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Guadalupe Image Remains Inexplicable for the Scientists Nowadays.
20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Human hands did not paint the image of Our Lady. Some of the scientific studies that have been done to the image are shown in Guadalupe, The film (2006), directed by Santiago Parra. If you are interested in the topic, I recommend you the movie 100%.

The film explains that the Image does not have a scientific explanation because:

1. The material of the Image should have deteriorated long ago, but is still intact.

2. The scientists have been unable to determine the origin of the pigments that give color to the picture and how it was painted.

3. It has been possible to discover in both eyes groups of people and objects placed in accordance with the most precise optical laws: Just like in the eyes of a live person.

4. The image was truly a Mexica Codex, a message from heaven loaded with symbols for the Aztecs. It was showing them that a virgin was pregnant with the true God.

5. The sky of the winter solstice, which took place on a Tuesday, December 12, 1531, at 10:30, Mexico City time, is represented very accurately on the Virgin's mantle. The stars on the mantle appear exactly as they would have in the sky at the moment Juan Diego opened his tilma before Bishop Zumárraga on December 12, 1531.

6. The Tilma withstood a concentrated nitric acid spill on in (1791), as well as a bomb blast in 1921.

7. The most important one: The events that followed have never been duplicated before or since anywhere in the world, at any time.

We must remember that the Aztecs offered annually at least 20,000 men, women and children in human sacrifice to their gods. In 1487, just in a single 4 days long ceremony for the dedication of a new temple in Tenochtitlan, some 80,000 captives were killed in human sacrifice. Certainly, with Our Lady Image millions of the natives were converted to Christianity in a very short time.

Numerous technical examiners of the Holy Tilma converted not only to the True Faith, but also this awareness, when trying to describe God's Mother in earthly terms; they discovered instead the mystery of her presence and mission.

Guadalupe is the most frequented Marian shrine in the whole world. Every year up to 20 million pilgrims come to Mexico's capital from all over the world, three times as many as visit Lourdes. Only the Vatican receives more pilgrims.

Each December 12, more than 3 million visit Guadalupe shrine. In 2004, 6.5 million attended between December 9 and 12, pilgrimages groups came in buses, bicycles or on foot to the capital, according to local authorities.

You can not miss this interesting film.
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