and that's what I like about it.

I really don't know how to end this review but I have absolutely no issues with this episode. 10/10.
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The Loud House: Riddle School/Love Me Tenor (2024)
Season 7, Episode 20
What a bizarre episode to end the season on
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is my last season 7 review, which means my ranking of every episode in this season is finished! I'd recommend checking that out after this. Thanks so much for reading my reviews throughout this season! I'll continue to review every episode of season 8 and make a ranking for it of course. In the meantime, I'll probably just review more episode of the Captain Underpants show, it's my current obsession.

I really wish this season ended on Riddle School rather than Love Me Tenor, because this is the first episode in a while that I can say is not that bad. Actually almost good. They got me with the escape room plot. It was very obvious, but I still liked it.

This episode is mostly about the gang solving riddles from a mysterious figure for some "unknown" reason. I'm not gonna say this episode does a bad job at doing a twist, but Present Danger did this way worse. There are these letters throughout the episode with capital letters in each of them. Not sure if I'm just smart but I figured these letters had importance, once again showing that this show can't write for an audience over 5.

When they start solving the riddles, it's not that bad. There's different locations and it's not too insufferable. Nice change of pace. When they go in the science room is when they get their final challenge, and I just have one thing to say about this scene. PLASMA BALLS DON'T CAUSE SOMEBODY TO GET ELECTROCUTED LIKE THAT. I'm sorry, but it's way too convenient and too much of a cop out, like the writers couldn't figure out a way to end this saga of riddles. Understandable for this show, but still very annoying.

I don't really have much to say about this episode, I like some of it and I don't like some of it, it gets a 5/10. Was almost a 6/10 but the plasma ball thing annoys me too much for it to be any higher.

We move on to one of the worst finales in the show, Love Me Tenor. No where near as bad as Frame On You, but this episode is audibly annoying on top of including bad writing.

In this episode, Gus from Gus's Games and Grub gets the spotlight... why for your final episode of the season you put a random character nobody cares about in the spotlight. I will say, his singing voice isn't too bad, but I also really hate opera so it's kinda 50/50.

The middle school kids are in this episode once again to do absolutely nothing but cause pure chaos. First of all, they tackle Gus in the beginning of the episode for singing. I get that it's nighttime, but even during nighttime you can still see someone determining from the lighting of that shot, it's one of the many examples of why I do not like these types of episode, they always jump to nonsensical conclusions.

In this episode, Gus wants to be an opera singer, so the six 12 year olds try to solve a 40 something year old man's shyness of singing in front of a crowd. What really gets me about this episode is that Gus's shyness goes away almost instantly, which is not how this works, at least for me. I'm a very shy person, and it takes a lot for me to even work myself in front of a crowd. I had to do a few presentations and I could barely even talk in front of my class, even if there was someone else there. Not sure if I'm being too hard, but I don't care. It's still personally insulting to me.

So within about 10 literal seconds of episode time, he becomes professional. They never use transitions to portray how much time has passed between when he started singing and when he changed the Games and Grub to an opera, but knowing this show I assume like a day. Which... you can't renovate a whole building in one day, this dude must be loaded.

The kids goes to visit Gus and they only think about themselves and their needs saying "what about our video games". It's all your fault guys, once again they're so easy to jump on something without considering the cons. Because they're selfish, they try to sabotage the opera house with a spaghetti hose. Gus ends up singing a song for them and they immediately regret their actions. For your information, they only regretted their actions because Gus sang them a song, not because they learned it was selfish, only because he did something nice for them.

Because of their mistake, they end up having to take all the hits and surprise surprise the crowd loves it. Gus gets rightfully upset and immediately reverts the opera house to the Games and Grub after little convincing from Lincoln. Gus, you really need to prioritize yourself.

With one change, he keeps the opera house in it. He probably had to remove some of the games for that as none of the landscape or anything changed... yet the kids don't have an issue with that. Once again guessing this is like a day after, you can't just revert everything in one day and treat it seriously. In something like Krusty Towers, the home renovation scene isn't taken seriously, it's a joke. You see the difference is Loud House is trying to be serious with this... it's absolutely laughable at this point that they think they're doing something. Maybe I'm wrong and it's meant to be like a year later I don't know the writers didn't tell me.

In the end, they continue their act with the spaghetti hose but now it's a real performance and not an act of some sort. And the episode ends on a running gag of Liam's retainer where he finds it and the episode ends on a zoom up of his gross face. If that isn't a perfect representation of this season I don't know what is. The side character favoritism, the gross out, the horribly unfunny jokes, and the forced endings.

1/10. This one, being insulting to me and just a very badly written episode in general gives it a low rating. I'm really happy this season is over, this was a freaking nightmare to sit through all of. But I'm glad to write these reviews, if they convince even one person to stay away from these episodes then I did my job. I hope everyone has a great day and I'll see you in season 8!
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Welcome to Convenient Endings City
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Second to last review of this season. How did this show get greenlit for an eighth season? I guess that means more people I have to convince that this show is not good. I'm writing this review at 12 in the morning, so thanks a bunch for reading. I work really hard on my reviews of the Captain Underpants show too if you wanna check 'em out. Free promotion, hooray!!!

Just like Party Fowl, the only good thing about this episode is Lola. She carries this episode just by being herself, also the whole "petting the cat" James Bond villain thing.

That aside, this episode is not good. I will say this, the mystery box thing tripped me up when I was a kid. It gets relatability points but that's not enough to save this episode. Most of it is really convenient and tiresome. Lincoln first goes to Lola to pay his debt because he spent all her money on toys when he could've just ordered the toy he wanted online. Oh, and there ends up being the factory defect one which they say is "junk". It's very obvious that the defect is gonna go for a lot, they didn't even try to hide this...

Most of the episode Lincoln goes around helping Lola, it's entertaining but nothing special. After he gets sauce on her dress and breaks her teapot at the mall, he goes to some of his other sisters to pay off the debt, which they all chip in so he can pay her back. It happens offscreen I guess, but when that finishes Lincoln is now in debt to his other sisters because he's not so bright. Like a 10 year old glow in the dark sticker kind of bright.

He goes back to the store with all of his duplicate toys and surprise surprise, the factory defect is valuable and Lincoln gets enough money to pay everyone back. I wouldn't say I find this ending insulting but it is so cheap. It sends a bad message that eventually you'll be able to pay off your debt because of one little thing that's very rare to happen.

This episode gets a 3/10. Some fun moments but nothing worth watching again unless you want some Lola moments, she's my favorite character so maybe it's a bias thing but really I could care less.

Now moving on to There Will Be Mud. Why is this episode focusing on Liam ONCE AGAIN in this season? Hunn-Cutt Gems got a 1/10 for me, but I can at least say this episode is a lot better than that one. However, that's not saying much as this episode is still pretty bad.

We jump start right to the main plot for once where Liam and his mema become rich from an oil jackpot, kinda like There Will Be Grease from SpongeBob with all the charm taken out of it. Actually, you could call this episode a ripoff of Big Winner (I think that's the episode, I don't really remember though) from Regular Show, it's the same "trying to fit in with the rich" plot.

Also, NOT ALL RICH PEOPLE ARE SNOBS. I didn't think we were back to the 2000s with every stereotype in the book but Loud House is doing what they want I guess. In this episode, the rich people are very annoying, especially the one stuck up guy the Hunnicutts move next to. I forgot his name, but that pretty much just shows how forgettable this episode is.

A lot of this episode is mindless nonsense. First they're with the rich people, then they decide they need to fit in, then they throw a party right away because they're not so bright either. It's a simple three act structure but done really poorly.

In short, this episode is just annoying and one of those examples where it could've not happened and it wouldn't have changed anything in the story at all, as in the end they move back to the farm (without selling the house or anything only to have it be destroyed by the rich people). This also happens in the next episode Love Me Tenor. I can't wait to rant on that episode, hint hint.

I would give it a 1 but it looks like a masterpiece next to the other episodes I've given a 1/10 in this season, so it gets a 2/10. Thanks for reading this review. I really hope everyone has a spectacular day and that they don't watch Madam Web.
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Oh boy...
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy, this episode... I really don't know what to say other than this episode is just really bad and boring. It's also similar to Total Eclipse of the Fart from Total Dramarama, which is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen (that episode is more... fixation heavy, this one isn't nearly as bad). This is the third time I'm trying to post this.

This episode starts off with the main plot of this series coming back (the boys 500 detention visits in one school year), and just like some substances, they can't stop pranking and are up to 497 visits. A bunch of boring exposition junk happens and Krupp is later seen actually growing hair.

The entirety of this first "part" of the episode if you will (counting everything before they make Smartsy Fartsy) is just... so nothing, like more nothing than an average season 1 episode. Also, there's a spray for George's farts that plays as a cutaway a lot during this. The amount of times George farts in this episode is probably over 10, maybe I'll count the amount at same point. When I last binged this show, this episode and the next episode where the only two I genuinely just couldn't watch. Basically, the cutaway is just not funny and makes me a little uncomfortable. I get that this is Captain Underpants but for me... I don't know, this is a little bit too much.

The boys try to avoid pranking but later go to the school superintendent (who is later revealed to be future Melvin, in disguise for convoluted plot reasons) to try and get Krupp fired for writing rules in the rulebook, most of the rest of this episode is the boys trying to get the rulebook from Krupp but obviously can't.

Which leads them to making a talking fart. He's nice at first and actually does stuff with George and Harold like help with pranks and whatnot, but later realizes that the boys are "using him" and that he has no purpose...? It's really strange, I can't make this up.

So Smartsy confronts the boys and they try to reason with him and bring him to Melvin's rip off Ted Talk to show him people like him. Obviously that backfires and now he's out to seek vengeance. I'm laughing writing this, I can't make this sound good. Me just explaining this plot is as weird as the episode is. It's really confusingly dumb and just strange.

Fight scene happens and Captain Underpants inhales the fart, giving him superpowers. So he traps the school in a fart cloud and Captain Underpants goes to try and fan it out. Random stuff happens and he gets a helicopter to fan him away, basically doing the whole "I went to college" act.

The episode ends with them being at 499 visits and leaving the episode on a cliffhanger where a guy comes to talk to Melvin, which is just the superintendent/future Melvin from earlier.

As if that wasn't enough on the stinky sundae. I really don't know what to say. Like I said, I get that this is Captain Underpants but I just can't stand this. The next episode is even weirder, just look at the diggity darn thumbnail! 1/10. This isn't like offensive or anything but it's really really boring and bad. If me just saying the plot didn't do it for you, I don't know what will. Thanks for reading!
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It's just a prank, bro
3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hey everyone. I really hope you like this review, I'm really proud of this one and I really hope reading it will make your day... or at least kill a few minutes. Thanks so much to the few people who have read and found my reviews helpful, it really gives me the strength to keep writing these silly little reviews of mine.

Dread of the Class is such a bad episode. It brings back the side of Luan I can't stand, her devious side. She even has an evil laugh just like in the awful April Fools episodes. Seeing Ronnie Anne again is actually a breath of fresh air because finally we get someone new, Luan already got an episode like 2 episodes ago with An Inspector Falls, why does she need a major role in this one too?

It starts out okay I guess, Luan gives Ronnie Anne her pranking diploma (which turns out to be fake). Her final test is to prank Luan (which she did before in April Fools Rules but alright then). Throughout the entire episode I was uncomfortable, I just can't stand this side of Luan and her laugh brings shivers down my throat like a Silent Hill villain.

They start off in the bathroom where they put chili in the shower. First of all, that's not how bricks work. Second, there should probably be more pipes and something that a 12 and 15 year old shouldn't be learning about, also where is Lana? But of course, Luan makes it to where the chili floods the house. There wasn't much chili in the first place for one, plus she doesn't even get in trouble for it.

She walks to her Dad's restaurant all by herself as a 15 year old to eat, where Ronnie Anne sets up another prank. When she downs her spaghetti in one bite and heads to the bathroom, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln get pranked with the original prank that was meant for Luan, because apparently "she hasn't sat in years" which I call total bs but sure. Guys, don't be in the same place as the person you're pranking, it's like they weren't even trying to hide the fact they tried to prank her.

"Luan" goes to a birthday party and they sabotage her final act, where it turns out to be Benny in a skinsuit of Luan with an "impression" of her (which is a real pet peeve of mine when cartoon characters' impressions are literally just the other actor voicing the fake impression instead of the real actors doing the impressions). Sir, where did you get that skinsuit of your girlfriend???

The final prank of the day is at Hunnicutt Farm in a corn maze that Luan put pranks in, Virginia the pig comes in front to be shown all dirty and whatnot (this is important). The two of them go in TOGETHER and they immediately get covered in horse manure. Greeeeeeaaaat. A few pranks later, Luan traps Ronnie Anne and Lincoln in a hay prison... where the pig comes and saves them, throwing Luan into mud. Apparently Ronnie Anne made a plan with him. First of all, she was shown entering the maze right with Lincoln and there was no time after they entered that showed her missing where she was potentially talking to the pig (which he somehow understood) and rode a crane into the maze to save them. Once again, I call bs. She graduates because happy ending and Benny gets thrown into mud with a pie in the face.

2/10, would've been a 1 but by comparison this episode isn't nearly as bad as something like A Dish Come True or The Taunting Hour. Also, I kinda liked Ronnie Anne in this episode?

Welcome to the Doll Heist is a weird episode. My best friend Dylan gave it a 10/10, so I'm not sure the majority of people's thoughts on this episode but I found it to be strange. The fact that Cristina Milizia (Poison Ivy in DC Super Hero Girls) is in it raises the enjoyability of it by a lot.

This episode for me can be described as a wild ride. It's very chaotic all throughout, but not really in a good way. For one, the new character Ingrid is really annoying. Lily was also annoying too, she saw Ingrid's new toy once and immediately wanted it (I guess Professor Poopypants was right...). So they make a trade for her plush (a narwhal named Nugget), which causes Lily to trade Lola's Unice for it while she's away at a pageant. I love Lola, but you know better than to leave your door open while you're gone!

And just like a Dhar Mann video, Lily instantly regrets it. So she gets the male Polly Pocket of Zero Intellect Land (Lincoln) to help her swap the toys back because Ingrid said "no backsies". I mean... good on her! It's Ingrid's plush now, it's Lily's fault for doing this and now she has to learn (which would've been much better than what they went with). When trying to take back Unice at the grocery store fails, Lily and Lincoln get the ripoff Mission Impossible squad of Lisa, Lynn, Luan, Lana, and Todd to help steal it. They have Todd scan the house to get a blueprint, which is honestly really creepy. Guys, Zillow exists.

They go to Candace's house and use Luan as a distraction for the kids while Lincoln distracts Candace with a pie of a fruit that IMDb probably won't let me say the name of. The secondhand embarrassment is already starting! Lana distracts the dog with treats that are "good for the whole family" causing her to eat about half of them and leaving her trapped in the closet with the dog, why was it even established that it was dog food good for everyone? Lana has eaten dog food before, did y'all forget that?

Lily says a potty humor joke and then goes into Ingrid's room to steal Unice. Lynn comes in with a freaking drone to try and get the unicorn. However, Ingrid comes in and the drone loses control because she latches on and gets flown outside all around the background which somehow didn't hurt her. Ingrid trades Unice back because Lily says that's the only way she will play with her next week. Wow, for someone with the same name as me Lily is really freaking manipulative.

They quickly race back to the house with Unice and Lola realizes she smells like a fruit I can't say the name of on IMDb and the episode literally just ends there. Writers, I get you only have 11 minutes but this is why you can't have useless nonsense throughout the whole episode, you can't just get away with an ending like this, because it tells the people watching this that you can do something like what Lily did and get away consequence free. That's not how the world works...

5/10, I have a bias for heist plots and Cristina Milizia, also this episode really isn't the worst thing ever. Still pretty bad and has a rancid ending but it's not offensively bad like A Dish Come True or something. This heist plot was very strange despite the fact that somehow something Loud House hasn't done before (from what I remember, honestly I don't care at this point). Maybe check out my Captain Underpants show reviews if you have a minute...? And as always, thanks for reading.
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Dear god, what happened to this show?
3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
She's back with another review, her name is Lily, and she's ready to tear this episode to shreds! Seriously though, these episodes are so bad. What happened to this show I once loved back in the day...

The first episode in this pairing, Let's Break a Deal, is Time Trap levels of jumping the shark. Thankfully, this episode is better than Time Trap but only because it's 11 minutes instead of a bloody 22 minute special that aired on my birthday. From the start to end it is absolutely insufferable. For one, this episode stars another character from the Morticians Club. After What Lies Beneath? Yeah, this is sure to go well. Well, it starts off thankfully just like any other episode, it can only go down from here. When Rusty runs into Morpheus, they make a deal for Rusty to get good at a dance game... but in exchange Morpheus wants "a favor". This is exactly how he says it, just "a favor". Why leave him in suspense as to what it is in real episode logic? Are you trying to put him off the edge?

He goes around casting spells for Rusty with "cOmEdIc" effects as a result. However, this Harry Potter ripoff wants Rusty's hair in exchange for the 3 or so sentences he read out to cause things to happen. When Rusty understandably says no, Morpheus goes around casting spells on Rusty like a psychopath, with a scary laugh and all.

After this part when he goes on his date with Amber, it seems like he has rightfully gotten the point. But no, we just have to hammer in the fact that Rusty did a bad thing and for some reason tortures both Rusty and his date when Amber didn't even do anything. It wasn't even her fault that she fell in love with Rusty. After she gets trapped in a freaking claw machine, Amber's 1 brain cell thinks that Rusty's the one doing all this, making me feel even more sorry for him. What? You expect me to be against this man all because he didn't want to give this creepy kid his hair?

But of course, we have to end the episode in a "funny" way. Rusty shaves off all his hair when Harry Potter only needed one strand, saying "what's the fun in that?" referring to Rusty asking why he didn't just say that. Ok writers, We GET IT. Rusty's in the wrong and that kid that can easily mind control the whole planet is the good guy. It ends with Rusty not getting the girl and no hair... but still happy because he got a giraffe. What a cheap way to make everyone happy in the end. I hope the 7 year olds take what you want from this episode. Everything's cupcakes and rainbows, right?

1/10. This episode is such a piece of trash. Makes no sense, flawed writing, everything you could ask for in a bad season 7 episode. Half of these episodes in this season could easily qualify for my worst cartoon episodes list, shaking my head.

A Dish Come True... where do I start with this absolute trainwreck. I don't know if this will be a hot take, but this is one of the worst episodes in the show and the worst episode of season 7. Before you put up your pitchforks, I have my reasons. Have you guys ever wanted to see what Attention Deficit + Cooked + Brawl in the Family + Out on a Limo would be like? No? WELL TOO BAD because this episode takes elements from all of these episodes and makes one of the least enjoyable things I've ever watched since "Captain Underpants and the Dastardly Deeds of the Devious Diddlysaurus".

All throughout this episode I was in a bad mood. It starts off just like episodes such as Much Ado About Noshing and Dine and Bash (both 1/10 episodes as well) but do not be fooled, this is the least annoying thing in this episode. Very conveniently Lincoln hears about the "employee of the month" that Lynn is hosting and whoever wins gets a dish named after him. This is where Out a Limo comes in, Lincoln is a little demon and a kiss up throughout the entire episode. He starts off fine, being only a kiss up by taking all the dishes at once and accidentally destroying them (similar to DW from Arthur) or by taking all of the tables. The other employees seemingly have it out for him by their faces, knowing "he has a plan", which is a weird thing to assume knowing he hasn't used the man with the plan schtick since like last season or so.

Here is where Attention Deficit comes in, as Lana snoops on Lincoln talking to Clyde about winning the contest... which leads to Luan, Luna, and Lynn Jr. Also overhearing it when asking Lana what she's doing. So then they all start working and the Cooked part of this episode comes in, because then Lincoln the little demon child starts sabotaging them and then they all get in on it. WHICH LEADS TO A FOOD FIGHT and where Brawl in the Family comes in. Also, the reason they started sabotaging each other was because Lynn Sr. Left... which he immediately blames the only two people with slight intelligence for causing the fight. The two adults? Oh yeah, they totally started it, not your 5 children who are known to break out into fights regularly.

So the episode goes to a cheap little apology and they make both Grant and Kataro the employee of the month... who the heck could've seen that coming? If this isn't one of the most predictable shows ever, oh my gosh. The episode also ends on a really bad joke about an animal just like Cooked and Much Ado About Noshing... thanks for reminding me, I need to go cry.

This is so obviously a 1/10. I really hope people hear me out when I say this genuinely is one of the worst episodes in the series. Maybe check out my Captain Underpants reviews if you have a minute...? And as always, thanks for reading.
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31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Review this episode" a quote from my best friend Dylan. Well Dylan, I'm doing it now so hope you like it. A little bit of context for everyone, this is my favorite episode of season 3 (my favorite season, but not best written) in this show.

This episode is very similar to the Loud House episode A Dark and Story Night, my favorite episode from that awful show. Take that episode, add different animation styles (still can't over the fact they did that), add characters I care way more about, and this episode is the lovechild of whatever genius did this. The sadder thing is that this episode aired over a year before that Loud House episode came out.

This episode handles the "story handed over to the next person" plot because it has more relevance to the story and once again DIFFERENT ANIMATION STYLES FOR EACH PART OF THE STORY. Also, each part is longer because there's less characters, making it a lot less hard to focus on each part.

I'm not gonna go too deep into the beginning, but it is about the kids being in this camp obstacle course... however Melvin's the only one who doesn't want to do it which causes everybody to not be able to do anything until they all complete it. So they have their friend Gooch dress up as Melvin which causes him to think he is Melvin for the first few minutes of the episode. I really like this episode's use of background characters, the whole season too (like Dressy in Melviathan). Also, whenever the rain starts and they have to figure out what to do, the way Gooch "finds himself" again is really funny with him just smirking in the mirror and him being back all of a sudden.

While this is all happening, Melvin is trying to clone all of the campers to make versions more like Melvin, throughout this episode he is snooping on everyone and his little remarks always get a chuckle out of me.

BUT now to get into the bulk of this episode, the game of plot potato. It starts off with George and Harold, their comic is about Combotato (a potato with all the heads of monsters). Pausing here to say this is such a creative idea for a villain. Especially since it's with a potato of all things. It's nothing too noteworthy, really just the standard George and Harold comic.

Then, the story gets passed off to Dressy. The style of her part doesn't change much from the usual, but her part is still weirdly enjoyable. Not much happens but they end up falling from the sky in the end. It feels like a bit of an acid trip with all the rainbows though.

Stanley's part changes the animation style to a Powerpuff Girls/Samurai Jack-esque style, it's very nice to look at and probably the best in terms of how clean it looks. It's also a western where Combotato is an outlaw and Captain Underpants has to fight him. They end up breaking the roof of a train they're on and pull up to Popu-larr High.

Which leads to Jessica's part in a Loli-Rock style. This part is probably my favorite just for how silly it is. Jessica and the Sophie's have a rap battle with Captain Underpants and Combotato. The raps are so goofy you have to listen to them to believe it. Well, Jessica and the Sophie's don't like their rap so instead they work on the gym committee.

And Gooch's part is in a style similar to Mr. Men and Little Miss, they just mess up the gym and that's pretty much all the happens. Well, it finishes this part on a cliffhanger. So Erica comes and "finishes" the story in a courtroom in an Archer style.

One thing I wanna say is how I love the fact that all of the animation styles for the stories fit the characters so well, especially Jessica and Gooch.

Since they all hated Erica's part, they go to Melvin to try and finish the story once and for all. However, a mishap happens and the plot potato combines with the dna of all the campers, making Combotato for real. Once again, really cool villain concept.

I don't want this review to be too long, but when they get Captain Underpants, the Potat-O-Rama is really funny. I always love when they incorporate puppets into this show. It's still raining outside from earlier, so no more Captain Underpants. Which causes the campers to have a chase with Combotato and Melvin is the one to defeat it. I love the fact that this episode is super unique and that it's not resolved in the traditional way, also due to the fact that this is the only episode with different animation styles (not counting the cutaways or anything like that)

This episode in general is really enjoyable and you should watch it, it's way better than the Loud House episode it's similar to (totally not trying to get people who read my Loud House reviews to see this) and just amazingly fun. I sum it up in my ranking, but yeah. 10/10.
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Plunging the way for one of the best episodes
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is new for me. Usually I'm all about Loud House but today I wanna do something that won't make me question my sanity. If anyone from my Loud House reviews sees this, PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW... at least maybe the top 3 on my ranking. Thanks to my friend for suggesting me to review this show and the title idea.

This episode starts off like any episode of this show, George and Harold are making a comic book with the help of Erica. This is the only episode where I don't dislike her. Usually she's just a badly written "girlboss" type, but in this episode she's actually cool without it being shoved down my throat. Anyways, they're working with her to make up a new girl hero, Plungerina. They make up the villain Cloggernaut (not sure how to spell it) for her to fight, and Erica says that if he actually existed Plungerina would do a better job than the absolute goat Captain Underpants.

The boys are understandably shocked and they end up making a real Cloggernaut to prove to Erica that Captain Underpants would be able to do a better job than Plungerina... however Krupp isn't there. He's at the Principal's Convention with Melvinborg. The fact that all of this, one of the villains, the fact that Krupp is gone, and everything else is set up right away makes this episode a lot more enjoyable than others because there is no filler. Well, a real Plungerina comes and she beats Cloggernaut. Which leads to this episode's main conflict, figuring out who Plungerina is (it's obviously Erica but I really don't care that they try and do a twist because the boys actually have reasons for assuming literally every other female is Plungerina), this is where the episode gets even better.

So for the next bit of the episode, George and Harold go around trying to figure out who Plungerina is. This could be argued as filler, however I don't mind it because it's entertaining... and once again, I know it's Erica so it's not really like a "yeah obviously _'s not Plungerina" situation. They suspect Miss Anthrope after they see her buying plungers (with a really funny and ridiculous explanation as to why), so they go to her house and try to confront her because Cloggernaut is back (he was created because a teacher flushed the toilet with everything inside it to make him, and the 0 braincelled individual did it a second time). Because of this "confrontation" at Miss Anthrope's, they create another monster, Clogneta, who is hilariously introduced in this episode with a cutaway screaming her name in an opera-like fashion. I really really like the fact that they make another villain here. It ups the stakes even more and it's also very unique as no other episode has had two villains in one 22 minute piece.

After making Clogneta, Plungerina comes back and they go to Miss Anthrope's neighbor's where they run into Clogneta again. This part shows off how good this show's animation is. It's very fluid as everything in the bathroom is getting messed up and just shows how big of a threat Clogneta is in this episode. After a sick bit of animation, Plungerina gets flushed with Clogneta, so they call Krupp and get Captain Underpants.

They all go into the sewer and have a showdown with Clogneta and Cloggernaut, where Plungerina is revealed to be Erica... shocker. So they all start working together to defeat the two villains and get Captain Underpants to flush every toilet in Piqua, which causes them to turn back into Mr. Fyde and Miss Anthrope. Very nice animation showed here once again and of course the fight is awesome. I don't know how to describe it here... but whatever.

This episode is absolutely incredible and feels straight out of the books, I love it. 10/10 would watch again. Thanks for reading!
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The mystery of where is a good episode: not solved
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not even doing this today, I'm not in the mood, this is the third time rewriting this because it "doesn't meet eligible criteria".

An Inspector Falls is such a predictable piece of trash. I was really hyped for this episode actually as it's a detective plot. However... this episode is nothing more than a graduate from the Big Hero 6 school of how not to write a twist. It starts with Luan and friends seeing callbacks for an upcoming play, where Luan is the main role. Her friend, Amy, got the role of her assistant and a girl named Shannon got the role as a bush. This'll be important for later. Well... as it's a mystery story (not established in the story yet but I knew the synopsis), the viewers are at first led to believe the janitor (who was never seen before this episode) did the big crime. Now, I'm not one to fall for tricks easily, so I crossed him out immediately.

Then, a sandbag drops while Luan and friends practice their lines and they get Luan to investigate. The mystery is on... seemingly. They go to interview people and it's all just antics to fill the runtime because the writers don't know what entertainment means. Nothing much to say here.

Well, later on, Amy becomes the new detective lady because Amy's boyfriend Rex had ropeburn, which is later revealed to just be makeup. If it was makeup, how did no one notice it was fake? Powder is not the best cover up for a ropeburn, believe me when I say I've seen a ropeburn. The reason they give is because she's a "better detective" but this is a PLAY. Not REAL LIFE, it should not influence a role in a stupid PLAY. How is Mrs. Bernardo so braindead?

Luan and Amy practice their newly assigned roles when she finds purple nail polish on stage. It's later revealed to be from Amy, who was the one to set up this plan just to get the lead role in this play. If it's really nail polish, how did it make a big purple mark like that? She must have just painted it 5 seconds ago, but then it would just feel like Amy either has no brain or she wanted Luan to figure out what happened. Luan and Benny further investigate by finding out Amy is left-handed and that Rex is right-handed. They are classmates, how would they not already know their dominant hand?

Night of the play starts and Luan decides it would be a good idea to ruin the play by calling Amy out instead of doing this before the play. It's just the classic "you did it" and then sad piano music. Amy ends up having to be the bush that Shannon originally was. How did this girl not get banned from being in future plays after pulling this ridiculously complicated stunt? It is such a bad "make everyone happy" type ending that Loud House is unfortunately known for.

For your information, I knew it was Amy from the start due to how excited she was in the beginning, seemed too suspicious and I expected Loud House to go with the "least expected" Big Hero 6 type ending.

This episode still gets a 4/10 because I like mystery stories however it is really bland for being in association with cartoon episodes like Squid Noir (SpongeBob) and Dog Play Afternoon (Brandy & Mr. Whiskers). But I digress...

One in a Million is a breath of fresh air for Lincoln and Clyde episodes. This episode is still pretty mediocre, but it's nowhere near as bad as anything from season 5 focussing on Lincoln and Clyde (and their friends to an extent). Actually looks good in comparison to something like Friends in Dry Places.

This episode has a really strange concept I will throw that out there, and the beginning is really season 1-adjacent including Lincoln breaking the fourth wall. Why is season 7 suddenly bringing this aspect of the show back? However it's not good season 1 style, it's just Lincoln and Clyde wasting food for Flip's one millionth customer contest (if they win they get to raid the gas station for 30 seconds basically). Somehow they have hid a camera in cereal box for God knows how long to watch Flip's customer counter.

They go to Flip's and try to bring in more customers. This is the entirety of the middle half of the episode, it's a huge waste of time that could've been cut and nothing would've changed.

So, really conveniently, Chandler comes in and wonders what's up with Lincoln and Clyde. After a fight sequence that would make a video game from the 60's blush, Chandler figures out about the contest and coincidentally is the millionth customer. Chandler doesn't get anything because apparently Nacho was listening in and told Flip about everything, which caused him to clear the shelves. Once again, how freaking convenient.

So, Flip tells Lincoln and Clyde that they can raid the store like they wanted for helping bring in customers. They apparently are able to take the whole store's stock in 30 seconds and the episode just ends there. It feels like one of those endings that are really not thought out. Not like Can't Lynn Em All not thought out but up there.

5/10. It's just average Loud House nothingness. By the way, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this review.
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The Loud House: Bye, Tanya/What Lies Beneath (2024)
Season 7, Episode 15
A mannequin and Morticians Club emergency!
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can finally review this episode after going through the tiring process of changing "Lilly loud is a 5 year old kid now" to this. I'm praying to god this show doesn't get a season 8, I'm literally only sticking around because of Lola.

Bye Tanya (using it without the comma because I don't want to confuse myself) is a surprisingly great episode. This episode revolves around the second best sister in the show, Leni. That enough is potential for a good episode, looking at you Fashion No Show. It also takes place at the mall with Fiona and Miguel, two characters I have heavily missed for some time now as Leader of the Rack is also one of the best episodes in the show to me. More props for using different locations such as the warehouse.

This episode is similar to the season 6 episode Lights Camera Nuclear Reaction where Lincoln and Clyde also have to break into a warehouse to save something. In this episode, I'll admit it's a little bit better than Nuclear. Why? For starters, this one is more realistic. It makes more sense breaking into a warehouse to save a mannequin Leni's really attached to rather than a spy mission to stop Todd from destroying the world because of his "evil mode". It also just has characters I find to be more sympathetic. Taking points off for kind of ripping off a previous episode, but still a better version of it.

Most of the episode boils down to the three employees trying to save Tanya because the old mannequins are gross. The first half also lowers the score a little bit because it gives me ever-so-slight second hand embarrassment. But not by much. It's very fun whenever Leni accidentally puts Tanya in the truck and they have to go and break in, which also acknowledges the fact that Leni can drive in this episode! I just love when this show actually remembers it's continuity.

Anyways, rest of the episode is pretty entertaining, and Mrs. Carmichael comes to save the day and turns off the machine so Tanya can be saved. This is the one major thing I don't like about this episode. I mean, I'm fine with it but I'm just sick of the happy ending. If it ended with Tanya being "killed off" so to speak it would give a lesson that good things don't always last forever and that you have to remember the good times, similar to Camping from Bluey. But who am I to expect more than cardboard-adjacent writing.

8/10. Pretty good episode that shows this season can be good but just chooses not to. This episode was written by Andrew Brooks, who wrote one of the worst episodes in the whole show The Taunting Hour. Just throwing that out there.

Back to my usual ranting for the episode What Lies Beneath. I really do not care for the Morticians Club so I could care less about an episode dedicated to one of the most boring members in the club. If it was about an actually developed character like Haiku, ok that would make more sense. But no, it's focused on Dante. Also, there's this cat throughout the episode that has never been in any episode before this, which just goes to show that this is only here to move the plot. This episode was written by the writer of Bummer Camp, just throwing it out there.

Most of this episode is just filler nonsense. Dante buried something in the beginning of this episode which sets up the plot. What makes this episode even worse is the fact that he buried ice cream because he hates sharing. Mother. Freaking. Ice. Cream. You'd think a refrigerator would be a good place for that.

Also, there's a dude at the cemetery who's also never established in any episode before this. He is only here for a conflict. Everyone goes to a grave store to buy "Ernie Shovelgate", who Dante pretended the buried ice cream's tombstone was, a better headstone. But of course, the cemetery guy never established before this episode just so happens to eat his lunch right buy the tomb of Mr. Ernie The Fake.

I'm not giving much background detail because I assume you already watched this episode prior to reading this review.

Most of this episode gives me secondhand embarrassment as well, but to a much higher degree, due to the antics at the grave store mostly. I really despise Dante after watching this episode. Thanks for ruining another potentially good background character, Loud House!

3/10, not the worst thing ever but jesus christ is this episode flawed and the actual definition of filling up a slot. Thanks for reading <3.
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23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
FINALLY coming around and reviewing this episode! This review is probably not gonna be that long but it'll have everything I needed to say.

Everything about this episode feels stitched together just for a cheap Christmas special, no heart, no soul, nothing. This episode is soulless. It is one of the worst modern Loud House episodes. Now, for most that seem like a stretch but I'm gonna try the best to explain myself, because I am very passionate in why I hate this episode.

First of all, the new characters. They are so boring and feel like carbon copies of other characters (like the oldest cousin being a Luna clone for example). Shelby is the worst, most likely because of the extended screen time they gave her. This girl is the most annoying little thing ever, she tries to be "quirky" but it just comes out like she's trying to cosplay Star Butterfly. Honestly, the edition of the new family makes this episode more overwhelming as now there are even more characters with more attempts to make good jokes/plot points/etc but utterly fails.

This episode starts like Time Trap, just a normal day. Then Lincoln explains why Lance and Lynn have it out for each other. The reason? A freaking spatula. I thought they were meant to be in their 40's. They have set up with getting the cousins there, and this is where the new characters start to get annoying. The only "likable" one is probably Sharron, but she's pretty much just a nicer Rita (and kinda hot...). Shelby's personality comes out here with her stupid sweater, every time they do a gag with this I cringe. This is starting to feel like a Dhar Mann video.

When they go to see Gramps is where it gets worse. The brothers start having competitions, but then randomly make up after like a minute of reminiscing on old memories. I understand making up like that, my mom and her sister have the same problem, but just one minute of real episode time is an inaccurate way to show that they're making up. I get the "episode run time" excuse, but they could've portrayed it better, seemingly less forced.

As if it couldn't get worse from here, Lance kills a spider with a spatula. First of all, use a napkin. Second of all, why a spatula when you know about why you stopped talking in the first place. Third, WHY A SPATULA???? Well, they start fighting again and do the whole "literal line in the sand" trope. Done really stereotypically and cringeworthy I should mention. Also Gramps gets the short end of the stick because "comedy". Speaking of which, nothing in this episode is even remotely funny. But just wait! It gets even worse.

Lori, Shelby, and Lincoln leave and somehow the three of them are able to balance on one piece of a frozen lake. A very small piece of frozen lake. Then, the brothers come to rescue the three of them and they do the stupid "teamwork makes the dream work" bull. Which somehow works even though ALL 5 OF THEM at one point get stuck on the same tiny piece of the lake. Then they make up, for real. Okay then.

The episode ends with a song that would make the Dhar Mann Christmas song blush. Seriously though, this song is awful and is a really dumb way to end an episode because it just shows that no thought was put into this. And it ends with Shelby's sweater wishing us a Merry Christmas.

I don't understand the fandom's hype for this episode, it is really nothing special if they just remove the rose-colored glasses. Christmas specials are usually just really cheesy for me in general unless they go so out of the box that I can't help myself but love it. This one? Nope. It's not worse than something like Dexter vs. Santa's Claws but no where near a good as something like Christmas Who. Thanks for reading and sorry this review is so late. <3.
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Watch "Big Girls Don't Body Slam", not this garbage wrestling episode
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hey there! I'll review Twas the Fight Before Christmas eventually, that one is an awful episode. When I saw someone else review this episode I felt like I finally had to sit down and review it (I'm such a freaking procrastinator). Just saying, these episodes are both terrible, which is why I didn't want to review them... but clearly you can see I did.

What is there to say about Hunn-Cutt Gems.... oh yeah, IT'S AWFUL. This episode is about Liam becoming famous for life on the farm and it is not handled well. First off, this is a reused plot from other shows/this show, with Making the Case. This makes the episode not only less enjoyable but more likely for me to be harder on it due to reusing this plot from the same show. It starts off like any other episode about Lincoln and his classmates, Rusty is an absolute dingus as well, he was probably the worst thing about this episode.

So, it's the plot of the fame getting to Liam's head which results in him becoming stuck up and eventually having to fake stuff on the farm when it's not getting as much "clout" for lack of a better word. It is some of the most boring writing I have seen in this show, right up there with episodes like Much Ado About Noshing.

In the end, one of his fake stunts goes wrong and he realizes that fame isn't important and just shows what actually goes on at the farm. It is such a boring episode, there is absolutely nothing right with it, yet it's not even notable enough to be called one of the worst in the series. That being said, it's still getting a 1/10. Be more original, you deflated balloon.

Can't Lynn Em All is another episode that I hate. You see why I didn't wanna review this series anymore despite reviewing every episode from season 6 and most of season 7? It's another plot trope that's been done a hundred time, wrestling. I love wrestling cartoon episodes, but this is just shameful.

It is about Lynn (14 year old) becoming a wrestling star but for all the wrong reasons. It takes a dive into the community hating Lynn for being such a stuck up piece of garbage, which was not handled right. If an episode reminds me of Taunting Hour, that is a huge problem.

First 5 minutes or so is really boring. Yeah it's the setup but it could barely even keep me awake. Nothing much else to say.

However, the rest of the episode just falls flat. Saying that even though it had nothing going on to begin with seems stupid but someone had to. So she becomes popular and then they make her out to look like the bad guy. This actually isn't that bad of an idea, but it is still really badly executed. Everyone hating Lynn here is honestly quite uncalled for. I get it in the context of the show, but throwing spitballs at her and charging 50 dollars for a drink at a gas station is just stupid. I get it's The Loud House but come the hell on.

She battles Santa Claus... very creative character... and they both try to lose. Which is very annoying to have to watch for about 2 minutes as it genuinely gives me secondhand embarrassment. When things are so dumb that they make me embarrassed, you know you've done a bad job. Then she quits and throws her clothes at Bella Big Bucks... very creative character once again... and blah blah blah the day is saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girls. I also have a huge bias towards wrestling episodes since my favorite cartoon episode of all time is about wrestling, so it cements itself as a 1/10. Thanks for reading my review.
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Jelly Ben and Pogo: Balikbayan Box (2022)
Season 1, Episode 16
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just summing up thoughts, this is one of the worst cartoon episodes I've ever seen, no exaggeration. That seems like a lot especially since this episode is 2 minutes, but Jesus Christ when I say that this episode is insufferable. It's contrived as heck for one. If the fact that the kid had an elephant on his shirt wasn't enough, they literally point out "hey you should give your favorite toy to this guy you barely know". I think I'm not alone when I'd say I wouldn't want to do that, that's just stupid. Shoehorning in the girl giving away the elephant with the other kid and the sea monster giving the kid special belongings of theirs. It's just dumb I mean holy moly. And just OUT OF NOWHERE she gives away her elephant to the kid when they've already given him other things. Which is more than enough by the way with no indication that the stuff's even for him.
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Everyone's a moron, I guess
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry this review is so late, I didn't really know what to write. I've been laying down and now I'm ready to tear this apart. Just saying right now, PARTY FOWL IS ACTIVELY HATED BY THE FANBASE!!! WOOHOO!!!! I finally am able to post this without feeling like I'm gonna get bombarded with dislikes!

Just saying right now, the only enjoyable thing about this episode is Lola. That's it. Everything else can go die in a hole.

I don't have much to say for this episode because, like many others this season, it can be summed up in one word. The word of the day is.... annoying! This episode is really annoying because of, you guessed it, Sergio. Why did we need an entire episode focussing on him when Lola and Carl were already there for a perfectly ok plot setup? It's also really boring and made one of my friends almost go insane just watching it for the first time.

Either way, Sergio is such a jerk in this episode and got no payback for doing what he did to the pets and the louds. It's just a simple slap on the wrist, if you can even call it that, where he just becomes friends with everyone and they all live happily ever after. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE CUPCAKES AND RAINBOWS. MY GOD. It also ends with a poop joke.

1/10. Second worst episode of the season so far.

I have even less to say about Sleepless in Royal Woods. It's a ripoff of that one episode from the live action show with a really predictable and bland ending. One thing though? Despite everyone being an idiot, the nighttime setting was really cool with the different locations such as Dairyland. I also like how Rita had some cool moments like how she kicked the robber dude.

However... the ending was what threw it off. Like I said before, it's really predictable. Mrs. Bernardo was seen on tv in the beginning of the episode with a line (that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't significant) and boom she's the "robber" Rita and Lily saw.

It's absolute insanity how flawed and predictable the writing of these modern episodes can be. I'm so sick of it.

4/10. Scores average to 2.5/10.
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Vantastic Voyage but not as annoying (Sponsor Tripped isn't worth watching either)
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really really really really really really really really REALLY want to try and not get that angry in this review, but it might not work out due to Sponsor Tripped being apart of this review (spoiler to my thoughts?), just be mindful of it I guess. Lana is one of the better characters in this show, so an episode about her coming once in a blue moon was a nice surprise and didn't disappoint... much.

As a girl who knows nothing about cars, I found it hard to believe how much "durhur Lynn Sr. Get hurt and is stoopid funee funee!!!" humor they got in this episode, like how he thought a car part was a cowbell when they look nothing alike. I'm a teenage girl and I find you the strange one. It's not too big of an issue, but this episode also just has a lack of characters I like and doesn't get good until the second half, which isn't even comparable to something like Candy Crushed (I will never stop praising this episode).

Pretty much everything in the first half is what I would expect from this show. It's just basic baby humor with cute Lana and old guys I don't like. The part at Flip's really fits with my "baby humor" talk. People take off their pants 4 times in this episode all within about a minute. I'm onto you, Nickelodeon....

Second half is completely different. Yeah, it's still "standard Loud House" but it had cool animation and the colors were nice. Vanzilla lore wasn't something on my bingo card! I don't have much to say when I try to praise cartoon episodes rather than rant on them (Dylan if you're reading this please help).

This episode's ending, what ending? A faux pas of a sweet moment, like a Dhar Mann video but animated.

Please believe me when I say this episode is a 6/10, even if it sounds like I mostly harped on it. I'd check it out if not just for Lana.

I'm gonna try and finish the next part of this review quickly because it's 11:49 PM and I'm tired. Sponsor Tripped... SUCKS. Lynn, being the worst character in the show, almost guaranteed this to be a bad episode. Not even 5 minutes in and I regretted watching it.

If this isn't one of the most boring and pointless episodes of the season then SheZow isn't genderfluid. I'm serious, what the heck was the point of this? This plot is just "Lynn abuses sponsors, Lynn has no sponsors... blah blah blah blah everyone is happy in the end".

I hate almost everyone's guts in this episode. Lynn and her friends especially and how they wouldn't stop to think this could be a bad thing (I get that they're "kids", but it's not a valid excuse in my opinion and kind of offends me).

The people who actually want these girls to sponsor them aren't any better. They literally make Lynn walk around in a burger costume DURING A FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP, and no one considers this a problem. "Promotion" is not a valid excuse here when this is not how sponsoring at events work (usually billboards and during breaks if we're referring to games that take place in real life, not on TV), it took me one Google search and watching many NFL games with my mom to figure this out but a professional adult writer can't? Even for the almost nothing of a plot it's so convoluted. I can tell the other reviewer here looks at Lynn's feet pics.

NITPICK TIME! Why is Lainey not here? Why instead is this new girl Carla here? "Representation"? Lainey's already an LGBTQ character, so what was the need to replace her?

It makes me so mad to see Lynn get the spotlight she doesn't deserve. Call me a hater, but I don't care. LYNN IS THE WORST.

1/10, no questions asked. Thanks for reading.
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20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like I stated in my Out of Step review, sorry for writing this so late. I'll try and do better with the next two episodes (Hunn-cutt Gems and Can't Lynn Em All) airing... hopefully soon? I'm sort of surprised by these episodes. They, thankfully, aren't the worst things ever! Let's just say... Fluff and Foiled carried.

Music to My Fears, I swear, I thought was gonna be a Lucy episode because of the title. Well, it's not too bad for what it is, but I would've preferred a Lucy episode (even though she's a bad character, worse than Luna). For what it is, it's... okay? The new girl, Nina, voiced by Verosika Mayday is a cool edition and I hope she appears more!

Getting into the real stuff about this episode, I can't stand Luna's behavior. It's not that she's a donut hole or anything, she's just annoying and avoids the problem in a way I'd except someone like Lincoln to do, it just seems so wrong for Luna to be doing something like this. Child's Play was a way better episode for her, and that one was only a 4/10!

I can't find much else to say about this episode, Joey was super annoying and made no sense, especially how they had to get a treadmill on the stage for him and how Luna just couldn't tell everyone about Nina because of ONE THING LUAN SAID, that applies to HER, not LUNA. I'm around Luna's age and I'd never take that "advice", come on! So, there's another point. She's not just annoying, but annoying and braindead... LUNA TURNED INTO JOHNNY TEST, BREAK OUT THE PITCHFORKS, PEOPLE, ALL OF THEM!!!

3/10. The ending frame is a cursed image.

Oh boy, Fluff and Foiled... is actually a good episode. *insert We Are The Champions by Queen*. Get this, it's a Lincoln episode, one of my least favorite characters in the entire series. How is this even possible??? Well, let's just get into why I like it.

First of all, this episode felt like a season 1 episode, with the realism to it as well. The beginning showed the viewers something about Lincoln's fourth wall breaks (which I'm so happy they brought back for this season!), his sisters and parents listen in. I think that was a neat edition. Anyways, back to the real review.

This episode is one of those examples of a simplistic plot that went way higher than it needed to. Lincoln has to do laundry before he can go to the amusement park. Sounds fine enough, right? Yeah, well... shocker, I... like... Lincoln in this episode... that was hard to write, I admit. I find his dilemma relatable and the length he goes to get the laundry back after he loses it all, it really goes back to that old season charm of how much Lincoln cares for his sisters, something rarely seen in the modern seasons since Lincoln is like the Applejack of this show nowadays.

That's pretty much why I like it, it's just a simple and enjoyable episode. Also, that ending was deserved. :)

7/10. Please make more episodes with this early-season feel! 4.5/10 average, I'll review Van and Party Fowl... soon, I hope.
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Dancing and Swedish people is a recipe for disaster: who could have seen that coming? Me.
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry I'm late to writing this review (and the next two which I'll probably write later). I'm gonna try and be quick about this, these episodes were worse than a middle school restroom. The episodes provided little redeeming qualities. Out of Step is the less bad episode, so I'll talk about it first, especially considering it's first in the pairing.

This episode is pretty much just a Dog Day Afternoon type plot where it's about sabotaging to try and do better... if that makes sense. Just the plot in general is really generic and bored the crap outta me, I don't care about Clyde at all. It was kind of obvious I wouldn't care for this episode, especially considering it's a season 7 Loud House episode. Another thing I should mention is Chandler. He's the one thing saving this episode

Yes, really.

Before you put up your pitchforks, let me just say I cannot stand Lincoln at all, so him getting bullied by Chandler is just hilarious to me, even when it's not deserved (for episodes where he bullies Lincoln they are still counted against the episode if they are undeserved - ex: Musical Chairs, 1/10). In this episode, he and his "Grandma" are in the competition and try to sabotage Clyde and Nana Gayle for some massage chairs. I mean... it isn't the worst prize ever???

Well, the sabotaging goes how you'd expect: drier than a desert. It's just boring and predictable. Also, Mrs. Bernardo annoyed me a ton in this episode. I understand why they couldn't go again, but it was like she was blind... dude, IT WASN'T THEIR FAULT, STOP BEING SO NAIVE, YOU FAILURE OF A BROADWAY STAR.

That's pretty much all I have to say about this episode. I got spoiled to the ending online before I watched this episode, but while watching it, the twist of Chandler's grandma not actually being his grandma wasn't that out of left field. Then again, I can predict anything nowadays. Screw the modern era.

I'm gonna stop with my rants, this episode is a 3/10. Chandler and the animation are the only saviors.

If you thought that was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet, because Too Cool for School lands like a torpedo in my stomach of horrendous writing. I despise the episodes of Lincoln and his friends just at the school doing stuff.

This episode is no exception, it's one of the worst of the episodes in its' category. I can't understand how anyone likes this episode. So let me explain why I can't stand it.

First of all, everyone is braindead, especially Principal Ramirez for trusting this... Swedish mama..., when she should've realized after like a day or two that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE besides her was liking these new rules. These types of episodes infuriate me on another level.

Also, the fact that the second half is a huge ripoff of Saved By the Spell from season 5 is just the cherry on top. Stella dresses as the Swedish lady, Astrid, and goes to her meet and greet (somehow during school hours) and pretends to be her. Yeah, I can totally tell it's Astrid, must have just she shrunk and become hispanic. The Principal is somehow fooled by this (a former teacher) and only realizes it isn't Astrid when she comes back from "helping" the rest of their little gang or whatever. They might as well be some sort of The Warriors style gang. Anyways, this paragraph is getting too long.

Pretty much just saying I hate this episode. Season 7 was going a little better, but it had to introduce this piece of bull to my life when it's already bad enough. :,)

Obvious 1/10. Scores average to a 2/10, sorry for writing this so late.
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I'm so sick of this review getting declined
21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode of this pair is the worst episode in this arc. Just putting it simply. I am not gonna sugarcoat it, this episode was atrocious. Not as bad as Force of Habits, but it came close. This, in short, is one of the weirdest episodes I've watched in forever. Let's just get into this.

If I haven't made it clear, this episode is really bad... I get scared every time Andrew Brooks writes episodes, 99% of the time they're really bad, he wrote Tough Guise and Taunting Hour too! This one is certainly no different, it's really really annoying.

That is mostly due to Lynn Sr. In this episode. I couldn't stand him in this, I knew Brad wasn't a bad guy and the dude should've just left him alone. It's not that though. You wanna know what's even weirder? The second half. Lynn Sr. And Lincoln go in the barn as "rodeo clowns" (SpongeBob reference?) and swap Brad's horse for some bull. Unsurprisingly, it escalates to nothing.

The second I saw that Brad had songs named after Rita, I instantly called that it was a different Rita, *in a sarcastic tone* oh my god I was right. And the fact that he didn't name the horse after Rita Loud, like... wow! How.. ugh, I can't even say it.

The song is probably even worse though, what in the world is this? Rita Likes Pita is the song. Tell me why I feel like they only made this song to pad out the runtime? Lyrics and instrumental make Save Royal Wood's songs look like Mozart. Worst episode of the season yet.


Doll Day Afternoon is the second best of this arc. Now, it's not even THAT good, but for a Luan episode I was pretty shocked. I like these kind of high chase mystery stories (if not ruined by Velma), so this episode was alright for what it had to do.

I don't really like the fact that it was about Mr. Coconuts... but I mean, it's fine I guess. The "depth" they added to Mr. Coconuts by giving him a dad and a backstory is just... AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL ANYTHING FOR THIS PUPPET?

At least I can say the mystery was unexpected, as I probably never would have guessed that the thief was Coconuts' dad. I don't have much to say on this episode. It's not that bad, but it's not good due to how strange it is.

5/10. Would've liked it more if it was maybe like... Lana's pet going missing? At least I would've cared.
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