
23 Reviews
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99 Homes (2014)
Extremely manipulative. Don't get fooled.
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are a couple of instances in the movie where it seems that people are being evicted because of circumstances beyond their control - such as is the case of the elderly man. The other characters, however, they had PLENTY of time to bail themselves out, and did not choose to do so. They repeatedly ignored the warnings and went about their business and some of them even hired attorneys despite knowing the consequences.

The producers, actors, and everyone involved in this movie wants to make it seem like the banks are the real issue here. The banks are not the issue here. Deadbeat people are.

As for the plot itself. Why did the father not relocate his family to another motel after he began getting harassed by one of the men he kicked out of their homes? Ridiculous! So unbelievable. It made me angry. What a stupid move. What a stupid man. All he had to have done was moved his family to another motel. Instead, he behaves like a scared little baby without a brain.

And the redheaded ginger man, who was harassing Dennis, why did they portray him as such an angry man when he brought all of this upon himself? I guess that's just part of how the movie wants to manipulate you. Think about it, what was this big baby of a man doing the whole time that he was receiving these notices, picking his nose?

Most of the people getting evicted are just rebellious. Idiots who brought it on themselves. But the movie wants you to think that the banking industry is responsible for all of these heartaches. Nonsense.

The first time I watched the movie I thought it was great. The second time I watched it I saw the plot holes in the manipulation. I won't be watching it again don't get fooled by this manipulative rubbish.
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Nyad (2023)
6 November 2023
Did someone just forget to make sure that the audio and the words were synced correctly? Because at times there is up to a 10 to 15 second lag. Jody Foster's lips are moving while Annette Benning's voice is talking for 15 seconds. And vice versa. How come nobody has noticed this and said anything about it? This movie is unwatchable. Even if this weren't the case for that reason, these two women are so unbearably obnoxious that the movie is still unwatchable. I don't care if Diana swam a long distance, and I don't care about her life-this movie portrays her as unlovable, unlikable, obnoxious and bratty.
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The Blind (I) (2023)
A Christian movie that doesn't suck.
4 November 2023
Reading some comments, I think some people missed the entire point of the movie, which was not to present us with cinematic perfection. However, on one point mentioned I agree with, it was hard to understand the actors at times. Subtitles might've been appropriate. Not that this takes away at all from the gospel message, of course, which is the thing that several people here in the reviews seem to miss, surprisingly even Christians are missing that point. I'm pretty sure that Phil Robertson was even worse than depicted in the movie-some things can't and shouldn't be shown I'm sure. All one has to do is observe him in real life to see that Phil Robertson was beyond quite the scoundrel at one time. So maybe the movie didn't even present the worst of it. But the gospel is what's important here and it was front and center and shining through. That was Phil's entire point. He succeeded. Or should I more accurately say God did.
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Split (IX) (2016)
This is dumb. And insulting.
20 August 2023
According to this movie people who suffer from disassociative disorder are really eerie, at the very least. They're creepy. They live in expensive extravagant, but dingy and dark winding basements, presumably having also access to plenty of money to pay. They are voyeur's. They are serial killers. They like dancing in front of little children and they like little children. They're kidnappers. They are evil and capable of carrying out their darkest fantasies. And finally, they are capable of morphing into supernatural beings, capable of supernatural acts and strength, and murder.

Give me a break.
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The Wrong Woman (2013 TV Movie)
Why is everyone in this miserable movie so smug.
18 July 2023
No one in this movie is sympathetic. Even the female cop is questionable because she looks like she is about to attack or as if she's hiding something herself. This is the weirdest movie. Even the attorney who is convinced of her innocence suddenly turns on her, gets into a fight with a public defender and threatens to sue him-the attorney was just vehemently defending her and then bam, he flips like a burger.

The dumb detective is convinced that she's guilty because the comatose victim wakes up for less than a minute and screams in pain. He says twice, we have a positive ID. I've never seen such nonsense and stupidity in my life. If you wanna laugh, though, give this movie a try.

Acting is bloody atrocious. Except Danica.
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1 June 2022
About half way into watching this movie I thought "wow, this is a really stupid movie, I can't take it anymore" and then I stabbed my eyes out as punishment for subjecting myself.

Don't be like me, don't subject yourself.
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Hope Lives (2022)
Weaknessness and strength
17 April 2022
Seems this film was able to overcome some of the common pitfalls of low budget and use of first time actors by its great directing and soundtrack. The director knows these things and it's beautiful to watch him somehow magically take what otherwise could have been a fatal weakness and leverage it to create a very moving and compassionate story. Except for one character, who we are not meant to like (the mean dishwasher who did a great job as unlikable), the movie makes you love each character. The length at first seemed long but as the movie unfolds the longer length is used to explore each character more, making them of course more lovable.

Highly recommend giving this Indy flick a chance.
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Gentefied (2020–2021)
Too woke
22 November 2021
I came excitedly wanting to immerse myself into a show about Mexican American culture... but instead I'm getting identity politics, anti-racism and LGBT issues shoved down my throat.

If you're into these things this is the show for you. The irony is that the show is starting to turn into a parody of these issues.
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Global Meltdown (2017 TV Movie)
48:11 in, I quit.
18 May 2021
That's how far I made it into this movie. It really is that bad. Every 1/10 review here is telling the truth. I'm going to go stab my eyes with a rusty pair of scissors now.
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I hated it until the end.
15 May 2021
I wasn't expecting to like this nor was I expecting the ending.
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Warning: very graphic content
15 January 2021
It's interesting to hear the stories of the guys who found this psycho. We take for granted that someone in authority is going to protect us while we sleep in the comfort of our beds. But these guys put themselves and their families at risk for us, so it is totally inappropriate to make unfair comments here about these men.

Hard to watch. Be warned, the series contains very graphic photographs of the victims.
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Has a lot of heart
18 December 2020
There are so many people who hate this movie but spent a weirdly large amount of time writing about how much they hate it. Yeah ok!

This movie doesn't have any cussing or swearing in it and it has a good positive message. It has a big heart, a big cheesy heart. All the actors poured their heart into it and it shows.

I thoroughly enjoyed it enough that I purchased it.
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17 December 2020
All this dumb waste of energy does is exploit the pain of these people. Pelosi knows how to ask cynical questions that imply America is bad. She tries to sneak these probing questions in like we are too stupid to notice her agenda.

At one point Pelosi asks a vulnerable little girl "Do you think God knows you're homeless" (stupid, stupid Pelosi- exactly what the heck is the point of asking a little girl this question...EXPLOITIVE)

The sweet little girl answers "Yes I do"

Pelosi then asks another little girl the same question, but the wise little girl gives an answer that firmly puts Pelosi in here place. The camera then cuts away...


We don't need people like this even going near the homeless. Shameful crap!
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My Spy (2020)
Watching it right now
2 August 2020
I'm trapped with a friend watching this idiocy. I can't turn it off, can't escape.

This is dumb. Typical, predictable, annoying, boring.

30 more minutes and I'm free!
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OK (2017)
Better than Ok
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was short and to the point, avoiding the empty filler trap that could have ruined the film.

Touching movie about a widower and his young son (who is being bullied at school). CJ Judd plays Matthew, a kid lost between his fathers grief and a bully at school who wants to take him down. The bully, Devin, played by Parker Pannell, has his own dark secrets that come out in the fight finale between the two boys. They come to an understanding and reconcile, in a way that's not sappy, but realistic.

Father, played the the irrepressible Ian Lang, and son have their own issues to work out. In the end father and son are able to let down their guard and be the father and son they need for each other.

This is a low budget film obviously but the acting was realistic, especially between Parker Pannell and CJ Judd. It never feels contrived. It was a nice movie with compelling acting with an important message.

I hope to see more from these up and coming actors in the future.
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Bates Motel (1987 TV Movie)
Bud Cort and Lori Petty...
7 December 2019
That's all I need to know. I'm only part way in and I love it. Yes yes yes I know. But Lori Petty and Bud Cort?
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Okay I'll bite.
16 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I would've turned this off after the first 20 minutes. But the lead actress, Danya Cox as Sarah does a very capable job portraying a rational but depressed young adult surrounded, and somewhat tormented, by dark forces and recent string of deaths, one of which is her beloved mum.

We first see the villain Dane, effectively played by James Lee, (apparently a demon in human flesh) appear after the death of a young woman during a party. He materializes as the death takes place, assumably, seeking his next victim.

Sarah has just witnessed a friend being rolled out of the party in a body bag...Dane is nearby.

Days later, Sarah is summoned to a nearby women's dorm to partake in a seance. This is sort of predictable given the tension building up around Dane's lingering, predatory, presence and it plays into Sarah's building confusion and depression.

You might think that Dane is just a very weird guy. But not so. He's a demon roaming around looking for an "open door" which opens wide when Sarah relents amidst the bullying girls and plays with the ouija board.

Very shortly after, Dane appears in her bedroom and when confronted by Sarah he flatly states that the door was open. It takes a couple scenes to realize that the door that was opened was a result of Sarah's one time use of a Ouija board.

This would be funny and kind of dumb except that the director does such a good job of making everything so creepy.

As I'm watching I keep thinking to myself, why is this very strange movie on a faith based channel? This fact draws me in even more. But just a heads up, this is not a movie suitable for younger children, not even remotely.

I had no idea what this movie was about as there weren't any spoilers or other information to help me out, which is why am posting a bit of a spoiler.

But end spoiler here. You'll have to watch this creepy movie to find out.

I wouldn't say that this is a movie about Christianity by any stretch of the imagination. It's loosely based on the name of God. But without sound theology. Nevertheless it's a cool movie.

I'm going to give this movie 8/10, too.
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Lady, wake up. You are dead.
31 March 2019
As weird as I remember. Though not quite as scary to me as it once was. After watching this again today I realize just what makes this movie so unsettling, it's because there is not one sympathetic character. Everyone is cold and mean. Just like death, I guess...
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Damnation Alley on Blu-ray!
10 March 2019
Fun movie, I've watched it many times. I can't add anything special or do a better job than the reviewers before me so I'll put this here for my fellow Jan-Michael Vincent fans: You can grab this gem on Blu-ray!
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'Bout as scary as a purring kitten
6 March 2019
Could have been scary if the music had been creepy. But it wasn't.
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Extremely well done treatment of grief in Christian marriage
28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, I am writing this review from the point of view of a born-again Christian. I have seen most of the recent faith based movies in the last 10 years, and it is difficult to find any of them that don't leave me wanting or shaking my head. Most of them do not actually show you the gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather a silly version of the prosperity gospel.

In the usual faith based movie a character is hurt or down on their luck, the film centers on restoring the character's life or marriage, maybe even winning a football game. And these things alone are not problematic, but where most faith based films' message about God centers on just making life easier and feel goodish, Consider it Joy does the opposite by showing the saving grace of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ through the death of a husband and the suffering of a widow.

The appeal of this movie is the remarkable efficiency of the script and direction and the compassionate treatment of its lead character's grief. In fact the story has two distinct parts: the courtship of its two main characters which takes up half the 58 minute movie, and then the death and loss, grief and reconciliation which take up the second half. I'd like to add that there's no dialogue wasted. No filler, no sweetener. They did a fantastic job working with only 58 minutes.

Consider it Joy relies on solid theology and effective editing and storyline. Nothing is wasted here, the script is simple, clear, compassionate and centered on Christ's atonement for our sin. (This is after all what faith based movies should be doing-evangelizing, not just playing Church and fun God stuff.)

Consider it Joy opens with the two lead characters Claire, played by Bonnie Hawley, and David played by Gary Costello meeting after a church service. They grab coffee and several scenes later we see their 3 year old daughter playing with mommy and daddy. What might have bordered on embarrassing or cheesy and a turn-off was not that at all because the ultimate message of the movie transcends any of the flaws. (Before I go on I'd like to touch on the obvious, the actors are not professional career actors. The acting isn't what you might expect from seasoned performers. But a big "however", the amateur but raw acting synced well the overall message of the movie.) In fact... Had the actors been any other than the two that played both leads, this movie would have been a pathetic waste.... the chemistry between the actors is solid, relatable and this movie would have not been compelling save for the correct choice of amateur actors.

Because the movie is very dated it would be easy to confuse that with being campy. And while there are several campy scenes (it was low budget 1980s) overall the script and direction worked very well with the content. It was believable, especially after the death of the main character David, leaving behind a grieving widow, Claire.

This short film deals with the process of a woman's deep grief through the gospels of Christ, and it treats that process with dignity; Claire's grief comes across as genuine and believable. For a low budget Christian film this is a remarkable achievement.

This may seem like a long wordy review, but in the light the fact that so many faith based movies tip toe around to avoid the gospel of God's saving grace and atonement for man's sin in favor of feel good ambiguous slop - Consider it Joy faces the point of Christianity head-on and unapologetically. And for this any of the movie's flaws are forgiven.

If you are looking for a good faith based movie that is centered upon the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and his atoning work for our sins, watch this. If you're a grieving person and need a movie that treats grief with compassion and understanding, watch this. If you're an unbeliever and you've slogged through faith movies that had no awareness of Christ's main purpose, maybe you've seen too many weird, silly faith based movies, but you're willing to check another out, watch this.
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Mid90s (2018)
Entertaining- kids with heart
11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Say what you will, even if Hill was trying to live life through the movie, so what? He did a great job. One reviewer mentioned a ten yr old boy and a 16 yr old girl would never hook up. What? All sorts of "interesting" things go on during this age, especially in the lives of, no offense man, hood skater rats.

Don't take the movie too seriously, chill out and let it entertain you.

There's too many people in these reviews trying to be professional movie reviewers, damn. It was a fun trip. After I rented it I turned around and bought it.

Hill gave these kids big hearts, something that seems to be missing in teens in today's society. Lay off the serious, man. Chillax lol

Mr Hill, More please
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This little gem is available on Prime to purchase
25 December 2018
Just an FYI. This is a hard to find movie, but as of today's date it's all yours to buy and cherish.

Merry Christmas!
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