
5 Reviews
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
A savage and brutal film
23 June 2021
Great western. Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson and Matthew Fox are great in this movie. One of the best westerns ever. You get an idea of the harsh environment in the old west. The atmosphere is great. The cannibal native Indians are awesome. A savage and brutal film. Just the way I like them. Cinematography, direction, casting, locations all top notch. The story is somewhat straightforward. But the performance is great. I was never bored. Very rewatchable.
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Out of focus
23 June 2021
Awesome zombie designs. Great production value. But the story has many silly moments. Zack Snyder should stop being the cinematographer of his movies. The shallow field of depth gimmick was overused for my liking. I'm looking forward to a sequel though :-)
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Informative documentary
23 June 2021
I knew nothing about this despicable practice of patent trolls. Now I do. This documentary is an eye opener. A topic to look out for if you are an entrepreneur or looking to start a business. You can fall victim to these trolls at any time. It's terrible how it plays out when you are victimized. A corrupt system of lawyers and judges. Painfull to watch.
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Censor (2021)
The censorship theme is great
23 June 2021
I liked how it started. The censorship theme is great and original. I didn't like how the story played out in the second half. All in all, not a great movie for me. Not a great horror or thriller or drama film. But still I enjoyed some parts of this movie.
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Josh Johnson: # (Hashtag) (2021 TV Special)
great storyteller
23 June 2021
Great performance. It did not make me laugh out loud to be honest. But I've had enough fun. I like Trevor's style of humor.
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