10 Reviews
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Reprisal (I) (2018)
Needed more money and time!
13 May 2021
This movie has "A" list actors but a 14 day shooting schedule and a script that was hastily put together. It is watchable if predictable but with a few more days and money it could have been so much better. Watch it if you are a big time Bruce Willis fan and want to add this to your resume to show you have seen all his material. As is I give it a 5 out of 10.
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The Fortress Variety Show (2019 TV Special)
An Orphan Program
13 May 2021
This show premiered on Prime where I watched it and is an orphan to the movie (The Fortress Experiment) and the TV series (A Positive Mandate for Humanity) because all the other shows are documentaries and this is just a variety show. Even so, if you have watched the movie or series (but especially the movie) you will probably like seeing the participants strutting their talents in a show that does nothing more than to entertain you. From this viewpoint I give the show a 6 out of 10. However, if you have not seen the other material then pass on the program, as without the backstory you just won't get it. You will just scratch your head as to why this show even exists.
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Wander Darkly (2020)
Truth in the Story and Twist in the End!
3 May 2021
I would have rated this at a 5 but give it a 7 as the director actually lived the idea in the plot (director's commentary) and so has first hand knowledge. That fact always gives it a nudge upwards for me as there is truth in the story and not just there for entertainment. Sometimes truth in the story is not compatible with better pacing in a film, but for me reality wins out every time. If it starts to drag a bit, keep at it as the ending is worth the wait.
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A Series Based on the Movie!
3 May 2021
This series of eight documentaries gets the same rating as the movie (The Fortress Experiment) it was based on and both were originally shown on Prime. Seriously, each chapter in the movie is just drawn out in each episode. I would suggest you watch the movie first and if you like the idea behind the movie and want more, here it is. If you hate the idea behind the movie then the series is just more of the same.
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Moonwalkers (2015)
3 May 2021
At the time the idea of a backup plan for a moon landing like the one in this movie could actually make sense. Everything else is fun and games all the way to that building with a front facia that nobody thought about unless they were on drugs!
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This Fashion Never Gets Old
3 May 2021
Very simply this movie is cool! Even after 56 years the clothing to the sets and cars never gets old. It has its own atmosphere for want of a better term. I recommend it!
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Interstellar (2014)
Dr. Man was not so bad!
2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With thousands of reviews there is not much I can add. I will say I thought Dr. Man pulled it together enough to get his senses back before he blew the airlock. If they had just allowed him to properly dock the story would have taken a different course.
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The Fortress Experiment (2018 TV Movie)
2 May 2021
I watched this on Prime when I was really bored. Its watchable even though it is low budget with a few funny moments here and there.
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The Island (2005)
More Action than Science Fiction!
2 May 2021
The Director is known for shooting commercials so is it any surprise there is a lot of product placement. Other than that it is watchable.
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THX 1138 (1971)
it Stands the Test of Time
2 May 2021
After all these years this movie never gets old! They did add some extra CGI stuff in the later releases but it really was not necessary.
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