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Ghost Writer (II) (2019)
11 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Every house must have its own story or memory. That's why hold a salvage event before moving into a new house.

2. Do your job well and seriously, don't play games in the office or workplace.

3. As a good employee you have to do what your boss tells you to do.

4. Do not startle people who are eating or drinking because it can make them choke.

5. It is questionable when the goods offered are luxurious but are sold at low prices.

6. Face your fears with courage.

7. Everything depends on faith, if our faith is strong then we will dare to face it and vice versa.

8. Get used to your new environment, mingle and adapt to others and create a harmonious atmosphere.

9. Man will be disturbed if he interferes, so will Satan.

10. Don't pile heavy burdens on your children that they still can't carry, so that they don't get frustrated and blame themselves so they commit suicide.

11. We must learn to be independent to complete our own business and do not like to bother other people.

12. We must be patient and steadfast when we become an older brother who lives alone with a younger brother and has to bear all the costs of living.

13. Education is the most important thing.

14. Don't depend on objects or talismans that can't actually help you or do anything to you, rely on God who is in control of everything.

15. We must have permission or approval before we use the goods, ideas, ideas and the like from the inventor or owner.

16. Sometimes we have to dare to choose a decision between two choices that are all very important to us.

17. Ask God for help by praying, not to shamans who can only guess based on the information from Satan that they stole from the sky.

18. Show them that what they think of us is wrong, and show that you are right.

19. Be careful when on the highway because many vehicles are speeding and may hit you.

20. Learn to live independently because your life will not forever depend on others, there are times when you will try and struggle with your own sweat.

21. Don't lie or reverse the fact from a fact that should only be for your own sake.

22. Keep and carry out the mandate given to you by others, never lie or disappoint them.

23. Apologize and admit your own mistakes when you really are.

24. Parents can only grieve and pray when they are left by their children.

25. Parents are the best at hiding their true feelings.

26. We must believe in ghosts or supernatural beings even though we cannot see them directly.

27. Suicide is not the solution to your problems. God forbids his servants to commit suicide.

28. The love between parents and children is more important than anything.

May be useful =)
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Makmum (2019)
10 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Rules are nothing but made to be obeyed and applied by all citizens or the person concerned, not to be violated.

2. Perform the Tahajjud prayer in the last third of the night to draw yourself closer to your Lord.

3. Pray solemnly 'even though you feel disturbed or feel uncomfortable with yourself.

4. Don't act arbitrarily until you know what's really going on.

5. Strengthen your faith by getting closer to God so that you are not easily disturbed by Satan or possessed by him.

6. Do not be too harsh in educating children and do not be too pampered, so that children can be disciplined.

7. Pay your bills on time.

8. Keep your surroundings clean so you don't become a hotbed of disease.

9. Take care and love your child with all your heart while he is still alive.

10. The Koran can remind you of God and can calm a restless heart.

11. Teach and model good manners to your children, how to be civilized to their peers, parents, teachers, and all.

12. Choose a leader who can protect the people or their members well and can set a good example.

13. Read a prayer when you want to enter the bathroom or toilet.

14. We must believe in the existence of ghosts or supernatural beings even though they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

15. Do not put the fire near flammable objects because the fire can spread and burn everything without residue.

16. Bury the dead properly, don't just bury them.

17. Don't be afraid to tell the truth even if it hurts you.

18. Fight Satan by reciting dhikr and reading the Qur'an to God, because everything will be subject to God.

19. Patience is the best attitude than revenge.

20. Build a harmonious atmosphere in a family.

May be useful =)
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10 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Give the recitation of the Qur'an or other good rewards to the person who has died.

2. Every living creature will surely return to its Lord.

3. Make death a reminder that human life on earth is not eternal but only temporary.

4. Do not urinate carelessly or do anything that is not polite or indecent in a holy or sacred place.

5. We may grieve or weep for the loss of a person who died, but we must not mourn him.

6. There are 3 deeds whose reward will not be cut off even though we have died, namely alms Jariyah, useful knowledge, and prayers from pious children.

7. We have to let go of the people we love, don't be too long in sadness, get up and be enthusiastic in living life ahead.

8. Do not discriminate between your children, even though some of them are not your biological children but your stepson.

9. The importance of having friends is that when you are sad or anxious, there are friends who are always there to accompany you and provide solutions to problems that befall you.

10. Draw close to God to be protected from the temptations of Satan and possessions.

11. Do not be afraid of ghosts or demons because you are more noble than them, Satan will only attack people whose faith is weak.

12. Discussion is the fastest way to form an agreement.

13. Ask for help from people who are experts or know in the field and expertise.

14. Help someone who asks you for help, maybe they really need you and you are their only hope.

15. Never use an amulet as an object of luck or as your helper, because it is a form of partnering with God and is considered an act of shirk which is a major sin.

16. You should never play in a haunted or sacred place such as a cemetery and the like because it is very disrespectful and dangerous especially for the purpose of jokes.

17. Don't like to pick up things on the street or anywhere you don't know who owns them, unless you want to help return them to their original owners.

May be useful =)
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10 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Don't try to do stupid things by playing in haunted places or graves and the like, because it's very rude and dangerous.

2. Write a true story that can help people to know what really happened.

3. Control your feelings of fear, don't let yourself be under his control, dare yourself to face your fears.

4. Make your friend happy and never disappoint him.

5. Fellow friends should help and support each other in their good work.

6. Be a good husband and faithful to your wife, don't get divorced just because of trivial things.

7. Read a prayer before going to bed so you don't have bad dreams and get protection.

8. Strengthen your faith and belief in God so that Satan does not dare to come near and disturb you.

9. The biggest victims in the divorce of a husband and wife are their children.

10. Keep loving and devoted to your parents even though they have made mistakes or have hurt you.

11. We must continue to carry out the mandate that people have given us no matter how bad the conditions.

12. Visit your friends who are sick, because they really need attention from you and their other friends.

13. Do not dare to punish someone who is guilty blindly, leave him to the authorities who are more competent to handle it.

May be useful =)
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9 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Make sure everything is checked and safe before trying or using it, so that there is no disaster.

2. The best friend is the one who is always with you and accompanies you in good or bad times.

3. Think about the consequences before taking action, lest you do something reckless that could harm yourself and others.

4. Treat your little ones like your best friend and give them everything they want.

5. Do what's best for your best friend.

6. Dare to do must dare to be responsible.

7. Don't forget to say thank you to people who have helped your work.

8. There are many good jobs that can be done to make money, so don't do bad jobs like stealing and so on.

9. Trust someone who really wants to help you.

10. The first rule on the internet is don't read comments.

11. Everyone has their own character and nature, so it's natural that there are likes and dislikes about us.

12. Not everything on the internet is bad, but there are also many good and useful things in it.

13. Do not disappoint your best friend who is always with you, forgive him if he makes a mistake, because he does it for nothing but your sake.

14. No matter where your friend goes or wherever he lives, he will always be our friend, and we have to trust him, because that's what good friends do.

15. Friendship is more important than victory

May be useful =)
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Asih 2 (2020)
9 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Decorate your house by reading more verses of the Qur'an so that Satan does not dare to interfere.

2. Do and sacrifice anything for the safety and health of children.

3. Never forget the services of a doctor, because thanks to him and permission from God many people were saved from their illness.

4. There is no other happiness that is more coveted by both parents than to have offspring or children.

5. Take good care of your child, because small children really need attention and affection from their parents.

6. Teach your child lessons and examples of good behavior that he will remember forever.

7. Do not forbid children to socialize with their peers, because it is important for them to hone their social skills.

8. Take care of the child with the best care, because the child still doesn't know which one is good or bad for him.

9. Don't blame each other, it's better to introspect yourself and talk about problems amicably.

10. Don't let yourself be ruled by fear, face it with the courage that is within you.

11. Don't grieve for too long over the calamity or loss you experience, wake up and keep trying or give up and live a new, better life.

12. Stay away from going out with men who are not committed to you, if you want to have a relationship, it's better to be ta'aruf (acquainted in a short time), and if it is suitable, immediately carry out marriage.

13. Don't kill yourself, life is very precious, if you are frustrated or lose hope it would be better if you approach God and pray, then fix yourself in the rest of your life.

14. Mother's love is infinite forever.

May be useful =)
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Asih (2018)
9 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Give extra attention to your pregnant wife.

2. We must be sensitive to help others, especially our parents.

3. Pregnant women are not recommended to carry heavy loads.

4. Watch and take good care of the baby, right, and full of care. Because they don't understand anything and are very vulnerable.

5. A myth or public belief is mostly just a story, but some are true.

6. Don't like to put off something very important to do.

7. Don't hesitate to apologize to someone we have wronged him.

8. We must be patient with parents who have forgotten or are senile.

9. Do the prayer and multiply dhikr and pray to God, so that the heart becomes calm and peaceful.

10. Greet people when you meet them, don't be surprised.

11. Ask for help from people who are experts in their fields.

12. No matter how bad your child does, he is still your child.

13. Get closer to God Almighty, because all are submissive and obedient to Him.

14. Don't take things that belong to people we don't know who owns it, unless we want to help find out who owns the goods.

May be useful =)
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8 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Don't risk your life just for money, life is more important than money because life only happens once and can't be bought.

2. Never lie to anyone, better tell the truth.

3. Besides trying, never forget to pray.

4. Never joke or play in sacred or holy places such as graves and the like.

5. Don't take people's belongings carelessly because we don't know how valuable they are to him.

6. Never forget your friends no matter what the situation is.

7. Dare to do must dare to be responsible.

8. Be brave and face your fear.

9. Don't blame each other, introspect each other, talk about problems amicably.

10. Get closer to God so you won't be easily tempted or possessed by Satan.

11. Be careful when driving because our lives are at stake there.

12. Who disturbs then he will be disturbed.

May be useful =)
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8 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. The importance of energy in life, so be frugal in using energy, especially energy that takes a long time to renew so that it doesn't run out quickly and everyone can use it.

2. Choose a leader who can protect his people well and can lead the country forward.

3. Do your job well according to your boss's orders, don't be cunning and careless, so you don't get fired.

4. A myth or legend is mostly just a story, but some have been proven to be true.

5. People who support orphans in Heaven will be close to the Prophet like the index finger and middle finger.

6. Look for as many clues as possible to uncover a truth that is still a mystery.

7. Reduce the use of fuel or objects that cause pollution, because pollution can cause respiratory problems and other dangerous diseases.

8. It's better to be honest and tell the truth than to lie.

9. Never give up on your struggle.

10. Your closest friend or person may become your enemy in the future.

11. Everything can change if we want to change it.

May be useful =)
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8 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. The mosque is the house of God that we must guard and maintain its cleanliness and purity.

2. Increase your contemplation (thinking) on the greatness of God and all the blessings that God has given, so that we will always be human beings who are always grateful.

3. Rules are there to be obeyed, not to be broken.

4. Preserve the good cultures of your country so they don't become extinct by teaching them to your generation's children.

5. The importance of honoring guests because this is a proof of one's faith in God and the Last Day.

6. The mandate of someone must be kept firmly, lest we disappoint him.

7. Help anyone who needs help, because it could be the one you help later that will help you.

8. Don't be too easy to trust someone you don't know.

9. Not all bid'ah (new stuff) is prohibited because it did not exist at the time of the Prophet, there is bid'ah that is allowed if it is hasanah (good) bid'ah.

10. Don't forget your parents, especially your mother.

11. Strengthen the ties of brotherhood with ukhwah Islamiyah, respect differences of opinion and respect each other.

12. True love will never die.

13. People who cheat or are cunning will eventually lose.

14. Get closer to God, take refuge in God, ask God for help, pray and put your trust only in God.

15. Enliven the mosque with a lot of worship there such as congregational prayers and other worship.

May be useful =)
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DreadOut (2019)
7 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. School while working can help parents financially as well as train discipline.

2. Do not carelessly visit places, especially those that are forbidden to visit.

3. Every place has its inhabitants, both living beings and other creatures. Therefore, take care of your behavior and do not carelessly do actions that we will not know the consequences.

4. Get rid of fear, face the real reality, and be brave.

5. Loyal friends are when you and your friends are either happy or sad always together.

May be useful =)
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The 3rd Eye 2 (2019)
7 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. Don't be sad for the calamity that befalls you for too long, wake up and start a new, better life.

2. Take advantage of your strengths or abilities to help others.

3. Don't be afraid if you do the right thing.

4. Get rid of fear, face the real reality, and be brave.

5. Every crime, whether real or hidden, will surely be revealed in its time.

6. Get rid of vengeance and cultivate forgiveness.

7. Don't be easily fooled by whispers that tell us to do bad.

8. Every human being depends on his actions in this world, if he is good then in the hereafter he will be placed in Heaven, but if he is evil he will be placed in Hell.

9. True happiness is when you can make other people happy.

May be useful =)
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The 3rd Eye (2017)
7 July 2021
Some moral messages that I get from this film :

1. We must be patient when disaster strikes, such as losing parents and so on.

2. We must be strong in living life no matter how hard the trials we face.

3. We must believe in something supernatural that we cannot see directly with our eyes unless someone has special vision.

4. We must not be afraid of the devil because God is always with his servants.

5. Don't make yourself weak, because Satan likes and is easy to deceive and possess weak people.

6. Seek sustenance in a good way, not in a bad way such as stealing or robbing.

7. Don't be a bad human because one day you will be placed in Hell, but be a good human because one day you will be placed in Heaven.

May be useful =)
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Puss in Boots (2011)
Movies about Exciting Cat Adventures
3 July 2021
The moral message I got from this film: Keep doing good to others even though that person has done bad things to you. Get rid of resentment and make friends again. Everyone has a past, don't bring up the past, but keep walking together to look to the future. May be useful =)
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Film About the Importance of Life Spouse
3 July 2021
The moral message I got from this film: Women can pursue their careers, but don't forget parents who want grandchildren from their children. Getting married is important and has many benefits, apart from getting offspring as successors, by marrying women will definitely be protected and assisted in their work with their husbands or life partners.
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