
14 Reviews
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Funny but false premise
6 July 2023
OK, so this should really be more about the misadventures and character development about the three friends. Because the whole premise about aliens and the "fight" against them only kicks in the last third of the movie. This movie's synopsis should really be about the comedic relationships of the three best friends.

And the whole point of the alien seems really tacked on for no reason, because the movie was going perfectly fine without it. It's all about these 3 friends who are constantly down on their luck and how things go from bad to worse from day to day. That in itself would have been an adequate premise for the movie.

That being said, it's kind of a funny and well-shot movie. It's just all the action scenes are terrible and the alien part is silly. The movie is still a fun time, but I feel that I was heavily misled by the description.
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Great - but not awesome
26 April 2023
I seem to be in the minority here but I thought that this was a very good but not awesome movie. As an action movie, it's amazing, but as a John Wick installment, I feel that it is somewhat lacking.

I enjoyed the fight choregraphy and I really appreciate them bringing in Donnie Yen, but I find that , when compared to the first John Wick for example, Keanu's acting seem to be much more cringe in this one. His lines are painfully forced monosyllabic and/or one sentence answers that seem to be almost FORCED coming out of his mouth, and seriously compare his dialogue with the first movie and you'll see it's night and day.

I also find that the movie has become a bit too bloated, with unnecessary fights being put in, with many of those fight scenes not necessarily involving John Wick himself, and a lot of plot inconsistencies are just swept under the rug (why was the Elder replaced? Why was he so easily reach and assassinated this time around? How have we never heard of the Marquis until now? What happened to the Adjudicator?).

The film is simultaneously too long but still inadequately explains the hanging plot lines while continuing to add new lore randomly out of nowhere.

The action sequences are still amazing, but now it seems a bit...tired, I may be wrong here but I found the action in the previous movies to be much more satisfying and punchier. In the end, I find that it didn't live up to its hype as "the greatest John Wick movie ever".
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Charles Bronson is bustin out of jail - sorta
10 December 2022
A very low-budget movie that is chock-full of really, really bad (and really, really slow) fight scenes, bullets that look cheaply done, and a Charles Bronson-lookalike which I'm pretty has had half of his lines re-dubbed.

The plot is simple: man goes to claim his dead brother's money, man gets sent to jail on false charges, man breaks out of jail, man gets his final revenge. Now the story is schlock and the acting of EVERYONE is amazingly bad. But there is something satisfying about the final vengeance kill. THAT gives the movie one extra star in my book. Otherwise, it's really, really mediocre. Not insultingly worthless mediocre, but mediocre as all hell regardle

Finally, what's with the film's fascination with poorly digitized birds? Seriously, look for it. Just so very odd.
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Exceptionally boring action movie
20 May 2022
If you enjoy an action/thriller movie with no action, no thrill, an entirely predictable plot, and absurdly bad gunfight scenes, this is the movie for you.

Guy Pearce still delivers a satisfyingly stoic performance, but to be honest every single gunfight looks like half-assed, and there is never any real tension in the movie. A movie this thin on plot (bad guys come in, reluctant sheriff comes to the rescue) needs exciting fight scenes, or at least more graphic violence to balance it out. This movie has neither.

One of most laughable action scenes is how Guy Pearce's character shot a guy in the upper left arm and the bad guy collapses dead. I mean, how does this even make sense? Not to mention that any hand-to-hand fight scenes are choreographed so badly that I can do better (and I haven't done martial arts in 25 years).

Bore-fest, saved very lightly by the fact that hey, it's Guy Pearce (somewhat) shooting people.
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Blood Out (2011 Video)
What in the world am I watching?
10 March 2022
No coherent plot, no fight scenes that are truly worth investing in, some random gladiator-looking underground battle scene, not a single character worth caring about makes this supposed vengeance/thriller movie much worse than the usual. And the usual tropes are already usually super tired to begin with. I'm slowly beginning to associate Luke Goss movies with trash that's not worth watching.

Soundtrack is also trash, and what in the world is a bloated Val Kilmer doing here? Is it to add "star power"? When he barely does anything and is bogged down with terrible dialogue like "All Hail Mars, son of Juno". I have no words. This is terrible. Don't watch and I say that as someone who love B-movie action schlock.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Bob Odenkirk as a badass? I kinda like it!
19 February 2022
I'm going to keep this short and sweet. The movie plot, about a mild-mannered accountant that used to be a badass and reluctantly get dragged back in to solve wrongs, is a plot point done to death. However, it is also a plot that I love because it's usually carte blance to open a can of whup-ass.

And that's exactly what it is! Bob Odenkirk, the guy who auditioned for Michael freakin' Scott in the Office series, and is a low-level dark comedy dude, is placed in a John Wick style situation? HELL YES. I absolutely also adored his chemistry with Christopher Lloyd (that guy chews up scenery in the best ways) and the action scenes are absolutely enjoyable. I especially like how the movie doesn't plod too long for him to "convert" back to his badass side.

Go watch it. I even bought a physical DVD release of this, for goodness sakes. The only criticisim is that it's clear Bob doesn't have the martial arts training that Keanu displays in John Wick, and some moments of comedy are a little cringey. But hey - that's the whole fun of it! Imperfect but jolly jolly fun movie.
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Rogue Warfare (2019)
Wow - and this is just part ONE
10 August 2021
I can't believe the writers and the producers of this movie had enough confidence to make this into a TRILOGY. It really feels like a made-for-TV spectacle. Sure there are fun firefights, but the main bad guy looks like he is dressed in a burqa (which is a face covering for women), and his lines are so incredibly stilted that everytime he goes and waxes poetic with his second-in-command, I just fast forward it as they talk about nothing for 5 minutes straight.

Not that the good guys are much better, they're also a coalition of I don't cares and who gives a damn. It is nice to see the "leader" of the American be a non-white person, and an Asian at that, but other than that ALL their dialogues in non-combat situations are painfully amateurish.

.....and this is just part ONE.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Good action movie, but very slow start
2 August 2021
The whole movie actually is very coherent, but the way it's presented is unnecessarily complicated with a lot of scattered flashbacks and jumps across time.

Jason Statham plays.....Jason Statham. And he kicks ass for some parts of the movie. I wish there were more of him fighting, but in the end it's still a solid movie. More of a drama/thriller with action peppered in heavily in the last half hour of the movie. A fun watch but needlessly made more convoluted.
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A fun twist on the haunted animatronics genre!
2 August 2021
It's odd how many horror movies have come recently based on the unsettling appearances of mascot animatronics, but Willy's Wonderland is a different kettle of fish that deserves a special mention.

Usually in these movies, the protagonist is completely powerless and is consistently in danger of being killed. In this movie, Nic Cage's character is a BADASS and it's kind of interesting to see the script flipped and technically HE is more of a danger to the PUPPETS.

Some of the storyline, which is given in a full-length exposition form (that I appreciate - I always like knowing a film's proper lore), has holes in them. For example, what prevented the sherriff and everyone in the town from taking shotguns and just blowing off all the puppets one by one? Also - it's funny how Nic Cage's character is SO powerful that they had to add unnecessary teens trying to help him just to have a considerable bodycount. It all feels like manufactured, but in the end it's all in good, campy fun.
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Free Fire (2016)
A hot mess, but a fun one
28 July 2021
One gigantic hot mess of an "action" movie featuring an ensemble of relatively popular actors (Brie Larson is probably the biggest name that people will recognize). The movie is clearly shot on a budget: one location, one set of poorly developed characters, and absolutely NO PLOT. This movie has LESS PLOT than John Wick or Shoot em Up. Think about that for a second.

Of course, it's also quite enjoyable, seeing what is a preventable firefight spiral out of control is equal parts infuriating and entertaining. If ONE SIDE just stopped shooting, this mess would easily be avoided, especially at the beginning before things escalated into a hot mess. But it is the absurdity of the situation that warrants the viewing, of course, and for that I don't complain.

Still, however enjoyable a ride it is, a hot mess with no plot is still a hot mess with no plot. All I know is - I lost track of who is on which side and what their superficial motivations are right about when the second bullet flew. I suspect many will feel the same way.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Pushing the boundaries....of idiocy
23 July 2021
OK, it's not a poorly-made film. It's clearly a top-budget tier-A movie. However, the amount of time that the movie, which presents itself to be taken seriousy, dumps all over logic and physics is just unbelievable. ScarJo's powers are also poorly defined, basically she becomes a god and can make up new powers as she goes along. This doesn't make a lick of sense even if I am willing to go along with the ridiculous 10% theory. There are still the laws of physics that humans must adhere to!

The movie suffers also from unsatisfying action sequences and a large number of "what did I just watch?" moments. Not the worst move I've seen but super close to it. I want my time back.
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Enjoyable John Wick homage/knockoff
22 July 2021
To summarize in a sentence: John Wick but featuring an ensemble of women instead of one man.

I really enjoyed the movie, it won't win Oscars but the overall feel is pretty fun after a bit of a plodding start. I think there is definitely a subconscious message here given that all the protagonists are women and all the antagonists are men (not a big fan of when movies shoehorn stuff like that), but it's delivered in a cheese and entertaining way that the overall package is endearing.

Some people have said this is worse than John Wick in the character development. I disagree because though I love John Wick, let's be real his character arc over 3 movies is less than most character's in one drama movie. So yes, the librarians are definitely underutilized (I really wanna know more about them!) and we don't really know much about the protagonist's deep inside feelings, but remember, we didn't get that much with John Wick either.

Anyway, good action moments, some corny jokes, it doesn't take itself too seriously most of the time, and is the definition of a popcorn flick. Really enjoyed it.
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A lot of fun. Violent, violent fun
22 July 2021
This movie is definitely a bit of a revenge fantasy, a sort of reimagining what it would be if there was someone who stood up against the brutality of slavery of old-timey American, and used a BLOODY GUN to do so instead of diplomacy.

Jamie Foxx delivers a very good performance as Django (though I've heard rather unpleasant things about what he said about his experience shooting the movie), and Christoph Waltz is....... Christoph Waltz. Easily one of my favourite charming European actors. DiCaprio is amazingly believable as the narcissistic and blatantly racist Candy. In the end, the cast is very very good and the story, which follows the usual revenge narrative arc culminating in a bloody (a bit TOO bloody, actually imo) shootdown, is predictable and fun.

It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's good popcorn fun, and a howling gun-toting bloody good time if that's what you're looking for. With a little twist of having DiCaprio playing a depraved antagonist.
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One of the most underrated comedies ever
21 July 2021
A movie I recommend heartily to action comedy fans everywhere. Mark Wahlberg provides a supremely funny performance as a cop with an anger management problem who is supposed to be the "straight man" looking at all the bizarre shenanigans around him. Will Ferrell is equally hilarious is a milquetoast desk cop who somehow nabbed a smoking hot wife.

I also absolutely love the mini plot twists in the movie, the fact that the macho "stars of the precinct" actually got written out of the movie within the first half an hour or so of the movie, and thus it's up to "the other guys" to step up.

Michael Keaton is AMAZING as a captain who somehow ends up always quipping one-liners from TLC and moonlights at Bed Bath Beyond. This movie is ZANY. But in the end, it's a funny movie for all. Not family-friendly, but definitely a satisfying watch.
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