
13 Reviews
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After 30 minutes of "Dazed and Confused"; you, too, will be Dazed and Confused.
30 January 2003
Two words to summerize it up... "Led" & "Zeppelin". Aside from the audio which is impressive for a live recording, even by modern standards, Led Zeppelin's The Song Remains the Same is an amazing and breathtaking look into the band in their element and the fantasies that accompany their music. Too many people complain saying "Dazed and Confused is too long!!!"-whine whine whine whine whine... I think that it's awesome, and everything Jimmy Page does in this version is spectacular. I didn't find ONE BIT of this film that I didn't like - and it takes a true Zeppelin fan to say that.
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All true Led Zeppelin fans will love this film.
31 December 2002
The song doesn't remain the same at all... it gets alot better than on the CD. Since I've Been Loving You, No Quarter and Stairway To Heaven are just a few of these examples. Asside from being amazing concert footage, this is a silent fantasy film also, with great sequences of epic mythology and 70's drug-induced special effects. I give this film a 10 out 10, because you can't give it an 11.
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Red Dragon (2002)
when a great cast and crew come together to tell an amazing story...
6 October 2002
Thomas Harris must have been impressed with seeing his characters brought to life in such a flawless way. Let us go down the list of the immediate people who made this story realistic.

EDWARD NORTON as WILL GRAHAM: There was very little wrong here. Norton's performance nearly tops the excellent job he did in Fight Club only 3 years ago. It feels like you are just a fly on the wall during all his scenes because he is able to become the character through body movement and pace, unlike most modern actors who just deliver lines. (yes, Mr. Russel Crowe...I'm talking about you...) ... the only thing that wasn't great about his performance were horrid out-of-character lines that popped up a few times that were even more wretched in the he actually bettered the character in some ways.

ANTHONY HOPKINS as HANNIBAL "THE CANNIBAL" LECTER: Here, Hopkins proves that, although he is already a great actor, practice makes perfect. His third round as Hannibal Lecter is alot better, smoother and charming than any other role I've seen him in to date. Not much else to say here

RALPH FIENNES as FRANCIS DOLLARHYDE: This was actually the reason I read the book and went to see the first showing of the film I could get to. Being an "avid fan" of the British actor and his filmography, I probably developed a bias right off the bat, but that doesn't change the fact that he was INCREADIBLE in a role that didn't even seem too right for him in the book. He was much better here than in any movie he has ever been in (including, my favorite movie up until OCT 4 2002, Strange Days) and then goes even further than that... I was in awe (as i should be) at his screen presence and emotion in Red Dragon. Ralph, although you can't see me writing this review, "take my word that I'm smiling". (as said in, by far, the most touching scene in movie history)

BRETT RATNER the DIRECTOR: This is someone who obviously knew what he was getting into. Seeing as how Hannibal was a total failure for the sad person who directed that (i think it was Ridley Scott), Ratner made sure that this movie was intense and stylish. Although, and this was the only problem I saw that I can place on the WHOLE film...and I don't really see it as too much of a bad thing, it played like a stage-play as opposed to a movie, Brett decided to capture that essence and put you on the stage as opposed to viewing it objectively. His direction plays like you'd imagine while reading the book.

THOMAS HARRIS the AUTHOR of the NOVEL: You can't give any real credit to Ted Tally because Ted wrote what he read and then cut out the unimportant stuff. The only disloyalty (and I preferred this to the book) was Ted moved one scene up closer to the beginning...and alot of the violence and disturbing stuff was removed (obviously to keep from getting an [NC-17]). This story was interesting, shocking and suspenseful filled with rich characters that you hate and then end up feeling sorry for in the end and characters that you love and then end up felling some apathy towards in the end. (Molly is a big one...she is such a bad person as the story goes on.) Harris would be in awe at how well his book adapted to the screen as opposed to MANHUNTER...which made you hate Dolarhyde as opposed to feel sorry for him, like Harris intended.

All and all, awesome film...although, like a stageplay, somewhat forgettable.

10 out of 10 since the flaws were too minor to even remember after a first viewing....except for the detached and pathetic way Keitel says "christ" when reading the Tattler (I won't say anymore).
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Screamers (1995)
hmm...not bad...but worst then i expected.
7 June 2002
I don't have too much to say here. It felt like a low budget, it played like an episode of The Outer Limits, It moved slower than most films I've seen, It was banal beyond belief. I enjoyed it as i watched it though but didn't feel it was worth my money. Could have been better. Makes me think if the upcomming Minority Report will do justice to the Phillip K Dick story unlike this film. If you liked something as stupid as Soldier or Starship Troopers, then you'll like this. If you like Phillip K Dick's stories...hold this one off until it's on TV.
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beautiful... just beautiful...
26 January 2002
I remember when I saw the Fragility show when it was in town!!! High energy and great sound... seening has how the venue they selected is royaly known for it's horrid accoustics. Now that I have checked out the DVD and the CD I have to say the atmosphere is well captured. Trent is known for his beautiful music and noise and live shows that harness that energy only to be unleashed on everyone. I loved this concert!!! I loved the tour!!! While no-longer my favorite band on earth... they have established my respect once again with this. Trent... if you read this. Wonderful work!
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Gladiator (2000)
NO.. NO NO NO!!! We wanted a movie, not a cliche!!!
9 January 2002
C'mon, former general gets imprisioned by a tyrant and his family gets murdered... now former general wants his revenge on tyrant. Been done and BORING!!! And asside from the gore (a little blood here and there) and the opening battle sequence, the movie is all hollywood sugar-coated glamour and pretty little CGI tricks. This comming from the guy who did Blade Runner where NOTHING is so shiny.

This, however, was enough to forgive. What made it harder to forgive was the fact that Russel Crowe has one single expression on his face in every frame and talks with a monotonous Ben Stine kind of voice throughout the show. When you have a lead doing nothing at all though the film, it makes you notice how your standards for B-FILMs are high.

Ridley, if you read this... next-time you want to glamourize and sugar -coat a cliche. Say "Mr. Spielberg... I got you a gift... it's yours!"

Russel, there are acting classes everywhere... take advantage of these things... you have enough money. And imagine all the extra cash you'd get if you could act!
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The World Is Not Enough (2000 Video Game)
Bond 19, how to make a great game out of the worst bond film
16 December 2001
It's great to know that someone made a game concerned with gameplay and story (although there are a few plot holes) other than making a buggered up game filled with glitches (ie: Goldeneye). This game goes into detail with what was left out of the movie and puts you in a place to think like a spy instead of a psychotic killer. The missions are often difficult and, finally, includes stealth into the immortal 3D SHOOTER platform. The game requires you to think as opposed to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. The true downside are the cartoon-like graphics and it's "loading screen". Other than that, this game sets the new standard for it's genre. 8/10
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The Avengers (1998)
Well... just my type, Mrs. Peel.
7 December 2001
To open, I'll be honest. I have never seen the TV series, giving me no basis for comparison, so I must say the this movie was not too bad at all. I'll admit that the acting fails for the first little while but the acting isn't where you're attention is drawn. Once the movie picks up Ralph Fiennes is again in a commendable role for him (John Steed) while turning up his class and charm to pull off the character better than I could have imagined. Uma is Uma... although talented and made the character work, not a good casting job. And finally, Sean Connery plays a villain almost as classy and likeable as John Steed. The only thing left to knock is the editing that, while awkward, could have been alot worse and most likely kept the story from dragging on too far. This movie is not Shakespeare but, with out a doubt, not worth the brutal beating that the critics have given it. 7/10
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A decent movie alltogether.
6 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
-potential spoilers-

From the minute you hit PLAY on your VCR, you know you've rented a cheesy film only to be compared to a 50's sci-fi movie... but that's alright. Asside from a long and banal intro (until everyone leaves the acadamy to go to war with the bugs) you will like this gore-fest but be rather baffled by the designs of the alien creatures (that seem to consist of fleets of giant lice, beatles that breathe fire, and a smart-bug that looks like a large sexual organ crawling around.) The intro is 90210 in the future and not very entertaining. It makes you look for the fast-foward button like a dog looking for more buiscut in the carpet. Some of this would be good character development if the writters would have given the actors a substantial script to support development in such a long period of time instead of letting these thin characters be explained in 10 minutes. It sucked that they killed off Dissy, who actualy had a character to work with, and at that point made Rico a moody a**hole that is hell-bent on nuking the brain-bug at the end instead of following orders and capturing the brain. 5/10
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Difficult to knock acting in a script that only called for charisma
4 December 2001
Oh man! Why so many bad reviews... if you wanted acting, WHY WERE YOU WATCHING A KEANU REEVES MOVIE?! If you wanted a thick plot with many twists and turns, you shouldn't have even went "Oh, lets go see a low budget b-film from '95!"!!! The movie didn't call for acting, they just needed a brief plot outline and charismatic actors to play the leads. When I saw this movie way back in '98 when it was on TV, I heard so many horrid reviews that were too over-analystic. When watching a film like "Dude Where's My Car?", are you going to look for the same quality you saw in a film like "The Usual Suspects"? Keanu Reeves did his role only good enough to support the movie... That's fine!!! The plot was a cliche cyber-thriller and you must have known that even just buy the back of the box or the trailer. It delivered a plot that was kind of cool, an star that does some one-liners, and action. If these three things were not what you wanted from this film then you shouldn't have went. It just delivers an action/adventure movie, nothing short of what promised. Don't be critical on films that are obviously intended as sheer dumb fun from start to finish... if these scripts even tried to be thinker, they'd be boring... AND YOU KNOW IT!
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Strange Days (1995)
well written, well directed, GOOD LEAD!
3 December 2001
This movie didn't seem like what it was in the trailer... it was better than I could have expected. To start, Ralph Fiennes wouldn't have been my instant choice to play Lenny Nero but the actor's classy style made Lenny more real and likeable than in the script. Tom Sizemore gives a great performance as Max Peltier. But the female acting didn't get it's justice due to the thin way they were tossed into the script. They are as good (if not better) than the rest but I found their characters hard to sympathize with. Very realistic and dark, well written, well directed, GOOD LEAD! Great film 7/10
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Blade Runner (1982)
dark, depressing, questionable, subtle and an overall mindgame... CLASSIC MOVIE
2 December 2001
A down-to-earth movie with such lovely attention to detail and a refusal to sugarcoat anything in anyway only spells great film. Throw in a very talented cast and a highly complex story and you have a masterpiece. But that isn't where the real fun begins... this film goes about it with Film-Noir class and style that just works wonders for the story. With the Director's Cut, you get more involved with the film than in the original when Decard's voice-over did the thinking for you. This is also one of the FEW cases that the book and the movie are comprable. This is due to the fact that Ridley Scott KNEW that he couldn't remake such a wonderful book, so this story acts more as a sequel to the book. There are obvious exceptions... like the Tyrell's are the Rosen's in the book and the book calls the replicants "andys". This allows Ridley to demonstrate that he knows how to make a good film and is a talented director. The greatest thing that this story does is make you understand the replicants more than just focus on Harrison. The only down side to this film was the over-acting and cheasyness in the scene where Decard trys to stop Rachael from leaving (the whole "say 'kiss me'" bit). Blade Runner is a realistic vision and a movie that makes you think. While not recommended for those with a VERY &*%#ING SHORT attention span, it is a "modern masterpiece" that everyone should make an effort to see.
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what the hell happened here?
1 December 2001
This movie can be briefly described one way. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE? To start, the trailer shows you a provocative thriller with everything under the sun (sex, violence, drugs & rock and roll) and, I will admit, delivers... in 30 minutes... at the begining!!! The first half-hour showed all the trailer promised me but is a siesure machine with constant flashing frames of Las Vegas. Easy to overlook and go "this robbery scene is pretty f**king cool" until the heist takes a violent toll and Costner kills everyone (except his own men) in a very calm style. The security guards end up shot to hell and proceed to almost flood the casino with their blood. After the carnage, you can't help but go "Damn... I know where this story is headed!" and you do. Costner and the rest of the cast seem to stop acting, the writters seem to have gone "Oh, the story is over and we still have to write another 1.5 hours of film." and probably hit random key and saw what they came up with. Leaving you with a story that has no substance, characters (all) with no morals, shabby directing, editting easy to pick apart and an attempt (in the last 30 minutes) to turn this into a dramatic love story between Kurt Russel and Courtney Cox. This movie acualy made it seem like Pulp Fiction would be suitable for a kindergarden class. Proving that hollywood can make a film that isn't suitable for both children and adults. Never, under any circumstances, catch yourself sitting down and watching this movie... NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ARE BEING PAYED
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