
14 Reviews
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Maggie (I) (2015)
More realistic take on zombie virus
24 February 2024
This is far from a perfect film. But it's well worth watching, in large part because it more realistically approaches an infectious outbreak and how humans would deal with the slow(er) spread of a virus.

Some like their horror fantastical, but how is a totally unrealistic zombie virus scary? An infection turning someone into a mindless zombie in seconds? Laughable. Zombies who only eat brains? Comical. Zombies able to survive anything but a head shot? Absurd.

Slowly getting a virus, however, that's a scary thought. We all just dealt with a terrifying outbreak, and what made it scary was you couldn't see who was definitely ill or who you'd get it from, etc. 'Horror' is really supposed to be horrifying, not absurd.
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The Gift (2019–2021)
Okay, if you have a lot of time on your hands
20 April 2022
A mix...e.g. Scenery and some acting okay, story and other acting not good. My biggest beef is the storyline, it's all over the place. It does tie in some at the end, but it's like a circle story, a very winding road with a lot of time on unnecessary side stories, and illogical and unexplained pieces. Would have been far better as a two season series.

Was not a waste of my time, but a little disappointing.
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Company of Heroes (2013 Video)
Don't waste your time
2 November 2021
It's one thing to accept alternative history in a film, but this one requires the viewer to suspend belief in the laws of physics and accept magical powers in every character, and every weapon used.

'Over the top' is on the basis of something being believable; none of this is believable, in any scene. It's not over the top, it's just plain bad and absurd.

I acknowledge some folks just want to see war scenes with violence, and those viewers may like this. But if you expect even half-decent acting or anything believable at all, do yourself a favor and stay away from this stinker.
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Brilliant despite its shortcomings
17 September 2021
The tags of 'crime' 'drama' 'mystery' 'thriller' fit this perfectly; the bigger mystery is why some associate this as a horror film.

The acting is outstanding, and the basic story excellent. It does run out of steam some, with the lead up to the conclusion best described as awkward. However, the strong points to this film very much outweigh its faults.

Though it gets slow in parts, especially in portions where the direction of the plot is a little too predictable, ultimately what is less predictable is how Plummer's character reacts to what unfolds, regardless of how odd the latter sequences can be in moments.

The film is both thought provoking and disturbing, and in the end is well worth watching.
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Chambers (2019)
Crashes and burns at the end
2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad I didn't rate this an 8 after the first 9 episodes. The last episode, and the last couple of minutes in particular, are just out there. The 'evil' is never explained, which for cliffhanger purposes I would be fine with, maybe even leave everyone hanging and pondering what was going on. But the conclusion that 'men are evil' (?) with no real explanation doesn't fly and don't match the characters of Marnie and Nancy. The skateboarder's disappearance, what does that add to the 'men are evil' point? Or add to the story at all, really.

It feels as if most of the whole story was created with decent plot, and then the writer had a fast-approaching deadline to finish something that she never really had thought through. It would have been far better for her to open the door and see the people and leave it at that. The last two minutes were totally unnecessary. I've never had the last 1% of a film or series really spoil the other 99% like this.

If you haven't watched the series and are obviously reading this review, the series is well worth watching as long as you do yourself a favor, and in episode 10 after she sits with her grandfather and then opens the door and sees the crowd, immediately stop it.
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Veronica (I) (2017)
The ratings tell the story
4 August 2021
Look at the average ratings and you'll generally get a good idea that for an overwhelming number of people, this was in the 'okay' to 'pretty good' range. As always we have the haters who decide to give movies a 1 without considering any of the specific content, and people who give out 10s like candy at a parade. The truth as with 99.99% of films lies in between.

Like others I found this entertaining, and like others there were some slow parts. For those who cry about cliches (there are some), I'd like to look at your ratings of older movies and see if you really appreciated them for 'creating' the cliche, and then challenge you to go create something better instead of blasting every film with one.

Cliches exist because, well, they work for most people most of the time. Should I follow the rolling glass? Why not play with a ouija? We see these things and yet we still keep watching movies when we know every film or show has them. You could stop watching and read instead but guess what? There are cliches in literature.

People do stupid stuff all the time and yes, sometimes the unthinkable happens. If they didn't the average lifespan would be 100. So get over it. You could choose to find these humorous and think of the film as horror-comedy-science fiction, would that work?

Now off my hyper-critical soap box.

I didn't love Verónica but I've seen much much worse. The acting wasn't horrible in general. It wasn't riveting but it was entertaining enough, if you want to be entertained. The special effects, imperfect, but not every film is high budget. (look at it as comedy then). The story is based on an allegedly true story, so how do you criticize that? The artistic licenses with the facts of the story were okay or logical in areas, worse in others. And if you don't want to consider the actual story original enough, then surely it's better than a 1 in the originality category compared to the 'let's move into this abandoned house' or 'there's a psychopath chasing us with a ___' (choose gruesome weapon).

If you like to slam every other movie and often rate things as a 1, the don't watch it! What's it say about you if you saw a 6.2 rating and 'wasted your time'? You followed that rolling glass, didn't you.
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Dark Light (2019)
Don't waste your time
28 July 2021
Seen a lot of horror and sci-fi movies and this is as bad as it gets. Horrible acting, the story line is illogical and full of holes, and it's just not even entertaining.

The entire premise requires more than just a little suspension of belief, it's downright impossible to believe on any level. Which is crazy because there are so many little things they could have done to make it at least slightly believable.

I've never rated a movie a 1 before because they all have some positive quality of some kind, but not this one...I tried hard and can't think of a single thing that's redeemable.

Really not sure how I can justify wasting my time watching this stinker.
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Before I Wake (2016)
Better than expected, far from perfect
19 July 2021
I didn't see a trailer, didn't anticipate much and was pleasantly surprised as the story line and flow keep you entertained.

However, many smaller aspects just don't stand up and while it was worth watching, can't say I'd see it again.

The acting was hit or miss, but generally a lack of real emotion for most of the film that made it underwhelming. Their responses to events (that would excite 99% of people) give off a ho-hum vibe. In fairness the actors weren't set up well as the writing for some dialogue was off the mark.

A LOT of practical/non-supernatural aspects of the story were implausible, with huge gaps as to how people or agencies react to events. (Someone disappears with seemingly no investigation? The spouse is told 'I don't want to see you again!' by Social Services for doing what any parent would have done?). In some respects, these parts are even less logical than the dream-driven sequences.

Supernatural pieces themselves were inconsistent, though overall not much to complain about. Don't expect to be scared, though it's not really that kind of horror movie.

Flaws aside, if you aren't expecting much then chances are you'll like the film.
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Don't Listen (2020)
Watchable...despite many shortcomings
29 June 2021
A few hair raising parts earlier on, the acting was generally good, and enough originality in it despite numerous 'this again?' parts.

This could have done relatively okay on its own merits.

But when you add in some areas a little too blatantly copied, throw in a few of the typical mistakes people somehow make in most horror films (splitting up, really?), and consider some of the holes in the plot, it loses its luster. Especially with the over abundance of cheap scares, which become very annoying at some point.

Despite its faults, it's worth watching. Not a classic by any stretch but certainly better than some of the real stinkers out there.
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Spirals downhill quickly
25 June 2021
Starts a little slow though the plot has promise. It actually starts to get fairly good...and then, about 2/3 through the floor falls out from under this with a series of bizarre storyline choices.

They could have just ended it at that point and it would have been a much better film, even without an ending. Anything other than what they chose.

If you read this and decide to watch anyway, do yourself a favor and stop after the cutting scene.
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A great classic
23 June 2021
The lead actors, the direction, and the story (plot was more original in its day) carry this a long way. The ending is rushed, and a few points of the supporting acting leave something to be desired but overall this is entertaining, and a pleasure to watch.

The dramatic aspects are not out of place for a comedy, nor do the comical aspects feel misplaced at any point. While not entirely believable in any era, the story is a joy and Gable and Colbert work excellent together to make the story a bigger gem than it otherwise would have been.

The film flows well until the last 5 minutes. Capra seems to have decided or been told 'wrap this up fast, it's gone on long enough' which didn't feel the case. But bringing Gable back into the picture at the end, and Colbert's reactions, are hurried. The flow of the last chapter of the plot does not match the rest of it. More time is spent on a single part of the bus ride, or riding down the road, than the romantic conclusion.

Despite this, particularly through the lens of time, this is a great film.
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Whisky (2004)
A lot to like...and hard to like
18 June 2021
There's much to appreciate, and yes the repetitive nature of much of the film (perfectly represented by the whirring of the machines in the factory) is part of its allure and some respects I can't disagree with those who hurled horrible ratings at this film. It IS tedious. That doesn't mean it's not worth watching, but I have to admit it's hard to give boundless kudos to something that barely keeps your attention at times. I've never seen a film where the same things that make it brilliant, also make it dull and hard to watch.
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Good but drags on...
12 June 2021
Some chills and thrills, but the scare sequence at the end just continues on way too long. Some portions were very unnecessary, too many illogical moments, and an over the top amount of "oh, no, don't do that".

Despite these shortcomings, it's a worthy film to watch.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Tiptoe through the tulips??
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is not quite the entirely awful film some say it is. Yes, it steals from other concepts, and many aspects are pretty absurd. But it was marginally watchable.

Until any 'scare' factor goes right out the window with Tiptoe Through the Tulips, played in a demon's astral lair no less.


It throws a 180 on this film right into the comical and removes any last remnant of horror. In the end, the only thing really scary is how the director thought Tiny Tim presented some sort of value to the climax.

I only give this a 3 with the expectation that some viewers either go to the kitchen and fortuitously miss that part, or are frightened by clowns on helium.
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